Whodo/Warren Has left puppy

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#101 Post by ttuuxxx »

techtype wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:Try something big like a iso, I dropped in a 98MB puppy .iso, pick one and try it.
Yep, locked up Firefox, but I was able to kill it and then restart Firefox. In fact, I'm using it now. So one minus point and one plus point --- I'm back at zero.
Ya the great thing about the new firefox is that it remembers all your pages :), even if jwm crashes.
excellent :)
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#102 Post by MU »

I know well, why I refused to take over the role of a project coordinator.

I was moderating a famous german Linux forum for 10 years.
When the provider decided to shut down the forum system because of the increasing surveiance by the german government (with lots of visits from the police because of other forums), I decided, not to switch to another provider.
Instead, I decided to let "die" 10 years of free support in germany.
But the political background is just one reason.

The other one is, that over the years, I became somewhat "desillusionated" about people in the web.

My own "rule" is to try to find quiick solutions, and to avoid endless discussions. If I cannot convince someone quickly about my ideas, then I leave him, and concentrate again on my work.

Many other people see this different.
It would be too simple, to accuse Rob, as this is a widespread mentality, to insist on own oppinions.

I was aware, that this problem would occur in some form, as I remembered well the disputes we had a wile ago concening the Puppylinux foundation.

So I was aware, that a coordinator will have to spend a lot of time in replying to messages, that do not really interest him.
Hey - I just was away one week - and it is impossible to read all messages since then (1000?).
This can create a very high amount of "stress" (? german), as I know from the discussions in my german board. Responsible people quickly get burned out, and (must) flee from the situation, to keep their integrity intact.

I have no solution for this problem.
Maybe it would help, to "spread the load". Use 3 coordinators instead of one.
No idea. Just some thoughts.

Warren - thanks for all of your work. I would be glad, if you stay.

Banning - not so good, people often get even more upset, you can generate "stalkers" like this. And they could register under different names.

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#103 Post by ecomoney »

Wow Mark, I did not know you had this much experience thank you for sharing it. In creating something as complicated as puppy, there are many things that must be "co-ordinated". A model you suggest with several moderators would lighten the load on each one, and produce a better quality Puppy if every co-ordinators role/area was well defined.

I would not know how such a division of labour would be made.
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#104 Post by Pizzasgood »

I sorta disappeared for a while, busy with other stuff (work, helping my family move, etc.) and come back to find this.

I don't know who did what, and don't really give a crap. It happened, get over it, move on. I'm sorry I wasn't here to respond quickly enough to prevent whatever discouraged WhoDo. He's more of an adult than a lot of people here; he'll survive.

As for moderation, BAH. I never signed on to moderate people. Just to kill spam during a time when we were being hit very hard. And I have been killing very little spam lately. I'm going to be unmoderator-ing myself shortly. No, it's not because of the arguing that I'm quitting, that merely hastened the decision a little. This is something that would have needed to happen within a year or so anyway, because I've been growing tired of Puppy and intend to eventually go forge my own path. Nothing wrong with Puppy, it just isn't targeted at me (not that anything else is, in fact Puppy probably comes closer than any existing distro or OS). Besides, I'm a flipping anarchist. What the shell am I doing moderating?

Time to get back on track. I'm going to go let John Murga know that I'm resigning.

And no, I'm not actually leaving yet, just de-moderatoring myself. I still have promises to fulfill, and I intend to use Pizzapup for a good while before I begin Project CheesyRamHog (my own distro). But from here out, I will no longer care so much about keeping up with everything (really I started that part a month or so ago).

Don't get me wrong, I do love Puppy and have enjoyed my time here.

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#105 Post by ttuuxxx »

CheesyRamHog <---- WTH lol thats too funny for a distro name, Hey pizzasgood, why the need for your own distro? When woof is coming around nicely these days. listen it wouldn't be right to lose WhoDo and Pizzasgood in the same year, lol
Take care, and good luck, If you ever want my help with your next distro, send me a line.
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#106 Post by alienjeff »

Pizzasgood wrote:...and intend to eventually go forge my own path.
Consider a base install of Arch and build from there. Huge repository. Excellent package and dependency management. Eccentric community. Outstanding documentation. Very active forum. Lots of young blood.
You forgot the opening tag ... :wink:
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#107 Post by ttuuxxx »

I think he said he was going it alone, If anyone has a chance of doing what Barry and another top Linux gurus have I done, I personally believe he'll do it, No need to follow other peoples starts, He's more than ready, If anything Arch would take him off the path he wants to end-up.

I think he would have lots of support from the forum if he just ask when needed.
He's been there for us, I don't see why not be there for him, if need be.

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#108 Post by Lobster »

Besides, I'm a flipping anarchist
8) Good luck with your new distro.
Do you have any initial plans/ideas?

Be interested how you boot strap (Puppy was boot strapped from Red Hat)
That means programs were compiled in Red Hat for inclusion in Puppy.
then Mandriva (before the name change) and then Vector and T2
I believe that is right.

Good to hear you will still be about
Live long and prosper 8)
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#109 Post by ecomoney »

PizzasGood NOOO!!!! :cry:

WhoDo's resignation his I think was about this thread about Puppy Woof's colourscheme, plus I think he has a lot on "IRL".
Anarchism a doctrine advocating the abolition of government and its replacement by a social system based on voluntary cooperation

Since Microsoft was George Bush's major contributors, voluntary working on a piece of software (Puppy Linux) whos aim is to help (be "friendly to") "new Linux Users" is not something the powers-that-be are going to praise you for. Do you not think these two stories are perhaps linked?

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... lZaQM5xGZg

When we signed up on this forum, we all agreed, voluntarily, to abide by the forum rules.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented material
And its code of conduct...
No name-calling. Moderators will decide what is and is not name-calling. If you're personally insulting someone, that's name-calling.
No starting trouble with other members - Don't post just to start trouble with another member. All posts are to be "real" topics.
No gratuitous sarcasm / innuendos - If you don't have an intelligent reply to a topic, don't respond. If someone doesn't agree with you, don't get sarcastic, don't call names. Give a logical response.

(and before you ask, no Im not saying I have always Ive been squeeky clean, just a lot cleaner than some)

Contributing to this project by moderating this forum is about as "anarchist" as it gets in supporting others "free will" and their "free information", and also a big contribution to dismantling the structures that would otherwise control freedom of speech/expression/information. Just by setting up the bug-tracking section in response to feedback you have greatly improved the quality of the future Puppy Linux, and made it an even better tool for freeing people from controlling, proprietary, and government funding alternative OS's.
some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them
Shakespeare - Twelfth Night

Of course you have your own freedom and free will PG...and are you sure that the path you are planning to take puts you in a position where you can elicit the philosophy you advocate?

I for one would very much like to see you stay, this forum needs a moderator with your philosophy, and others like you with more time on their hands.
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#110 Post by alienjeff »

I'm still LOL over the anarchist part. If true anarchy actually occurred, most self-proclaimed "anarchists" would be found hiding in dark corners, in the fetal position, and sucking their thumbs while waiting for some order to come about.
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#111 Post by Pizzasgood »

Well yeah, pure anarchy would be bad. Hard to condense an entire set of personal beliefs into a single word. "Anarchist" generally comes close enough.

I do intend to take a look at Arch sometime. From what I've heard it probably is the second-closest Linux to what I'm wanting, behind Puppy. I also want to play with Gobo and Chaos, and some non-Linux OSes like Plan 9 and DexOS, just to increase my horizons a bit before I start.
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Arch compared to Puppy?

#112 Post by mcewanw »

alienjeff wrote: Consider a base install of Arch and build from there. Huge repository. Excellent package and dependency management. Eccentric community. Outstanding documentation. Very active forum. Lots of young blood.
Only having dialup I always hesitate to download distributions I haven't tried before unless there are tiny download options.

I am curious to try Arch though. Just wondered if you've tried it on any older hardware (down to PII/maybe PIII with 128MB or 256 MB RAM)? If so, how does it compare to Puppy in terms of resource usage/speed?

Can it be installed in a frugal install configuration or as a full-install?
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#113 Post by ecomoney »

Well, according to their forums they "own" us when it comes to older hardware

They wernt really comparing like for like from their description though....FULL install would have "pwned" them on that computer, i suspect. Something to think about when it comes to the default type for the new installer.

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#114 Post by daklander »

MU wrote:......
I was moderating a famous german Linux forum for 10 years.
Icepack by chance?
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#115 Post by droope »

ecomoney wrote:Well, according to their forums they "own" us when it comes to older hardware

They wernt really comparing like for like from their description though....FULL install would have "pwned" them on that computer, i suspect. Something to think about when it comes to the default type for the new installer.

Ecomoney, sorry:

Not "according to their forum". According to a few users of their forum.

There's a difference.

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#116 Post by ecomoney »

You are correct Droope, it wouldnt be right to judge an entire forum by a few "bad apples".
wikipedia wrote: Arch Linux (or Arch) is a Linux distribution intended to be lightweight and simple.[1] The design approach of the development team focuses on "simplicity", elegance, code correctness and minimalism.[2] "Simplicity", according to Arch, is defined as "...without unnecessary additions, modifications, or complications.." and is defined from a developer standpoint, rather than a user standpoint
No challenge there then....a developer creating programs from a user standpoint is far more challenging, useful to more people, and more effective at moving people over to open source.
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#117 Post by MU »

daklander wrote:
MU wrote:......
I was moderating a famous german Linux forum for 10 years.
Icepack by chance?
no, it was a general Linux forum. Old snapshot:
http://web.archive.org/web/200601281946 ... orum54930/
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Re: Whodo/Warren Has left puppy

#118 Post by yorkiesnorkie »

ttuuxxx wrote:I for one want the forum administrators to kindly think about banning indefinitely the user "Ecomoney" he has broken the last straw in my eye, Its 100% because of him that Warren has asked for his account to be suspended and also that warren has resigned from package coordinator.
Woah there ttuuxxx. I disagree. There are all sorts of people in the world. Sometimes you just have to step back and agree that you'll disagree. Even some of the most difficult people do have something valid to say. Part of the open in open source is a respect for what others contribute even when they disagree with you.

Personally, I deeply respect Warren's contribution to 4.2 and am thankful for it. I am also thankful for the contributions made by others to Puppy. It can't be easy to decide what goes into a Puppy distribution.

Puppy is a work in progress, but I'm not sure everyone recognizes that when they pick up a distro and slide it into their cd or dvd drive. I believe it would be un-realistic to expect it to be perfect. I have no such expectation myself but am eminently grateful for everthing that does work!

With regard to the process of improving Puppy, I'm not sure what you and other's have agreed upon as a framework for further development. Or, what the area's of responsibility might be, or what items appear on the agenda and in what priority. However it looks to me as though the air needs to be cleared. I would urge you all to just step back a moment and take a deep breath and see if there is something that you can all agree upon, start small and build a better working relationship. It'll take time but maybe you can all sort things out.

All the best,

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#119 Post by daklander »

MU wrote:
daklander wrote:
MU wrote:......
I was moderating a famous german Linux forum for 10 years.
Icepack by chance?
no, it was a general Linux forum. Old snapshot:
http://web.archive.org/web/200601281946 ... orum54930/
Ah, Thanks. Icepack was my first reasonably successful foray into Linux. I still have a set of CDs for version 2.75. It was, at the time, the easiest distro to install and it found more hardware than any other distro I'd tried to that point.

I've spent a lot of time in and around Karlsruhe.

North Dakota that is. :D
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Thanks for the memories...

#120 Post by Hugh »

Thanks to all who have participated in the 'exchanges' in this topic!

It's been an interesting 'read' for a certainty. In the spirit of an Agatha
Christie or a Miss Marple!

Look. What's happened here is something we've all experienced in our own family lives. What's all the fuss about a couple of people having a disagreement? In the end it will, and probably already has, been resolved to a great extent.

When I was teaching I would get burnout regularly twice a year. It was a miserable experience not only for me, but for all who interacted with me.

Then when the 'load' eased up, life and the job became enjoyable once again!

Stress, from whatever source, is a real killer of 'joy' and 'peace.'

Once this episode is 'old business' we'll be 'healthy' again and Puppy will be the better for it!

Thanks 'WhoDo' for all that you've already done and what you'll yet do!!

Thanks 'Eco...' for your contributions as well.

Now, when ttuuxxx gets his X7 ready to fire up...

Puppy is very unique and has a very 'diverse' family of 'users.'

Many thanks to all y'all! (Puppy bro's and sista's)
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