ultratiny html viewer - PuppyBrowser 0.5 + embeddedbookmarks

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#81 Post by peppyy »

Out of curiosity I wanted to try this on 3.01 but I am guessing that it won't run on this version of gtk. The command #puppy-browser opens the default browser, in my case Firefox.

Code: Select all

# puppy-browser
The command to the target gives the following response.

Code: Select all

# /usr/local/PuppyBrowser/puppy-browser
# ./PuppyBrowser: symbol lookup error: ./PuppyBrowser: undefined symbol: gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip_text
I also tried this.

Code: Select all

# /usr/local/PuppyBrowser/PuppyBrowser
/usr/local/PuppyBrowser/PuppyBrowser: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/PuppyBrowser/PuppyBrowser: undefined symbol: gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip_text
This machine does not reboot without major surgery each time so I am usually up for a couple months at a time. I will try again after my next reboot, probably sometime next month in case it is the libgee libs that are not registered yet.

That being said, I am pleased to see that it is working for the new versions. I have been unable to boot the 4 series on my older Thinkpads so I will wait and test woof in a while. I have however had wonderful results on desktops.

Great stuff all.
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#82 Post by MU »

your Gtk is too old.
I had to compile a special version without tooltip support. I can have a look in the next days.


I uploaded PuppyBrowser 0.5, see changelog:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 882#303882


I also uploaded "Embedded Bookmarks 0.1".

This is a special program.
It opens a "tree", where you can open "bookmarks" sorted by categories.
Bookmarks are added by editing a configfile.

A bookmark can be a link, for example a link to a Flash SWF video.
Or it can be a "embedded code".
This code MUST be not more than one line.
For example here:
you can find such "embedded code", so it allows you to see a video, without opening a "full" page in a webbrowser.

You also can add PuppyBrowser options, like width or height of the browser.
The opened Browserwindow has no navigation toolbars, as it is intended as "multimedia viewer", not as webbrowser in this case.

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#83 Post by MU »

I uploaded "Embedded Bookmarks 0.2".

You now have two more options for each bookmark.


This launches an external viewer, not Puppybrowser.
I added an example, that show Deluxe Music as Videostream in mplayer (mms://).


This converts the link of the bookmark.
You can place own converterscripts in /usr/local/EmbeddedBookmarks/.
Included is an example:

Here the link of the bookmark can be a youtube site, like:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faYW0CIp ... re=popular

The converscript will download that site, and analyze the code in it.
It "grabs" the flashvideo, and turns it into a normal link, that then is opened directly with Puppybrowser.
This might not always work, I must enhance the converter for the next release.

you can scale the video by resizing Puppybrowser, and see no adverts :)

Like this you now can use EmbedddBookmarks to store *any* file or weblocation, to open it with your favourite program.
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#84 Post by MU »

I updated EmbeddedBookmarks to version 0.3.

- fixed a bug when you clicked on a bookmark again, it sometimes opened wrong.

- added two commadlineoptions.

The first is the name of the bookmarksfile to use, the second will set another word for "category" in the tree.

I'll explain in detail in this thread, how you can convert complete folders like MP3 collections to a configfile:
An example "audiobooks" is included in the menu.

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#85 Post by MU »

I can try to extend the EmbeddedBookmarks to get the same "easy usage" (add a website with a buttonclick, add an optional desktopicon) as Prism this or next week:

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#86 Post by sue »

If you don't like s5, try slidy.
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#87 Post by capoverde »

Testing Puppybrowser 0.5 on Puppy 4.76 with absolute satisfaction -- and awe! Another big hit for Puppy, sincere compliments Mark. :D :D :D

Will test it on old boxes, should be tops.
Also tried to locate Barry's "massaged" version (0.5.1) but didn't find it on ibiblio or elsewhere -- can anyone help?
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#88 Post by smokey01 »

Hi Mark, great job on the Puppy Browser 0.5. It;s simple and quick. Is it possible to add additional bookmarks. the dropdown menu will fill up quickly. It would be good if they could be nested like the embedded bookmarks tree.

I also like embeddedbookmarks which unfortunately has stopped working. I tried to paste an embedded link into the config file and it hasn't worked since. I have uninstalled and installed it at least three times but it still won't work. I think if I could locate the config file I could probably remove the embedded link and it would work again.

What is the name of the config file and where is it located?

I was trying to get it to work with just the video and not the rest of the browser page. From what I read in your post it is possible.

A little help file would be useful for first time users too.

I haven't quite got the hang of picture viewer yet. It works fine if you drop a JPG or PDF file onto it from ROX but not so reliable if you drag a graphic from a web page on to it. Some load most don't.

I'm currently using Puppy 4.2 Retro Full install.


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#89 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi mark just tried it with the 2.14.1X I've been working it, It worked great with seamonkey installed, 2.14.1X has FF3.5 as default browser, seamonkey is a addon, So when I deleted Seamonkey as you do, :wink: it wouldn't work, well of course not because it was missing libxpcom_core.so, and libgtkembedmoz.so
so I then copied them over from seamonkey to the firefox browser folder and made the system links and now it It said that I wasn't missing anything, when I did the ldd on the bin, and 2 lib files. but when I tried it, it just seg faulted, Anyway of having this lite browser work on firefox only system without dragging in half of seamonkey, ??
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
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#90 Post by MU »

thanks for your feedback :)
Barry usually uploads files here:
http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... ages-woof/

But the 0.5.1 seems to be not uploaded yet, the one mentioned here:


the configfile for the embedded bookmarks is:

The bookmarks of Puppybrowser itself are:

I can't promise, when I find time to enhance the normal bookmarks to support categories, too.

Just came home from the short holiday, and tomorrow I'm away again.


Firefox 3 no longer supports the gtkmozembed API (Application Programming Interface), neither does Seamonkey 2.x.
So Puppybrowser depends on Seamokey 1.x or the xulrunner mentioned in the message, where you can download it.

I don't know yet, what new API is available for the newer browsers.
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#91 Post by smokey01 »

MU wrote: Smokey,

the configfile for the embedded bookmarks is:

The bookmarks of Puppybrowser itself are:

I can't promise, when I find time to enhance the normal bookmarks to support categories, too.
Mark I deleted the embedded link and all is working again.

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#92 Post by capoverde »

(posted with Puppybrowser 0.5 on Puppy 4.21)

Browsed around with Puppybrowser 0.5 on Ppup476 tonight; it hung twice after playing some Youtube videos, say 5 or 6, but restarted normally after killing it.
Seem to remember this did happen with some older SeaMonkey version, can't say which; or maybe it still happens now? I rarely watch several Youtube vids, must try out.

Also: the default setting for password saving is "Yes", but IMHO "No" would be safer.

It's already my favorite browser anyway. 8)
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#93 Post by kilon »

puppy-browser does not start , it complaints that it needs "libgee.so.0"

any idea how to install this library ?
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#94 Post by MU »

A libgee pet is attached to the message, where you can download the browser.
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#95 Post by kilon »

MU wrote:A libgee pet is attached to the message, where you can download the browser.
works like a charm. I forgot to download it , stupid me....lol

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#96 Post by Michalis »

I just run puppy browser the default install in 430-small and It has some bugs, 2 actually. First of all I used it in order to write an e-mail at hotmail.

The e-mail I wrote was in Greek and I had problems whenever I wanted to type an accent character. To explain it exactly in order to accent a letter in Greek I have to use the button next to "L" which in english gives the semistop ";" or ":". Whenever I was pressing it the cursor was just disappearing and had to tick with the mouse in the text box every time.

Second bug I found was that Greek letter "Σ" was looking as "Z". Both of them are in the alphabet but they are different. The strange is that the small "Σ" was looking as it suppose to be "σ". Also when pasting the text to geany "Σ" was looking perfect. So the encoding was correct but the look was wrong :?

If you want any more details or anything to test tell me.
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#97 Post by DaveS »

Mark, do you think it might be possible to get Simple Mail to work? That would then be moving toward a very lightweight browser/mail app.
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#98 Post by ttuuxxx »

DaveS wrote:Mark, do you think it might be possible to get Simple Mail to work? That would then be moving toward a very lightweight browser/mail app.
Dave its a frontend like skipstone, you still need a working backend like seamonkey, and its not compatible with FF3 series or webkit yet, But hopefully in the future :) So adding simplemail wouldn't save that much space over seamonkey mail.
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
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#99 Post by Flash »

I just discovered this browser in 4.3 final and watched quite a few youtube videos without any problem, unlike SeaMonkey, which closes sometimes apparently because Flash gets overloaded.

Is there any way to import bookmarks from SeaMonkey?
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#100 Post by MU »

Flash wrote:I just discovered this browser in 4.3 final and watched quite a few youtube videos without any problem, unlike SeaMonkey, which closes sometimes apparently because Flash gets overloaded.

Is there any way to import bookmarks from SeaMonkey?
you can use this script, but might have to set the path to your seamonkey bookmarks first.

Code: Select all


### convert seamonkey bookmarks for PuppyBrowser
### enter here the path to your seamonkey bookmarks!




touch $outfile

cat "$sb" | grep 'HREF=' |while read a;do

b=`echo $a  |sed -e "s#</A>##" -e "s#.*>##" -e "s/|/-/g"`

c=`echo $a  |sed -e "s#.*HREF="##" -e "s#".*##"`

echo "$b|$c" >>$outfile


echo -----------------------------
echo created: $outfile
echo Please rename it or add the contents to:
echo /root/.PuppyBrowser/profiles/default/bookmarks.rc
Save it as "/root/seamonkey2PB".
Then make it executable by typing:
chmod 755 /root/seamonkey2PB
Then run it by typing:

Last edited by MU on Thu 24 Sep 2009, 19:53, edited 1 time in total.
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