dpupmaker.sh v1.9 -- compiles source tarballs into Dotpups

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#21 Post by jmarsden »

ARAN wrote:I want only to say that i have just developed something very interessting thing based on your Script Johnathan.

Its a Rox Application which understand Drag and Drop functionality.

For creating DotPups now the Puppy user dont need any more to use the Shell.
Cool -- this sort of GUI wrapper around dpupmaker.sh is something I have already thought about. I was expecting it to be created rather later, after the script itself has had a lot more testing and real-life use from the command line.

Well done! I am somewhat concerned that making it that easy to install and use may tempt non-developers to try and use it, and that could lead to an explosion of time-consuming "support requests". For example, have you actually successfully used dpupmaker.sh to build xmms-recorder yet? If so, I expect you had to build and install a couple of other things first, right? And how did you know what those pre-requisites were... it often takes some degree of extra knowledge to build medium or large applications successfully.
In the next days i will try to create a DotPup Package of this RoxApplication ...
Go for it! Do make sure the user can see the text output from the script, and to test the exit status of the script (0 means it seems to have worked, 1 or any other non-zero value means it failed. Otherwise the user will not know that they just created a bad or incomplete dotpup!

If you want to just post the Rox app here (not yet Dotpup-ified), ideally with a sentence or two on how to install it into Rox, that would be good too. Or start a separate thread in this forum for your GUI tool, maybe?

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#22 Post by ARAN »

I have just send you a .tar archive of the Rox Application per Private Mail to you.

The Application is not yet finished.
I am searching for a way to open a Bash Terminal Screen and run after this in this window your Skript.
Thats my idea for telling the User what is the actuall status of the dot pup making.
After the ending of the dotpup making the script should then get the Handle of the Bash Window and close after the end of the Process the Window Automaticly.

At the moment the script build the DotPup only quite.
The user dont see the messages of your script.

To try this Application extract it in the Folder
and make shure that the File "AppRun" inside the Folder is set as executable by "chmod +x ...."

This drag and drop application is based on this tutorial here.
Maybe it can be for you be also helpfull.

http://rox.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/inde ... ials/Start
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#23 Post by MU »

I had some problems opening terminal-windows in Puppy.
However it works, see this program that runs wget:
http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.p ... ight=opera

A solution that works fine for me, is using the "real" XTerm:
http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.p ... ight=yacas
It also has a nice option "-hold", that avoids it is closed automatically after a command is executed.

However, Alucard reported problems with it:

But I don't know what happened there exactly.
I will try to replace it with the way the opera-installer runs rxvt.

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#24 Post by jmarsden »

ARAN wrote:I have just send you a .tar archive of the Rox Application per Private Mail to you. ...
I am searching for a way to open a Bash Terminal Screen and run after this in this window your Skript.

First, I suggest discussion of this ROX App would be better if it happens in a separate thread (topic) so it is separate from discussion of dpupmaker.sh itself?

Second: A design suggestion: the GUI app does not really need to open a terminal window... or any kind of shell window. Instead, it just needs some kind of text viewer widget, that displays the combined stdout and stderr streams produced by executing dpupmaker.sh. And some sort of "Yes it worked" or "Oh dear, it didn't work" alert dialog when the script completes, depending on the exit status of the script. This way the user gets the feedback and info they need, but they can't do anything potentially damaging, such as accidentally type commands into a root shell your GUI opened for them ... !

I am a complete beginner at GTK+ stuff, but I think that the GtkTextView widget type would be appropriate for the text viewer?
There's a tutorial on it at http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/ -- in C, but can be fairly readily translated to the Python GTK+ bindings that ROX Apps in the tutorial you pointed to seem to use, I think. Or use the GTK2 bindings of whatever programming language you prefer.

Please note that I have not tried out any of this with ROX at all, it is just an idea I am hoping someone else will explore!

Last edited by jmarsden on Wed 04 Jan 2006, 09:20, edited 2 times in total.
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#25 Post by MU »

you could even use leafpad as a viewer.

Here is a viewer using Gtkdialog, save as gtk_edit and make it executable:

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash

export MAIN_DIALOG='
  <frame Edit>
      <input file>gtk_edit</input>
      <output file>new-file</output>
        <label>Save as new-file</label>
      <button help>
   <button ok></button>
   <button cancel></button>

gtkdialog2 --program=MAIN_DIALOG
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#26 Post by jmarsden »

MU wrote:you could even use leafpad as a viewer. ...
It seems unnecesary to use an editor as a viewer. I think the gtkdialog2 idea would be fine from a shell-script based ROX app, or the Python approach in the tutorial ARAN pointed at would be fine too, if the ROX app is being done in Python.

Since we don't really want or expect the user to edit the output of the underlying script (it makes no sense), wouldn't GtKTextViewer be more appropriate than GtkEdit ? Or am I just demonstrating how poor my knowledge of GTK2 truly is ...?!

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#27 Post by MU »


This includes example-scripts for all (?) currently supported Dialogs.

You don't need to compile it.
Just in the examples, replace "gtkdialog" with "gtkdialog2".

Puppy uses 2 versions of gtkdialog for backward-compatibility, but everybody is encouraged to use gtkdialog2, which is gtkdialog-0.59.8.

There also is "Xdialog" in Puppy, but I don't know all the widgets.
grep Xdialog /usr/sbin/*
gives examples. Or see here: http://xdialog.dyns.net/ , it has a "textbox" you could use.

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#28 Post by ARAN »

@ Mark !

Tank you very much for your very interessting and helpfull links about GTKDialog.

@ Jonathan

What for installed tools does your Script expect to be installed on the PC exactly.
I have seen that it checks for mingw and maybe gcc.
Does it need also other Programms ?

I will open a new Thread for questions and answers how are not related to your dpupmaker.sh Skript.
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#29 Post by jmarsden »

ARAN wrote:What for installed tools does your Script expect to be installed on the PC exactly.
I have seen that it checks for mingw and maybe gcc.
Does it need also other Programms ?
It needs whatever the ./configure script within the tarball needs to build the package being built! Other than bash, tar, which, make, touch, sleep, mkdir, rm, cat, cut, sed, md5sum, zip and mv, the script itself doesn't use anything directly. [[ well, and the ./configure script it expects to find in each tarball, of course! ]]

But -- you can see that just by reading my script anyway :-)

I think it might help you (or anyone!) to build a working GUI for dpupmaker.sh, to first read about the GNU autotools suite, and how these tools are used to create source code tarballs that build in a standard way, and install, on a wide variety of different systems. The knowledge gained by taking the time to do this will also be useful for manually running ./configure to build packages.

There is an online browseable copy of the book GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool by Gary V. Vaughan, Ben Elliston, Tom Tromey and Ian Lance Taylor, at http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/ . This is a great introduction to this set of tools. Definitely recommended.

There is also a decent little tutorial for those creating programs using this set of tools at http://inti.sourceforge.net/tutorial/li ... oject.html which has a handy list of links to other related documentation.

That combination (and a little experimentation!) should be enough for any moderately experienced software developer to understand and use these tools, and therefore to understand what dpupmaker.sh is automating. Google will also find the online manuals for each tool, if you want or need more detailed information about them.

Last edited by jmarsden on Fri 06 Jan 2006, 02:08, edited 1 time in total.
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#30 Post by ARAN »

Thanks a lot for the very interessting Links Jonathan and the very helpfull answer.
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#31 Post by jmarsden »

Here's the list of changes to dpupmaker.sh since 1.4. The big new (and so experimental!) feature is the generation of "source dotpups", making it very easy to publish the sources used alongside the compiled binaries.

Code: Select all

# Revision 1.6  2006/01/13 09:07:51  root
# Source code now installed in /usr/local/archive
# Fixed size calculation for source dotpups
# Fixed registration of source dotpups with pupget database
# Revision 1.5  2006/01/13 05:34:19  root
# Removed make distclean as it is no longer a common target.
# Check exit status of ./configure command and exit upon failure.
# Include dpupmaker.sh version in created dotpup.sh files.
# Add creation of "source dotpup" files (experimental new feature).

P.S. The change log above was generated using RCS, which was itself installed from a dotpup created using dpupmaker.sh -- this means dpupmaker.sh helped build and package RCS, which is now helping maintain dpupmaker.sh :-)
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#32 Post by MU »

Used it to create a dotpup:

I wanted to compile to /usr (because /usr/local/lib is not in Puppys /etc/ld.so.conf), so I ran
# ./dpupmaker.sh /mnt/hda11/_installfiles/bridge-utils/bridge-utils-1.0.6.tar.gz "" CONSAPPS --prefix=/usr

Did not work, so I changed 2 lines from "/usr/local" to "/usr"
I also added
xmessage -center installation finished!
in the end of the parts, where dotpup.sh is created.

Good work!
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#33 Post by jmarsden »

MU wrote:Used it to create a dotpup: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?p=32791#32791
Cool, that is the first reported successful use of it by someone other than me :-)
I wanted to compile to /usr (because /usr/local/lib is not in Puppys /etc/ld.so.conf)
Understood. I've added it to mine, a few days ago. Maybe there should be some discussion about adding /usr/local/lib to the default ld.so.conf for Puppy 1.0.8 or 2.0, or both?? Or, just like the use of /etc/profile.local , it might be useful to add a line

Code: Select all

include /etc/ld.so.conf.local
to it, so that people can customize their library load paths without editing the "official" config? Fedora uses local config directories rather than a single .local file, for both /etc/profile and ldconfig, which makes it easy for packages to drop in additions to either the profile or their library path as they install, so it uses

Code: Select all

include ld.so.conf.d/*.conf
which also seems a good approach.
Did not work, so I changed 2 lines from "/usr/local" to "/usr"
Yes, I hard-coded Barry's request to all dotpup creators to have their dotpups install into /usr/local. Maybe that was a bit too inflexible?
I also added xmessage -center installation finished! in the end of the parts, where dotpup.sh is created.
If you like that, that's fine. I'm personally less comfortable with using xmessage within dotpup.sh -- it makes the install fail if the end user chooses to install from the command line in text mode, instead of from Rox under X. Even under X, it forces the end user to click on OK (to get rid of the message) for each package installed if run in a loop (I have a couple of little scripts, including a simple command line dotpup installer, so that I can compile and build and install a whole set of packages totally unattended, based on a text config file listing them and the options they need to give to dpupmaker.sh, for example). If I downloaded 50 dotpups and wanted to install them all, I'd perhaps be a little irritated at being forced to click OK that many times :-) The Unix / Linux convention for scripts (and for commands in general) is that "silence means it worked".

My thinking on this is that, if you like having that message appear at the end of every dotpup install done by Rox, then it would be more suitable to put the xmessage call into the script within Rox that handles .pup files, once, than to include it in every dotpup.sh. That approach also makes localization simpler (just one place to change the message to the user's preferred language, and you don't have to recreate every dotpup.sh file in every dotpup to support a new language!). The dotpups, and so the dotpup.sh files, that I create are 100% end-user-language-independent, by design. But I do understand that this is a personal choice, and that some of the dotpups out there do not currently follow that philosophy.


#34 Post by bugman »

I would like to say that I am a new user and a complete idiot (the total package!) but I like doing stuff in a terminal. I learn things, I feel cool, I get to whine and complain in this forum when nothing works!

That being said, I downloaded, unzipped, and ran dpupmaker on the Chimera tarball. I got:

./dpupmaker.sh: line 121: ./configure: No such file or directory
dpupmaker.sh: Error: Unable to configure application chimera-2.0a19

I checked line 121 and it said:

./configure ${4:-"--prefix=/usr/local"} ||

Should I change this to something else (there were earlier posts in this thread about /usr that I did not understand)? Is Chimera un-puppable (I think I saw someone in here--or was it the DSL forum--using it)? Should I put aside a week and read the f'ing Rute manual?
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#35 Post by MU »

you should provide a link to the download, so we could look it up.

The standard way of compiling (used by this script, too) is
make install

But not every program uses this way.
Some only have

some only have

some have

This is one of the reasons, why my Dotpup-wizard was based on binary files, you could "prepare" (compile) a program the way it wants it (manually), and then create a dotpup from the resulting binaries.


#36 Post by bugman »

I'd tried to compile it the normal way and that didn't work either. I have no idea why I though making a dotpup would work. But it's Sunday and I have had no book sales all day and I got bored...

Here's a link to the file:


It's yet another small browser, I like trying them out. Some day when I'm feeling really crazy I'll download that Mung Linux thingie just to see what Mungbrowser is like. Maybe when my meds wear off...
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#37 Post by MU »

Yes, this is a typical example.

/doc/INSTALL says:
xmkmf -a

Then you get a binary.
Make stops with an error for an additional HTML-page, but you can ignore that.
The binary is in /chimera
It is 2.3 MB.
You should finally strip it (remove Debugging-code):
cd chimera
strip chimera

The result is a 221 kb -file "chimera" that you can run.


#38 Post by bugman »

Thanks MU, I promise some day I will learn what I'm doing...
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#39 Post by MU »

It took me years to learn these "tricks", so don't apologize :)
That is quite special. For this reason the Dotpups were made in puppy, so that the "custom user" doesn't have to get in trouble with such small little inconveniencies.

I wanted to find out how things work, and I had to (for the job).
But sometimes it was really annoying.

#40 Post by bugman »

I did it and it worked. I'd done those things before, except for the "strip" command, but I think it must've been that error that made me think it had all gone wrong. Plus not realizing where the binary was. I tried typing "chimera" in xrun but I'm guessing (learning?) that I'd have to have a line in a path ($PATH? or something like that?) file somewhere first?

Now it's time to see if the browser is any good. I love Dillo but need cookies!

Reading the Rute page SHOULD have been my New Year's resolution, especially since I've forgotten what I DID resolve already...
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