Ppup 416alpha bug reports

Please post any bugs you have found
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#21 Post by Jim1911 »

This distribution has amazing speed and seems to work very well with a few exceptions:
1. ext4 partitions are not recognized by pmount or gparted.
2. HP C5280 all-in-one usb printer, copier, scanner is not recognized by Xsane. KUDO to the printing which works great (even printed a web page viewed with Firefox 3.5, and formatted spreadsheet from gnumeric).
3. E-mail icon doesn't work.

For those of us that like extra bling, pwidgets seems to work fine.

Looking good,

PS: Please consider the use of a journaling file system (ext3 or ext4) for the pup_save file or include options to use them.
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PPLOG throws "403 Forbidden" error

#22 Post by ricstef »

Tried PPLOG and it throws the "403 FORBIDDEN" error.

In /root/httpd entered:
# chgrp -R nobody hiawatha

but I still get the same error.

what did I miss ?

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remastered puppy may not bootup

#23 Post by shinobar »

Hi Barry, nice distribution

i think it can be a problem at gunzip in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
line 126-132

Code: Select all

if [ "$NEEDGUNZIP" = "yes" ];then
 #w001 ubuntu module-init-tools not configured to support gzipped modules...
 for ONEMOD in `find /lib/modules/${KERNVER}/initrd/* -type f -name *.gz | tr '\n' ' '`
  gunzip $ONEMOD
should be

Code: Select all

if [ "$NEEDGUNZIP" = "yes" ];then
 #w001 ubuntu module-init-tools not configured to support gzipped modules...
  gunzip -f -r /lib/modules/${KERNVER}/initrd
anyway, /lib/modules/${KERNVER}/initrd has beter be eliminated at remastering.
/usr/sbin/remasterpup2 should also be corrected at line 248.

same as woof alpha 9, upup-476, or can be only with upup-476.
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drive_all does not eject CD

#24 Post by shinobar »

Hi again

/usr/local/bin/drive_all at line 57...

Code: Select all

 [ "$ONEDRVAME" = "sr0" -o "$ONEDRVAME" = "sr1" ] && eject /dev/$ONEDRVNAME
should be:

Code: Select all

 [ "$ONEDRVNAME" = "sr0" -o "$ONEDRVNAME" = "sr1" ] && eject /dev/$ONEDRVNAME
/usr/sbin/pmount is OK, but the tray closes again too soon.
think needs a dialog to comfirm the medium removed .

i hope CD be also ejected at shutdown.

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#25 Post by Lobster »

I had a brief look at the new database
No pics?

Any data dudes try it?
What you think? Working OK?
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#26 Post by BarryK »

Lobster wrote:Booted up this morning from DVD
(so this is the equivalent of the second boot)
Puppy dumped me to the command line :?

Tried resetting xorg (sometimes the monitor refresh rates are too high)
OK could not get that working (it had been working on both a fresh 'pfix=ram and update from 4.15)
so used xvesa - it is still worthwhile having both

Now had no internet (Ethernet) connection
and when I tried to connect it was not recognizing my Ethernet
and trying to 'load a wifi module'

Little disappointed as I have been using 4.15 (yes a few niggles - but it is an Alpha) as a very stable working day to day OS

So am using 42.1 at the moment to check email, twitter and check the nudes . . . eh news . . . :oops:

Just reporting in - a lot of checking seems to have gone into 4.16
but it seems to have been the second boot that did not recognize or acknowledge what was already working - am a bit confused how this might happen . . .
Ah, so you mean the multisession-dvd, saving sessions to DVD. I haven't tested that for sometime, will do so today.
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#27 Post by BarryK »

OlddogNewtricks wrote:Hi Barry & all,
I've been trying out 'dougalremaster-2.16' from pup 3 to create a 'customized' pup sfs file. At first all looked well apart from the resulting sfs needing a name change which should be an easy fix similar to pup 214R However when I looked at the file size it had grown by 21Mb, that is the zp416516.sfs driver file had been saved as well. I started again this time deleting the zp416516.sfs file before remastering. No change, so I can only assume the entire driver file contents must be loaded into ram at boot & then saved when remastering.
Also tried a pupsave file then deleted zp416516.sfs & rebooted but stuck at xorg, so my personal settings weren't saved making the driver file necessary at every boot.
Doesn't this defeat the object of a seperate driver file.
dougalremaster is designed for an older version of puppy, it is not at all guaranteed to work in 416. 416 has its own remaster script.
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#28 Post by OlddogNewtricks »

Getting exatly the same problems I had with pup 2.18. Remaster hangs when looking for files on cd, live CD won't eject after boot up & DHCP (or static settings)won't complete my wireless connection (wired o.k.). Something in or because of this type of build doesn't like my system. Is it me or are others having similar problems.
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xwin reads comment line in /etc/profile

#29 Post by shinobar »

/usr/bin/xwin line 516

Code: Select all

NEWLANG="`cat /etc/profile | grep "LANG=" | cut -f 2 -d '='`"

Code: Select all

NEWLANG="`cat /etc/profile | grep '^[ ]*LANG=' | tail -n 1| cut -f 2 -d '='`"
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#30 Post by cthisbear »

" Xvesa video is scrambled. "

Yes, seems a bit of a mess.
So I went back to the command prompt,
typed xwin and it decided to play nice.
and allowed me to set my screensize.


" I can't say the same about Super Pup, lovable though he may be.
That background is not going to cut it."

I'd rather a bit of fun just for the moment,
the bugs fixed and then a background fix.

Puppy doesn't have to be pretentious.
This isn't a pick at you dogone.
I know where you're coming from.
First impressions etc.

Too many pretentious poser distros in the world.
Great desktop....but the ugliness is inside.
Watch out or Barry will resurrect the bike.
Now that was different...quite like it.

I have gone back over a 100 posts trying to
find some of those Grey Metal backgrounds
that were posted for Puppy 4.2. ????
Was that Zigberts efforts?

Superpup could be always in the release as an extra
candidate wallpaper. Kids may like it...or me.


The player is also a mess...MP3. Won't turn off.
Also doesn't play mp4.
AVI doesn't work.
ttuuxxx has a new one in 2.14x Beta6???

Stops and starts...ttuuxxx, I thank you.
Although his player also needs the run action mp4, avi etc.

Don't post me any more how tos though ttuuxxx.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=135

Most media types should just work out of the box.
I can't find in my emails who fixed this up and sent me
a PM to test it. Sorry I deleted that mail.

WhoDo got him to fix and test it.
Maybe WhoDo still hovers about incognito or you could PM him.

Sure a lot of noses got put out of joint with Puppy 4.2
and Puppy 4.2.1.

But what about the good publicity?
The number 2 ranking.
The sheer number of people that liked the look.
The features, whether they were pro bling or not.
And the number of postings was incredible.

Some lousy things happened and let's not go back there.
And no we might not get to number 2 or 1 whatever.
But John Biles released Teenpup 2009 Legacy,
extremely high downloads from Softpedia
and then Macpup Opera came along and ousted the main Puppy.

We have arrived.
Your hard work, the input of others, the sheer number of Puplets
has forced the Linux mob to finally see our shadow,
let alone share your vision.

So early days now.
But please do not let us go backwards.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=345

" cthisbear wrote:
When you click on a m4a sound file
nothing plays and the run action is asked for.

If you drag a gxine icon it plays.
Can't we have this done by default.
I must reboot and check all the others but I'm sure they all play
but for this format.

I'm pretty sure I set that mime-type for RC4, chris.

cthisbear wrote:
Look not my type of music.
Why not try this site and download one song to test?

Pointless, I'm afraid.
My brand new lappy doesn't have sound support! :cry:
Even tempestuous couldn't help me get a peep out of it!
It works ok from BIOS and in (yech) Vista, but no tweak has
yet succeed for Puppy. I'm mortified because I can't even play
Youtube videos and get any audio! :evil:

Sound issues.
Just amazing that WhoDo could never get his own laptop to work.
These are the iproblems that need fixing.
I know that it's hardware.
And we are dealing with companies with their own agendas..But!


Seamonkey shutdowns...caused by Flash????
have they been addressed?

There have been Firefox fixes....
FF is not my favourite,
Seamonkey Pets
Opera Pets
Does this release have workarounds please?

And is Abiword working?
I think this is rectified in Puppy 2.14x v6.

Again...these are basics.
I'm glad that you are not in a screaming hurry.
All the Puplets fill the gaps.

For instance I really love HanSamBen.


A really fantastic bit of work.

How do I say I don't mean to cause you offense?
You have great gifts and have probably even fixed these issues.
If not can you pen them into you To Do book.

Many thanks..............Chris.
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#31 Post by ttuuxxx »

Chris its not surpising mp4 isn't working on 2.14X its based on a 2006 version of puppy :) All in due time, thats on a list of this that neds updating, The main points are get rid of the errors first, then comes the extras.

As for the latest abiword working on it, yes and no, no its not in by default, but yes there is a package made up. The user technosaurus made a static version in series 4 of the latest release, Then I added a working dictionary, and omitted a couple of the non-functional fonts and packaged up a all-in-one version, but the way technosaurus It works very well in series 2.14x even if it was compiled on 4 series, The only non-functional and removed from abiword fonts are, cursor, linux8x8, linux8x16, micro, but the times fonts and others are now working for the first time in like over 10 release of abiword :) I personally would use this this version and removed the non functional ones, as long as times and the others are working, this would reduce the font size and still leave some of the needed and still working pcf fonts that rest of system (xorg etc) can still use.
Better yet, If this package was used and Gnumeric/Goffice/The non-functional pcf fonts and keep the working ones was removed, since this version of abiword doesn't need goffice anymore :)
Then install that other small spreadsheet Barry had before, I forget the name, That would probably reduce the iso by around 3MB compressed, wouldn't that be nice to have a 96MB puppy iso, man we could do some serious damage with almost 4MB of space:)
anyways if people want to test the all in one package here's a link. (Its actually small 3.5MB even with the dictionary included)
http://www.ttuuxxx.gposil.com/2.14X/doc ... 6-214X.pet

Plus there's a 1.17MB addon pack that technosaurus made up, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... h&id=19839

http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
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#32 Post by BarryK »

When you test Aqualung, please do bear in mind that my latest recompile of ffmpeg and aqualung, as reported here:


...did not make it into 416.

For example, .m4a files now play. This will be in 417.
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#33 Post by 01micko »

The mods made to the wallpaper setter to accommodate widescreens in 416 seem to work fine.

Bit if discussion about the superpup, I made the original and CatDude improved on it. I made it for a collection in big_bass slaxer_pup. It was a bit of fun. Good that it has caused a stir! I tend to agree that it wouldn't be a great default for the official release but this is alpha, and lately Barry has been switching them around for the alphas.

That brushed metal wallpaper, one of zigbert's, created by Raymond Levang, who does a bit of zigbert's artwork can be found at dejan555's puppy artwork site, puppy-look.tk. A very nice backdrop! There are many more great walls and themes there.

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Drive incorrectly identified as floppy

#34 Post by Keef »

Internal CF card in IDE adapter is being shown on the desktop as a floppy drive (as sda1). Pmount also lists it under the floppy tab. This is not causing any problems though.
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#35 Post by cthisbear »

Thanks BK and ttuuxxx .

The only code I should contribute is a
Code of Silence.

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#36 Post by esmourguit »

Bonjour a tous,
Not sure it is realy a bug, but i can't run Abiword neither from desktop icon nor from Menu, Document, Abiword. It runs only typing abiword in console.
Cordialement ;)
(6.21 KiB) Downloaded 915 times
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bad video

#37 Post by zygo »


I've tested 416 from live CD on my 2 newer PCs:

emachines: celeron 1.8GHz 256MB RAM no HDD - CRT monitor
- the cd wasn't copied to RAM as it was on all previous versions and the cd could not be removed
- could not get anything but a low very low resolution (and low colour depth) display using xvesa. Xorg wouldn't start. This is the first time that a Puppy has failed to start X (or xvesa) on this PC. Actually, I think I got to a reasonable desktop but I can't remember how. The way in which settings are changed and tested affects the outcome.

acer: intel core 2 duo 2GB RAM no HDD - 1440x900 LCD monitor
- I can get 1024x768 but stretched to fill the whole screen when I change i810 to intel as your announcement blog suggests
- I can start Abiword from the menu

I've been using the xorg video wizard a lot.
- In the new dialogues to change sync ranges could you stipulate "using the digit keys above the letters on your keyboard" pressing the numeric pad (which can not be set to num lock) produces letters.
- There were times when I had got a mode to work then closed X to improve it only to find that I couldn't get any mode to work. So no choice but to reboot. Could you add a "delete config files" option to avoid this and speed up testing. Another idea is to give the dialogues an id and print that in red.

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#38 Post by BarryK »

I have responded to some 416 feedback here:

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#39 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Barry,
thanks for your time and efforts!
(Ooops! ...late discovered this list...)
about using of Puppy416alpha:
- use from live-cd:

- serial mouse?
I booted 416 on live-cd with serial mouse connected: upon Xorg setup,no mouse setup; the cursor stayed fix - maybe have I confused something?
Does Puppy416 as future 4.3 any longer work with a serial mouse?
Rebooting with a ps/2 mouse ...OK

- Wine
I also boot up puppy416 using a pup4save-wine415A.2fs where Wine1112_415.sfs (411 renamed to 415 !) is installed. My favorite applications on wine are running well (design and beam calculation).
I also noticed that opening winecfg's audio thumbnail and further sound testing gives a beep (i.e. is working on 416! - did not on 413 and 415); whereas it did not on my basis ToutouLinux 4.1.2 which is featured with Timidity++2.13 and some additionnals sound libraries as jack and oss.

- abiword 2.6.3 and .docx format
Abiword 2.6.3 on puppy 4.2.1 has .docx format; whereas abiword 2.6.3 on puppy416 and earlier do not. Receiving mails with .docx attachment it would be nice to have abiword featured with .docx reading capability, would'nt it? That also to avoid installation of the huge OpenOffice archive.

- on puppy 416 installed frugal:
- pup4save.2fs not saved on puppy416 partition
Exit puppy after choice for pup4save.2fs 'save to partition' where puppy416 is installed.
Then, restart as whitout loading the pup4save.2fs and asking again the keyboard setup, etc...
(I have only 392MB free on that partition - maybe not enough?)
OK if 'save to file' - choosen size 256MB - the saved pup4save.2fs is well saved and loaded at upon boot.

- SQLite
Got SQLite started from menu.
It get frozen when selecting 'tools/options'.
Had to kill the process to exit SQLite.

cheers, charlie
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#40 Post by ttuuxxx »

charlie6 wrote:Hi
- abiword 2.6.3 and .docx format
Abiword 2.6.3 on puppy 4.2.1 has .docx format; whereas abiword 2.6.3 on puppy416 and earlier do not. Receiving mails with .docx attachment it would be nice to have abiword featured with .docx reading capability, would'nt it? That also to avoid installation of the huge OpenOffice archive.

cheers, charlie
The reason why abiword 2.6.3 has docx support in 4.2.1 is because at the time of the build, I compiled 2.6.7 and transfered over the docx extension that worked in 2.6.3, since by norm 2.6.3 did not have docx implemented as of yet, I think it came out 2.6.6. For puppy to have docx support in 2.6.3 again the fature/plugin would have to removed once again from either 4.2.1 or recompiled 4.6.7++ and placed in the 2.6.3 package.
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