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#41 Post by ttuuxxx »

Talking about recycling, About 2 years back The Canadian Government bought an extra 1200 pc's, they were loaded with the regular software plus Government software, But it was an actual screwup, They ordered 1200 too many, well do you think they formated the hard drives, yessss and sold them? Ummmmmm no they went to a land fill in Ottawa and were crushed. Due to the fact that they had Government software installed. I personally think if they had to crush something, then remove the hard drives,crush them and sell the pc's with new hard drives.
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#42 Post by DonShi »

Hi economy
puplet echopup alpha

I downloaded this from Puppy's download sight, Jan 23, 2009 I did a MD5 on it and it was good. I did three different burns of the .sio One was on a DVD and got the same results. I sent a more detailed email to ttuuxxx as I have run his puplets for some time now. I am not a programmer I'm more in the Newbe category. This is a very interesting project. If I can get this running I'll test it for a while for you as I run several puplets under VirtualBox. In any case keep up the good work. I did try to log onto your URL but as you said I get a warning form firefox about that URL. Okay well there may be a problem with the .iso boot code. You may need some one to verify this situation.

This is a grand project you have here and I'll keep an eye on it in any case and thanks in advanced for what I have learned from it so far.

I unzipped the echo_save.2fs to a USB flash drive and added the other two .sfs files they suggested for a faster boot up. I then rebooted, everything was going fine until it got to the part where it found the echo_save.2fs it said done then the problems started. I got the following message in red:

ERROR, cannot find puppy on “idecd
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#43 Post by ecomoney »

Hi there DonShi, thank you very much for testing ecopup, Im very much a "newb" when it comes to linux internals (Im more of a linux external expert). Ive come across the error you described before, and its usually when the pup_215.sfs file is corrupted. I will check the download again, Ive noticed a few errors myself but what with cheap CD's and unreliable second hand cd burners Ive not been able to properly verify them. There is a way to test for this though.

The only real changes I have made to ecopup are all in the eco_save.2fs file, provided you have this you have ecopup.

The changes Iv made to the other files are quite simple. Ive changed the pup_215.sfs and initrd.gz file to display a short boot up message. In the initrd file I have also changed the name of the file puppy searches for a bootup from pup_save.2fs to eco_save.2fs (I did it by unzipping it, doing a crude text search-n-replace, and zipping it back up!).

Therefore all you need to do is replace the files from the iso with the standard ones from puppy 2.15ce Viz, which you can still download from here

Try just replacing the pup_215.sfs file first (all you will lose is the startup message). If that doesnt work that means one of the other files is corrupt. Try swapping the initrd.gz, remembering to rename the eco_save.2fs file back to pup_save.2fs.


A few times Ive been cought with badly burned disks at customers houses. Ive uploaded the files which come on the ecopup cd to
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#44 Post by DonShi »

Okay thanks ecomoney

I'll set up a folder and try the changes you suggested. I'll get back to you on my results. It may be a week or so perhaps I can get to it this weekend. Knowing me I'll squeeze some time out of my working week too. Hobbies are just like that. :)

I use these pulets in my business and you have something here that looks like could be quite helpful to some of my other marketing executives. Keep up the good work and I'll put echopup on my hobby list of things to do.

Puppylinux and the puplets have become a hobby of mine. You developers and remaster enthuses are doing grand work. Thanks to all of you.

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MD5 Good But Files Corupt

#45 Post by noprimenumbers »

Hi again.

I had some of the same problems with the MD5 Checksum being good but still having trouble with corrupted files. I found that when I ran a test of my memory that it contained errors. I use Ultimate Boot CD for doing test. If you run the Memtest86 it may not find errors with some boards so also try the windows test or try them all if you want. I did.
If your memory is faulty it can cause these problems.

Hope this helps.

BTW I am now testing Ecopup myself and will be giving a system to our local Sheltered Workshop for the employees to play with.
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#46 Post by _MegadetH_ »

hi ecomoney!
I'm running current version live cd with a usb stick, but the screen is not centered, it is out of the monitor on the right side. If I set with xvesa it works but I want to use xorg because xvesa has slow screen refresh. can you help me please?
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#47 Post by Colonel Panic »

It all looks good, but I don't have a CD burner-rewriter. Is it possible to use the ISO of ecopup (which I have) to boot up and use it on my computer?

Thanks in advance,


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#48 Post by Colonel Panic »

A quick update; I think I've figured it out now. It just needs my making a lot of extra of space on my hard drive, and copying a few files and moving others around.

Hope it runs in 256 MB of RAM though :)


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#49 Post by ecomoney »

@ _MegadetH_ The problem is likely with your monitor settings, use the buttons on the front of it to adjust your width/stretch/placement. What you could also try is to go through the "test" procedure with the xorgwizard, and set a different "refresh rate" Ive not made any changes to the video setup from the standard 2.15ce

@Colonel Panic

you will need about 2gb of space to install ecopup, and it will run fine in 256mb of ram. The cybercafe computers where it was created only had 192mb!

Remember to unzip the "" file to your hard drive.

Thanks for the feedback all.
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#50 Post by Colonel Panic »

Thanks, I'll give it a go.

(Edit; I made some space by clearing off some old files and am posting from it now. I'm impressed, it's up there as a worthy contender with Teenpup for the best series 2 pup IMO.

The only problem I've had so far has been when I've tried changing the JWM theme, where I'm getting this error message;

"There was an error writing your choice to the config file. Please try again."
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#51 Post by ecomoney »

Many thanks for you dont realise the thousands of hours of work I put into producing it. I am no puppy guru when it comes to the internals (externals are my thing lol)

The JWM side of things is unchanged (at least if it is its by accident!). 2.15ce ran with icewm by default. This was also what was used at the cybercafe to give that "fuzzy warm teletubby" feeling to new linux users. :D

Im afraid as a result I dont know the jwm side of things sorry :oops:

I did hear somewhere that the theme for jwm was in the /root/.jwmrc file? Patriot would be able to tell you how to fix it.
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#52 Post by Colonel Panic »

You're welcome, I like the "Linux - always on target" wallpaper too :)

There aren't many Puppies which include OpenOffice by default, and Ecopup is one of them (Rudy used to, but I don't think it's being developed any more). Don't be disappointed if I decide eventually to go with something smaller than Ecopup, at least for the bulk of my own use when I'm not using Open Office - I have to think hard about the use of my computer's resources (hard disk space, RAM etc.) and unfortunately I'm finding that the Firefox browser freezes up with more than about 3 windows open. It happens in Teenpup too with Seamonkey (it might be a Flash / Java problem).

At the moment I've just got the one window open in Opera and it's working fine.


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#53 Post by jamesjeffries2 »

great job ecomoney. just installed it at home for my parents as a replacement for XP. they didnt even notice that it wasnt windows for a week (and only then because there was a penguin in the start button!)

I think this is one of the best puplets i have seen. many are based around the person that has made it's needs, which while it is good for them and some others im sure, it is not always great for public use by people who arent always experienced with computers. However ecopup is well thought out, has everything the average user could want or need and looks great. I especially like the way the icons are divided into rows by there type.

Also good luck with your cyber cafe and computer recycling projects. the more people who can have access to the internet and educational materials the better.

if you ever need any programming doing then let me know and i will do my best to get it done

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#54 Post by ecomoney »

A lot of time and effort actually went into the research of the people that use computers since I had access to them at the cybercafe, as well as research into the technology itself. I always kept a very open mind while doing it, and tried to make ecopup meet their needs and not my own.

Thanks for your kind words Jim, and Im really happy that your parents have found it useful. Its a similar story to many at the cybercafe, because it looked and acted a lot like they were already used to, people were a lot more willing to accept it and make the switch. I believe this was Barries origional thinking too when he modelled the standard puppy look on Win 95/98, which was in the process of being phased out (like xp is now). It wouldnt go amiss to continue that strategy in the main release now, but with green/blue instead of grey.

I will remember your offer Jim as I have a piece of commercial work coming up that I am looking to "tender" (in the loosest sense of the word) to a talented programmer. Feel free to PM me some links to some of your work.
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#55 Post by Colonel Panic »

ecomoney wrote:@ _MegadetH_ The problem is likely with your monitor settings, use the buttons on the front of it to adjust your width/stretch/placement. What you could also try is to go through the "test" procedure with the xorgwizard, and set a different "refresh rate" Ive not made any changes to the video setup from the standard 2.15ce

@Colonel Panic

you will need about 2gb of space to install ecopup, and it will run fine in 256mb of ram. The cybercafe computers where it was created only had 192mb!

Remember to unzip the "" file to your hard drive.

Thanks for the feedback all.
Well, there's a free machine at my local community centre that I've been allowed to play around with but it's only got 128 MB of RAM. If this isn't enough for Ecopup (I haven't tested it yet) I would consider putting Teenpup, Retro 2.14 or even Turbo Pup on it.

Ecopup would be the best choice though because it's the most like what people there will be used to.
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#56 Post by ecomoney »

I have more ram than I know what to do with...let me know and I will post you some out if it comes to it, are you in the U.K?. All the schools around here are throwing away 1gb machines because its not enough to run Vista. Have an ask around and Im sure you will be able to solve someones waste problem!

The machines which Ecopup was tested on only had 192mb.

If you have time, you could also try doing a "FULL" install of the 2.15ce base, then basically extracting the contents of the pup_save.2fs file into the partition, overwriting the files already there. This would mean that only the basic kernel, and Xwindows would be loaded at bootup, and the other programs when launched. I havnt tried it, but it should work.
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#57 Post by Colonel Panic »

ecomoney wrote:I have more ram than I know what to do with...let me know and I will post you some out if it comes to it, are you in the U.K?
Yep, Cornwall. Many thanks for the offer, I'll pm you about it soon.
ecomoney wrote:All the schools around here are throwing away 1gb machines because its not enough to run Vista. Have an ask around and Im sure you will be able to solve someones waste problem!
I've no doubt you're right, and it really annoys me that this happens, especially during a severe economic downturn. The first machine I ran Linux (a cutdown Slackware called Basic Linux) on had 32 MB. It wasn't easy, but I managed for three years before I got my current machine.

As for Vista, I was talking to someone who runs a small computer shop in the town and he was telling me that he gets customers coming in and asking him to take Vista - which he's sold them - off their machines and install XP on them instead, because Vista's such a pile of crap. It's Windows ME all over again.

You might think he'd be happy making two Windows sales for each such machine, but he isn't. He spent half a day trying to root out a virus on XP and is thinking of turning his shop over to Ubuntu (which he's been offering for a while anyway as an alternative to Windows).
ecomoney wrote:The machines which Ecopup was tested on only had 192mb.
ecomoney wrote:If you have time, you could also try doing a "FULL" install of the 2.15ce base, then basically extracting the contents of the pup_save.2fs file into the partition, overwriting the files already there. This would mean that only the basic kernel, and Xwindows would be loaded at bootup, and the other programs when launched. I havnt tried it, but it should work.
Thanks for the tip, I'll give it some thought.
Last edited by Colonel Panic on Sat 02 May 2009, 20:27, edited 1 time in total.
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#58 Post by ecomoney »

Cornwall?, I will be down for my hols in June! :-)

Ive actually made a little bit of money out of Ecopup, but only after a lot of customization and a lot of annoyed customers early on. We would sell the ecopup computer out of the Drop in Centre for around £40 (money to them) and I would give some face-to-face training. I would also offer repairs in their homes for viruzed XP machines, where I would install ecopup as a dual boot using the cd to switch. No formatting meant them keeping their data. I set just an hour aside for this, and didnt need to take their computer away.

Your story about the computer shops is being repeated everywhere. If some Dev's were willing to give up a few of their technicalities - features as they see them - then they would be installing Linux instead.

Now that would be a real programming achievement!
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Reviewing alph with Pete22 and ecomoney

#59 Post by Pete22 »

From: ecomoney
To: Pete22
Posted: Today, at 02:33
Subject: Re: Alpha version Quote message
Hi Pete....

I am glad you have tried ecopup, it is designed especially for non-geeks like yourself Smile

The release thread is here ... 024#260024

For some reason it is not "googled"

Its good to get some non-geek feedback, I will be implementing all of your suggestions for the next release...I plan to have a day on it soon updating it to a final version. Non-Geek feedback is the most important sort.

The CUPS version was a separate package (not included in 2.15ce...too early for CUPS!). The one I used was an addin .pup package by some norwegian guy.

I was working on an automated installer for ecopup, but we ran out of funds for paying the can see a prototype we did if you search youtube for "ecomoney". I am still working on this, but for the moment your idea of install including instructions on the first boot is great and I shall implement it.

Puppy 2.15ce did not have "hotplug support" (icon on the desktop for usb/hard drives. I would love to add this...but I am "non-geek" also. Wink

Thanks very much for your feedback...would you copy and paste your suggestions onto the ecopup thread above?

Thanks for taking the time to give your feedback

Pete22 wrote:
I am sending a private message becuase I can't find the topic for this.

As a reminder I am a nongeek.

Good news. Ecopup got my Lazer printer to work. No other pup or even the official puppy did that. So thank you. Very Happy
You may want to pass your good work along.

I also like the c drive saying it was the c drive.

I like seamonkey with links to the puppy sites. Thank you!

It might be nice to include a link to the latest Ecopup forum topic.

I like the layout of the icons.

I would rename the icon called calc to spreadsheet or have it link to a calculator instead of a spreadsheet.

Gxine media player works great. I would like a icon on the desktop for it.

I tried to change the wallpaper to a different color. I could find the different colors, but I could not see any way to actually change it.

The following was very hard to do, and I probably did it wrong.

Where I downloaded this version you mention that you have to unzip and put ecosave on the hardrive. Ok.

Being so new to Linux this was difficult. It was really hard to find the file to unzip. I am not even sure I used the correct one.

I fumbled my way through trying to save Ecosave to the hard drive with ecopup. I never was able to. I finally booted into windows and copied it there. Confused

But ecopup does not find it during the start up process. Yet, it does find it on during the shut down process when ecopup saves. It says this file is already there and that I must save with a different name. Question

I assume that is why I can't get all of the other programs that are supposed to be on this version.

Since a first timer must:
Unzip a file for ecopup, and then mount the c drive and put a file there that you create a onetime popup with the directions and links to the files to do this. Or even better I would love a pet that takes care of this housekeeping chore for me, so I could get on with the business of using ecopup.

I was confused by how the drivers were listed. I finally figured out they were listed under the usb icon. They are a mix of linux and microsoft type names. I suggest that you use a different icon. one that shows a hard drive, cd and a usb together. That would help not confuse me, that ecopup can only see a usb drive.

I think you have a great product. These suggestions are only to make it better.

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#60 Post by Pete22 »

I did find a unzipper program, but it unzipped it all to memory and crashed.

Forgive my lack of linux vocabulary:

The good news is your memory "thingees" in the task bar helped me realize what was happening.

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