Live CD only boots on SCSI server, how to autostart app's?

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Live CD only boots on SCSI server, how to autostart app's?

#1 Post by TomKnowles »

I can only run the live CD on a SCSI server. All other machines complain about access to usr_cram.fs, which IS on the CD. I've tried 2 versions of puppy on a number of machines. Anybody help?
Also, is it possible to configure puppy to autostart an application on bootup. I'm interested for my touchscreen epos application. Any info most welcome.
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#2 Post by MU »

You can add a program to /root/.xinitrc , then it is started when X starts.
Or to /etc/rc.d/rc.local0 , then it is run with the boot-sequence.

Concerning your other prob:
Depends on the computers.
This problem often happens on Windows-machines with more than one partition.

I made a patched image.gz for machines, that have C: as a ntfs-drive.
The patch forces puppy to use pup001 on c: and search usr_cram.fs there.

The image.gz also can be downloaded manually: ... WindowsXP/


Initiation problem and potential uses

#3 Post by TomK »

Mark, if you're there, I'm not making myself clear. I've tried to simply fire up the CD, ostensibly to use a ram only setup, but it never works except on my SCSI box. I've tried a machine without a HD and it's still the same. Don't understand!
Re xinitrc etc. I do understand such matters, but I don't know how to go about effecting this in DSL. I have made a flash drive (IDE) which works, but the OS seems inaccessible (to the naked eye). Where do I find detailled info on how to modify DSL behaviour.
Many thanks for your reply.
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#4 Post by MU »

Hm, I have no idea what could be the reason, as I never tried to run it in RAM.
I just use Harddisk-based configurations.
So please wait, until someone else can answer.

Greets, Mark

#5 Post by Yahawas »

I had that very problem with SCSI. I couldn't figure it out until I found out the method it boots up.
Because I don't like to mount usr_cram.fs off the hard disk, I used this workaround to modify image.gz and put usr_cram.fs on it:

Code: Select all

dd if=/dev/zero of=image2 bs=80M count=1
mke2fs -F -m 0 image2
mount -o loop image2 /mnt/data

# be sure to copy all files from image.gz to /mnt/data
cp usr_cram.fs /mnt/data/root
umount /mnt/data
gzip -9 image2
Now you are ready to use the modified image. :)
Just be sure to add an a huge ramdisk size as a kernel parameter, I myself have added the value "ramdisk_size=122880" to grub.
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