Puppy on my Toshiba Portege 3110CT?

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Puppy on my Toshiba Portege 3110CT?

#1 Post by toglancebehind »

I have a old Toshiba Portege 3110CT and I just can't bear it much longer, I have tried everything (you see, it is so slim and so nice of a computer I just can't let it go). I have already decided to give up on Windows 2000 running on it and I have read about Puppy and researched it and tried it out as a Live CD and love it I just want it to "breathe life" into my old PC. Here is the deal:

-No Floppy Drive (I had one but it busted, my fault, I would prefer not to have to buy one but I can if it is all I have left)
-No CD-ROM Drive (I have one but the BIOS does not support booting from it)
-BIOS does not support USB Boots
-I have a USB 2.0 Adapter to connect the hard-drive to my Windows XP machine.

What should I do? It has LAN support (supposedly) but I would prefer not to go down that route. Any ideas? I would like some way to load Puppy on the HD via USB in Windows and then place the HDD in my Portege? But it is never THAT easy.

Please help me!

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#2 Post by syzygy »

if you search forum people have successfully got puppy working on XP partitions, then would be just a matter of installing to your usb-attached Hdisk.

or, possibly, a linux boot floopy on your XP machine, could format attached Hdisk with ext2 file system, then if you installed grub in it's MBR, you could follow this thread & make CD's bootable despite BIOS:-

good luck
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Puppy on my Toshiba Portege 3110CT

#3 Post by cherriepuppy »

hi, i've done the same thing on my portege 7010. download and burn the puppy iso to cd. plug laptop hd into usb adaptor and plug usb adaptor in xp machine. you will have to use something like pq magic to create a ext2 partition and a swap partition on the laptop hd. reboot xp machine to let puppy boot from cd (might have to change bios setting to boot from cd though most moderm pc's are set to boot from cd first anyway). when puppy is running you can do a type 2 hd install, (menu-setup-install puppy hard drive) but when it comes to selecting the drive choose the one attached to the usb adaptor, will be sda something, on mine ive got sda1 as ext2 adn sda2 as swap. you can install grub boot loader but again make sure if you do a install to mbr you choose the laptop hd(sda*). then put the hd back in laptop and enjoy puppy.
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#4 Post by toglancebehind »

cherriepuppy-- thank you so much. I have gotten Puppy fully installed on my Hard Drive now and I am just still messing with getting the whole MBR set up. Thank you so much! I have been trying to do this for about a year now!
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Booting from CD on 3110CT

#5 Post by grayfell »

Just for the benefit of people who are searching for info on this computer, if you have the PCMCIA card external CD drive, you can probably boot to CD by holding down the C key while turning the power on. This is handy if you are working on a computer without any preexisting OS at all. It worked for me, anyway.
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