Whodo/Warren Has left puppy

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Whodo/Warren Has left puppy

#1 Post by ttuuxxx »

For about four months the user "Ecomoney", has been a forum nightmare, He's put down developers, he's constant relives past mistakes, and has shown a unhealth way to forum members, Some of the forum members like Whodo, have been great leaders and I have the utter most respect for, If it wasn't for Whodo/Warrens work on 2.15ce I would of never stayed with puppy, and look at what I've brought to puppy. I did try earlier puppies but I'm more of a bling type guy. Anyways I want to say if it wasn't for Warren I would be here and that would of been a big loss, not just to community but also to myself.

I for one want the forum administrators to kindly think about banning indefinitely the user "Ecomoney" he has broken the last straw in my eye, Its 100% because of him that Warren has asked for his account to be suspended and also that warren has resigned from package coordinator.
Warren was the one who got me going on Icewm, he has also helped many of the other forum members and also had a great icewm package for almost every series :), he has successfully coordinated 2 CE editions and has truly proven himself as one of the leaders of pack.

If the forum admins decide to ban "Ecomoney" he can still download software from the forum, he just won't be able to log in and ignore and waste the developers/peoples time who are trying to get things done.
Ecomoney has been a thorn in many users sides and its time to remove that thorn.

Thank you for your time

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#2 Post by bugman »

i am against banning egomoney

i am in favor of forcing him to type in the same color as the forum background

[invisible ink]


EDIT - just realized there are TWO background colors, alternating between messages, rendering my scheme USELESS

[ban away]
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#3 Post by techtype »

Each member should look carefully and honestly at their own interactions and responses to Ecomoney's behavior. Did you try to appease or defend him? Did you try to excuse him in the name of free speech or free whatever?
I've come to the conclusion that trying to get Linux aficionados to defend their boards is similar to going to a pacifist board to recruit people to defend their country. It just isn't going to happen.
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#4 Post by trapster »

It's not ecomoney getting people "worked up". It's people letting themselves get worked up about what ecomoney says.

Just because he posts a comment doesn't mean we have to read or respond to it.

When the wife comes home all p*ssed-off about someone, I usually ask her "why do you let those other a-holes ruin YOUR day." If they are the asses, that is their problem not ours.

It's a shame people are letting him get under their skin.

Remember ttuuxxx, you were getting under WhoDo's skin for a while and nobody banned you.
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#5 Post by DaveS »

I guess what it comes down to is, we have failed Warren. Why? Because it is a fundamental understanding of forum usage that attacks of a personal nature are not to be tollerated. Crtiticsm is a vital part of any progression, but personal attacks are not.
So where are we now? We lost a valuable, even vital community member, and a bully stalks the halls. We should have stopped it on day one. We ALL owe Warren an appology, and must never let it happen again.
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#6 Post by Flash »

There must be more to it than that. I didn't think ecomoney was such a problem that he could cause WhoDo to quit Puppy. The last exchange between them that I saw, WhoDo seemed to be defending himself with gusto. Maybe ecomoney was the last straw for WhoDo.
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#7 Post by tasmod »

What a short memory ttuuxxx. 8)
"but I'm more of a bling type guy"
and has shown a unhealth way to forum members
He's put down developers
Is this the same ttuuxxx that attacked zigbert over his work and constantly put down pwidgets as useless bling.
To the extent he (ttuuxxx) was asked to calm down.

Come, on, you're not really ttuxxx are you? You're an imposter, ttuxxx wouldn't hold back like that 8)

:lol: :lol: :lol: It's all tongue in cheek ttuuxx, i agree whole heartedly that we are all sorry over the issue for Warren. As I've said before I've no axe to grind with you.

I believe that ecomoney needs to 'step out of it' so to speak and try to see a different view of how he comes over.
I don't think for one minute he sees how he comes across as 'carping' rather than making useful comment.

The one thing about Puppy that amazes me, is that you can make it your 'own'. However this takes a bit of effort on your own part and shouldn't rely on others to provide for you.
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#8 Post by zigbert »

ttuuxxx wrote:JERK for continuing this crap, why don't you and ecomoney join forces and really screw over as many people as you can, why not have a competition and the winner could get the biggest jerk of puppy linux award? !!!!
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#9 Post by Schism »

Puppy is great!
What makes it so is the peoaple who work with it. ALL OF THEM! To lose any of them does no good. People have opinions, idea's, and purpose different from others. It has, and always been that way.

Puppy is a gift. Not always for ourselves but for others.

Whodo, I love Puppy 4.2.1, I run it off of a 4G USB drive.
Tuxxx, I also used your no bling, still on my PC.
MU, I use Newyearspup as my main pup(typing on it now).
I've experimented with all Pupe py types and derivatives. Given peopleo versions to the tastes and systems.

PRIDE will be the death of the human race. It causes pain and war.

Most important to keep everyone with different views and opinions. The ability to customize Puppy to individual needs is what makes it. The more people we keep with different ideas the better Puppy will be for everyone.

Szun Tzu stated, in the Art of War Section 2.6,"There is no instance that a country benefited from prolonged warfare." We can apply this to the smallest aspects of life.
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#10 Post by Sylvander »

1. Every member of the Puppy Linux forums should be, and I hope are...
Willing and able to say what they really think...
Just so long as what they say, and how they say it is within the rules of the forum, and AS PERMITTED BY THE MODERATORS.
If the moderators believed that a member was motivated by malicious intent, would they not take action against them?

2. If any member feels he cannot live with what the moderators permit, to the extent that he decides to leave...
Then it brings into question whether the moderators are right or wrong.

(a) If the moderators are right...
Then it's tough for the person who cannot live with it, but that's just the way it is.

(b) If the moderators are wrong...
Then they need to change and begin getting it right.

3. We all work within the same forum rules do we not?
Would each one of us be accorded the same level of concern?
"Without feud or favour" as the legal term goes?
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#11 Post by mcewanw »

Perhaps it's time for everyone to declare a truce and get back to the business in hand, which should be to help others and not be pushy. Of course it is part of reasonable forum debate to argue for the inclusion or otherwise of features in Puppy, but over-reaction to reasonable criticism and temper-tantrums is threatening to render this forum ridiculous.

Truly off-topic debates is a different matter (though maybe not such a great idea either since human nature tends to cause any resulting disputes to spill over onto other forum threads).

I feel that if somebody wants to leave, that's up to them; if somebody wants to stay or come back then fine; if anyone finds anyone pushy or annoying, just ignore them.

The main thing is just to keep helping each other technically, collaboratively and supportively, despite our many differences of opinion (technical, political, religious, distribution preferences, and so). I certainly have my likes and dislikes and grey areas inbetween, and some of my own views and opinions are far from generally popular (and I think of WhoDo and several others when I say that), but so what? People are entitled to their opinions without having to face being shouted down. Eventually we all feel like "leaving" when things are continually like that (though, I'll say this much for Ecomoney: he seems to have a very thick skin).

Gang-like behaviour is another matter; that is ugly and should end because it inevitably results in pointless and destructive time-wasting war.
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#12 Post by hondasid »

i have o agree and say that the moderators have look at themselves and see what is going wrong. This is a community of volunteers and loosly organized, but a forum is a forum and we need rules in the forum. Debate is one thing. personal attacks are another. both parties, as well as other users, are guilty of it. we all need to change.

And yes, we all owe Warren an apology.

Can't we just agree to disagree?
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#13 Post by Sylvander »

1. "I'll say this much for Ecomoney: he seems to have a very thick skin"
Don't you believe it.
No-one, but no-one, really does have a "thick skin".
Each person has a belief system.
And part of their belief system may differ from that of others around them.
So that they find themselves in conflict with the ideas of a proportion of others in a certain "arena".
And differences of belief/attitudes/opinions will always cause some level of discomfort...
Even if repressed.
Ecomoney may be more upset than he is prepared to admit to himself, never mind others. [BEWARE!]
WhoDo freely admits to himself and others that he is upset.

2. Quite often when someone believes they are failing to meet their own goals and standards...
They will endow a perceived opponent with those characteristics they despise in their self.
And then despise that person instead of themselves.
So it pays to beware.
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#14 Post by rjbrewer »

In the end; some form of ostracism or banishment may be
necessary with someone who mistakenly believes they're

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#15 Post by seeker »

Having kept tabs on some of the attacks on ecomoney this garbage really burns me. Rob you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. You get taken to task for not providing enough feedback on 4.2 and when you try to provide feedback you are subjected to 9 pages of attacks for it. This topic is just another one. It seems like every time you post the same small group (gang) lines up with their insults and flames. Just look above this post to see who they are. http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 834#314834 I read the thread up to the point that WhoDo blew up. What I read is ecomoney stressing the feedback from his users along with a truthful assessment of Linux in general followed by a venomous attack from WhoDo.

Rob, you might as well give it up. Even if you created a version of Puppy that met all your needs and was 100% newbie friendly, I doubt that these guys would adopt one line of code for mainstream Puppy.

I used to admire some of these people for their contributions but the public display of their character has soured me on Puppy. These are the people who will continue Puppy development after Barry withdraws?? No thanks.

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#16 Post by raffy »

Whodo is already facing stress in many fronts. He is moderator of the development section of this forum as well as package maintainer at ibiblio, handpicked by Barry. But he faces financial difficulties, too.

The least that forum members can do now is nag him about his past shortcomings, whether perceived or real. People here know that teams take turns in development, and you can always work on your preferred project all the time. There is no excuse for nagging.

Also, pitting one group against another, such as users against developers, should be avoided by all means.
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#17 Post by James C »

I jokingly changed his name to "Egomoney" in another thread, however iy does seem appropriate. The only thing being promoted by Ecomoney is Ecomoney.

A few months ago he volunteered to make a video for Puppy. A concern arose over the size of the credits for him and his company and, no video has appeared yet.

He maintains on social sites, like Facebook, that he is a project manager for a "top ten Linux Distro" and in reality he started the infamous "Community Edition" in 2007 with no finished project in sight. Most project managers who work that slowly would be fired.

If Ecomoney wants a Linux distro for his friends, company, clients, babysitters, etc. he can build his own or remaster or........ instead he tries to change Puppy to fit his needs. Some of his ideas are pretty good...........for a puplet.

If someone wants to work with Ecomoney on a puplet, go for it.However, for the main Puppy distribution Ecomoney needs to chill and WhoDo needs to stay. One is interested in advancing Puppy while the other is interested in promoting his own self-interest. You decide who is who.
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#18 Post by hondasid »

This kind of in-fighting will result in 4.2.1 being the last Puppy. We're slowing tearing ourselves apart. Why can't we just let bygones be bygones and get back to the task at hand: making Puppy better.
Instead of looking out Windows, I'm playing with my Puppy.
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#19 Post by ttuuxxx »

All I have to say guys Is I would take Warren over ecomoney any day, Warren provides the goods, and Ecomoney takes them and runs. Then comes back and tries to boss us around. Really if he did get the boot, that would show some good faith towards Warren, and maybe he might come back, even if he gets the boot like for 2 weeks, just to prove a point to him and Warren that enough is enough. Sure I had my outs with Whodo when I was under pressure during the 4.2 build, but how many of you received a Email from Warren about leaving today? well?? I did, that proves something.

Anyways call it what you will, Warren is great for puppy. Losing him would be a great loss to us all.

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#20 Post by hondasid »

Anyways call it what you will, Warren is great for puppy. Losing him would be a great loss to us all.

Instead of looking out Windows, I'm playing with my Puppy.
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