Jaunty Puppy Alpha9 feedback

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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#21 Post by prit1 »

Everytime, I have to reconnect my wireless upon bootup. It does not detect the wireless consistently. The saved profile is not being loaded on bootup.

Other than the above, I loved the simple theme and all other stuff that I use in Puppy - like Abiword, GFtp and browser work fine.

#22 Post by bugman »

posting from alpha 8 live cd

don't normally use live cd so don't know if this is excessive [but it's feeling mighty slow]

Code: Select all

# free
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:       384724       379252         5472            0        54268
 Swap:      1052216         1528      1050688
Total:      1436940       380780      1056160
open apps for above are dialer, seamonkey, gxine [playin' dylan] and of course, rxvt

printed a page w/ cups from abiword, epson stylee

scanned the inside of my epson usb lid [sane has occasionally been a problem for me but has worked nicely in all recent pups]

will install to hard drive and report back[/quote]
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#23 Post by paulh177 »

slightly weird/random:

If i try to compile xchat 2.8.6 under the upup alpha 9 the make dies.

However it has compiled perfectly well with all the other puppies including all previous alpha woofs (including those i've built myself using the build scripts)

#24 Post by bugman »

now running in frugal install, but still sluggish, and the usage is nearly as bad:

Code: Select all

# free
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:       384724       369848        14876            0        52660
 Swap:      1052216          768      1051448
Total:      1436940       370616      1066324
same apps, swapped dylan for fela kuti [no help there]

should try a full install, so I can compare with my regular setup . . .

#25 Post by bugman »

posting from a full install, same apps

Code: Select all

# free
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:       384724       208540       176184            0         8516
 Swap:      1052216            0      1052216
Total:      1436940       208540      1228400
so this is better, i suppose an artifact of the install

still wondering about the delta thingie

everything seems to be working great, so???

#26 Post by bugman »

okay, back in 4.12, this is not so good--terminal, dialer, sylpheed, firefox, gxine [note there is one EXTRA app and firefox instead of wetmonkey]

Code: Select all

# free
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:       385852       149968       235884            0         5396
 Swap:      1052216            0      1052216
Total:      1438068       149968      1288100
perhaps it's gxine playing the low-resource prince jammy? i think nuh

why is woof eating so much ram?

and where is the delta_gui?
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#27 Post by Jim1911 »

Update on the bug fix of ext4 partitions not being detected by upup471.

Great job, the problem is corrected. Using clean frugal installations of both the upup476ide.iso and the upup476.iso, an ext4 partition is detected and can be mounted read/write. Also, Gparted 4.4 properly detects all partitions including the ext4 partition.

Updating pup-save files is a problem. Updating a pup-save file created by 471, with the upup476.iso, pmount cannot detect or mount the ext4 partition. When updating a copy of the same pup-save file with the upup476ide.iso, ext4 is detected and can be mounted. Gparted locks up with both iso.


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#28 Post by WhoDo »

Just downloaded and installed Upup2 "Jaunty Pup" (upup-476) in preparation for testing Puppy 5.x applications submitted prior to uploading.

On my relatively new ASUS Pro50G series laptop, Pentium T3400 dual core, nVidia Glx graphics and Intel HDA sound I have observed the following from the very first boot:

1. Sound WORKS! :shock: I haven't succeeded in getting sound working on this laptop in Puppy (always worked in Vista and Mint), but Jaunty barked at me straight away! Yeehah!

2. My widescreen 1280x800 actually works too! 8) Previous Xorg drivers identified 1024x768 as the graphics chip maximum on this machine. Pooh to that!

3. Had a problem umounting a drive mounted with the event manager. More on this after more testing. :?

4. My USB Logitech mouse works fine. :D

In celebration I downloaded a couple of GPL Jaunty wallpapers from gnome-look.org and switched to Smooth colour icons. One happy camper here so far! :arrow:
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#29 Post by reckrhodes »

After installing the Gcompris, it works but no sound. (but video streaming in yahoo works fine)

Tried installing synaptic, some files were installed.

Typing synaptic command on the terminal an error was displayed.

"error while loading shared libraries: libapt-pkg-libc6.9-6.so.4.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

How to make synaptic package to work in jaunty puppy?
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#30 Post by Flash »

Downloaded upup-476.iso and burned it to two different DVD+RW disks using Burniso2cd.

DVD+RW #1: This disk previously had Woof alfa 5. I had booted it in my big computer before burning Woof alfa 9 to it, so that when I shut down (choosing to save) alfa 5 would be upgraded to alfa 9. When I booted it after the upgrade the background was psychedelic. The upgrade had changed the default background. Cool. 8)

A few days ago I tried to rip some CDs and convert them to mp3, with Pcdripper in Woof alfa 5 in this big machine, without success. What happened was Pcdripper instantly went to the "Do you want to rip another CD?" as soon as I clicked Go. It didn't rip or convert anything. This had happened before when I had spaces in the path to the save directory, but there were no spaces or other forbidden characters in the path this time, as far as I could see. After upgrading alfa 5 to alfa 9, Pcdripper did the same thing in the big machine. I booted a 4.1.2 DVD in the big machine, and Pcdripper ripped the CD without any problem.


DVD+RW #2: This disk also had Woof alfa 5, but with different settings saved, for a different computer without a hard disk drive. When I shut down after burning Woof alfa 9 to it, the special Puppy background I had chosen for Woof alfa 5 in this computer was kept. No psychedelic background for this Puppy. :)

Now it gets interesting. Pcdripper in Woof alfa 9 rips CDs fine in this computer, but with an odd thing: the "Free" indicator in the lower right does not change, even as /tmp fills up with 95 MB of mp3 files.

Note that the computer in which Pcdripper worked has no hard disk. Everything is in RAM. The big computer has several hard disks, and they are formatted NTFS so that Windows can share with Puppy.
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EeePC901 & upup alpha9

#31 Post by mawebb88 »

Good news. WiFi works out of the box (WPK on ra0/rt2860sta) with a frugal install of upup-476 on my EeePC901 (did not work with previous upups)

The Package Manager configuration does not wok correctly for me. I choose up to 5 radio buttons (as it advises) but the tabs which appear (or rather not appear) seems somewhat random with great difficulty in getting any of the puppy x official ones to appear.

Rgds Mike

Forgot to add I also installed Atomix from the Jaunty repo with no problems.
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#32 Post by Lobster »

in the previous Alpha I was able to tweak the Xorg settings to get my max monitor resolution. Not so this version.
Maybe I will find some clues here:
http://tuxradar.com/content/modify-xorg ... erformance
So I changed to Vesa and got the max resolution that way :)
Valide (using devx) was crashing on me - I believe there is a later version that is more stable. However I was able to code genie from the command line.
Also noticed 3 different search programs and be interested which people prefer?
Also do people 'trim the fat' when installing packages - do you notice a difference?
Also the pctorrent downloader . . . Does it work? I find transmission in 4.2.1 works but have had no luck with pctorrent How about you?

Just like to say that for day to day use I boot into 4.2.1
To be on the cutting edge the Alpha 9 is great fun and already very usable 8)
Last edited by Lobster on Sun 24 May 2009, 11:45, edited 1 time in total.
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#33 Post by 01micko »

Hi Lobster
Also do people 'trim the fat' when installing packages - do you notice a difference?
If you get a package from the Puppy repos then no, these are usually trimmed already. But if getting the package from the Jaunty repos then yes. There are usually helpfiles and dev files that are not needed, but be warned: due to Puppy's skinny nature, if you download packages from the Jaunty repos they may require many dependencies, these should be taken care of by Petget... (is that fancy new package manager still called Petget? It can get other formats too.)

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#34 Post by Flash »

An update on my earlier post

When I first tried to use Pawdioconverter in Woof alfa 9 in the Windows computer that wouldn't run Pcdripper, it would not go. Pawdioconverter would go to the final step before it actually began ripping and converting, then stop there, without a console window showing or anything happening. What finally made it work was to choose the option to convert in the background, without the console window.

If there's a similar option in Pcdripper, not to show the rxvt window while ripping, I'll try that soon in the Windows machine that won't run Pcdripper in Woof but will in earlier versions of Puppy.

Edit: Pcdripper does not have the option to not show the console while it's running. :(
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#35 Post by mysticmarks »

failed downloading busybox pet specified within woof a9. It did not exist, nor did the specified linux kernel(the v4 ticks you spoke of in blog). I can manually correct my own, but figure there was a reason for this. minimal others, this was the based on a ubuntu distro_specs setup. I saw that you sh#!canned the others whilst you work, faac fails to dl for debian, but is fine in ubuntu. You can dl the faac for debian from main deb repo. I think i can plow ahead with the debian and slack issues, but want (and feel it makes sense) to use the exact same kernel as you for now. You should do a side by side of the deb and ubuntu builds. i was unsided upfront, but now have taken the debian base side. i built a7 deb and used the upup matching release. three test systems, deb loaded and ran better. Maybe a hybridized deb/ubuntu? ubuntu has plowed ahead on peripherial support, which has given it a good edge in that reguard. That was only due to the financial backing of Canocial. maybe puppy could be used as a way to backport the ubuntu updates to debian repos? It would be a great way to stiffen up debian again, right? Or better yet, pet both of the best in both realms, and obsolete the giant builds for one of a finer repose ;) arf arf!
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#36 Post by 01micko »

01micko wrote: ok... PC2 IBM Thinkpad R31, Celeron 1066, 512 ram, 8M onboard graphics

Xorg would not work, it usually does in all puppies with 1024x768x24. Used Xvesa with said res.

Looks good but no drive icons. Try to run Pmount and sda1 and sda2 show up in the gui, I will click one and Pmount just vanishes. I tried this in terminal

Code: Select all

#mount /dev/sda1
and get

Code: Select all

mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fsatab or /etc/mtab
Ran "Pmount" in term.

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/pmount: line 291: 8377 Teminated       yaf-splash -font "8x16" -outline 0 -margin 4 -bg orange -text "Puppy Drive Mounter"

Please wait, probing hardware..."
and it exited directly without a peep.

So I couldn't try networking because I use ndiswrapper on this machine and the files are in the doze install, I'll copy them over and try it later.:oops:How can I copy it over if I can't do a save? :roll: :lol:

Ooh, shutdown... just restarted X, clicked reboot..same thing.. restarts X, only on PC2

Update: I reported that shutdown and reboot would only restart X and that Pmount would not work, and that I could only use Xvesa.

Well I can still only use Xvesa but I ... er "fixed" the other issues for me. I ran the Xorgwizard using the shortcut in the menu... (before, even [ctrl]-[alt]-[bkspce] was restarting X :? ) That worked, tried Xorg again, all different res sizes, no go. Tried Xvesa and everything started to work as it should.. good too, I thought I had another mini-frisbee...

Pmount seems to work fine and the drive icons show up on the desktop.

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#37 Post by Aung »

full HD install
Abiword desktop icon dont work, as reported by bosco.
Desktop icon switcher, choice dont stay put after reboot.
On the plus side, gxine plays raw dv codec out of the box, Debian dont, it dont even have ffmpeg. Aung
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upup-476 retro for dial up.

#38 Post by Firefox »

Loaded upup-476 retro from Cd for Full hard drive install.
If left to own devices boots up and can be installed ok.
If Used pfix=ram then scanning for puppy files on computer disk drive comes up with upup-476.sfs not found Dropping out to initial
ramdisk console.
Gparted goes into endless loop.
If flash disk with data left in usb port on installation then grub comes up with windows as 1, then fd0 as 2 and loading bootloader to hd on 3.
Clicking on any of them goes back to grub menu. The only cure to reformat and install again minus the flash drive.
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some feedback

#39 Post by iarda »

Full hd upup 476 install

agree with Aung:
Abiword write icon ceased to work; #exec abiword in console does!
Desktop icons changed but not persistent to reboot.
Samba shares working correctly to other wondows PCs.
after a wifi usb try, unable to detect any modem (etH0 was still there).

After all upup 476 goes supersonic-flying.

TX Barry!
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#40 Post by ARAN »

CPU Scaling dont work in upup !

After about 15 Minutes UPUP freeze for some moment and then it shutdown automaticly.

I have proved in the folder
"cd /devices/system/cpu/cpu0"
if there is some cpu scaling enabled in upup but i cant find something.

MY CPU i getting really hot about 93 Celsius Degree.

A Solution for me is to load kernel modules for handling CPU Scaling

How to keep your cpu cool and your fan quiet

MAJOR BUG: Puppy 4.0 is Burning the CPU

Alpha 9 with pfix=ram Bugs (the Iso without the IDE drivers) are too:

-If booting in Vesa Pmount dont work. I have only 3 ext3 Partitions and 1 VFAT Partition on the hd. Every Puppy till yet didnt had problems on this hd with this Partition.
If booting in Xorg however Pmoun works without any problems for the same HD.
-If booting in Vesa Puppy cant shutdown or reboot. Exit to prompt dont work also. For me it looks like that a click in the Menu for "reboot" or "shutdown" just restart the xserver.
In Xorg However shutdown, reboot and exit to prompt works.
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