Puppy2-pre-pre-alpha USB Flash test files

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#21 Post by Elmar »

That bar would be a good thing - I aborted the zeroing on a 1GB stick through a USB1 port yesterday because it was almost bedtime.. On the plus side: I did complete the install before going to bed. Since my laptop doesn't boot USB I had to use Grub, but it still boots. Way to go Barry!

About the VGA parameter: my laptop doesn't like these, it gives a warning and the option to select from 6 other modes - numbered 0F00 - 0F06, if I remember correctly.
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dd performance

#22 Post by pop-pop »

dd can run much faster if you specify a block size. For example, use "fdisk -l" to
determine you hard disk cylinder size and specify that for openers.

Disk /dev/hdb: 20.4 GB, 20496236544 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2491 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

dd bs=8225280 if=/dev/sda of=oldimage

Input and output block sizes can be different and are specified with "ibs=" and "obs=" instead of "bs=".

#23 Post by Guest »

Just curious, will this version be able to be used with qemu?

#24 Post by Guest »

Elmar wrote: Since my laptop doesn't boot USB I had to use Grub, but it still boots...............

can you please share how did you do that ?( newbie :oops: asking)
when i read what Mr.BarryK said:
...........in particular if you have a quirky BIOS that has a boot-from-usb option but can't seem to actually boot a usb drive.
i was so excited to try it because my thinkpad would boot from usb-FDD or usb external HDD but not a flashdrive,my cd drive is dying and i was hopping it would work but it didn't :cry:
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#25 Post by pakt »

puppy2-001 booted nicely from my Dell Inspiron 510m (has BIOS support for booting from USB).
Used a PNY Attache 128MB USB drive.

- Nice Puppy footprint logo on startup screen.
- Took a while to copy pup_001.sfs to ramdisk even though both USB drive and port are USB2.
- Setting up xorg worked just like in 107.
- Created a file on /root, edited it and saved it - Ok.
- Clicked on reboot - nothing happened.
- Killed X with Ctrl-Alt-BS, then shutdown worked.

Then came the problems:

- Rebooting showed a lot of strange messages
- X did not start - message "warning: cannot change to home directory"
- Tried "cd /root" - didn't work
- Had to press "ctrl-alt-del" to reboot


My GRUB boot setup (non-boot USB stick solution)

#26 Post by Elmar »

Slightly offtopic, but since it was asked - here's my GRUB setup for a laptop that can't boot a USB stick directly:

Get the GRUB files (mostly *_stage_1_5 files) off the net and drop them in to the C:\Grub dir. Drop the GRLDR file into C:\.

Edit the hidden boot.ini file in your C:\ dir to allow dual boot between XP and Grub. You have to change the attributes of the file before you can edit it, if I remember correctly. My boot.ini looks like:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn
C:\GRLDR="Puppy Linux"

This was the dangerous thing - if you got this right you can always boot back into XP.

Make a copy in C:\ of your USB stick's image.gz, usr_cram.fs and vmlinuz (this is for 1.07, for Puppy 2 different filenames, same strategy).

Create a file menu.lst in your C:\ directory to allow different boot options in Grub. My menu.lst looks like:
timeout 3

title USB Puppy
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=63488 PSLEEP=25 PFILE=pup001-none-262144 PKEYS=uk
initrd /image.gz

title HD Puppy
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=63488 PFILE=pup001-none-262144 PKEYS=uk
initrd /image.gz

This allows me to first select if I want to boot XP (default, sorry) or Puppy, and then select if I want to boot Puppy using the pup001 file on USB stick or the pup001 file in the C:\ dir.

I hope I got these instructions right...

#27 Post by thoughtjourneySansLogin »

successfully booted and rebooted on a Samsung X20 laptop. I was pleased because I had not successfully booted Puppy from a USB drive previously.

I don't have much time to test tonight, but I did have troubles shutting down. I tried using the menu, then tried halt and shutdown. No luck. Reboot from the menu worked.

ANyway, I have to fly: will test more tomorrow.



USB boot from GRUB

#28 Post by Guest »

Sorry to continue the off topic discussion but Elmar's instructions look wrong.

in the menu.lst file shouldn't it say?

title USB Puppy
root (sd0,0)

Otherwise there is no difference between the USB section and the HD section, apart from the PSLEEP command.


#29 Post by Elmar »

At that point in the boot process my laptop doesn't know about the USB stick yet. It is the Linux startup script in Puppy that starts the USB.
Therefore, I am actually booting from harddisk, but using the pup001 file on the USB stick.
If your PC can access the USB stick in GRUB, by all means use it that way - it's much cleaner.

#30 Post by Elmar »

Oh, I forgot about this:
In my menu.lst the PHOME= is missing - combined with the presence of the PSLEEP parameter that forces Puppy to ask what USB drive pup001 is on (I also need to make sure to hide pup001 on HD, so puppy doesn't see it). I need that because my Vaio keeps switching USB drive numbers on me - sometimes it's sda, sometimes sdb (due to the memory stick slot, I think). So by including the PHOME you get to the correct USB drive directly.

Sorry about the confusion - that's what I get for tweaking settings more than running an OS...
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#31 Post by gnomen »

tested it on 3 systems

On a Dell laptop with the 915 chipset it booted without a hitch. xorg worked in 1024x768, but since the native resolution is 1280x768 the screen gets a bit streched. Didn't test much else. Shutdown worked

On a new nForce4 box the kernel and initrd loads, but during the init I get read errors on everything, leading to "ERROR, cannot find Puppy on usbflash boot media.", then pause, then kernel panic

On my own flash-hd-puppy box with via 266 I get a "harddisk bootsector invalid" or some such trying to boot off the usb-drive
fake it until you make it
Ted USB dog

booted P2 via MP3 player

#32 Post by Ted USB dog »

Had an MP3 (hope it will return back using image :lol: ) not a big music fan, It was only 4 dollars more than normal price for 128M USB.
This is the only distro that my BIOS booted from USB( and a MP3 player to boot), I will try it on my other hardware Yeah!!!
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booting wooes

#33 Post by Ted Dog »

The MP3 puppy2 USB booted fine on only one of my three machines, which is more than any time before. Currently reloading prior image onto my MP3 player using dd. Otherwise all was good :)
Ted MP3 Dog

dd/p2/MP3 OK

#34 Post by Ted MP3 Dog »

The MP3 player was returned to former use, after successful, ppaP2 trial.
Ted USB 1.07 Dog

using same methods as P2 got 1.07 & P2 boot usb mp3 play

#35 Post by Ted USB 1.07 Dog »

well the subject says it. :wink:

Re: Puppy2-pre-pre-alpha USB Flash test files

#36 Post by Guest »

BarryK wrote:Save image, cos we are going to mess up the drive...
you weren't kidding.....lol.
Note, do not use MUT or Pmount to mount /dev/sda, as they can't handle it

but it works,simply brilliant.

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#37 Post by ICPUG »

I tried out the Puppy 2 pre Alpha last night. Here is a report of my experiences. The bottom line is it didn't work!

My laptop is a 15 month old Medion - badged bog standard Centrino laptop - with no floppy, serial or parallel ports. It has 3 USB ports, PCMIA slot and a card slot. In addition there is an Ethernet and modem/telephone port.

The BIOS settings are:
1st Boot Device: Optical Device
2nd Boot Device: Removable Device
3rd Boot Device: Hard Drive

The 1st is my CD/DVD drive. Because of the lack of any other possibilities, I assumed the 2nd meant a USB device.

I booted to a Puppy 1.0.7 Compressed Image Install on the hard drive (a.k.a. Poor Man's Install).

My tar.gz file was on sdb and I had a new USB stick in sda (this was reported through MUT). I mounted sdb through MUT and attempted to tar the files to the same stick. It failed as it run out of space while doing the puppy_001.sfs file. (I'm a fool - 128MB stick cannot hold the tar.gz AND the extracted files).

Started again - this time to the FAT partition of my hard disk. I got a message something like:
Cannot assign UID (000) GID (126) to pup_001.sfs
but it seemed to work. I was not sure whether the message was a leftover from the previously abortive attempt.

I then cd to where the extracted files were and followed the procedure to format the stick in sda, mount it, create the extlinux boot manager and copy the files to it.

All went OK.

I rebooted my PC and it ignored the stick completely and went to my hard disk, where Windows booted!

After some Googling today I am beginning to think the BIOS reference to removable device does not mean USB! However, I could not find out definitively, what it DID mean.

After some more Googling of extlinux it seems creating an MBR (and partition?) may be needed to work with 'removable device' BIOS. Is there any value in my trying this, or does it defeat the object of what you are trying to do?

From what I read it appears that if a BIOS boots from USB-HDD it needs an MBR and partition. If a BIOS boots from USB-ZIP it needs 'Superfloppy' format. If this is true then how can the Superfloppy format be a panacea for everyone?

(The installation process written above is written from memory - hopefully I have got the fine details right, but don't rely on it!)

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#38 Post by BarryK »

From what I read it appears that if a BIOS boots from USB-HDD it needs an MBR and partition. If a BIOS boots from USB-ZIP it needs 'Superfloppy' format. If this is true then how can the Superfloppy format be a panacea for everyone?
That's right. The experimental install process is for BIOSes that have USB-ZIP or USB-FDD boot options. USB-HDD will probably require the usb drive to have an MBR and a partition.

It seems that you BIOS doesn't have a boot-from-usb option, as it would be explicitly named, a boot option with text "USB" in it.
Though, in your case, "removable device" is strange, I don't know what that refers to, if not usb.

Unfortunately, there are recent model notebooks that cannot boot from USB -- I came across one last year.

#39 Post by Guest »

The BIOS settings are:
1st Boot Device: Optical Device
2nd Boot Device: Removable Device
3rd Boot Device: Hard Drive

The 1st is my CD/DVD drive. Because of the lack of any other possibilities, I assumed the 2nd meant a USB device.


After some Googling today I am beginning to think the BIOS reference to removable device does not mean USB! However, I could not find out definitively, what it DID mean.

After some more Googling of extlinux it seems creating an MBR (and partition?) may be needed to work with 'removable device' BIOS. Is there any value in my trying this, or does it defeat the object of what you are trying to do?

I believe the 'removable device' means Floppy Disk or other removable device detected from your bios. Just go to your bios setting (usually titled boot or something like that) to see what option you have.
On my laptop, the removable device section has floppy disk option (Even though I don't have any floppy disk installed on my laptop)
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#40 Post by gnomen »

If it detects a harddrive my BIOS won't boot a removable device even though it is set as the 1st boot device in the BIOS. I need to press "esc" after POST to get into a boot menu from where I can choose whatever device I want it to boot from
fake it until you make it
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