Working dpkg, apt and synaptic in P412

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Working dpkg, apt and synaptic in P412

#1 Post by goingnuts »

Probably not a new subject/project - new to Linux but thought I would share this - if anyone could use it...
Inspired by the work on woof and a post here from tronkel mentioning install of synaptic, I have tried to get synaptic working in Puppy 412 via Ubuntu Hardy packages.
Attached is the script (or recipe) that made dpkg, apt and synaptic work for me in a fresh frugal install of Puppy 412 (save file 512M).
No error checking or other things in the script (my first script for Linux). During the install some hacking of files was needed and Puppy enters some unstable stages, especially during install of synaptic. But afterwards it seems to stabilize although the first shutdown needs to be done by pressing the button. Restart just works.
Letting dpkg/apt/synaptic install Ubuntu Hardy things is sort of fun: You never know if things will work or how it ends out. Have fun but do not use it on you regular Puppy - no guaranties.
Best regards


Update: After playing with Synaptic in P412 for a while I have made the conclusion that it is too silent with errors - seems that Synaptic inside Puppy is more concerned with dependencies than with registering errors in post-install scripts. Apt is much more informative. So I made a revised script with focus on getting dpkg and apt working with as few errors as possible.
The main conflict with having apt-get installing Ubuntu packages until now is the very different way Ubuntu and Puppy start up and their use (or not use) of runlevels. If Puppy could be more Ubuntu like with its runlevels - less hacking before and after installing things should be needed. Do not know if this is possible...
Have fun!

Update 240509: A revised recipe01Afinal uploaded - everything needed to do an apt-get install synaptic should be included now.
Update 290909: Script broken as Ubuntu repositories change - fixed:

You might have to change properties of script before running (make it executable).

Update 260509: This script takes Puppy 412 further: Installs Synaptic and puts debian/Ubuntu runlevels at action. This should open for more easy install of applications via Synaptic. Please run first - reboot and run after that. Reboot again and you then must login as root using password "woofwoof".
Last edited by goingnuts on Sat 05 Dec 2009, 15:41, edited 3 times in total.
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#2 Post by reckrhodes »

Hi goingnuts,

I really like your project here.

Can I also use any Puppy Linux Version such as 4.20 or 4.21?

Which script should be run first? Is it the or the

Making my Puppy Linux here to compete/transform into Edubuntu. :D

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#3 Post by goingnuts »

Hi Eric
They are really more or less doing the same - recipe01 is more focused on using apt-get as installer whereas hardify more was a proof of concept. I would stick to recipe01final and work from there ex. installing Synaptic after the run of recipe01 final.
I have not tested in other versions than P412 - it will depend mostly on the file-structure in the different versions: The script do some backup of original Puppy files and some restoring again after installing Hardy-stuff. I might test it in other versions later today.


Update: recipe01final runs in P420 - tested in vmware. Maybe some problems with keyboard locale setting and the widgets but otherwise it seems to work.
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Working dpkg, apt and synaptic in P412

#4 Post by RickGT351 »

I just tried running your script. It seems the bogles have been into the file depository and the new version of perl-base 5.8.8 does not have Dpkg in it. Very odd. I made the mistake of trying to run this with Lupu so will scrap that and go back to 4.something. I'm just trying to get my printer a Brother DCP-J125 working. Got it working with Ubuntu but now want to get it working with Puppy.
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#5 Post by goingnuts »

Cool...haven't tested that script for a long time - got tired of repos changing and script broken. I do not think that dpkg/synaptic is any good in Puppy - at least not the way this script implement it. But thanks for trying!
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