Fotoxx: Image editor/viewer

Paint programs, vector editors, 3d modelers, animation editors, etc.
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#21 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v7.0.

Fotoxx 7.0 has the following additions and corrections:

+ new function: make simulated painting
+ new function: create desktop icon/launcher from tools menu
+ the very long edit menu was divided into 6 menus
+ new help menu entry: show fotoxx internet home page
+ color depth function improvement:
scale-up truncated brightness range to full range
round color value up if truncated part > 0.5
(white does not become gray with low color depth)
+ bugfix: search tags: find images with no tags was not working as advertised
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#22 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v7.1.2.

The number of working threads is set to the number of CPUs present ("cores"). Previously this was fixed at 4 threads, which was counterproductive on computers with fewer CPUs. A new function was implemented in the tools menu: convert multiple RAW files. Previously each RAW file had to be opened separately. Now a wildcard spec such as *.RAW (camera dependent) will convert all RAW files in a directory. A workaround was implemented for a strange problem with changing languages in Arch Linux. The French translation was updated.

The "Arch Linux" problem turns out to be a GCC 4.4 problem and also affects Fedora 11 and other very recent distributions. This build relabels that problem and fixes two more GCC-related problems.

The fix for GCC 4.4 caused optimization errors in GCC 4.3 (bug that disappeared when optimizations were turned off). The code was simplified so that the optimization error went away.
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#23 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v7.2.1.
fotoxx 7.2.1
DateJun 24, 2009 at 22:05

+ GOFUNC was replaced with normal function calls (stop gcc optimization errors)
+ minor bug fix in sharpen - edge detection method was not blending edges correctly
+ minor bug fix in image save - keep current image index if file saved to some other directory
+ updated French translation

fotoxx 7.2
DateJun 20, 2009 at 17:49

A new function was added: select random images from thumbnail indexes, edit sequence, burn to CD or DVD. Brasero is used for the actual burn.
N.B. I tried to modify the new function, that calls Brasero to burn images, to instead use PBurn but, whilst it now opens PBurn, it doesn't directly pass the images to it. Not sure how easy to resolve this issue...more investigation required.
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#24 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v7.4.1.
fotoxx 7.4 and 7.4.1
DateJun 30, 2009 at 23:07

A longstanding performance problem was improved. Scrolling around within a large image magnified to full size was quite slow. This is now about 4x faster. There are no scroll bars - scroll by dragging the mouse across the window ("virtual" scroll bars). Old method: make a Gtk Scrolled Window containing a Gtk Layout containing the full (huge) magnified image. New method: copy and re-scale only the viewable area from the full-size image in memory into the main/drawing window.

EXIF menu now has 2 entries: view basic data (short output) and all data (long output).

7.4.1 fixes a bug in select area line drawing function.

fotoxx 7.3
DateJun 27, 2009 at 21:19

The "simulate painting" function was extended. It can now work within an outlined area like other edit functions. Another user control was added: minimum color match required to consolidate smaller patches of color into larger ones.

File drag-drop was implemented: drag a file (e.g. from Nautilus) to a fotoxx window or desktop launcher - file will open in fotoxx. You can also make a file list in gedit and drag entries to fotoxx.

bugfix: exif keys with null data could cause spurious data (some RAW files observed with UserComment = null)
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#25 Post by muggins »

I've re-uploaded v7.4.1 as I modified the source to use pburn, rather than brasero, to burn images to CD/DVD.

If you choose Tools>Burn Images to CD/DVD, then either insert individual images by clicking them, or click add all, then when you click Burn, all selected images will be transferred to Pburn.
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#26 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v7.8.
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#27 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v8.0.
A standard man page was added (thin, with reference to user guide).

The license was changed from GPL V2 to GPL V3.

The Warp Image algorithm was improved - it should be easier to get desired shapes.

A new function was added: High Depth of Field (HDF). HDF combines two photos of the same subject with near and far focus into a composite image with both near and far objects in sharp focus. This is still experimental: it basically works but needs improvement. Examples can be seen in fotoxx gallery. See the user guide for limitations and instructions on how to use HDF.
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#28 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v8.1.
The French translation was updated for v.8.1.

This release has a significant bugfix and several small improvements.
+ Bugfix: saving an edited image back to the same file caused loss of EXIF data.
+ Bugfix: the [zoom+] button would sometimes display a smaller image.
+ Corrected the man page location when installing to a user-owned directory.
+ Improved pano auto-search for lens parameters.
+ Tag edit: dating a series of images was made easier with a [use last] button.
+ Tag edit: allow date approximations, e.g. 2009 or 2009.08.
+ New convenience function: open file by choosing from 50 most recent files.
+ The Chinese translation was updated.
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#29 Post by jrb »

I have packaged fotoxx8.1 along with exiftool, ufraw and all dependencies as ch-fotoxx8.1_ufraw0.15.sfs for use in ChoicePup and other Pups. Seems to work well although I didn't know what a raw image is :oops: (thanks wikepedia) and couldn't find one in my photos to test out ufraw.

Thanks Muggins. Cheers, J
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#30 Post by muggins »


This is an example of a RAW file, in Nikon NEF format. If you start Fotoxx, then, in Fotoxx's menu, File>Open RAW File, and select this file, it will ask if you want to convert it to a 48bit TIFF file, using Ufraw.
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#31 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v8.2.1.

fotoxx 8.2
+ Save recent files list across sessions and improve user interface.
+ Defog function added to brightness/color editor - reduce fog/haze (see user guide).

fotoxx 8.2.1
+ Bugfix: temporary file was being left in /home/user/.fotoxx
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#32 Post by jrb »

muggins wrote:This is an example of a RAW file
Thanks for the photo muggins. Fotoxx worked as advertised, ufraw is quite impressive and the photo is nice too! Can't show it to my wife, she'll want to go there to shop.

Cheers, J
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#33 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v8.3.
fotoxx 8.3
DateSep 1, 2009 at 09:34

This release makes improvements in the user interface and fixes one significant and three minor bugs.
+ Select area: insert or move points anywhere around the area during edit.
+ Overlay lines (select area, trim, unbend) are easier to see (reversed color).
+ Implemented both [save] and [save as] buttons:
[save] updates original file with no questions asked.
[save as] is the usual cautious dialog.
+ New KB shortcuts: Ctrl+s: save, Ctrl+S: save as, Ctrl+q: quit.
+ Improved logic for detecting unsaved changes (fewer user queries).
+ Pixel edit and HDF: visible brush outline should aid speed and precision.
+ Bugfix: edit tags + file save lost the tag updates
(but opening a new file would retain them).
+ Bugfix: rotating an image with the L/R keys and then editing would
sometimes result in image distortion (changed width/height ratio).
+ Bugfix: rotate auto-trim was being lost when dialog exited.
+ Bugfix: better recovery if pixel edit undo memory limit is reached.
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#34 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v8.4.
This release focuses on user interface improvements:
+ Slide Show: in addition to KB control, an automatic interval can be set.
+ For lengthy functions, the cursor changes into a clock.
+ Trim: margins are darkened for better visibility. The aspect ratio can be fixed.
+ Index tags and thumbnails: now works incrementally (seconds instead of minutes).
+ Bugfix: unbend function was leaving the axis lines on the window.
+ Bugfix: file save-as was not updating the recent files list.
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#35 Post by muggins »

Updated v8.4.3.
fotoxx 8.4.3

Bugfix: crash in unbend function.

fotoxx 8.4.2

+ French translation update.
+ Changes in make and man page for debian conformance.
+ Select area outline made easier to see (esp. gray backgrounds).
+ Bugfix (zfuncs): crash if mouse select from empty image gallery.

fotoxx 8.4.1

+ GUI: An Italian translation was added.
+ Four missing translation calls were fixed.
+ Trim: faster and better user interface.
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#36 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v8.5.
fotoxx 8.5
DateOct 1, 2009 at 10:06

+ New: select area by color. Click to select a contiguous area matching
clicked color within a range. Click or drag to accumulate new areas.
Right-click undo. Edit functions can be used within the selected area.
+ New: disable selected area, leaving it available for re-use or re-edit.
+ Panorama: better compensation for local scaling differences caused
by a horizon or rotation difference in the images being combined.
+ Panorama: auto search for camera parameters made more robust.
+ Reduce noise, new method added: flatten outliers based on ratio of
mean deviation to the standard deviation of neighboring pixels.
+ Blend-width scale made non-linear for finer control of small values.
+ Image gallery: open folder starts with parent of current directory.
+ Bugfix: clone instance has English GUI instead of original language.
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fotoxx 8.5

#37 Post by munichjohn »

Hello muggings, I've just moved up to puppy 4.3 from 4.2.1; a clean install not an upgrade. Thanks for the fotoxx update but no entry was set on installation, the installer stated that no entry would be made. :(
By the way an entry was made for your 8.3 version that I had on 4.2.1. Could you help me get that menu entry?
Best, munichjohn, where autumn is with us.
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#38 Post by muggins »


sorry about that...I uploaded it with the wrong .desktop file...anyway, I've re-uploaded it.
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fotoxx menu entry

#39 Post by munichjohn »

Thanks muggins, all good. :lol:
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#40 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v8.5.2.
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