1.0.7 Problems with the window manager

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1.0.7 Problems with the window manager

#1 Post by Paolo »

After updating 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 on my laptop (Dell latitude c600 totally for Puppy ) I have some problems:

1) after the booting the screen is totally white without icons,only whit torsmo and the taskbar appears after 30 seconds,and for use my configuration on icewm I must go to start >>window manager >> X restart,and only after this operation I can use the gui without problems.
This problems appears whit:
Icewm 1.2.23
Jwm 0.23
Fluxbox 0.9.14

2) Fvwm95 (the wm I used in 1.0.6) is broken,the taskbar and the menu disappear and if you enter in Fvwm95 after the X restart the only thing you have is the possibility to go to the black screen whit command lines

3)Kde absolutely doesn't work,after all the installation's steps
when I try to use this wm appears this message on a small windows "Kde don't work for some installation errors".
Now I have remove Kde with all his packages.

Can you help me ? All I want is to log Icewm or Fluxbox without problems
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#2 Post by GuestToo »

Puppy may have replaced /usr/local/bin/rox, so it is now running the older rox 1.2

if you click ROX-Filer in /root/my-roxapps, it should reinstall /usr/local/bin/rox ... then restart X, or reboot

i think i registered /usr/local/bin/rox with pupget so it will leave it alone, but i can't be sure that the registration worked properly or that the pupget program will actually do what it's supposed to do ... it's hard to test, when the only way to test that it works properly is to actually upgrade Puppy

you may have to edit /root/.xinitrc to change
rox -o -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin

rox 2.3 takes over the background wallpaper ... Puppy may have replaced the pinboard file, which would delete your wallpaper settings ... one problem is that the older Rox has it's config files in /root/Choices and the newer Rox has it's config files in /root/.config and they are not totally compatible with each other ... if Puppy dynamically changes the pinboard file to set the desktop icons, this may not work properly with Rox 2.3

it might be easier just to reinstall Rox 2.3 ... i'm not sure that Rox 2.3 can survive a Puppy upgrade ... Puppy can be a harsh environment for installed packages
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#3 Post by Paolo »

Hello Guesttoo,
Thanx for your help,I have do all the things you say,but the problems remain...
Help me please,I don't want to reinstall this greatest distro :wink:

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#4 Post by Paolo »

I've yet discovered another thing:
if I use Fluxbox after the booting of the laptop I've the same problem of Icewm or Jwm (the screen become in fluxbox gray whitout icons),but when clicking the right button of the mouse the menu stay fix on the desktop and work very perfect and...after the x-restart using the menu become a little bit difficult:I must click whit the right button
of the mouse and at the same time I must use the arrow keys for
go up and down inside the menu.
EDIT :But if the fluxbox menu touch the toolbal it stay...The fluxbox menu appears fast only in the other parts of the screen

How can I fix this 2 problems ?
Excuse my bad english

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Re: 1.0.7 Problems with the window manager

#5 Post by Paolo »

[quote="Paolo"]After updating 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 on my laptop (Dell latitude c600 totally for Puppy ) I have some problems:

1) after the booting the screen is totally white without icons,only whit torsmo and the taskbar appears after 30 seconds,and for use my configuration on icewm I must go to start >>window manager >> X restart,and only after this operation I can use the gui without problems.
This problems appears whit:
Icewm 1.2.23
Jwm 0.23
Fluxbox 0.9.14

In this days I've trying some solution and I discover the reason of this part of the problem:the guilty is the line of code used by torsmo in .xinitrc for appears on the desktop from the start of the session...now I use tormo from is beautil icon :)

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Re: 1.0.7 Problems with the window manager

#6 Post by Paolo »

Today I've come back to Icewm and all is Ok !!!
And I don't know why :lol: !!!
I think I stay with this wm and with rox 2.3 because they work well togheter.

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#7 Post by GuestToo »

i am not sure what exactly your problems were
a new version of Puppy can break a package

for Rox 2.3, it was setup to use the wallpaper picture that Puppy 1.0.6 had ... but that picture has moved so it can not find the picture, so you get a white background

this is not a big problem, just set your own wallpaper ... but it would nicer if the wallpaper was set properly when Rox installs ... again, not a big problem, but it means i have to make a new Rox package for Puppy 1.0.7

also, the config files for Rox 2.3 and the older Rox 1.2 are in different places and are not totally compatible ... i may have had a symlink setup for the pinboard file (desktop icons), i don't remember exactly ... i think upgrading to Puppy 1.0.7 over writes the symlink

and Puppy 1.0.7 has a new feature that adjusts the position of the icons on the right side of the screen, to compensate for different screen resolutions (for example, 800x600, 1024x768) ... this also has to be dealt with

and the .xinitrc file is a little different ... Rox 1.2 requires the -o option for the pinboard ... Rox 2.3 requires that the -o option is not used ... upgrading Puppy replaces the .xinitrc file ... it would be a lot easier if the -o option were not in the .xinitrc file at all ... it could be in a script called by .xintrc called puppy-pinboard or something ... it would be a lot easier to work with that way, but that isn't the way it's set up ... it would be a lot easier if .xinitrc called a script called something like puppy-background instead of doing it in the .xintrc script ... but it doesn't do that either

so basically i have to make a new package to deal with the changes in Puppy 1.0.7 ... otherwise, i think the package works more or less ok, you just have to set your own background
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