pCD 1.5 - CD-audio player

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#81 Post by zigbert »

Good morning Mick
I don't think a new drive will help. Your output shows that it grabs info from the web, so we must search reasons elsewhere for the buggy behavior.

Please start pCD with a inserted cd, and post the content of the following files here:

This should point us close to the failing command.

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#82 Post by 01micko »


I can tell you now that things fall apart somewhere around the cd text detection.

First of all, "~/.pcd/pcd-cdda" just says "1 | Track1 | (5.01)" etcetera through to track 12.
"pcd-cddb" says a bunch of stuff but most important at line 17 , then

Code: Select all

CD-text: detected
CD-extra: not detected
scanning for MCN...
No media catalog number present.

scanning for ISRCs: 1 ...
Therefore "~/.pcd/tracks" is blank.

I commented out all refs to cd text down to line 56 (and made necessary adjustments :wink: ) in /usr/local/pcd/pcd and lo and behold I got the text displaying, so the internet looked up the cd just fine.

Would a CD from 1991 (Nirvana-Nevermind) have CD text? Did they do that back then?

Hope this helps.
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#83 Post by zigbert »

Since you have a disc with ORIGINAL cd-text information, it would be very helpful to look at the pcd-cddb file. The best would be to compare the file with the one you get when you commented out lines (till line 56). I have only used internal cd-text for discs that I have written in Pburn.

I thought this happened with every disc ????

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#84 Post by 01micko »

Hi Sigmund,

What I will do is run several tests on different CDs. I'll run in terminal, only the cd text command (the commented lines, maybe one by one :wink: ) on a disc I know has cd text (remember that "Misdirection" one?) and several discs.

Then I will run pCD with and without the commented lines and post 2 lots of files with the results of all CDs.

These tests will pinpoint where the error lies. And I may even try another drive too!

This will be time consuming, so it will wait until the weekend. :)

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#85 Post by 01micko »

AAArrrrrrrrgggghhhhh! :evil:


I should have went with my gut feeling in the first place on the Dino! The drive.... yes, replaced with an old burner I had lying around and poked in that "Misdirection" CD and up comes the tracklist! Playing as I type. :twisted:

Anyway, I did all the tests I outlined before I replaced the drive including running various variants of the command

Code: Select all

cdda2wav dev=$DEVICE -info-only -no-infofile
and it seemed more and more likely to me that it was the drive.

:oops: BUT I just this minute realised I am running the pcd modified file! Just tried OFFLINE too! It reads the text by default. The one where I comment the lines and mod as such:

Code: Select all

#read internal cd-text info
#cdda2wav dev=$DEVICE -info-only -no-infofile > $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb 2>&1 &
#while [ ! "$BREAK" ]; do
	#is disc an audio-CD
#		ERROR="No valid audio-CD inserted"
#		BREAK=true
#	fi
	#don't run complete cdda2wav check. kill it when we got enough
#	if [ "`grep ISRC $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb`" ] || [ "`grep 'load cdrom' $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb`" ] ; then
#		BREAK=true
#		for I in `ps | grep cdda2wav | awk '{print $1}'`; do kill -9 $I 2> /dev/null; done
#	fi
#if [ "`grep 'load cdrom' $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb`" ]; then
#	ERROR="No disc inserted"

#if no internal cd-text, try www
#if [ "`grep 'CD-Text: not detected' $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb`" ]; then
	cdda2wav dev=$DEVICE -cddb=1 -info-only -no-infofile > $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb 2>&1 &
	while [ ! "$BREAK2" ]; do
		#don't run complete cdda2wav check. kill it when we got enough
		if [ "`grep ISRC $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb`" ] || [ "`grep 'load cdrom' $WORKDIR/pcd-cddb`" ] ; then
			for I in `ps | grep cdda2wav | awk '{print $1}'`; do kill -9 $I 2> /dev/null; done
lines 36 to 63 inclusive.

I just tested "Slayer-Reign In Blood" which has no text that I'm aware of and it doesn't show OFF line but as soon as I reconnected and read the disc it shows.

Maybe this info could be useful to you.

Obviously still need to check if we have a valid audio CD. I'm not sure how to re-work that part of the code, so I just commented it out for now.

Not much use to post the results now, but if you want them I'll post.

Cheers mate.


EDIT: Just reverted back to the original code. It seems to work fine. It was just the drive at fault.
Last edited by 01micko on Sun 07 Jun 2009, 04:21, edited 2 times in total.
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#86 Post by 01micko »


As a final sanity check I ran this code in a terminal with the "Misdirection" CD inserted.

Code: Select all

cdda2wav dev=/dev/cdrom -cddb=1 -info-only -no-infofile
and it works. The Misdirection tracklist is detected. However, the command doesn't stop... it keeps looping :? Perhaps another option is needed?

I suppose the original code is just fine :) . All good now on the Dino in Upup.

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#87 Post by zigbert »

Version 0.8
See main post

- Set cdrom speed to 2x for silence. (thanks to dogone)
- Theme integration with Pmusic
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#88 Post by ecomoney »

One of the main issues my users report running puppy compared to Windows is that, when inserting a cd it is not clear how to play it. Users are used to this behaviour, which exists on many other linux distributions too, as well as Windows.

Would there be a way for puppy to detect that an audio CD has been inserted and launch pCD automatically?
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#89 Post by zigbert »

Would there be a way for puppy to detect that an audio CD has been inserted and launch pCD automatically?
That would be a job for Barrys pup_event manager.

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#90 Post by disciple »

Users are used to this behaviour
Most of the (Windows) users I know despise this new behaviour and disable it. Computers should not do things unless they are told to - it is much better to have a straightforward way to play and open discs manually (like clicking "My Computer" and clicking on the disc).

Maybe we are all technophiles or control freaks compared to you English :)
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#91 Post by Sylvander »

I like the "Autoplay" feature; if I don't want a disk to autoplay I just hold the [Shift] key while the disk is being detected after closing the drawer.
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#92 Post by ecomoney »

If a person inserts an Audio CD, its a pretty fair bet they either wish to either play it or rip it to the Hard Drive, or why else insert it? As Puppy is a Distro that should be "friendly to linux newbies", then should it not also "assume no prior linux knowledge"?.

Having the ability to (easily) switch this behavior off (by use of a tick box in the dialogue that appears when an audio CD is inserted perhaps) could be a feature.

A very simple text based mockup of a possible gui dialogue....

Code: Select all

                         Puppy CD Manager

                 O      Copy CD to HD with.......[Dropdown]
                 *       Play CD with..................... .[Dropdown]

                 O      Make a copy of this CD
                            [X]      Dont show this again 

        [    Cancel      ]                       [          OK          ]

The dialogue would store the users preferences (which apps to use) and whether to show itself upon inserting a CD at all. The dropdowns could detect common ripping/playing programs (with pCD as failsafe default) perhaps by employing the bash "which" command..i.e

which mplayer
which gxine
which beepMP


My users (none of whom are computer professionals or enthusiasts) tell me that it is difficult to work oput how to play a CD using puppy. Could PCD make the necessary changes to the event manager via its options dialogue, and the dialogue above, to enable this to happen?
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#93 Post by disciple »

If a person inserts an Audio CD, its a pretty fair bet they either wish to either play it or rip it to the Hard Drive, or why else insert it?
Actually, normally when I insert a disc I want to do something with it, but not immediately. Don't ask me why :)

The (windows) users I am talking about who want to be in control of their computer aren't enthusiasts or IT people... but I guess a lot of them are people like engineers, for whom the computer is a tool.
My users (none of whom are computer professionals or enthusiasts) tell me that it is difficult to work oput how to play a CD using puppy.
It might be less automated than recent versions of Windows, but I can't see how it can be difficult - Puppy's menu is actually sorted into logical categories, and CD playing only makes sense in the multimedia menu, so surely anyone who can read would find it there easily?
Also, the most recent Puppy I downloaded has desktop drive icons, which automatically launch gxine to play CDs when you click on them - has that been dropped or something?
Could PCD make the necessary changes to the event manager via its options dialogue, and the dialogue above, to enable this to happen?
The event manager could do with a bit of an overhaul to improve things like you suggest, but I think Zigbert is right and it should definitely be separate. The user should be able to choose what programs it calls. Go ahead and package us an upgrade for it :)[/b]
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#94 Post by disciple »

if I don't want a disk to autoplay I just hold the [Shift] key while the disk is being detected after closing the drawer.
Now that sounds like a feature that is "difficult to work out". It is impossible to work out - you have to be told. Or do they have a tooltip or something to tell you?
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#95 Post by Sylvander »

Way back in Xmas 1996 my son gave me a present of "Windows 95 for dummies".

I made a list on paper of all such features of Win95 [they generally apply to later Windows versions also].
Still have it within arms reach of the PC.
Says page 251 has the info on this.
The book is also within arms reach, and page 251 does indeed have this info. :D

I imagine the Windows Help system would tell of this.

Asked at the biggest/best bookstore in Edinburgh for a book on Puppy Linux and the assistant knew nothing of any such thing. :(
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#96 Post by ecomoney »

We have *confidence* with computers....something no doubt weve got from being linux users.

Windows users, and Windows "refugees", dont possess this inner I.T. confidence...most are scared stiff they will "break" the computers, and of course that would be their fault not Micro$ofts. How could this shiney happy Micro$oft company produce something of such low quality and unreliability? It must be them who is "not very good with computers" - hence their cycle of low computer self esteem, low expectations continues....

(strange though....If they buy a car however they are more then willing to blame Ford for the failure)

The Multimedia menu is full of strange names...Many "Linux newbs" just dont have the confidence to try new things...they want the computer to automatically "do the right thing" for them....and not "break" in the process.

Of course this would all sound amazing to the average Linux Guru who wrote BASH before breakfast every day, and would have the skills to actually implement this feature. But then theyve used linux for years.... :roll:

I had better put a request in "usability" in the next puppy development section....and keep my fingers crossed....it would be much easier on Barry if the code for it was already developed and tested though.
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#97 Post by trapster »

Do "Windows newbs" know what's in the Windows menu until they click on it??

What the hell is notepad, wordpad, Outlook express ?????
Did anyone starting Windows know what they were?
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#98 Post by ecomoney »

Yes but those names are familiar to them now...Linux is the unfamiliar one.

Notepad and Wordpad are fairly self explainitory names. They represent real world concepts that are already familiar to the non-computer literate user.
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#99 Post by disciple »

"Microsoft Office Excel 2003" isn't self explanatory... neither are most Windows programs. But the bad part is that you have to look for them in submenus without meaningful names... although in this case I guess "Microsoft Office" isn't too bad. My brothers complain because they can't find things in the menu... because they don't look. If they want to scan something they can just look in the logical category in the menu. In Windows on our machines they needed to know which programs were best to scan from, run one, and know how to get to the scanning dialogue in them :)
Yes but those names are familiar to them now...
So far being different from Windows is about the only real complaint I've had about Puppy :)
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#100 Post by 01micko »


Um, what would it mean? What could it mean?

Rob, I'm sure your puppy newbies are not idiots.

Do you poke a person in a Ford (new or old ) and the thing starts? No. You have to find the correct key, find the hole to poke it in, turn it in the right direction, adding the correct amount of gas, ensuring that the clutch is disengaged, or the transmission is in neutral, or, if it is automatic, the thing is in "P" (for park) or "N" (for neutral). It aint rocket science.

And, some more modern Fords, or whatever you like, are more complex. Some the handbrake must be engaged. Some you must apply the foot brake. Some you must enter a PIN. Some you must disarm the alarm. Some you must have your seatbelt on. All are different.

Education of any sort is gained, not given.

If, per chance, someone breaks puppy by trying to play a CD, then, it is easily reinstalled, as you know.

Does Puppy really need the overhead of automatic CD detection? I think our efforts would be better spent on other issues. A simple addition to the help files should help any newby play a CD. That's providing pCD is included in the next puppy by default (which I'm sure it will :wink: )


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