Slaxer_Pup 4.12 solid and stable non woof build

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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#81 Post by big_bass »

big_bass, I followed you intructions and installed 'pkgtool.desktop'. Worked without problems. I didn't have time to make a package yet though.

I'll try it soon - looks like a very useful tool Very Happy
Hey Paul (pakt)

thanks for the detailed hardware report on various machines
you tested with and also for the CPU usage you noted

*there is a simple yet powerful "cleanup_ memory" script
that does wonders with the cache just click on it
its there for the geeky types that would like to add things to clean
at their command and control

well here's a start to test the slackware installer in the next post

thanks for the detailed info you posted

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#82 Post by big_bass »

this is a how to install a slackware package
and a good one to start with I must add

Dowload firefox 3.09
I like wget so I do this

Code: Select all

wget -c -N
or with your browser ... i686-1.tgz

if you click on the slackware.desktop icon
and the firefox 3.09 package is in root it will auto locate it and ask
you if you want to install (the mouse and arrow keys guide the menu)
say ok

*now I am working on another thing with a "universal menu"
so if you wonder why I do the next strange step you have a clue*

after firefox was installed correctly you need a launch icon

Code: Select all

cp /usr/share/applications/mozilla-firefox.desktop /root
click on the icon in root and enjoy the latest firefox
whenever you want
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#83 Post by Aitch »

3.0.10 now available

Is java/flash an issue with slaxer_pup?

Aitch :)
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#84 Post by big_bass »

Code: Select all

Is java/flash an issue with slaxer_pup?


I havent tried installing 3.09 with java
but flash works fine

I usually build my own firefox/flash combos
anyway but I used firefox 3.09 tgz
mainly for an easy common package people are familiar with and use
so the could test with slackware package tools

I will list others so you can update the "prei-nstalled" puppy apps also
thus keeping slaxer_pup updated always without a need to remaster

remember that the slackware tools and source to package
are wonderful highly recommended extras

and all standard pet packages install with petget

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#85 Post by big_bass »

this will post will be of interest only to people who build packages for puppy
something to ease the labor with resizing icons 48x48 and 16x16
then make the correct folders

they are two drag n drop scripts just drag an image onto the script

and one small app 32kb called aaphoto ... h&id=18268


Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#Joe Arose aka..big_bass 
#drag and drop make 48x48 images for packages 
#to the pixmaps folder
#place the icon inside it 
#remove the _new.png  name  
#only a  *.png will get placed in the folder
#other formats will get made though such as *.jpg 
#they just won't get placed in the package ready folder

# check if tools are available
if [ "`which aaphoto`" = "" ] > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
 echo "Please check if aaphoto is installed ."
 sleep 10 #some time to read 
 exit -1

#what if no file is selected?
if [$1 = ]; then
                  echo "no files given"
                  sleep 5
				  exit 0
DIRNOW=`dirname "$1"` 

#command line image converter  -s is silent ,resize48  is for 48 pixels
#read for options  #rox -s /usr/doc/aaphoto_sources-v0.30/README

aaphoto -s --resize48 "$1"

#strip off the .png 
#make the strings I need 
IMAGENAME=`basename  "$1" .png`
DIRNOW=`dirname "$1"` 

#for testing only to check output
#echo $IMAGENAME"_new.png" >/root/image.txt
#echo $DIRNOW >>/root/image.txt

#here I need to rename the generated *_new file  back to the original name 
#to make things easy the correct folder is made for you  also

#what if not a *.png file is selected?
#dont build the folders 
if echo `basename "$1" ` | grep -q '.png$'; then
                  mkdir -p $DIRNOW/usr/share/pixmaps/    
mv $DIRNOW/$IMAGENAME"_new.png" $DIRNOW/usr/share/pixmaps/           
mv $DIRNOW/usr/share/pixmaps/$IMAGENAME"_new.png" $DIRNOW/usr/share/pixmaps/$IMAGENAME".png"     

and for 16x16 icons


Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#Joe Arose aka..big_bass 
#drag and drop make 16x16 images for packages 
#to the mini-icon folder
#place the icon inside it 
#remove the _new.png  name  
#folder is made only if a *.png is converted
#other image formats are renamed *_new 
#and placed in the same directory as the original
#a self check to see if aaphoto is installed

# check if tools are available
if [ "`which aaphoto`" = "" ] > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
 echo "Please check if aaphoto is installed ."
 sleep 10 #some time to read 
 exit -1
#what if no file is selected?
if [$1 = ]; then
                  echo "this is a drag and drop on script "
                  sleep 5
				  exit 0

DIRNOW=`dirname "$1"` 

#command line image converter  -s is silent ,resize16  is for 16 pixels

aaphoto -s --resize16 "$1"

#strip off the .png 
#make the strings I need 
IMAGENAME=`basename  "$1" .png`
DIRNOW=`dirname "$1"` 

#for testing only to check output
#echo $IMAGENAME"_new.png" >/root/image.txt
#echo $DIRNOW >>/root/image.txt

#here I need to rename the generated *_new file  back to the original name 
#to make things easy the correct folder is made for you  
#also only if it is a *.png the folder is made to protect
#against format incompatibilities 

if echo `basename "$1" ` | grep -q '.png$'; then
                  mkdir -p $DIRNOW/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/  

mv $DIRNOW/$IMAGENAME"_new.png" $DIRNOW/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/           
mv $DIRNOW/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/$IMAGENAME"_new.png" $DIRNOW/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/$IMAGENAME".png"     

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#86 Post by tasmod »

Hmm, like Woof pups, fell at the first hurdle for me. :(

Won't recognise wireless keyboard so I can't type 'puppy pix=ram' or go any further.

Puppy 420 deals with it OK.
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#87 Post by big_bass »


thanks for trying and posting

this type of problem leaves me very little information
to correct the problem

so If you would like to see your wireless keyboard work on more versions
be it woof or slaxer or another puplet

you could help gather some useful hardware information
by just downloading a simple script that collects hardware data
from your part its just one click the script does all the work

from there I can see what "driver" module is needed

steps to help with hardware information gathering

2)click on it and extract it then just click on the "green " info_get_v01
3.) this file got auto built ----> /root/info_tarball.tgz

4.add /root/info_tarball.tgz
to the post in the forum

select Browse...
find it in root
then Add Attachment

you could do this on a version that detects your wireless keyboard


P.S to Paul (pakt) thanks for combining all the scripts into one tool much easier
that way
(559 Bytes) Downloaded 490 times
Last edited by big_bass on Mon 18 May 2009, 14:31, edited 1 time in total.
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#88 Post by tasmod »

Thanks Joe,

Sorry about info, I was at a loss where to begin. After all it stopped right at the beginning :D

I will download the pet and continue investigation. Hopefully i can find out the module required.

I've just had a CD drive scratch and wreck 6 of my disks without me realising, after it seems the lens moved close to disk. Fortunately I didn't retry Slaxer so its OK.

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#89 Post by tasmod »

Will have to extract it, forum says no tgz allowed.
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#90 Post by tasmod »

OK, tgz not allowed, so modified the script to save as tar.gz.

Attached below. (See forums dishing up empty pages again)
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#91 Post by pakt »

tasmod wrote:Will have to extract it, forum says no tgz allowed.
Whoops! :oops:

Here's an updated info_get that uses '.tar.gz' instead of '.tgz'

I've also added lsmod, elspci, dmidecode and ddcprobe to the info collected.

(658 Bytes) Downloaded 520 times
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#92 Post by big_bass »


firefox 3.09

with java and flash works

java test site
java installed .png
(6.58 KiB) Downloaded 1114 times
java details .png
(8.07 KiB) Downloaded 995 times
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#93 Post by tasmod »

Strange, I posted this yesterday and it appeared in my browser, now it's gone. :?

Big Bass, I owe you an apology, wireless keyboard works.

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

The startup resolution of the boot window appears to be larger than any other I tried.
I could not see the boot: line it was off screen!

So typing puppy pfix=ram was actually there but I never actually got round to pressing enter, I assumed the keyboard wasn't working. Pressing enter made it scroll up and slaxer to load.

Working very nicely now. :D

My keyboard still doesn't work with Barrys Woof build though. :(

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#94 Post by 01micko »

Um ... Rob,

That was in the other thread under "Puppy Derivatives"..... :lol:

Cheers ( :oops: )
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#95 Post by tasmod »

OMG senility strikes again. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Back to the shadows for me then. 8)
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SCSI boot

#96 Post by BanBan »

Hello Big Bass,
I have made a full install of slaxer_pup on an old pc, pentium III 500 Mhz, 128 Mb ram and a SCSI HD Quantum Atlas 20Gb driven by an Adaptec card.
All works perfectly, I can boot on HD.
Now I have Puppy on that old machine Thank you.
PS: excuse my bad english
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#97 Post by pakt »

01micko wrote:Um ... Rob,

That was in the other thread under "Puppy Derivatives"..... :lol:
Yes, I also find the two threads for SlaxerPup confusing - difficult to know which to post in :shock:

Perhaps it would be better if Joe closed one and continued in the other ?
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#98 Post by big_bass »

Perhaps it would be better if Joe closed one and continued in the other ?
Hey Paul

Well, I prefer everyone post here
in this thread but to follow the "norms"
I started a thread in Derivatives
as a just in case

Paul , I havent compiled a module with just using the kernel headers on puppy *make sure you dont overwrite the older ones just linking

if you give a link with the module sources you need to compile I 'll try also

also it's good way to sort that out
as a mini how to

I want to make a minimum add on for compiling modules if possible since the uncompressed source was around 160MB

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#99 Post by pakt »

Hi Joe
big_bass wrote:Well, I prefer everyone post here
Ok, will do :wink:
big_bass wrote: Paul , I havent compiled a module with just using the kernel headers on puppy *make sure you dont overwrite the older ones just linking
I'm pretty sure I did overwrite the older ones, but that's no big deal - I'll make a new save_file.
big_bass wrote: if you give a link with the module sources you need to compile I 'll try also ...
big_bass wrote:also it's good way to sort that out
as a mini how to
Great idea - looking forward to it 8)
big_bass wrote:the uncompressed source was around 160MB

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#100 Post by big_bass »

post responses here in cutting edge I updated the older post
so there is no mis matched info

Hey Paul (pakt)
I don't want to hold you up any longer if you need to compile a module

UPDATED to be a pet package
only this is needed to compile your module

I re compiled the kernel and here are the actual
headers ...

there is a readme but I'll post it here also

notes on slaxer_pup
these are a "reduced" meaning not the full 21 MB include but complete
set of source headers taken directly from
the kernel source that compiled slaxer_pup 412
with the end goal of just the most needed
headers for making modules

you can not compile a kernel with these
that would require a 680MB of the full
uncompressed sources

I custom made this package then made it a "pet"
for easy installation for "puppy"

P.S Paul I couldn't get passed the second screen in the NVIDA installer
since it self checks if you have the card installed and I dont have the card

and thats a big installer script but if it looks for /usr/src
headers it will find them now ......I hope

well if someone else has to try
with nvidia

1.) install the above "pet" headers
note:they will only work on slaxer pup 412
because it has a different kernel compiled

shutdown >Exit to prompt
cd to where the installer script was then

Code: Select all

as a short cut so you don't type the whole thing

man if that allows module compiling that is a 2.4 MB pet
compared to the massive full sources needed
so let me know how it goes

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