Classic Pup 2.14X -- Updated 2 series

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What is the best Puppy Version ever, LOL

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#921 Post by Aitch »

Hi ttuuxxx

I'm still reasonably happily using 214x3, as you work so fast I figured I'd let the dust settle before rushing to try the latest

One query though....Why does this version autoconfigure US keyboard?
It's not difficult to change to a UK one, but why remove the option?

PS - Does it start the lawnmower yet? You didn't comment :wink: :lol:

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#922 Post by ttuuxxx »

Haven't had much time to work on it for the past 2 days, I've been finishing the 5th bedroom for my wife's 40th birthday, She wanted it done for the party on Saturday. I started building about 6yrs ago, lol. I love starting project but always hate finishing them, lol
I'll be done the bedroom in about 2-3 days. Basically it was a open dinning room, So I moved/extended the electrical, moved the doorway to Out house, it was a a diagonal entrance, to a straight entrance, Built a steel framed wall, insulated it, added networking to the rumpus room, made a large walking wardrobe with built in angled shelves, Did the drywall,trim and tomorrow I'll sand/prime it all and paint it the next 2 days, because I also have to paint the living room.

Probably better to package up what I have and release it, that way It will give you guys some testing time :)
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#923 Post by ttuuxxx »

Aitch wrote:Hi ttuuxxx

PS - Does it start the lawnmower yet? You didn't comment :wink: :lol:

Aitch :)
Hi Aitch still waiting for lawn mower fuel tank and carb to come in the mail, should be here by Friday :)
Better be or I'll have to borrow the neighbors lawn mower, my grass is reallllly high now.
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Puppy 2.14X5 Virtual Machine

#924 Post by playdayz »

I should have put this here to begin with I guess. The basic news is that ttuuxxx's Puppy 2.14X5 is the only Puppy I have found that will compile *all* of the modules for VMWare as well as running the vmware video and vmmouse drivers. Therefore, I prepared a virtual machine with Puppy 2.14X5 that is small, fast, and runs nicely in the free VMWare Player.

vmPuppy 2.14RX5 is an installation of Puppy 2.14X5 (prepared by ttuuxxx in a virtual machine that can be “played
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Puppy 2.14X5 Virtual Machine Subject description: Runs in fr

#925 Post by Minnesota »


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#926 Post by Colonel Panic »

Excellent :)
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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#927 Post by Aitch »

Wow, indeed

Playdayz, you're a STAR, using another star, ttuuxxx's program to excellent effect

How easy was that? - an absolute doddle

I didn't have to mess with networking or alter my sandbox or firewall settings and here it is on the web, running a vmpuppy in XP

I'm impressed

Somrwhere in the annals of these threads I requested developers to make virtual Puppies

I believe this is the first since [almost a year ago?]

Congrats to both of you

Now about transferring files, mounting drives, & copy/paste to clipboard etc, one to another....

Is this possible or only with vmtools?



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New Linux User -- Very Impressed w/ 2.14v5

#928 Post by sinc »

I just wanted to say that I appreciate all the work going in to this and look forward to using it as my main operating system. I hope this version will still be supported long after its final release. :D
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#929 Post by playdayz »

Hey Aitch, thank you for the kind words; I even started with Puppy because it ran well in a virtual machine, so what took me so long!? Really, it is not hard at all. I might be able to answer questions for anyone who is experimenting themselves, or at least share experience. .

First, here's the "free" fix that I have been using. I plug in a usb stick and it shows up in the tray at the bottom right of the VMWare Player frame. By clicking the icon for the usb stick, one can tell it to Connect and Disconnect. So first I Connect it to the virtual machine and Puppy sees it and I just click the sda1 icon in the lower left corner of Puppy to open the usb stick (or use Pmount) I write to it and then unmount it and Disconnect it, which reconnects it to the host computer--so I go to the host and can read the file. That is how I have been sharing files--it is actually not that bad. Switching it back and forth without ever physically moving it ;-)


Here's what I have found out about two methods of sharing data between the host and guest using vmware-tools. ttuuxx's 2.14X5 does well with copy and paste, where you can copy data in the guest and then paste it into the host, and vice versa. That works, and I could give you one that did that if you wanted. Because of the compiling and the vmware-tools themselves, the one that copies & pastes is much larger. The vmware-tools themselves are 245 MB, over twice as large as the whole of Puppy; some things can be stripped out but last time I tried I stripped out too much. Anyway the one I have with the tools is 664MB instead of 113MB in the one that is posted here.

Unfortunately, 2.14X5 compiles the "vmhgfs" module which allows sharing a folder between the Windows host and the guest, but for some reason it does not work. I had to install Ubuntu 8.04 to see what it was supposed to do; Ubuntu 9.04 didn't even work right. And it seems not to work in Puppy either.

Finally, I can make the virtual machines because I own VMWare Workstation. However, Sun's VirtualBox is free and just as good in most respects (IMO) so anyone can get that and start experimenting for themselves. All the variants of Puppy will work more or less in virtual machines. The Puppy 4 series seems to not be able to run the vmware video driver so it is necessary to use Xvesa for those Puppies. I haven't experimented as much with VirtualBox so some Puppies might run even better there., It does seem to me that simple reliable virtual machines is one way to show off Puppy to the Windows users.
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#930 Post by ttuuxxx »

Excellent work playdayz, I knew you were experimenting with vmware because I sent you the compiler, but I didn't know you were releasing it :) I'm really impressed with it all, Looks like 2.14X has reached a new level now, 2.14X is really going to take off when a final is released. great work.
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#931 Post by Aitch »

Hi Playdayz

I am using a different PC recently as my main PC fried its mobo
I used to have a P3/667 with 4 SCSI drives, and had a v5 VMWare client installation with VMtools on a win2K setup

Now I have a dual P4 2.6gb rig running XP [groan, but it's better than that vista that was on it], I haven't recovered loads of stuff from that box & I still have VMTools on CD but it bitches and says it can only be installed in a virtual machine, so the question is:
Is there a way to use this - I can probably recover my v5 VMWare client setup, but it means adding an adaptec/scsi card to this box....
It's in the pipeline, as I intend testing big_bass's slaxer with SMP to see if it will scsi boot - a long standing Puppy problem
- [ttuuxxx, take note!! - scsi booting & SMP capability would be brilliant
- though the kernel may need to have it 'turned on' in a recompile]

Having the ability to transfer files between a virtual puppy and my main OS would be 'most excellent, dude' :wink:
I have a Lacie 300gb network drive, but despite my best efforts I couldn't get samba to see it - I normally have it shared between several PCs on my network - that could do the job, but I'd prefer not to use it in USB mode....all my usb drives are full up.....more kit needed :lol:
Any other suggestions re vmtools?

Perhaps you should have a separate thread for this - sorry ttuuxxx

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#932 Post by ttuuxxx »

naaaa keep using this thread, you are talking about 2.14X, just in a different manner, no problem at all, its all good :wink:
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#933 Post by Aitch »

Cool, thanks ttuuxxx

Playdayz - don't worry about vmtools
I retrieved my copy of VMWare Workstation v5 and installed it, having un-installed the player, as it wouldn't let me unless I did....
However, it then reported that my VMWorkstation version was too old as the vmx was newer & I needed to update to a later version, so I'm back with the player - irony is, now my firewall won't let the virtual puppy on the net.... :lol:

hey ho, something needs resetting, but I'll sort that

All that just to try to copy/move files one to the other....darn

PS Strange thing is, both dillo & firefox just gave a blank screen - no indication of any progress screen/waiting for, or anything
Oh, and when I did turn the [windoze] firewall off.....
.... Firefox auto-updated to 3.5.1 there's private browsing in the menu under tools... :lol:
Must go, got an ebay bid running

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#934 Post by Aitch »


a quick 'loan' from Joe's slaxer thread
I wrote a "quick" info get script to help solve problems

Paul (pakt) added to it a another step he added more logs
and had it all placed in one folder

this script is now called info_get_v02.tar.gz

1. download it

2. unzip it

3 click on this script----> info_get_v02

4 this compressed file gets auto built for you info_tarball.tar.gz

5 attach it to your forum post

more people can find what went wrong
fixing problems faster :D

*this will work for any version of puppy*

files that get saved are:

download here: ... h&id=20306

I recommended it's own thread in beginners, and sticky status

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#935 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi Aitch I just tried it and got this error in 2.14X
line 29: dmidecode: command not found
sounds like I'm missing something for this to work
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#936 Post by Keef »

dmidecode doesn't seem to exist in pre - 4 pups. I downloaded the pet for it (from pet_packages_4), and it works ok on 3.01.
Script now works, although it complains about not finding Xorg.0.log
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#937 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well guys I managed to get the first coat of paint on the walls, lol I was painting up until 1hr before the guest for the wife's 40th birthday party, lol I'll finish it next week sometime, but until then back to 2.14X :) Oh ya, when it comes to wedding rings, I dislike tight rings on my fingers, I get kind of nervous when things are tight on my fingers, So I alway have rings about 1 size bigger than my finger.
I lost my first wedding ring I was swimming at bondi-beach a few years back and it slipped off and away it went into the Ocean, My 2nd wedding ring well I was scrubbing the paint off my hands yesterday in the shower and guess what, down the drain it went, I ripped apart the drain to find it and it was gone, lol Lets just say my wife wasn't happy again, lol
Oh well 3 times the charmer.
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#938 Post by ttuuxxx »

I was going to compile handbrake and it looks like it needs Jam, lol so this is what it said for the missing deps, LOL

You're supposed to be building with make, not jam.
If you were going to use jam--which you shouldn't--you'd run:
'./jam' on a Mac, or
'jam' on Linux or Windows

To make jam, boil fruit with sugar and an acid until pectins are released.

/bin/sh: jam: command not found
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#939 Post by gposil »

There's a pet of the handbrake compile I did some time ago, it may be a starting off point without needing marmalade oops..jam

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#940 Post by ttuuxxx »

gposil wrote:There's a pet of the handbrake compile I did some time ago, it may be a starting off point without needing marmalade oops..jam

Thanks gposil that saved me some time, I was looking for a small dvd converter and well a 12MB pet just is too large, I was looking more for the area of 1MB or less for 2.14X.
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