Puppy 4.2 "Deep Thought" - Bugs & Fixes

Please post any bugs you have found
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#281 Post by DaveS »

Thanks for this T. Works flawlessly...............
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#282 Post by rcrsn51 »

mafae wrote:Menu>System>Manage Printing
Kills CUPS nearly always!

This has been fixed in 4.2.1.
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#283 Post by mafae »

Many thanks rcrsn51. Looking forward to 4.2.1!

(Default system Puppy 4.1.2 on Thinkpad R50)
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Re: A Bug

#284 Post by mave »

floborg wrote:In the lower left-hand corner of the desktop, the drive icons are clustered on top of one another. In the lower right-hand corner, the Lock and Trash icons are clustered on top of one another.

The above happened using an 800x600 resolution, but did not occur in Puppy 4.1.2.
In updated 4.21 again the same problem.

Any help?
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Re: A Bug

#285 Post by floborg »

mave wrote:
floborg wrote:In the lower left-hand corner of the desktop, the drive icons are clustered on top of one another. In the lower right-hand corner, the Lock and Trash icons are clustered on top of one another.

The above happened using an 800x600 resolution, but did not occur in Puppy 4.1.2.
In updated 4.21 again the same problem.

Any help?
I can verify this bug. Again, it does not occur in Barry's latest puppy release (upup).

Also, with an 800x600 resolution and switching to IceWM, the GB or G (can't tell) in the freememapplet is cut off.

Should we report this stuff in separate threads? I get the feeling that single bug reports in long threads like this get overlooked. Of course, the same is probably true of individual threads - depends on who reviews them.
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#286 Post by makropo »

tempestuous wrote:Because I have never bothered to download Puppy 4.2, I only learned about this problem with Broadcom wifi devices recently:
trio wrote:In 4.2 Final..bcm43xx is still being a problem...for those of you who wants a workaround..just edit /etc/rc.d/MODULESCONFIG
That's because the new Broadcom b43/b43legacy modules, which work in conjunction with the ssb module, should be used in preference to the deprecated bcm43xx module. The firmware in Puppy is compatible with b43/b43legacy, and is NOT compatible with bcm43xx.

Unfortunately (groan) there are also reports that Puppy 4.2 fails to automatically uncompress the b43 firmware, but hopefully this may be fixed once the preferences are corrected.

I now attach the correct MODULESCONFIG with PREFLIST entries. This is to replace trio's "No_bcm43xx_patch.pet", which is wrong.
Please use this in the next 4.2 update.
I believe this has been fixed in 4.2.1
Until 4.2.1 was released I was removing 4.2 and booting 4.1.2 for a wireless connection. Now in 4.2.1 b43 loads and wireless is detected right away.
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Oh where oh where has my argument gone?

#287 Post by SilverPuppy »

Hey moderators,

Where'd you move the hornets nest I stirred up to? I don't see it, but it's obviously been relocated......
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Re: Oh where oh where has my argument gone?

#288 Post by WhoDo »

SilverPuppy wrote:Hey moderators,

Where'd you move the hornets nest I stirred up to? I don't see it, but it's obviously been relocated......
It has been placed where it belongs ... here:

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#289 Post by mcewanw »

To thread "Optimising Puppy Performance":
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 382#310382

Note: my post that was also moved contained a bug notification:
The only thing I've noticed so far that didn't work out-of-the-box on my system [with Puppy 4.2.1] was sound (never had that problem with any pup before). I haven't checked all the above threads to see if others have had the same problem because I fixed it for myself. However, a new user wouldn't have a clue how to fix it. For me I had to:

open an rxct console and enter:


That program correctly detected my card and on the next boot the until then missing taskbar volume icon appeared and sound worked.
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Broadcom wireless still not fixed in 4.2.1

#290 Post by stlouisubntu »

makropo wrote:
tempestuous wrote:Because I have never bothered to download Puppy 4.2, I only learned about this problem with Broadcom wifi devices recently:
trio wrote:In 4.2 Final..bcm43xx is still being a problem...for those of you who wants a workaround..just edit /etc/rc.d/MODULESCONFIG
That's because the new Broadcom b43/b43legacy modules, which work in conjunction with the ssb module, should be used in preference to the deprecated bcm43xx module. The firmware in Puppy is compatible with b43/b43legacy, and is NOT compatible with bcm43xx.

Unfortunately (groan) there are also reports that Puppy 4.2 fails to automatically uncompress the b43 firmware, but hopefully this may be fixed once the preferences are corrected.

I now attach the correct MODULESCONFIG with PREFLIST entries. This is to replace trio's "No_bcm43xx_patch.pet", which is wrong.
Please use this in the next 4.2 update.
I believe this has been fixed in 4.2.1
Until 4.2.1 was released I was removing 4.2 and booting 4.1.2 for a wireless connection. Now in 4.2.1 b43 loads and wireless is detected right away.
First, @ WhoDo,

Well done on Puppy 4.2 and 4.2.1! Overall great update release and great step forward for Puppy Linux!! Thanks so much for your hard work (and for your results) on this release. However, it is understandable how difficult it is to take such a big step forward without sliding back a little (perhaps a regression or two.)

@ WhoDo, and makropo

I have found the Broadcom wireless issue is still not fixed in 4.2.1. In 4.2, I attempted the workaround and downloaded and installed the .pet, but without success.

Further, I chronicled my struggle with this regression in the following blogpost:

http://www.linux.com/community/blogs/Pu ... -saga.html

Please understand that although the wireless regression saga is in the blog entry title, this post is mostly in PRAISE of Puppy Linux (and especially the efforts of BarryK and WhoDo (and the other unnamed devs who also worked on Puppy.)

My wish is for another bugfix update correcting this issue (and the other one described in the blog entry), but I understand and can accept that I can always use 4.1.2 which works fine for me.

Also, BTW, I also say "Well done!" on all the bling you brought 4.2 which can really help to make strides in converting Windows users (your bling surpasses Vista IMHO.)

Again, well done and thanks.
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Please fix urgently

#291 Post by Proudog »

This and important bug, the Mozilla browser cache is eating the size of pup_save.2fs, file in the frugal install.

This directory, /root/.mozilla/default/Cache, is present in Puppy 4.2.x, and this have a mirror in /intrd/pup_ro1/root/.mozilla/default/Cache, but his mirror is not empty in every shutdown, and this size of space is more and more bigger on the usage of mozilla browser. Eventually this "fully" the pup_save.2fs file with internet cache.
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Mozilla browser sqlite database files grow huge

#292 Post by mcewanw »

Proudog wrote:This and important bug, the Mozilla browser cache is eating the size of pup_save.2fs, file in the frugal install.
Yes, that is a major problem. Firefox, for example, also uses sqlite to store lots of config data and the database can grow large over time: I find that urlclassifier3.sqlite-journal become pretty huge quite quickly.

I can avoid the problem in Tiny Core Linux because it provides a simple mechanism for excluding any folder or file you don't want saved at the end of each session (a simple text file called .xfiletool.lst which contains a list of files and directories to exclude - can use wildcards). I don't think Puppy has that facility and hence the problem. Because of the way TC works its save files tend to be tiny (if you exclude the likes of Mozilla cache etc): often just a few tens of kilobytes!
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Using the New Puppy

#293 Post by yorkiesnorkie »

I just thought I'd pass on a few things about the new puppy version. I've had a couple of ups and downs with it but that is not a criticism, just an observation. I worked through things so far by myself and a couple of comments hereafter are relevant to previous versions. Overall impressions of the new puppy are good and confined mostly to what I actually use. Since I'm back to dialup I had a friend download the ISO for me which I then burned to CD myself.

Live CD:

I decided to go for the full install as usual. I've noticed a little problem booting from the Puppy 4 series live CDs. It's not a serious one and probably has more to do with my 96mb of ram! My old laptop is an IBM 380XD. I've got a 600mb ext2 partition and a swap space as well as a 3gb space for Windows 98SE.

On the version 3 cd during the bootup from the live CD it usually tells me its loading the sfs file and all goes well as usual. However I found that with 4 Dingo, and 4.2 it stalls and drops me out to the # prompt after it searches for previous versions of the sfs file and I get a message about not finding tty. I'm not sure what to do at that point so I reboot:

I did try "puppy pfix=ram" to load into memory but I get the same error.

If I enter "puppy pfix=noram,no10" at the prompt during the boot up all goes well. Puppy loads normally. Note that with the new puppy you are presented with a nice entry screen and have to press F2 to get to the prompt and command list.

First Impression of the Live CD:

Slow initial load probably due to my pfix. Nice setup screen, interesting vista-esque clock and calendar on the desktop, and an updated new look for the menus and windows. Additional controls for changing these have been included and other bells and whistles which is good!

Several icons were overlayed due to the 800x600 screen on this laptop. Notably the trash and lock, and the icons for the various mounted/unmounted devices. I like having them on the desktop but I have to spread them out and I found that they don't stay put for the next reboot!

As a general observation I've noticed a tendency for some of the default configuration windows to be displayed larger than my desktop supports; i.e. I can't see everthing. When I attempt to make them fit even then I can't always access/see all of the window sliders/margins etc. If you have an 800x600 display you can see this in Seamonkey's configuration or the modem probe window. I'm not sure what everyone's plans are as obviously 800x600 resoultion is eventually going to go the way of the Dodo. Should this still be addressed for retro-versions? On the other hand some of the displays on the newer machines are quite small so I'm not sure where this belongs or what your thoughts might be. I'll try and provide a couple of screen shots later on.


I ran the setup wizard as usual, full install. I did notice long delays during the installation so some patience was required. At times it seemed like nothing was happening, probably due to the pfix and my ram issue, so patience was required because all good things come to those who wait. Puppy just silently worked in the background coming back to life with a whirr of the drive.


I usually check on grub manually just to see if everything is okey-dokey. Through an oversight I did have a jumpdrive in the usb port so when grub installed it failed to put the Windows 98SE partition properly into the menu.lst file. Instead I got an entry for the jumpdrive! I edited the menu.lst file manually to include my windows partition. Note to self, take out the darn jumpdrive next time!

After Grub was sorted out on hda2 I rebooted and removed the Live CD.

Second Impressions:

Typical reboot and config of the keyboard and display. The default grub display is very nice. I found though that my ram challenged machine was still somewhat slow to load. I had to wait for the clock, calendar, and other gizmos to load. Once there though things were responsive. I moved the lock away from the garbage can. The mounted devices though were all overlayed. It's still good to have them on the desktop though! It was nice to be able to tinker with the widgets, display, gtk, etc., to make the desktop look the way I wanted it to. I do like it very simple though! I stick with clearlooks olive.


The modem configuration is much improved! I'd had problems with my Realport 10/100 ethernet card/56kmodem in 4 Dingo. It had worked in Puppy 3 but Puppy 4 Dingo wouldn't load if the pcmcia modem was in the slot. Again the modem could not be found. Probe brought up a new config window. The device came up as "martian_dev" which I then blacklisted because no modem was found to be working. I clicked on the button to clear the setup. I clicked on probe again and it found the correct modem! Awesome! All I had to do then was enter my connection info and bingo! I was connected to the net.


Thanks for keeping Seamonkey as the default! I like it better than Sylpheed. Plus I missed all of the Seamonkey suite.


I still use this too!


Its missing. My spouse loves this game so I'll be putting that on the computer for her.

Third impressions:

Still to come but things are looking very good so far. I'm pleased with Puppy 4.2 Thanks to Who-do and all contributors!

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