How to use the Slackware Wine package?

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How to use the Slackware Wine package?

#1 Post by lezzloco »

I have been using tgz2pet for a long time, to make wine pets, but the latest version of wine (1.1.25) now has a tar.bz2 extension, is there any way to make .pets from said file extensions ?

I know wine is available from users on this forum, but I like to be independent.
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#2 Post by Béèm »

As far as I see, the official one has always been tar.bz2.
The Suse, Mandriva and slackwarer are different.
The slackware is tgz.
So be patient, the slackware one will probably be released at 1.1.25 as well.
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#3 Post by MU »

If it really is a slackware package, you may convert it in console:
bunzip2 -dc test.tar.bz2 | gzip > test.tgz

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#4 Post by lezzloco »

Thanks MU, I tried what you said and made a .pet, it installed OK, but can't get it to work, winecfg does nothing, think I will have to wait till someone makes a .pet from source, as it a bit too tech'y for me.

Béèm, it is the slackware version that I am using, the download page seems to have been "made over", and all previous versions are now in tar.bz2 format, maybe someone dropped a clanger over there.

Thank you both for you quick response.
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#5 Post by MU »

To test programs, type their command in console, like


That should give some hints, e.g. about missing libraries.
Important are the "error" messages.

"warnings" usually can be ignored.

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#6 Post by lezzloco »

MU if I do that it just says, "winecfg: command not found", I have a winecfg folder, in /programs, and a winecfg.c file.

wineboot also gives same result, I also have a wineboot folder, with a wineboot.c file in same.

I have never really took much notice of the wine folder structure, but sure it wasn't like that.

I do have a wine folder in libs but its all wrong, well as far as I understand.
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#7 Post by MU »

You downloaded the sourcecode, the files in it have the .c suffix.
Such an archive must be compiled, it is not a slackware archive.

Wait, will look...
You would need: ... 6-1kjz.tgz

That is 1.1.24.
The version 1.1.25 was not compiled and packaged yet for Slackware.

I found it here, clicking on "Slackware Packages":

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#8 Post by lezzloco »

MU it is the slackware version, I am getting the feeling that "they" have made some mistake when they remodeled the download page.

Your 2nd link gives me the same tar.bz2 version, but the first link gives me the .tgz 1.1.24, which I downloaded / made to pet with no problems 5 days ago.
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#9 Post by MU »

The Slackware link on leads to the general download page, as 1.1.25 was not yet packaged for slackware.
So on top, you see the default, the source archive.
File/Folder Name Platform Size Date Notes/Subscribe
Newest Files
wine-1.1.25.tar.bz2.sign Platform-Independent 197 Bytes Fri Jul 03 2009 18:36
wine-1.1.25.tar.bz2 Platform-Independent 14.8 MiB Fri Jul 03 2009 18:36
"Platform-Independent" is the naming scheme for sourcecode archives, that must be compiled.
It should not take long, maybe one or two days, until a slackware package is available, or a Pet for Puppy here in the forum.

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#10 Post by lezzloco »

Last edited by lezzloco on Sun 05 Jul 2009, 12:41, edited 1 time in total.
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#11 Post by lezzloco »

Seems like Sourceforge is the culprit, they rearranged the download page, and the wine download page hasn't caught up yet, not a good example of joined up thinking !
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