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Good Article That Speaks to Linux

#81 Post by hatchiebird »

Puppy is one of three operating systems I run and I like it. However, I can't get wireless connection on my laptop and have not had time to read forums to figure it out. Linux Mint and a few others work. For easy of use for the new user I give Linux Mint an A and Puppy Linux a B. Being able to download Linux like a program is the way to go in the future. Take a look at Presto Linux

Linux has to work to get the masses non computer enthusiast interested. Speed, ease of use and stable is what the masses are looking for. Need to encourage people to use Linux as an additional operating system at first by running on portable hard drive, flash drive or as a downloaded option that easy to install and uninstall. The masses don't know how to get to step 1, burning the ISO file to a CD. Puppy does make it easier to install on a portable hard drive that all that I have looked at and I have look at many distros over the past few months. I would love to see Linux take more of the OS market share in the future. We will have to see what Puppy and Google OS and a few others are able to accomplish.
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#82 Post by ecomoney »

hatchibird, I couldnt agree more and we now have just such a thing, freshly made by seeker ... -pl421.exe

Development thread.

We will hopefully be offering this on our main puppy download page after it has been tested some more...Ive given it a few spins and it works fine for me.

MikeB, security, yes. Ive found with 5 years of using linux Im yet to have any kind of security breach. I understand a lot of Linux user experts points of view when it comes to absolute security, and I would agree if I were running google or wikipedia. A home computer system generally needs less security, as the consequences of any breach are far more limited. Having security which gets in the way of the user experience is a actually counter productive as it means that computer users stay using Windows, with all the security problems that has.
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#83 Post by mikeb »

MikeB, security, yes. Ive found with 5 years of using linux Im yet to have any kind of security breach. I understand a lot of Linux user experts points of view when it comes to absolute security, and I would agree if I were running google or wikipedia. A home computer system generally needs less security, as the consequences of any breach are far more limited. Having security which gets in the way of the user experience is a actually counter productive as it means that computer users stay using Windows, with all the security problems that has.
Well my concern is of bringing insecure software to linux...indeed I made windows secure before even trying linux and part of the process was replacing insecure windows programs with safer no IE, outlook and messenger are they are worst offenders...replaced with firefox, thunderbird and anything (plenty to choose from but msn via jabber was a very secure option,gaim, miranda etc etc) Another point is that lots of malware target these very programs that let them in so once removed bad code has nothing to ruin...experienced this a few times in moments of carelessness :) .
The IE/active X integration into the operating system/shell was designed to allow remote execution of code...unfortunately microsoft failed to realise the consequences of connecting this to the internet as it was originally devised with local lan usage in a business enviroment.

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#84 Post by a-_._-b »

hi... new here... from Argentina, so excuse my english.
I've tested Puppy from 4.1 and two pupplets like Nop and Boby and worked a lot better than Ubuntu Hardy/Xubuntu/Fluxbuntu/And a waird distro from Argentina named Tuquito.
But I seams that with any Linux distro my machine feels slower (like a machine from two years erlier... I mean... P4Amd641.6ghrtz*2yearErlier=p3Sempron200-764ghrtz), a lot slower than Xp...
And this just for the common things... viewing pics and videos, playing music.
I'm not defending XP, neither Windows, in fact I would hate windows if not were the Os that always worked for me... well I hate windows, but works faster...
I know that Puppy is for refugees from XP, but I don't know for sure why it works so slow.
For example... a gxine playing .mpc/flac/ogg takes 17.8% on my machine...
The weird thing is that an Aimp with Wine playing the same files (but with a larger playlist) takes only 0.8.
The same goes for video Mplayer don't even resize the display, Gxine hangs and i have to shutdown X to get rid of the video, but KMplayer with Wine works ok (well the window can't be moved without ctrl+click)...
Games I've not tried... but in the sight of things like they are... don't think they would work.

So finally my question...
Might be my hardware that is not optimal recognised? I know my onboard video card sucks and have issues whit linux (the one that comes with Asus K8Vm-m Ultra, I think it is ViaDeltaCrome 864 or some like that)
Is any way to work this out?... (buying new card is not an option, buying nothin is an option)
Any .pet any config to vesa or Xorg?
Anything to at least see an 25mg .flv on 1024x780x24 and not having to restart X to close the video?

And another question, is common that the tray icons goes away with jwm and Icewm? (with fluxbox doesn't seems to happen)

Last thing... don't have an internet conection at home... I have near 2gb of pet packages (and near another gb of pups) so the PetGet is useless to me, well useless to add... to remove it works ok.

PD: Don't take me wrong, from the distros i've tested Puppy is the sweeter and I really want an exit from XP... I just want a way that doesn't involve buying a new machine since mine is not sooo old...
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#85 Post by mikeb »

@a-_._-b it does sound like video is not optimised for your card(yet) so you are not getting the speed benefits of 2d/3d acceleration. The gxine setup wizard (menu)should show xvideo enabled. Also gxine uses the goom visualisation by default when playing audio...this takes a lot of cpu (but pretty :) ) so make sure its turned off in preferences. I use beep media player or xmms which are similar to winamp and very lightweight. I also use vlc for video. There was/is a bug with jwm and full screen playback...icewm should be ok
As for games there is a section on this forum plus plenty of windows games work ok in wine with 3d/opengl setup...not to mention game console emulators.

You should get similar or better performance to XP

As for sorting the video search on this forum as there will be info about your vid card...I'm not familiar with it.

It's usually worth working through these probably had to do the same on windows at some point, and there's lots of help availble through this forum


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#86 Post by a-_._-b »

First of all, thanks for the reply.

Gxine was touched a lot before I start complaining...
I've tried every X output (Xv, the first one of the list was the best), visualisation dislabled on load (experience level expert "master of known universe" seemed too much)I lowered the ffmpeg quality to cero, installed latest mplayerfullcodecs (that even slowed down the playback)...
The Cpu Stats for audio are with no visualisation and the window hidden.
with Aimp Visualisation in fullscreen Cpu goes to 30, gxine to 50...
Must be said that aimp with equalizer on goes to 4/5 and gxine eq is allways on... but 4.5vs17 still aimp is lower (and no other player sounds like aimp).
Anyway I get used to Aimp and I would install wine_xxx.sfs just to use it.

And XP goes slow only if you use everithing as is...
If you use from xp only the kernel and some modules (little some) and another windowmanager (like BBLean)and another filemanager works fast anywhere... but again the machines I have tested both, Puppy and XP were both with S3 graphics, and I know they sucs. I googled today, downloaded the xorg_full_dri and the openchrome and some tar.gz from Via Linux when i get home. But i have no hope at all.

Anyway I'll still gonna keep some puppylinux partition (1gb is never missed) because I like the way everything is handled via bash scripts and gtkdialog/xdialog... the only thing I still not get used to is to search for the files in a bunch of directories (i mean the Linux structure), in XP I learned to love the "Portable" aspect of programs.

And for games... I really doubt that Fofix (frets on fire) and Down Of War Soulstorm would work, the only I play and games are bigs enougth... my ext3 partition is only 1GB. Anyway I downloaded some games erlier.

As far as I know XP is better suited for me... but I really don't want to use it, I've started to gain taste to the way linux works, still im xp minded. I have all my non games program Open Source or freeware, but the os is the king of clo$ed $ource.
Maybe I have to wait 2 or 3 years more till ReactOs is finished?
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Autoconnect does not go on the good access point

#87 Post by xav795 »

I am newbee on this distro, and i am testing it since a month. I am coming from xp and i was boring about the speed, the pressure made by MicroXXX pushing the users to buy stronger computer for his new OS.
With puppy i'am feeling free, and i feel like i was when using computers like atari and others. Puppy is nice, very simple, powerfull, and attractive with a lot of software published on .pet.

Well, my problem concerns the wifi.
I have installed puppy on my usb flash and all was good until one time, i don't know exactly what did happen, but now, after the boot, i am connected to a wrong access point. The particularity is that this is an open access point.
Before that day, i was always connected on the good one.
I went into the "/etc/network-wizard/wireless/profiles/" and my profiles are still there. But i can see that in autoconnect.conf i have
peharps the reason?
Of course i saved in networkwizzard many times.
So i have re-installed puppy and all went good a new time. But after a while, the same problem has appeared.
Is there something in the i could check (peharps a break that is not long enough to execute my connection)
Another thing i found, strange, is that doing a "dmesg" gives me a lot of these messages : b43-phy0 ERROR: PHY transmission error

So i have to manually run the netwizard, choosing my profile in the list, then running the autodhcp, and trying to save for the next time this configuration, which does nothing for me.
The access point is then good.

Is there a solution to keep the autoconnect working?
Thank you for your help

Puppy 4.1.2
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#88 Post by mikeb »

Autoconnect....once you save a profile it will get used and not necessarily in the order you
1) if you do use another network don't save can still use it without
2) to delete load the unwanted profile then press delete.
It is a little confusing.

If the b43 driver is being unreliable there is a pet for the broadcom wl driver which is very good (since they made the device!)...

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#89 Post by xav795 »

Thank you Mike,
i have deleted my profiles and did a new seach. Then i saved the access point with the wpa key using the wizzard.
When i have restarted the puppy, all went straight on.

On the other hand, i dont know what .pet to install exactly, i have to look more further to understand a little what is the problem.

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#90 Post by mikeb »

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#91 Post by xav795 »

I have installed the "" and then have rebooted the pc, but there are messages when i ask with dmesg (the last lines)
b43-phy0 ERROR: PHY transmission error
printk: 17 messages suppressed.
b43-phy0 ERROR: PHY transmission error
b43-phy0 ERROR: PHY transmission error
b43-phy0 ERROR: PHY transmission error
b43-phy0 ERROR: PHY transmission error
b43-phy0 ERROR: PHY transmission error
printk: 3 messages suppressed.
b43-phy0 ERROR: PHY transmission error

lsmod gives me : (an extract)
crypto_blkcipher 19844 1 ecb
b43 141340 0
mac80211 129680 1 b43
cfg80211 18696 1 mac80211
ohci_hcd 25860 0
serio_raw 6788 0
wl 1071364 0
sdhci 17288 0
ohci1394 31792 0
ieee80211_crypt 5632 1 wl
mmc_block 12676 0
b44 25616 0
pcspkr 2944 0
mmc_core 46868 2 sdhci,mmc_block
ieee1394 89272 1 ohci1394
ssb 34436 3 b43,ohci_hcd,b44
mii 5504 1 b44

I dont know if this is the good thread to talk about this

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#92 Post by mikeb »

Indeed...and looks like the b43 and ssb drivers have not been disabled as they should.

Start a fresh thread and there will be more help on your particular problem


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Newbies' Perspective

#93 Post by Wolfgar »

I just installed Puppy Linux (PL) a couple of weeks ago. I had already tried several other distros with mixed (but unsuccessful) results.

I bought a junk laptop (Gateway Solo 9500 - hotstuff several years ago), and I thought this would be my new toy. I consistently had trouble getting Linux to boot off the hd. I often had to hit the power button four or five times. Wifi never worked. The whole point was to have my toy on wireless. Finally I threw the towel in on the Solo (it's now a door stop).

On a whim, I put PL on my Dell B130 laptop. Bang! First time - every time, but still no wifi. I dredged the forums to find an answer, and switching to the B43 driver turned the trick.

The Dell is very fast on boot/shutdown in under 15 seconds. I have not solved the other problems I encountered yet, but things work well enough now.

I was an administrator on a Risc6000/AIX system twelve-years ago. I tried Linux in 1995, but I did not have the time or inclination to get it up an running. PL is a real piece of work!

I am in sympathy with the anti-MS line. Realistically, I could dump Windows and function normally with PL, but I have to overcome some other snags first. I'm not asking questions or for help with this note because I believe in sweat equity. The answers are there, and I'll find them.

My AIX past is coming back to me, and the more I work with PL the better things will be. At some point, I want to help out and contribute to the cause.

My neighbor tried Ubuntu, but he is a point -and- click guy and he would have been completely lost figuring any thing out. He quit the chase (he prophesied in '95 Linux would never last!).

I will try to get some other geeks I know to give PL a shot. Thanks for the effort Murga and the other marines have invested in this project. Good job on a monster project!
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#94 Post by HeathenKaer »

About a month ago, I amputated Windoze and started using openSuSE on my old laptop (acerTM2420, 256mb RAM, 1.5 GHz Intel, ~35GB HD, came with XP-sp1). It worked, after a great deal of stripping and streamlining, but was painfully slow. When I queried their forums, it was suggested I try the Puppy or DSL.

I'm very happy to say that I have Puppy 4.2 Retro up and running on Frugal install. It is so smooth and sleek and fast!. I have had no trouble.

Everything I've tried thus far, from watching videos to web surfing has been quicker than even my girlfriend's 6-month-old Vista machine.

Linux is a new language for me, and I just don't speak it yet. I grew up on DOS (my first computer was a Tandy 1000 with DM1.0). I

'm so happy to see such a thriving community so willing to help. It's been a long time since I felt like a n00b, and I'm so glad you are here to make the transition easier.

I did have a time of figuring out where that darn menu.lst was. And I haven't rebooted since I changed it, so here's me crossing my fingers.

I'm off to go thank the guys on the suse forum for sending me here.

Ciao, y'all!
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#95 Post by t-rek »

I'm switched from windows to Puppy 3 days ago and I'am really satisfied with it. Well the installation wasn't really smooth but that is because the forums were down when i tried to install on my hdd. :D

I read the manuals and other other Linux tutorials too, and i would like to suggest you to make a tutorial about compiling source code, for beginners. It would be cool if you also use an example program, so we can follow your steps.
Thank U all

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#96 Post by lamama »

I have a PowerBook G4 with a 400 Mhz processor and 1 GB you think I can install Puppy on it and it will work without problems? It's an old laptop, maybe I should buy a new one. Or maybe I'll get the jobs done with this one...
Last edited by lamama on Mon 10 Aug 2009, 20:51, edited 2 times in total.
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#97 Post by RichAustin »

Personally I'm incredibly impressed with PL. I have installed it on two very old laptops (I overwrote one with Slackware today). The laptop I'm typing this on is a Samsung VM7000 64mb (yes, I said 64). It runs fine though there are some issues to do with myself not knowing enough about PL.

I think the support side really needs looking at. For a beginner, well, I don't know how they would possibly get an old PC to work with PL. Most of the documentation (I've only been using PL for 2 days to be fair) is poor and out of date. I can't say how well PL would deal with new hardware - haven't tried it.

Wireless information in particular is obscure and not too clear at all. It is frustrating when the "Wizard" tells you there is a connection (I found this in both USB and PCMCIA cards) yet refuses to connect! A tutorial for this would be brilliant.

I've been involved with computers since I was 14 (I'm 47 now - you work it out!). Working as a VB6 developer / support engineer currently. I'm happy to get involved with the project if someone want to message me and ask.

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#98 Post by cthisbear »

RichAustin :

Maybe get involved here with jaapz .


Also of interest...ecomoney Seafarers cybercafe. ... 8&start=30

" Today I met with the Chairmen of the Board of Directors of the
Humber Merchant Seamans Welfare Association.
I gave him an update as to how the Project was progressing.

I explained such things as managers are interested in, such as
how long the computers would last, how much he would need to
pay and worry about legally in terms of liciences, along with
how much longer the Cybercafe was going to be available (uptime)
and how easy and cheap it would be to maintain. " ... 8&start=30

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#99 Post by ecomoney »

RichAustin, hello and welcome to puppy linux. I too was a Professional VB6 programmer many moons ago, but my knowlege has been replaced now with knowledge of more reliable systems. The cybercafe('s) are in the process of being upgraded from XP to Puppy Linux at the moment, and wont be needing any windows programs in the future.

However, believe it or not, there is a definite job, much needed, for someone with your skills, in a very important new area for Puppy Linux. Seeker is currently working on a windows installer for Puppy Linux. It would be great if you would take a look in your spare time and offer him your assistance. Microsoft has put a big technical barrier in place to non-technical types who wish to experiment with alternative operating systems that needs someone with Windows programming skills to get around. Thank you for enrolling in the worlds largest voluntary project :D

The thread for the installer is here

Im sure it would be of interest to many more of our recent influx of "Windows Refugees"...welcome :D
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#100 Post by Izac »

we all wanna know more about Puppy> Visit my New Topic at

Why.. well.. i need any 1 to find a stable copy of linux Puppy 4+ Portable..
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