Classic Pup 2.14X -- Updated 2 series

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What is the best Puppy Version ever, LOL

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#301 Post by ttuuxxx »

The last release was ... /214X3.iso
"The bandwidth for the month of June 2009 has been exceeded."
So I'll be releasing a newer version maybe tomorrow or the next day 24-48 Hrs. and using the other server. Which is cool, Please don't pm Eric about it, He does enough already :) No need to stress him.
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#302 Post by clarf »

ttuuxxx wrote:
tasmod wrote: I have two problems, I can't get wireless network card recognised.
There is madwifi but I'm sure it's not being run. I have an Atheros card, pretty standard but not in card list.
Thanks tasmod, if you run the connection wizard from the desktop, I added a third option, lol You would have to be online for it to work, basically I was thinking that people might have a wired connection and would like to use wireless also, so you use the wired connection to download the wireless/network extras, I didn't add all the new wireless etc drivers because, well it would add like 10MB+ to the size and this re-release was intended for older pc, where most don't need them. anyways if you click the 3rd option it would take you to ... 2-to-2.14/
those are updated drivers that should work on it :) hope one works out for you.
Great info ttuuxxx, thanks to these wifi-drivers link I finally could configure my wireless card.

Althought my Broadcom wireless card was correctly recognized and loaded by Puppy, It didn´t detected any AP (in fact the Scan button from NetworkWizard didn´t work) and I couldn´t configure any wireless network manually either, until I installed the "bcm43xx-firmware" pet...

Now I can scan wireless networks :lol: . I even can use Pwireless to scan and connect wireless netowrks, but it still freeze my laptop when using the Profiles page (as I reported before)...

Don´t know if other wireless card owners have similar problems but the firmware files seems to be needed... These firmware pets are small (Broadcom-firmware pet is just 28KB ) , could you include the missed firmware files in Puppy 2.14xx ttuuxxx?. Thanks again ttuuxxx.
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#303 Post by ttuuxxx »

clarf wrote:could you include the missed firmware files in Puppy 2.14xx ttuuxxx?. Thanks again ttuuxxx.
Yes I had that one planned for the next release:)
Just working on other parts first :)
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#304 Post by clarf »

ttuuxxx wrote:
clarf wrote:could you include the missed firmware files in Puppy 2.14xx ttuuxxx?. Thanks again ttuuxxx.
Yes I had that one planned for the next release:)
Just working on other parts first :)
:shock: , You´re always a step ahead...
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#305 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Ttuuxxx,
I love it, cant shut it off...literally...the shutdown and reboot in the menu lead to "the black death"...but this laptop can be cantankerous, so...
But "ctrl-alt-bkspce" gets me to the prompt just fine..Will test on the "dinosaur" desktop and get back...
Firefox has stayed locked on, no crashes, full screen video flawless..
Still cant switch themes, looking into it...Pwireless works fine, as does PupTV, including the mplayer side after I installed the Mplayer for PupTV pet.. All installed programs, and those pets Ive tried, work fine..
Very quick, very stable, very nice..
I had about given up on FF3, I always use your FF- pet from a while back...Works better than any browser Ive tried, on more machines..But maybe there is hope for the 3 series yet.. :D
Still cant get frugal to work, but I am glad to know that "init is the parent of all processes"...Must be important... :D
Will try a frugal and full install on the "dino" and see how that goes..
:shock: , You´re always a step ahead...
Or are we just following one step behind... :?:
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#306 Post by tempestuous »

When I posted updated drivers for this series recently, I intended them to be "hotfixes" for individual users.

But if anyone wants to include any/all of these drivers into an ISO release - please be careful.
Several of these drivers will conflict with standard drivers, specifically:

These drivers are for particular situations, and should (obviously) not be included in a general release.
The exception might be, for example, a release targeted at Eee users. Such a release is, of course, specialised by its nature.
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#307 Post by ecomoney »

Ive given it a spin on an old school computer (2.6 intel/512mb/40gb), extremely fast :)

My observations...

I like the rounded makes it look modern and attractive (jwm 2.0?), as do the icons

Searchmonkey seems a useful upgrade, both in terms of power and usability, on pFind. I look forward to testing it further.

pMusic, however wouldnt run after briefly showing the splash screen

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# pmusic

cat: /root/.pmusic/tmp/pmusic-PID2: No such file or directory
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Bass',0

cat: /root/.pmusic/tmp/filebrowser_dir: No such file or directory
xwininfo: error: No window with name Pmusic exists!
xwininfo: error: No window with name Pmusic exists!

I couldnt test any other pSeries Apps as the server at is overloaded. The pSeries apps are undeniably popular with those that already have puppy linux experience. Perhaps you would be kind enough to advise?

Adobe Flash....I see this version of Puppy doesnt have it included by default. I know the reasons why this is. I understand this puppy 2 version has updated glibc libraries, allowing flash ten to work and further "future proof" this version.

The flashplayer, for most internet users, is part of the "all the software for daily use" a possible solution.

Flash is only needed when on the internet...could the Seamonkey version you have compiled be given the ability to automatically download and install the flash player and install when needed? This would also create more space for things needed for those not online.

The new Seamonkey is fast, responsive and well configured generally ....apart from the "helper apps" section. It needs to "Just work", assuming no prior linux knowledge for our "linux newbies".

I am excited to see you have done some (very welcome and overdue) work on the Puppy linux installer UI (labelled "petget" on the desktop?). There has been some work on the [url]automatic installation scripts[/url] for those that need a "just works" installation to "breath live into old hardware". I would very much like to contribute some testing (including linux newbies) to this new interface. The "Puppy will easily install to......hard drive media" mission is from my observation the easiest and most needed point on which PL can improve ATM. Would you post a link?

Some of the applications could do with a refresh/recompile (such as Transmission and Gaim). Its good to see a dedicated chat client. The lack of JAVA in puppy really only effects end users in that they cannot use their Facebook chat. This can be enabled with an "attym" plugin

I believe attym is the Gaim project renamed after a legal dispute. Facebook is an extremely useful way that new users could tell their social networks about Puppy Linux (sponsored by Micro$oft or not!).

Many thanks for your work on re-invigorating the 2 series kernel support (for which there are already so many well-tested packages). It will no doubt go a long way to preserving the usability of the thousands of older computers out there that would otherwise be destined for landfill rather than peoples homes and businesses. For that you should be proud.

@ Tempestious

Is there absolutely no way of discovering programmatically the correct driver to load? I assume these anomalies in correct driver detection exist only for specific types of laptop...could puppy not discover it was running on one of these special cases any other way (e.g. I understand that the Asus EEE has a specific screen resolution that could be tested for). I guess this is the old 80/20 rule :roll:
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#308 Post by Roy »

As promised, I tried this (2.14X3 and Barry's Puppy 218) on an old Toshiba Tecra 730CDT laptop. Since the CDRom is broken (think it never was bootable?) and there are no USB ports, I tried a full install by pulling the original Toshiba 1.358GB IDE hard drive for temporary duty in a newer machine... Oops! The original drive is about twice as thick and won't install into newer laptops, so I cheated by using a newer spec 20GB IDE laptop drive. Both distros (214X3 and 218) worked fine as a live CD on the newer laptop, but the Toshiba's BIOS would not recognize the full 20Gig of disk space...

Back into the new machine, I reformatted the 20GB HD to 1.33GB ext3 SDA1 (boot), 128GB Linux Swap (to compliment the Toshiba's 64MB of RAM), and set the remainder as an extended ext2 (SDA5) partition.

And it ALMOST works in the old Toshiba Tecra...

Code: Select all

Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
And that's where everything stops; it just hangs.


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#309 Post by myman_05 »

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#310 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi guys I'm seriously thinking of including this MONOPOLY game I compiled/packaged on 2.14.1X its a server game with chat text, which could be real fun, basically we all could join and play against each other, The only thing is that I didn't spend anytime on figuring out the server logins etc, so If someone could figure out how to connect to the server, that would be great, anyways here's a pet, its 4 different packages all-in-one pet. :)
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#311 Post by ecomoney »

This is the way I prefer to play a "monopoly" :lol:

Puppy Win32.exe installer for Xp and 2000

Half a megabyte would be better used this way I feel.
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#312 Post by ttuuxxx »

I don't think they support the servers anymore, but I checked ubuntu and they also package that game up, hmmm
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#313 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi Guys I compiled some SDL stuff with sound to get you going on that sort of fun stuff.

This pet contains:
libmikmod-3.1.11 ...

If you want to compile SDL stuff using that, you need the dev files which is located at ...

And for your enjoyment I compiled a defender game that has sound/Voice and you shoot a borg bill gates who's trying to steal your penguins ,lol :) Its really great sound effects, you use the arrow buttons and spacebar to fire. ... You need just the First SDL package to run the game

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#314 Post by ttuuxxx »

ok this is it for now to do with games, This SDL game is realllllly addictive, you have to click 4 corners and make a square or rectangle, The game needs sdl from above, I removed the sound file because it was 5.8MB lol for 1 ogg song, So I spit it into 2 pets, 1st is the game and if you really want the sound file its there, Note you have to install the game before the music file, because I included a fake ogg sound file so the game would play, it wouldn't run without one, so if you install the music file second, it will overwrite the dummy sound file.

game (874kb pet) ...

Music File (5736kb pet) ...

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#315 Post by ecomoney »

It is very similar to the "gemgame" already installed in 2.14, there is a similar game on facebook now which is very popular.

The SDL libraries will enable many other games to be played with 2 series, and I believe some educational apps also. Thank you for these.

Perhaps, as you have so much experience in it, you would update the word processor/gnumeric apps too.
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#316 Post by ttuuxxx »

ecomoney wrote:It is very similar to the "gemgame" already installed in 2.14, there is a similar game on facebook now which is very popular.

The SDL libraries will enable many other games to be played with 2 series, and I believe some educational apps also. Thank you for these.

Perhaps, as you have so much experience in it, you would update the word processor/gnumeric apps too.
Barry has updated abiword on 2.18 that also works on this one, I just need to install and add the docx plugins etc and mime types, but updating gnumeric wouldn't make any sense, There have been no new file formats produced for gnumeric from what I'm aware of, the later package(including Goffice) versions are much larger around 1MB compressed. Since Barry updated abiword is to the last stable font version for puppy and not the current model it doesn't come with those extra plugins, They need to be compiled and added, maybe the ones from 4.2 might work, I haven't tried yet.

Ps The abiword package will be added near the end. Since its already been tested. I'm more focused on getting the backend up to date.

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#317 Post by ttuuxxx »

I'v3 been playing with mut today, I change the fonts, font sizes, colours, the icons were a pain because they were .ppm extenstion, But I worked it out :) I figured out how to give the boxes a background colour to make them look more like buttons, Then I changed the wording to make it easier for people to understand
Enabled=Mounted partition
View=Unmounted partition
Still not 100% happy with the font colours

what a blurry screenshot, hmmm mtpaint doesn't usually give such bad results.
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#318 Post by clarf »

ttuuxxx wrote:I'v3 been playing with mut today, I change the fonts, font sizes, colours, the icons were a pain because they were .ppm extenstion, But I worked it out :) I figured out how to give the boxes a background colour to make them look more like buttons, Then I changed the wording to make it easier for people to understand
Enabled=Mounted partition
View=Unmounted partition
Still not 100% happy with the font colours
I never liked mut when I started to use Puppy, the first thing I thought when I saw those "boxes" was, they were informational boxes, but didn´t notice that they were "buttons". Great thing that your are working with it.

Althought I´m not sure about some changes:

The new reload button doesn´t seems a button at all, seems like a logo for me.

The wording Enable - View don´t seems clear for me... If I mounted a partition/disk then I can view it (view the content), or not?. I prefer the mount - unmount words anyway.

The Puppy logo looks great, or is it a button?. :lol:

Last edited by clarf on Thu 18 Jun 2009, 16:16, edited 1 time in total.
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#319 Post by clarf »

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#320 Post by ttuuxxx »

hi clarf

The way it was before, was a bit confusing I figured,lol
when the hard drive was mounted you had a unmount button, You could look at that 2 ways, Is my hard drive unmounted or does pressing this button unmount my hard drive.
The way I have it now, its green which is usually go, and it says its "Enabled"

same with the "View" if you click view, It will mount. and you can "view" your files.

Well I can always change it back, I never liked the working before. oh well. Well at least its clear to read and has updated looks, lol lol
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