Whodo/Warren Has left puppy

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#21 Post by SirDuncan »

I'm sorry to hear about Warren's departure. When I first came to the forums, Warren with his friendly alien-head avatar was one of the posters that I quickly learned to look up to. I do hope that he will reconsider. Even if he chooses to no longer coordinate for the project, his staying would be beneficial to the community.

This row between Robert and Warren/Ttuuxxx has gotten out of control. Robert sent a poorly worded PM to Warren (I prefer to believe it was not intentional that it was as threatening as it seemed) and Warren reacted a bit more harshly than was probably warranted. Robert then reacted in kind and a spiral of resentment and malice ensued. Then instead of letting things cool off, Robert posted some things that came off as deriding instead of as suggestions or observations. When this was pointed out to him, he ignored it instead of amending his post (for an example see his thread about Woof's theme, he was declaring an intentional "feature" in an alpha to be a serious bug for end users, not unlike stating that Lorem Ipsum text in a document template is going to confuse readers of the final document). Normally, this might not have been a problem, but with tempers already flaring it only made things worse.

Overall, I guess I just feel disappointed that it got this bad. A little more tact from either side would likely have stopped this whole thing.
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#22 Post by 01micko »

This I believe, is truly the saddest day in Puppy history.

On many forums, people are banned for sending threatening PMs to anyone. Fair enough. Why should anyone be held to ransom?

Which is the biggest loss to Puppy?
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#23 Post by davesurrey »

Hello 01micko ...and others

I really have no axe to grind with you or anyone here but I can't believe some of the things I'm reading on this thread; similar to the one when WhoDo "resigned" before.
This I believe, is truly the saddest day in Puppy history.
Are you serious? It may be a sad day for you or WhoDo or perhaps Barry, who may now need to find someone else to do the work involved in packages for version 5 (or whatever he had asked WhoDo to do) but I doubt it warrants the doom and gloom that you profess. One person does not a distro make, perhaps unless it's the key developer.
On many forums, people are banned for sending threatening PMs to anyone. Fair enough. Why should anyone be held to ransom?
If you are dragging up the old issue of Ecomoney sending a PM to WhoDo, which the latter interpreted as being threatening, then please remember that none of the moderators or even John Murga seemed to have agreed that it was sufficiently threatening, if it were at all, as to warn Ecomoney, let alone ban him.

Which is the biggest loss to Puppy?
You asked the question. So let me say that IMO losing Ecomoney or WhoDo won't cause this distro to fail. I do accept that both have made contributions, in very different ways (perhaps that's the problem?) But it might reduce the amount of invective that has pervaded this forum for the last few months.

But if you are asking for a poll on WhoDo versus Ecomoney then I'll state quite clearly that I favour Ecomoney staying. Why, well simply because I have never seen him use personal attacks, despite his obvious passion. I certainly don't agree with all he says but he is IMO entitled to his opinion.

Whereas I have seen personal attacks and "throwing toys out of the pram" tactics from WhoDo when someone has had the temerity to disagree with him. I expected someone in a position of given responsibility to have behaved better.

Ecomoney comes across sometimes as a bit naive, but WhoDo seems a bully.

I have no doubt the "mob", as I've seen it called, will round on this but I just don't like this imbalance.

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#24 Post by droope »

Warren's loss...

Let's make this clear, Warren is not saying I leave because Ecomoney bullies me.

And, even if he did, it's his problem, not ecomoney's. Eco isn't pointing a gun at his head. If warren really dislikes his prescence, he can ignore him, and that finishes business for us all.

I thought we had ended with this already!!!!!!! Stop wasting time! (and get to work!! :P :P :P j/k please don't kill me)
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#25 Post by alienjeff »

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, so I think I'll make a PBJ sammich and pour a glass of milk.

Having survived a number of pissing matches and pitching of stones on this forum, I can understand how this one was bound to happen. Typical clash of the egos. Inevitable.

It wasn't altogether that long ago when it was ttuuxxx who was riding the cotton pony, got his panties all bunched up, and took an indefinite leave of absence from the fold. And that episode was in large part ego-driven, as is this current one.

From a distance, Robert's incessant needling was only a symptom of what pushed Warren over the edge.

Rotation of service helps to prevent burn out. Perhaps this unplanned hiatus of Whodo's will be beneficial to all involved.
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#26 Post by markofkane »

I like Puppy, and it's a shame Whodo is leaving. But he did say it was final, right?

I hate to see Warren leave the forum, for the short time I was a member.

There will always be troublemakers, and as a moderator of a few forums, I warn, then ban if warnings don't work.

My philosophy is: If you don't like it, leave. (If you don't like Puppy or the forum)

Whiners should go cry in their beer and leave the rest of us alone. (I don't mean Whodo, but those that whine constantly about Puppy or the forum.

I hope I don't appear to be a whiner. :oops:

Just my 2 cents. 8)
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#27 Post by trio »

Hi all,

I hate to loose Whodo, after all, he's my bling-brother along with ziggy, micko, tasmod. But, comes back to my opinion = puppy is about choices. So, I really like to have whodo stays but also respect his choice.

As for Ecomoney's presence, I think most of us here, had said something rude, including me. But this is a forum, and the are moderators (who should do their job)...and really their job to decide when to ban people. We can have whatever opinion here, and it's the moderators' job to filter it.

that's all I have to say... gonna miss you whodo :cry:
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#28 Post by disciple »

seeker wrote:Rob... It seems like every time you post the same small group (gang) lines up with their insults and flames. Just look above this post to see who they are.
Did you read the above posts you referred to?
It must be a small gang - Ttuuxxx, Ttuuxxx and Ttuuxxx :)
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#29 Post by ttuuxxx »

disciple wrote:
seeker wrote:Rob... It seems like every time you post the same small group (gang) lines up with their insults and flames. Just look above this post to see who they are.
Did you read the above posts you referred to?
It must be a small gang - Ttuuxxx, Ttuuxxx and Ttuuxxx :)
Hey thats my best friends your talking about :wink: Me,myself and I, lol 3 three ttuuxxx-a-tears lol
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#30 Post by moogsydodong »

I think all these commotion is a result of prolonged
sleep deprivation and probably unhealthy eating habits...

we all need adequate food
and sufficient sleep...

when did the last time you guys had a good night sleep???

...I'm going to eat plenty and sleep well...

I suggest you guys do too...maybe tomorrow when we wake up
we'll all be better... :wink:
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#31 Post by mcewanw »

moogsydodong wrote:I think all these commotion is a result of prolonged sleep deprivation and probably unhealthy eating habits...
Irritable, irrational, megalomania, split personality

I remember Ecomoney using his deep knowledge of psychiatry to diagnose the mental health faults he perceived in ttuuxxx

So what if ttuuxxx has an insane habit of laughing out loud at his many selfs?

But certainly, I can't help but feel that moogsydodong is onto something. It may not be caused by extreme sleep deprivation or eating too many kangaroos or modern fat trash food, but many of the symptoms described by moogsydodong are said to occur in the sleep deprived or those otherwise leading a life unbalanced or contrary to healthy needs.

Or as AJ puts it, too much ego

tipping the persons involved over the edge perhaps...
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#32 Post by sidders »

I agree with moogsydodong.
I suffer from sleep deprivation. I take wine for it, it helps.

Red wine that is. None iof this namby white stuff
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#33 Post by jduffy22335 »

hondasid wrote:This kind of in-fighting will result in 4.2.1 being the last Puppy. We're slowing tearing ourselves apart. Why can't we just let bygones be bygones and get back to the task at hand: making Puppy better.

This kind of activity always seems to occur, when people believe they have vested interest in a project (not ownership). When we put time and effort (sometimes money) into a project, we perceive that certain tasking will de-rail the part that we spent all our time on getting things a certain way.

Each of us provides a useful part of development, we just do not always see the other side in any color of green.

Anyway thanks to ALL that contribute.
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#34 Post by seeker »

disciple wrote:Eh?
Did you read the above posts you referred to?
It must be a small gang - Ttuuxxx, Ttuuxxx and Ttuuxxx Smile
You got me there! In the heat of the moment I neglected to paste in the url. It's corrected. And NO I don't mean everyone who posted in that thread. Use your own judgment.
Seriously people, when is this bs going to stop.
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#35 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

I'm sorry to see Warren (WhoDo) leave. Warren's 215CE with EZPup was grrrrreat!, a real convincer.

Nevertheless, I don't see Robert (ecomoney) in any serious bad light either. Granted, Robert might have reviewed the temper of his composition, and gentled it down a notch or three, reduced the skull-and-crossbones to a simple frowny-face, before he ran it up the flagpole.

Better yet, he might have modified his own EcoPup himself to give us examples of the collective improvements he desires. But of course, merely stating how it should change, and actually driving the twelve-horse chariot of producing a working Linux distro which features the desired changes, are two different smokes aren't they.

I would be delighted to see Warren return.
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#36 Post by PaulBx1 »

Ach, humans! :roll: :wink:
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#37 Post by davec51 »

I have nothing to say about the playground fights some Puppians seem to delight in. I'm only posting to say that WhoDo was kind and helpful to me on a number of occasions. I'll take this opportunity to thank him.
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#38 Post by sidders »

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#39 Post by James C »

Computer Bob does the same thing on several other Linux forums so that isn't a big surprise.

This ongoing mess should have been taken care of weeks ago before things got completely out of hand.

I personally hope WhoDo reconsiders but either way it is time to move on.....
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#40 Post by raffy »

Re: computerbob's blog - I gave this forum an "R" rating - you have to be a responsible adult to participate meaningfully here (and I guess that holds true for any truly democratic space).
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