pCD 1.5 - CD-audio player

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#61 Post by Sylvander »

Version 0.5 running in BoxPup 4.1.3 and it's working tip-top fine.

Only possible negatives I can see that might be fixed:
(a) The window size that appears isn't big enough to display all of the contents of the CD.

(b) When I drag the bottom right-hand corner to make the window bigger, it doesn't drag smoothly...
Instead it jumps in and out varying in size with the cursor only somewhere in the vicinity of the corner and quite far from it.

Love the simplicity. :D
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#62 Post by zigbert »

sylvander wrote:it doesn't drag smoothly...
I'll fix it. Thanks!!!

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#63 Post by Sylvander »

Using pCD right now. WOOHOOO! :D

Just had a thought.
Would it be possible to make the highlighting of the track move to the track that is currently playing?
So that when you look at the display you see confirmation of the track now playing.

Oops, just noticed the name of the track currently playing is displayed above.
But the highlighting is noticed more [grabs the attention], so both would be good.
Especially if it said..."Track now playing" or some such.
Or would that reduce the beautiful simplicity?
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#64 Post by zigbert »

Sylvander wrote:Would it be possible to make the highlighting of the track move to the track that is currently playing?
So that when you look at the display you see confirmation of the track now playing.
Sorry, - not possible as afar as I know.

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#65 Post by zigbert »

Version 0.6
See main post

- Don't center window. (thanks to sylvander)
- Bugfix: fails at startup if Blank disc is loaded.
- Bugfix: 'Read disc' won't close splash.
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#66 Post by Sylvander »

See...cat: usr/local/bin/defaultmediaplayer: no such file...

Might installing pCD have caused this?

I notice that I can uninstall all versions of pCD [to reinstall with the updated version], BUT NOT pCD version 0.3 :(
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Brief negative experience - Feedback

#67 Post by stevesr0 »

I installed the latest version of pCD yesterday and it didn't work.

I launched from the command line and got the error msg others reported about not reading a disk. The program window just sat there with a msg reading the disk...

I am running Dingo.

The motivation for trying pCD was because of problems running a music CD with the other media player programs I had installed (VLC and gxine).

I had installed pmusic just prior to pCD and that one just crashed after displaying the contents of the CD.

I managed to change a setting in alsamixer, after which VLC worked if I rebooted and used it before trying any other media player program.

If I tried pCD or pmusic first, then tried to launch VLC, I got only mysterious chords instead of the actual words and music of the CD.

I was assisted in fixing the problem with gxine (wouldn't launch at all) by Beem (another thread with title gxine won't launch) and today, I have been able to play the CD without problems in both VLC and gxine. (playing fine in VLC after playing in gxine first).

I had removed both pCD and pmusic yesterday and VLC was still acting up (before fixing gxine today).

Hope that is useful.

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#68 Post by 01micko »


Something curious is going on here. pCD-0.6 is playing discs just fine, but there is some error it seems where in stead of track 1 being displayed as playing, track 11 is, where track 1 is actually playing, track 2 shows 12 and so on.

This did not happen in previous versions.
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#69 Post by zigbert »

Something curious is going on here. pCD-0.6 is playing discs just fine, but there is some error it seems where in stead of track 1 being displayed as playing, track 11 is, where track 1 is actually playing, track 2 shows 12 and so on.
Got it, thanks
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#70 Post by zigbert »

Version 0.7
See main post

- Bugfix: playing track 1 shows track 11 as playing... (thanks to 01micko)
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Slowing the CD drive

#71 Post by dogone »

Sigmund, it would be helpful if PCD started by setting the CD reader speed to 1x or 2x (e.g.hdparm -E2 /dev/sdx). Faster produces nothing but more noise.

Otherwise, thank you! Puppy has missed a simple, dedicated CD player until now. Well done.
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#72 Post by 01micko »


I'm on my old box, the Dino, and things are looking quite good except for 1 thing.

Using pCD-0.7 playing the burnt disc I outlined in Pburn thread (Albert Collins, Robert Cray, Johnny Copeland, ..."Showdown!") the tracklist did not show :cry: , but that is the only bad.

I clicked "Rip CD" from the pCD gui and up came a dialog "Would you like to rip another disc?"...not quite right .. but good enough for me at the time so I went on...

The gui for Pcdripper appeared and I proceeded to enter my save directory and preferred format (on a n NTFS drive and mp3) and everything went without a hitch. It took 1 hour 15 minutes to completely rip the CD and now I am here posting while the ripped tracks play in Pmusic... with progress bar, and before I started Seamonkey to post, I swapped some tracks up and down to see if that worked ok on this old Dino.. and it did!

I am using spup from BK's woof with Seamonkey 2 Beta.... and it still works, I did have some stutter, but only when Seamonkey was loading. Seamonkey is a little slow ATM, but Pmusic is humming along quite well.

Even taking a screeny right now! ( a little stutter) :lol:

(186.33 KiB) Downloaded 830 times
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#73 Post by zigbert »

speed reduction is added for 0.8

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#74 Post by zigbert »

pCD could fail to read cddb information if disc is not 100%. The good part is that pcdripper made it...... While pCD uses icedax to connect to cddb, pcdripper uses cddb_query.

You are really working on your dino 8)
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#75 Post by 01micko »

Yes Sigmund... that's good... (not sarcastic :) )

In Upup now.. on the Dino... running Seamonkey (posting this :wink: )... ripping disc ... ver "pCD-0.7".. and ... still nothing shows in pCD... yes it shows in "pcdripper"... I know I'm pushing things, but, the CD is playing perfectly with absolutely no stutter (while everything else is running) .. . I'm using about a 5 year old disc.. "Judas Priest".... "Rocka Rolla", remaster.

Is "icedax" worth it?

Yes :lol: , working on the Dino!

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#76 Post by zigbert »

The reason why pCD uses icedax is simply because cddb_query can't read cd-text ON disc.

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#77 Post by 01micko »

zigbert wrote:The reason why pCD uses icedax is simply because cddb_query can't read cd-text ON disc.

So.. what do we do? My Dino fails to read.. some sleep? :?

All CDs play perfect, OS independent it seems, do you have a suggestion?
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#78 Post by Sylvander »

How about displaying the program version number on the program window?

Following the name?
In the title bar?
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#79 Post by zigbert »

Mick wrote:So.. what do we do? My Dino fails to read.. some sleep?
I think it's better that you try some sleeps with your dino. The pcd-code is VERY simple, so it should be rather easy to understand. - /usr/local/pcd/pcd. You'll find the codelines beginning with:

#read internal cd-text info


#if no internal cd-text, try www

See you tomorrow :D
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#80 Post by 01micko »

Tomorrow + 1 :lol:

I tried sleeps everywhere to no avail.

Seems the code runs ok in a term with a curios "mismatch" :?

Code: Select all

# cdda2wav dev=/dev/cdrom -cddb=1 -info-only -no-infofile
Type: ROM, Vendor 'LG      ' Model 'CD-ROM CRD-8400B' Revision '1.06' MMC+CDDA
569344 bytes buffer memory requested, 4 buffers, 55 sectors
#icedax version 1.1.9, real time sched., soundcard, libparanoia support
AUDIOtrack pre-emphasis  copy-permitted tracktype channels
      1-12           no              no     audio    2
Table of Contents: total tracks:12, (total time 42:31.32)
  1.( 5:01.22),  2.( 4:14.68),  3.( 3:38.70),  4.( 3:03.72),  5.( 4:16.73),
  6.( 2:54.60),  7.( 2:21.05),  8.( 3:43.60),  9.( 2:37.00), 10.( 3:32.25),
 11.( 3:16.29), 12.( 3:49.73)

Table of Contents: starting sectors
  1.(       0),  2.(   22597),  3.(   41715),  4.(   58135),  5.(   71932),
  6.(   91205),  7.(  104315),  8.(  114895),  9.(  131680), 10.(  143455),
 11.(  159380), 12.(  174109), lead-out(  191357)
CDDB discid: 0x9f09f70c CDDBP titles: resolved
CD-Text: detected
CD-Extra: not detected
Album title: 'Nevermind'	[from Nirvana]
Track  1: 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'
Track  2: 'In Bloom'
Track  3: 'Come As You Are'
Track  4: 'Breed'
Track  5: 'Lithium'
Track  6: 'Polly'
Track  7: 'Territorial Pissings'
Track  8: 'Drain You'
Track  9: 'Lounge Act'
Track 10: 'Stay Away'
Track 11: 'On A Plain'
Track 12: 'Something In The Way'
No media catalog number present.
scanning for ISRCs: 12 ...
index scan: 1...
track mismatch: 1, in-track subchannel: 2 (index 1, sector 22596)
index scan: 2...
track mismatch: 2, in-track subchannel: 3 (index 1, sector 41714)
index scan: 3...
track mismatch: 3, in-track subchannel: 4 (index 1, sector 58134)
index scan: 4...
track mismatch: 4, in-track subchannel: 5 (index 1, sector 71931)
index scan: 5...
track mismatch: 5, in-track subchannel: 6 (index 1, sector 91204)
index scan: 6...
track mismatch: 6, in-track subchannel: 7 (index 1, sector 104314)
index scan: 7...
track mismatch: 7, in-track subchannel: 8 (index 1, sector 114894)
index scan: 8...
track mismatch: 8, in-track subchannel: 9 (index 1, sector 131679)
index scan: 9...
track mismatch: 9, in-track subchannel: 10 (index 1, sector 143454)
index scan: 10...
track mismatch: 10, in-track subchannel: 11 (index 1, sector 159229)
index scan: 12...
Info comes up ok, and I tried with sleep (various amounts up to 10!) in different places where I thought it may be useful. I used a popular cd. My cd drive maybe? I'll swap it one day and have another look.

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