Java - Neither dotpup installer working on 1.07

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Java - Neither dotpup installer working on 1.07

#1 Post by Semi-Tec »

Happy New Years Eve to all

Please celebrate safely!

I was just trying to install Java in 1.07 and both dotpup installers (1.5.0_02 and 1.5.0_4) fail.

1.5.0_4 reports an md5 sum error and bails, while 1.5.0_02 just says it failed and that Java is not installed.

Is this a dotpup problem or is something different in 1.07 )?
I know I had no problem installing Java in 1.06.

Is there perhaps a setting in a script somewhere that needs to be altered for the Java dotpups to work in 1.07?

Matsoh Gratsoh for any help.

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#2 Post by MU »

They are too old and no longer available.

Or use Megapuppy: ... d-more.htm


#3 Post by Guest »

Yo MU,

Thanks for the reply and suggestions.

I was going to take the first suggestion but was a bit imtimidated to try the manual java install, and the megapuppy usr_more.sfs solution sounded easier for me, not being too linux knowledgeable.

So I downloaded usr_more.sfs from your site to the same dir as pup001, checked the md5 (it was good), and rebooted, and - got nothing at all ( I looked in /usr for the OO dir and for the jre1.50_4 dir and they're not there),, as per your instruction, I moved usr_more.sfs to "/" and rebooted again... and again, nothing happened, I figured ok, I've got to resize pup001; it's too small... so I added 64k to it moving it from 262 k to 326k, and then rebooted again. This time, whatever happened forced xorgwizard to run so I figured, cool, it's working, but after I got xorg reconfigured, and finished booting, again nothing showed up in /usr, ...

... so..., my semi-tec ass is kicked... I'm fresh out of ideas, and am fighting an encroaching bum-trip on New Years Eve. All I wanted to do was go on the weatherunderground site and check the java weather applet, and now, 2 hours and 221 megabytes later, I am sitting here with both my semi-tec thumbs up my semi-tec ascii, and I could sure use another pointer or two to get this Puppy working.

MU, or anybody else out there got any further suggestions?

Most marvelous New Years matsoh-gratsohs in advance to the Puppy Master who can help this poor miserable frustrated newb this cold wet New Years Eve.

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#4 Post by MU »

GuestToo wants to make a new installer for current java.
I am too tired, just walked 3 hours through Hamburg.

If I don't forget it, I can make one tomorrow if G2 is too busy.
Meanwhile you might try, if the "minijava" in pupget can display the applet.

concerning usr_more.sfs:
I'm without idea actually, what went wrong?
Bombayrockers reported kDE works, I think (but am not shure) he used this file.
I have it running in 107 alpha.



#5 Post by Semi-Tec »


Thanks for the other suggestion ... in the meanwhiles since I last wrote, I was continuing to try different things, and I don't know what I did, but now I do have OO and jre folders in /usr...

...So, I executed the command:

ln -s /usr/local/jre1.5.0_04/bin/java /usr/bin/java

... and then restarted, and then fired up Firefox, but still Java NOWORKY! Arghhh.

So, now in this case, do you maybe have an idea why it won't work?

Thanks yet again,


Thanks for the help, but...

#6 Post by OldNewbie »

First, I would like to thank someone (whose name I don't remember, but it had a "ray" in it) for walking me through trying to install Java in 1.07 on a hard drive. He was the first person who really made sense while giving Linux help.

It seemed to install, but still didn't work.

I've since wiped the entire hard drive and given up on Linux for another year.

Yes, it's great that YOU'RE all command line experts. Hooray for you. But for you guys who all love tossing acronyms around, what about the ROTW? If we're ever going to ditch our Winstuff for a Linux desktop, it has to be a WORKING Linux desktop.

But don't take it personally...I haven't seen ANY distro that worked well on any two consecutive different computer installs without an over-my-head explanation of what to TRY to fix it. And then we have crap like a Mandrake that actually had a line cross the screen saying "Installing gzip support" and then when up and running it didn't know what to do with a .gz file.

Until next year, thanks to all who've tried to help - and to all those who believe that anyone who doesn't know command line Linux has no business using it, you can rest assured that your shares in Microsoft will only increase in value over time.
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#7 Post by MU »

If you want propritary software like SUN-Java, you will tumble in such problems.
I even don't know if it is 100% legal I added it to usr_more.sfs (but SUN seems to tolerate that if I look at other projects).

The problem with GuestToos installers simply is, that SUN has deleted the download-links from their servers.
I might upload a working JRE on, with a consistent name like jre.tgz
Then when I replace it on my server with newer versions, the installers still would work.

Btw., why did you not have that idea a year ago? ;)

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#8 Post by MU »

Maybe in Firefox you must enable Java in the options?
I just use Mozilla, Dillo and Opera.

If noone else can help you, I might try to install FF myself tomorrow.
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#9 Post by MU »

Our good ghost was faster than me :-)


Thanks, that worked!

#10 Post by Semi-Tec »


Thanks, that worked. Thanks to G2 too

Happy New Year all,

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