BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype PET packages

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Sit Heel Speak
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BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype PET packages

#1 Post by Sit Heel Speak »


This is a fonting improvement which works on some, but not all, Puppies. Where it works, it works very very well. But it costs 660 kilobytes before expansion, 2 megabytes after (I kept in the headers in case you want to compile things that depend on libfreetype), and so I suggest that, before you try these pets, first go here and see if iguleder's simple change brings your fonting up to greatness.
Several Puppy users have advised that my screen fonting improvement procedure (http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10576) is too complicated. Here is an attempt to put it within reach.

First, please understand that you *must* go read http://freetype.sourceforge.net/patents.html. The subject of that webpage is the world's best method of screen font rendering, called "BCI hinting." Apple owns the patents. What these patents mean is, you are legally prohibited from giving yourself supreme perfect fonting, by installing one of the attached PET packages and following the three easy after-install steps, unless you either:

a) own the relevant BCI hinting license from Apple,
b) live in a country where none of the patents apply,
c) otherwise comply with Apple's legal intellectual property rights.

So: by installing one of the attached PET packages, you hereby promise, affirm, aver, avow, allege and cross-your-heart-'n'-hope-to-die, that you meet one of the above criteria. I am not responsible if you don't.

The attached PET packages do two things:

1. Installs a version of libfreetype which supports BCI hinting on fonts which can use it (which is, most TrueType and OpenType fonts).
2. Installs modified versions of the fonting configuration files /etc/fonts/font.conf and /etc/fonts/local.conf.

These PET package are designed to be uninstallable, but should be considered experimental, so the usual caveats apply. Back up everything before you try these. I am not responsible for whatever happens.

During the early weeks of release of these packages, it was discovered that boxpup-413, if running with XVesa as the X server, loses its native screencapture ability if a bci libfreetype .pet is installed. Uninstalling the .pet does not bring back the screencapture ability.

Therefore, provisionally, I am specifying these PET's only for use with Puppies running the XOrg X server. Try them on XVesa if you dare, but expect problems. Report back if you have success.

Plain black = on my agenda to create.
Blue = link to place below in this thread where you can download.
Red = BCI hinting has been tested and gives no improvement.

If you don't see it, feel free to ask for it!--that is, if you will PM me with a request to supply a PET package for your version, I will put it on my agenda to create, and post the link to it here, as I have time to fulfill the requests.

Puppy 4.12 k2.6.25.16
puppy-k2.6.25.16-v1-xorg-420 ttuuxxx's no-bling version
puppy-k2.6.25.16-v1-xorg-422 (woof pps-422)
puppy-k2.6.29.6-v1-xorg-422 (woof ppa-422)

(to be continued...)

Next: the three easy after-install steps.
And then: some fontpack PET packages.
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Wed 19 Aug 2009, 18:58, edited 45 times in total.
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BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype PET packages

#2 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

**Update: previously I was recommending that you change layout.css.dpi in Seamonkey to 96. I have since learned, that was a mistake. If you did so, change it back to its original value of -1, and then try 0, and see which works better.***

Users of the Opera browser, before doing these three easy after-install steps, should open an Opera tab, go to about:config, and in the "Quick Find" box enter

Code: Select all

In the User Prefs --> Force DPI box, change the value (on my system, it was 96) to 0 (zero), Save. This forces Opera to render using the correct X settings, and will prevent Opera from opening at odd places on the screen after the three easy steps are completed.

After you install the bci PET package for your Puppy version, Menu --> Shutdown --> Restart X server. Then...

1. Open an rxvt window and issue the command

Code: Select all

xdpyinfo | grep 'dimensions:'
Write down the nnn x nnn millimeters values.

Now open /etc/X11/xorg.conf as text, scroll down to a place that looks like the code snippet below (your Monitor section may look slightly different, and may not have a DisplaySize line):

Code: Select all

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName "Monitor Model"
HorizSync 31.5-48.5
VertRefresh 40-70
DisplaySize 433 347
and create a DisplaySize line that matches the width x height values shown by xdpyinfo. For example, if xdpyinfo shows 433x347 millimeters, you would make the line

Code: Select all

DisplaySize 433 347
2. Edit the two files /root/.XDefaults and /root/.Xresources. If there is a line that says

Code: Select all

Xft.dpi: 75
(value may vary), delete it.

Now in rxvt issue the command

Code: Select all

xdpyinfo | grep 'resolution:'
and you will see something like

Code: Select all

resolution:    101x108 dots per inch
Now edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and, just under the DisplaySize line you created in Step 1, add this line (with your own values, of course):

Code: Select all

	Option "DPI"   "101 x 108"
Note: if you use Menu --> Desktop -->Set global font size you will add an Xft.dpi setting to either /root/.Xdefaults or /root/.Xresources.

3. The /etc/fonts/local.conf which the PET package gives you, has subpixel rendering turned on. This improves fonting on LCD and TFT monitors. But if you use a CRT monitor, you want subpixel rendering turned off. To turn it off, open /etc/fonts/local.conf as text, scroll down to the line (line 16 in the current version)

Code: Select all

   <edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>
and change it to read

Code: Select all

<edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>none</const></edit>
Now restart X, and you should have almost the full font improvements as described in my original thread. The only thing lacking, as compared to my full instructions...is, you might not have perfect gamma balance. However, the vast majority of modern monitors don't need it.

May your eyes be pleased,
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Tue 28 Jul 2009, 22:46, edited 19 times in total.
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BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype PET packages

#3 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Some font packs. These are all more-or-less free, depending. Each of these PET packages, when you install it, will bring up the default browser or text editor with the relevant EULA or license; by downloading these, you agree to either comply with the license or else uninstall the PET.

Note: Users of the OpenBox window manager should not use these; instead, use the fontpacks I have posted along with the bci PET for 413-r1 or 421-retro.

For Puppies other than with OpenBox:

The Microsoft Core Webfonts, released in 1996 to the public, this is the last version:
size: 6112 KB
07a7a4d117741f93dabd6ef8609e4a90 microsoft-core-ttf-webfonts-0.0.1.pet

The full DejaVu fontset, version 2.29 from SourceForge. Puppy's default fonts are a small subset of these:
size: 4469 KB
9da6062be7b92af3de3fdc8f38d4ace1 dejavu-ttf-fonts-0.2.29.pet

In my judgment the above two, and maybe the URW fonts below, are all you need for just browsing the news. For a good selection of eye-candy fonts, see this thread. For more of the ho-hum types of fonts, in case you wish to experiment:

The Liberation fontset from Red Hat:
size: 988 KB
bb670d8070e0ea013424f4ec0a63f105 liberation-ttf-fonts-1.0.4.pet

The Linux Libertine fontset:
size: 4328 KB
bd89474accbc0696650dac77cf91f681 linux-libertine-ttf-fonts-4.4.1.pet

The Luxi fontset:
size: 474 KB
814c68ed8cf17bb2b3cd00abb22429e3 luxi-ttf-fonts-0.1.2.pet

The MgOpen fontset:
size: 874 KB
7e148881bb31cb8098a313e618ed5af3 mgopen-ttf-fonts-0.0.1.pet

The URW free ttf versions of its Ghostscript fonts:
size: 5030 KB
67eb35a1f4eba177965ae86f264ff294 urw-ttf-fonts-0.1.41.pet

OK, that oughta getcha on your way...

Free Leonard Peltier
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Fri 07 Aug 2009, 06:08, edited 11 times in total.
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BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype PET packages

#4 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

for Boxpup 4.21-retro k2.6.21.7

File name: bci-k2.6.21.7-v1-xorg-boxpup-4.2.1.pet
File size: 0.67MB
Description tags: BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype for Boxpup 4.21-retro k2.6.21.7
Download link:
# md5sum bci-k2.6.21.7-v1-xorg-boxpup-4.2.1.pet
0a06bfec0ce92efc364249fb32a715e5 bci-k2.6.21.7-v1-xorg-boxpup-4.2.1.pet

Use these fontpacks:

Microsoft Core Webfonts:
File name: mswebfonts-boxpup-retro-4.2.1.pet
File size: 5MB
Description tags: Microsoft Core Webfonts for Boxpup 4.21-retro k2.6.21.7
Download link:
# md5sum mswebfonts-boxpup-retro-4.2.1.pet
390eb17942a3c8492b913b4d0fee3996 mswebfonts-boxpup-retro-4.2.1.pet

DejaVu full font set:
File name: dejavu-ttf-fonts-boxpup-retro-421-0.2.29.pet
File size: 4.36MB
Description tags: DejaVu full fonts set 2.29 for Boxpup 4.21-retro k2.6.21.7
Download link:
# md5sum dejavu-ttf-fonts-boxpup-retro-421-0.2.29.pet
9da6062be7b92af3de3fdc8f38d4ace1 dejavu-ttf-fonts-boxpup-retro-421-0.2.29.pet
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Fri 07 Aug 2009, 09:59, edited 3 times in total.
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BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype PET packages

#5 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

for Boxpup-413-r1:
(Yes, it really was 87 degrees F. (30.5 C.) here at 10:10 PM.)

File name: bci-k2.6.25.16-v1-xorg-boxpup-r1-4.1.3.pet
File size: 0.67MB
Description tags: BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype for Boxpup 4.13-r1 k2.6.25.16
Download link:
# md5sum bci-k2.6.25.16-v1-xorg-boxpup-r1-4.1.3.pet
7d474e56192233133fc5e86bd18889de bci-k2.6.25.16-v1-xorg-boxpup-r1-4.1.3.pet

For BoxPup, do not install any of the fontpacks posted above. At the moment I have converted only two, the Microsoft Core Webfonts and the full DejaVu set. If people want more fontpack PETs converted for suitability with 413-boxpup-r1, PM me.

DejaVu full fontset for puppy413-boxpup-r1:
eff7c29a1363e0f34d881135c202091f dejavufonts-boxpup-r1-4.1.3.pet

Microsoft Core Webfonts for puppy413-boxpup-r1:
390eb17942a3c8492b913b4d0fee3996 mswebfonts-boxpup-r1-4.1.3.pet

Restart X (or reboot) after installing the fontpacks, so that the font cache gets updated.

In Opera 10.00 beta, try these settings in
Tools --> Preferences --> Web Pages:
Normal font: DejaVu sans (unknown) size 13
Monospace font: Andale Mono size 13

Advanced --> Fonts:
Browser Menus: Verdana bold, size 12
Web Page Normal Text: DejaVu Sans (unknown), min size 13.

Window titles are set in OpenBox Configuration Manager, the screenshot shows Lucida Sans Unicode, size 14.

If you install the MS Core and DejaVu fontpacks, you have around 20 new fonts to play with in Tools --> Preferences --> Advanced --> Fonts. Let me know if you find any particularly good combinations.

Before you do the three easy after-install steps in the second post in this thread, open an Opera tab, go to about:config, and in the "Quick Find" box enter

Code: Select all

In the User Prefs --> Force DPI box, change the value (on my system, it was 100) to 0 (zero), Save. This forces Opera to render using the correct X settings, however, unlike version 9.63, Opera 10.00 beta still does sometimes open at odd places on the screen.
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Fri 07 Aug 2009, 06:40, edited 4 times in total.
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BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype PET packages

#6 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

for puppy-421 with regular kernel as shown by uname -r
screenshot with the MS Core Webfonts and full DejaVu fonts PET's, from third post in this thread, installed.

File name: bci-k2.6.25.16-v1-xorg-puppy-4.2.1.pet
File size: 0.67MB
Description tags: BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype for Puppy Linux 4.21-k2.6.25.16
Download link:
# md5sum bci-k2.6.25.16-v1-xorg-puppy-4.2.1.pet
828f25d3e1cea555f775d62358a19ddb bci-k2.6.25.16-v1-xorg-puppy-4.2.1.pet
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Fri 07 Aug 2009, 09:27, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype PET packages

#7 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

for Puppy-420-RT-SMP and Puppy-420-DAW-Pup

File name: bci-k2.6.29.1-rt9-puppy-4.2.0.pet
File size: 0.67MB
Description tags: BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype for Puppy-420-RT-SMP
Download link:
# md5sum bci-k2.6.29.1-rt9-puppy-4.2.0.pet
f3b4fbdd143e0471f16f8649f3081ea0 bci-k2.6.29.1-rt9-puppy-4.2.0.pet
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Sun 09 Aug 2009, 02:36, edited 2 times in total.
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#8 Post by Roy »

Sit Heel Speak,

I've been having some difficulties on my end (using boxpup 413)... the MS Core Webfonts and full DejaVu fonts PET's install without complaint, but I can no longer take a screenshot of my system after installing bci-k2.6.25.16-boxpup-4.1.3.pet.

Thought it might have something to do with setup files left over in /root/.packages (per your Boxpup 413r1 comments), but Boxpup 413 has no such directory. (Oops! See edit, a couple of lines down in this post.)

The bci-k2.6.25.16-boxpup-4.1.3.pet, by the way, does look like it installs -- and uninstalls via the Puppy package manager.

EDIT: The /root/.packages directory is there, it was a hidden file. However, no files named bci-boxpup... remain there after uninstalling.

If I can get the screenshot function back (with bci-k2.6.25.16-boxpup-4.1.3.pet still installed), I would gladly post a before and after image. Suggestions?

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#9 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

for Puppy 4.21 with kernel

File name: bci-k2.6.21.7-v1-xorg-puppy-4.2.1.pet
File size: 0.67MB
Description tags: BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype for Puppy Linux 4.21-k2.6.21.7
Download link:
# md5sum bci-k2.6.21.7-v1-xorg-puppy-4.2.1.pet
c63d14608c1195f44335fad8300219e0 bci-k2.6.21.7-v1-xorg-puppy-4.2.1.pet
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Thu 06 Aug 2009, 05:33, edited 2 times in total.
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#10 Post by Roy »

Right click anywhere on the Boxpup 413 desktop. The screen shot function is the third option down under the Utility menu. (See attachment.)

(74.58 KiB) Downloaded 1741 times
Last edited by Roy on Wed 05 Aug 2009, 02:59, edited 1 time in total.
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#11 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

for ttuuxxx's no-bling k2.6.25.16 Puppy 4.20:

File name: bci-k2.6.25.16-v1-no-bling-xorg-puppy-4.2.0.pet
File size: 0.67MB
Description tags: BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype from no-bling Puppy 4.20
Download link:
# md5sum bci-k2.6.25.16-v1-no-bling-xorg-puppy-4.2.0.pet
d8adaf7247728bf47a1a922d2147a52b bci-k2.6.25.16-v1-no-bling-xorg-puppy-4.2.0.pet
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Sat 15 Aug 2009, 05:50, edited 2 times in total.
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#12 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Hi Roy,

Try this one:

File name: bci-k2.6.25.16-v2-boxpup-4.1.3.pet
File size: 0.67MB
Description tags: BCI-hinting-enabled libfreetype for BoxPup-413 (not -r1)
Download link:
# md5sum bci-k2.6.25.16-v2-boxpup-4.1.3.pet
810a7bbaaa921f75d753ce0b2a6e7866 bci-k2.6.25.16-v2-boxpup-4.1.3.pet

(***edited, some text deleted by poster***)

I don't know which screenshot-taker you are using. The way I gave OpenBox (***edited: using XOrg. The screenshot-taker in Boxpup-413 doesn't work, under XOrg, only XVesa ***) the ability to take this screenshot the OpenBox way was:

1. Use Puppy Package Manager to install xorg_xorg_full_dri-7.3 (X libraries are necessary for compile of imlib2)

2. Download imlib2 source to /root/Downloads and unpack, shift into the unpack folder:

3. Compiled imlib2 the usual way:

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --build=i486-t2-linux-gnu
make install
4. Download giblib source to /root/Downloads, extract it, shift into the unpack folder:
--compiled using same sequence as for imlib2

5. Download and unpack the scrot .gz, from muggins, found it at
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 37&t=24806

6. Worked scrot into the OpenBox menu thanks to the advice at
http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2008/02/07 ... nbox-menu/
except, I configured scrot to take .png not .jpg screencaptures. Open /root/.config/openbox/menu.xml and Find "snapshot" --change it to read

Code: Select all

<item label="Screen Snapshot">
<!-- <action name="Execute"><execute>ob_screenshot</execute></action> -->
<!-- <action name="Execute"><execute>scrot -q 100 -d 1 screenshot-%F-%H%M%S.jpg</execute></action> -->
<action name="Execute"><execute>scrot -q 100 -d 1 screenshot-%F-%H%M%S.png</execute></action>
This configures scrot to have a 1-second delay, picture quality 100%, it saves a timestamped .png capture to /root.
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Thu 06 Aug 2009, 02:59, edited 1 time in total.
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#13 Post by Roy »

Sorry, Sit Heel Speak. Your updated bci-k2.6.25.16-v2-boxpup-4.1.3.pet broke Boxpup 413's native Screen Snapshot function again and I don't have the private bandwidth to download the items required to compile and re-add the function.

I did confirm, however, that the files you mentioned in you post above are indeed on my system after .pet installation and reboot. The text Success Notification points to this thread, but references the above post specified for Opera users.


EDIT: I am afraid this .pet did not cleanly uninstall; my Screen Snapshot function did not return following the .pet removal via the Package Manager and a reboot. Perhaps someone with unlimited bandwidth can jump in here?
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#14 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Hi Roy,

Please bear with me here a bit longer; I'm not out of questions yet. Gracious of you to apologize, but no need!--I'm the one who is trying to be the guru, so if I'm not "gu" enough then I'm the one who climbs the rope!

One clue remains to be considered: from your information I infer that, for you, on a fresh install of Boxpup, the screencap utility works. But the screencap utility does not work on a fresh install for me. Not even before applying my .pet. So, I was presuming that it doesn't work for you either, and therefore mistakenly thought you must have installed an "aftermarket" one.

So I'm trying to figure out now...in what possible way could the libs that handle fonting...have a conflict with a utility that captures the screen? The only thing they have in common is, they both address video.

What handles video, and what both are making calls into, is the X server. So I think there must be some difference between the X servers that you and I are using. Perhaps if we can identify the crucial difference(s) between the X servers we use, then that may suggest the solution to this baffling problem.

So, my questions at this point are:

I've been choosing XOrg. Are you, by chance, choosing XVesa?

(***edited, a few minutes later: I am posting this edit from a fresh coexist install of boxpup-413, I chose XVesa, and,...well good night nurse, whaddya know...heh...openbox screen capture works.***)

(***edited, posting this edit from xvesa boxpup again. I have just tried installing the pet-compiled-under-xorg, on boxpup-413-xvesa, and, while the install goes smoothly, sure enough, the ability to screencapture is lost.

I will shortly compile bci-libfreetype in this boxpup, with xvesa, and if it works OK on my machine running boxpup-xvesa, will post that. I hope, Roy, you will be game for one more test flight... :) ***)

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#15 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Hi Roy,

I have bad news. Or, good news maybe...depending on how eager (or reluctantly willing, or unwilling :? ) you were, to make one more test flight...

I have compiled bci libfreetype under a fresh install of boxpup-413 with xvesa chosen as the X server.

The resultant libs are identical to the ones obtained by compiling under xorg:

Size of bci-hinting-enabled libfreetype.so.6.3.20 compiled under xvesa, after strip -g .......511 K
# md5sum libfreetype.so.6.3.20
d15fee823d83dd0db5f62bcd4aec6b8a libfreetype.so.6.3.20

Size of bci-hinting-enabled libfreetype.so.6.3.20 compiled under xorg, after strip -g .......511 K
# md5sum libfreetype.so.6.3.20
d15fee823d83dd0db5f62bcd4aec6b8a libfreetype.so.6.3.20

So, I've learned two things:

1. It doesn't matter what the X libs set is, i.e. whether running under XOrg or XVesa. libfreetype compiles identically under either version of X server. I did not know that before.

2. There is at least one Puplet, yours, on which it is simply not possible to run bci-hinting-enabled libfreetype if the XVesa X server is chosen.

This is a good lesson and I'm glad I learned it. I don't know yet whether it is true as a general rule, that no Puppy will run BCI-enhanced libfreetype under XVesa, or if this shortcoming is true only of some Puppies.

Anyway, thanks for trying. You still get a one-sixth share of 10% of any profit I make from it. Plus an extra 10% sportsmanship bonus :roll:

So...I will go ahead and start populating the list. But, thanks to your testing, I now know enough to give them names like


so that I don't get deluged with complaints when people try to use it with xvesa!

Best regards,
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#16 Post by Roy »

Sit Heel Speak, you are correct in believing that my screenshot function works (out-of-the-box) on my Inspiron 910 netbook. However,....

Ahem... I kinda' hate to bring this up, but believe I've been running Xorg with Boxpup 413. Back in the Dingo time-frame, it was either Xvesa or the extra steps to bring up the generic driver in Xorg that would work on my netbook. Somewhere around Puppy 4.1 ~ 4.1.2's introduction, Xorg began working correctly out-of-the-box with a 1024x600x24 screen resolution.

Keep in mind that I'm just an end-user and that if Puppy is somewhow defaulting to Xvesa after I choose Xorg... then that is something I cannot speak inteligently about. I am simply not aware of that as a realistic possibility. To my knowledge, I have been using Xorg in all of these tests.

A couple of finer points to bring up, in the hope that they will be helpful:

1) I don't recall getting the leafpad Success Notification when trying your first .pet; Perhaps I was not waiting long enough afterwards? (I did get the small system notification -- just not the additional text file for Leafpad)

2) If you wish to add an additional screenshot capture function, I might suggest a 4 ~ 5 second delay. I had a bugger of a time getting the menu to come up for the shot given previously (using the touch pad interface), and that was with a 3-second delay.


P.S. - If it would really help you, I could try to post some file outputs from my system -- but you will have to give me the commands to run and instruct me on pasting the results to a text file. Just let me know, so that I can start begging for personal internet access again...
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#17 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Roy wrote:Sit Heel Speak, you are correct in believing that my screenshot function works (out-of-the-box) on my Inspiron 910 netbook. However,....

Ahem... I kinda' hate to bring this up, but believe I've been running Xorg with Boxpup 413...
heh, it's always something...

if you have /var/log/Xorg.0.log then you are running XOrg. Otherwise, XVesa.

I see that the I-910 has integrated Intel 945 system and video adapter, relatively bleeding edge, less than a year old, I have an Intel Classmate that has the same. Getting too late now but tomorrow night I'll load boxpup-413 on it and see if it behaves with respect to my pet package like yours does.

The fact that, here, screencap works under XVesa and not under XOrg...isn't the only clue.

On boxpup-413 Pfind is fast and reliable under XVesa, while under XOrg Pfind crashes. Also I've noticed a problem which Thunar has when showing very deeply nested subfolders, it shows the contents of the wrong level and there seems to be a rather low upper limit to the length of full pathname Thunar can handle. Therefore, and I'm not taking away anything from his amazing achievement in grafting Openbox onto Puppy, but, I suspect that gray overlooked something really, really fundamental. Built a Ford but used a Chevy driveshaft, something like that. But to track it down precisely might take months.

I'll need to see what happens with boxpup and the Classmate before I can offer intelligent suggestions.

Maybe lsmod, /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and /var/log/Xorg.0.log would tell an interesting tale, but no point in your PM'ing me the whole things. Not yet, at any rate.
Roy wrote:A couple of finer points to bring up, in the hope that they will be helpful:
1) I don't recall getting the leafpad Success Notification when trying your first .pet; Perhaps I was not waiting long enough afterwards?
No, the first one, the one that crashed the WM, didn't have it. Somehow a success notification after it crashed the window manager, seemed inappropriate :lol: ...I introduced the SN after rearrangeing the installer drastically to avoid the wm freeze, you can see an outline description of how it works at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=45217
Roy wrote:2) If you wish to add an additional screenshot capture function, I might suggest a 4 ~ 5 second delay. I had a...time getting the menu to come up for the shot given previously (using the touch pad interface), and that was with a 3-second delay.
There is an active thread on screen capture utilities over at
Someone there can probably point you to exactly what you want, if you tell them you are having difficulty with a touchpad and describe what you'd like.

Back in 24. Oh, btw, I meant to ask you, would you mind telling me where I can get that beautiful wolf-in-forest background?

***edited 16 hours later: I'm posting this from boxpup-413-r1 and I now take back what I said in the other thread. The list of improvements which gray posts concerning the -r1 version over his original 413 at
is incomplete; obviously the much-too-modest gray did further work in -r1 to better integrate Openbox with X in Puppy. Screencap from within XOrg works. Pfind from within XOrg doesn't crash and is acceptably fast. The deeply-nested subfolders bug in Thunar is fixed.

So, Roy, I'm going to close the book on boxpup-413 here, recommend you beg your wife / parents / sibling / parole officer / accountant or whomever for another 100 MB of personal bandwidth, download either boxpup-413-r1 or boxpup-421, and then install Firepup from ttuuxxx's .pet. (I will look at boxpup-421 in a couple hours from now and give you my opinion here).

***edited: boxpup 4.21-retro looks good. I will make one for boxpup-4.13-r1 and one for boxpup-4.21. And hope that gray sees fit to make a boxpup that supports SMP...***
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Sun 16 Aug 2009, 20:15, edited 1 time in total.
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#18 Post by Roy »

Sit Heel Speak,

Thank you for your efforts. I am using Xorg but, after doing some additional research, see that Xorg has not learned how to play very well with Intel's GM945 video yet. Looking at my /var/log/Xorg.0.log shows a lot of VESA entries after Xorg tries to load.... The funny thing is that I have not experienced the instability problems in Boxpup 413 that you mentioned (Pfind and Screenshot Capture work well). Oh, well.

Going back to my wolf in the forest wallpaper, I have no idea where I originally got it from. A lot of stuff available on the internet ends up with labels like "Antarctic%20-%20National%20-%20Park%20@%20mid%20-%20morning" or something equally as non-descriptive, so I rename the .jpg's with something that makes sense to me; in this case, I renamed the photo to "wolf" and saved it as a 1024x600 .jpg. Hence, finding the original source may be impossible. (I may still have a 1024x768 of wolf.jpg on another drive.) PM me if you would like for me to e-mail you a copy.

I am sorry that this one didn't work out but, again, thank you for your work.

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#19 Post by disciple »

I seem to remember hearing about a search engine that you could feed a picture and it would analyse it and search for similar ones...
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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Sit Heel Speak
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#20 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

All right, I'll PM you my private email address for the wolf pic.

I've decided also to invent a new game. Similar to Win Ben Stein's Money on TV. It's called Win Your Own Personalized Puppy ISO From Sit Heel Speak.

In recognition of volunteer testpilot services rendered and steadfast sportsmanship, you're the first winner!!!!

Your prize is boxpup 4.13r1 revised by yours truly, with an SMP kernel, my fonting improvements pre-built-in, and a 5-second delay on the openbox screen cap, all tuned specifically for the Intel 945 chipset. You also get to name up to five further trimmings to add, whatever you'd like!!! Except, wireless is iffy, I don't use it so can only take a best-guess at implementing it...

Choose wisely, Grasshopper... :)
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