How to remaster for unattended CD bootup and shutdown?

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How to remaster for unattended CD bootup and shutdown?

#1 Post by trubacca »

Hello :-)

I volunteer for a small non-profit cpu refurbishing shop, and I am having some difficulty on a project I am working on. After rebuilding a computer, we pop a Puppy 4.0 live cd into the drive and test the hardware and format the hdd's. Because we are doing this on so many computers of similar builds (but different manufacturers) it was decided that quite a bit of time could be saved if we were to remaster the live-cd's so that it would automatically choose US keyboards, Xorg 1024x768/24, 15inch CRT upon boot, and when shutting down won't bother asking if we want to save (which we never do) and then proceed to pop out the disc before powering off (like Ubuntu).

I know that pkeys=us will handle the keyboard question, and I am sure that if I monkey with the rc.shutdown script I will figure out how to make it stop asking if I want to save (though I have not found what I need to do yet) I have been researching this problem for a few days on google and the forums, but nothing seems to directly address my needs.

Specifically, here is what I need assistance with, and my thoughts.

1. US keyboard
"pkeys=us" oughta do the trick

2. Setting the Xorg settings.
I imagine that editing the xorg.conf file will result in what I need, but I am unsure because even though the settings will all be the same, the adapters won't necessarily be the same. Does this matter? Do I need to set a boot parameter instead? (vga=792 or something?)

3. network setup link on desktop
Shouldn't be too hard to figure out, right?

4. No more pupsave screen!
Either automatically selecting "do not save", or getting rid of the whole screen, I don't care. I assume I need to comment out or change the variable of some line in the rc.shutdown script. Not sure which one yet, but I haven't been focused on this step yet.

5. Spit out the disc
Again, I imagine the rc.shutdown script holds the key to this trick. I am not sure which command I will want to insert though, so a little advice would be helpful.

As you can see, I am hardly a linux guru, but I am learning fast, and all assistance is appreciated. If you made it this far into the post, thank you very much for your time!

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Re: Unattended Live CD bootup and shutdown

#2 Post by Béèm »

trubacca wrote:Hello :-)

I volunteer for a small non-profit cpu refurbishing shop, and I am having some difficulty on a project I am working on. After rebuilding a computer, we pop a Puppy 4.0 live cd into the drive and test the hardware and format the hdd's. Because we are doing this on so many computers of similar builds (but different manufacturers) it was decided that quite a bit of time could be saved if we were to remaster the live-cd's so that it would automatically choose US keyboards, Xorg 1024x768/24, 15inch CRT upon boot, and when shutting down won't bother asking if we want to save (which we never do) and then proceed to pop out the disc before powering off (like Ubuntu).

I know that pkeys=us will handle the keyboard question, and I am sure that if I monkey with the rc.shutdown script I will figure out how to make it stop asking if I want to save (though I have not found what I need to do yet) I have been researching this problem for a few days on google and the forums, but nothing seems to directly address my needs.

Specifically, here is what I need assistance with, and my thoughts.

1. US keyboard
"pkeys=us" oughta do the trick
Is done automatically
trubacca wrote:
2. Setting the Xorg settings.
I imagine that editing the xorg.conf file will result in what I need, but I am unsure because even though the settings will all be the same, the adapters won't necessarily be the same. Does this matter? Do I need to set a boot parameter instead? (vga=792 or something?)
Is done while remastering, but I would leave vga=normal
trubacca wrote:
3. network setup link on desktop
Shouldn't be too hard to figure out, right?
There is a connect icon on the desktop. Isn't this ok?
trubacca wrote:
4. No more pupsave screen!
Either automatically selecting "do not save", or getting rid of the whole screen, I don't care. I assume I need to comment out or change the variable of some line in the rc.shutdown script. Not sure which one yet, but I haven't been focused on this step yet.
There has been a discussion about this and a solution offered. Can't remember which post. You might find it with the puppysearch link in my sig
trubacca wrote:
5. Spit out the disc
Again, I imagine the rc.shutdown script holds the key to this trick. I am not sure which command I will want to insert though, so a little advice would be helpful.
Probably possible by modifying the rc.shutdown also.
trubacca wrote:
As you can see, I am hardly a linux guru, but I am learning fast, and all assistance is appreciated. If you made it this far into the post, thank you very much for your time!
Good luck
Time savers:
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#3 Post by floborg »

I've been posting on this forum and asking Barry and WhoDo about new boot options to allow an unattended bootup. So far, I have receive no feedback.

In the newest Puppy alpha, I could see a "plocale" option to skip past the locale and time zone screens. It doesn't seem that hard to implement. That only leaves the video server screen. Skipping the video server screen, though, might be trickier. If you want Xvesa, it seems like a straightforward option to implement. I do wonder, though, why we couldn't take a stab at allowing Xorg to autoconfigure, just like Ubuntu and many other distros. Seems that a Puppy based on Ubuntu packages could pull it off.
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#4 Post by mikeb »

I do wonder, though, why we couldn't take a stab at allowing Xorg to autoconfigure, just like Ubuntu and many other distros. Seems that a Puppy based on Ubuntu packages could pull it off.
Nimblex does it..have a look at that..most of the xorg setup is auto anyway...just a case of choosing the resolution


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#5 Post by trubacca »

Hmm. Thank you very much for the replies. I have looked into the responses, and here are my thoughts.
Béèm- My investigates have revealed that altering the isolinux.cfg file to append

Code: Select all


to the isolinux.cfg file will make it so that I do not have to choose the keyboard on every boot. Also, I found the post you mentioned that will allow me to accomplish objective 4, and yes, the "Connect" link on the desktop will do the trick, thereby accomplishing objective 3.

That leaves objectives 2 and 5.. and I am not entirely certain what you mean when you say that it
Is done while remastering
Please explain!

Are you saying that the options that I choose during startup are built into the remastered cd? If that is the case, I would assume it would be from what is contained in the xorg.conf file, correct? Does that mean that pkeys=us is redundant, because all of the input devices are described in the xorg file?
In the same vein, does that also mean that the video settings I choose on bootup of the original live-cd are packed into that file? Also, is this based on whether I choose to allow it to customize /etc during the remastering process? I assume yes, HOWEVER I wonder if the fact that I am remastering this cd on a laptop with a LCD screen will interfere, because the machines that this custom cd is being built for will be using 15" tube monitors, and will likely have a wide variety of video adapters (usually integrated on the motherboard, but not always). This is what I am worried about..

Also, I have no idea what or where I should insert into the rc.shutdown file to make it spit out the cd before shutdown. My bash skillz have not yet fully blossomed. Any pointers?

Oh, and Mike, Nimblex does look interesting, and I will remember it, but I don't think it will accomplish what I need it to accomplish, and if it is capable of doing something Puppy isn't, I wouldn't know where to begin to import that functionality into Puppy 40

I don't want to restrict this conversation strictly to Puppy 40, but that is what I am trying to work with, and it does not ask about time zones or locality during boot, so that point is moot for me. OTOH, I hope that this conversation will be useful for more than just my project, and it would be useful to discuss what is needed to accomplish the unattended boot-up for other versions. I guess what I am saying is that it may be helpful to point out when something is applicable to only one version or another. :-D

Everyone, thank you very much for your time and assistance!
I appreciate it, as it is for a good cause ;-)

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#6 Post by mikeb »

Hmmm well the xorg wizard first asks xorg/xvesa so one to skip.....then it scans and gives choice of resolutions with one selected then press 'ok use it'....second step to skip....that's it.....with those 2 default selections made you have auto xorg config...If the highest setting was the default then xrandr can change resolution once x is booted to suit the user just like windows. This mod could be triggered by a boot parameter fact should be in puppy ...slitaz autoconfigs as well (xvesa)....and most distros enable dchp by default so another convenience.

A little bash experience and what you need is acheivable.


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#7 Post by trubacca »

Alright folks, I think I almost have it figured out. I think I need to edit the xorgwizard file to walk it through the xorg choices and configuration.. right?
This is a long file.. I am not certain where to begin.. but I think the important part for me starts at about line 300.. where I choose Xorg, and then about 676ish where I choose the monitor case ("O").. unfortunately I am not sure where to go to make it choose the recommended screen mode and continue. WHAT mode it chooses is not super important, because I am altering the /root/.xinitrc to make xrandr reconfigure the display to the resolution that I want.

So I guess it wouldn't be too difficult to test and learn through trial and error, but I am not certain how to slip the reconfigured xorgwizard file into the remaster process, as the /usr directory is built directly from the cd. Also, I don't want to waste cds. Kind of confused, but I think I am making progress. I appreciate everyones help ;-)
I guess failing this, I can just run the live cd on as many different video adapters as possible until I have an xorg.conf file for every major adapter we are likely to run into and just compile them into the X11 dir, but that seems like it might start to get a little wiggy.. Any thoughts?

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#8 Post by mikeb »

You can edit and test the xorgwizard by exiting x and running it...when it runs through and creates a working config you have the solution. If you choose the highest setting then that gives xrandr the greatest choice...the standard setup seems chooses something midrange so a little bash magic may be needed there.
As far as I know the remaster should include any /usr changes which will include your new xorgconfig. I am interested in this so I will have a play myself when I get time and post anything useful I find.

For testing you could use a frugal setup and test the newly remastered parts extracted from the new iso rather than burning cd's.....qemu is another way which will boot your new iso in a virtual machine



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#9 Post by trubacca »

You are awesome Mike. Thanks for your time. I will work on this for a bit and see what I can crank out. Let me know what you find, and I update my status when I have a chance. btw I am fairly busy with homework on a regular basis so I tend to work on this project in spurts. No, that doesn't make it easier, but I still appreciate your assistance and time. Wish me luck :D

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#10 Post by d4p »

Hi, trubacca

Quick & dirty: ... e03f5b1043
Add pkeys=us to your isolinux.cfg
Create pup_save.2fs & set to xvesa instead of xorg.
After you create a new livecd, you dont need to worry about saving.
I hope these help!

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#11 Post by mikeb »

Quick & dirty: ... e03f5b1043
Add pkeys=us to your isolinux.cfg
Create pup_save.2fs & set to xvesa instead of xorg.
After you create a new livecd, you dont need to worry about saving.
I hope these help!
neat...the slitaz aproach.
I'm guessing that xorg is desired for it's acceleration abilities on slower hardware.
I was impressed by nimblex as they did auto 3d setup as well!


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#12 Post by d4p »

Yes, slitaz is a good alternative, but still you have to modify it also.
Xorg has better acceleration, but (guess) xvesa has better HW recognition.
I was impressed by nimblex also (installable on SCSI), but livecd booting is too slow for me.

For testing purposes, what he wanted, I would choose PartedMagic or maybe Puppy except v4.2.x.

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