Should we change rox to other more beautiful ones... ?SOLVED

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Should we change rox to other more beautiful ones... ?

#21 Post by cretsiah »

I can see what your saying Master_Wrong but...
first of all the pcman thing whaere you are just clicking straight to to drive means either:
a) auto mount has been backgrounded and run inside a wrapper for pcman to notice it.
b) hotplug same sort of deal..

Part of the good thing with puppy (the part that i am happier with), is that the auto-mount / hotplug function is not automated and must be activated (well it is on my puppy version). this has a security point that most ppl dont acknowledge.. and that is that if u a)screw up ur puppy u dont screw up your existing filesystems, b) if you screwup your existing filessystems you dont screwup puppy..

there used to be a tree-view style app with-in the menu in older puppies, maybe you can still download it with the pet-get manager.

Technically you have what you want in rox but not quite the same layout when you click on the icons @ the bottom of the screen..

as to which I prefer I dont know because any distro I use I generally use the default application.
In order to stick with puppies original philosophy any change would have to meet the requirements of being small and fast.

So if the ROX enviroment does pinboard,desktop,filesystem and whatever else, then you are going to need either a)group of applications that add up to the same size as the ROX install or smaller, or b) another app that does the same things as what ROX does for puppy...

as for ROX being different to windows for newbies? i dont know i suppose that depends on whter they use icon view or detailed view on their system..
To me windows Icon view is the exact same as the rox icons view.

PS I think the hal thing was removed from puppy4.0 onwards and replaced with puppy u-event or pup-event

PS Number 2: I believe that is what the "add" button is for, so where it says:
you can add the hd's to this by using the add (although hotplugging may need to be enabled) so you end up with something like this:
would this not do as you require?
my $2 bucks worth
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#22 Post by Master_wrong »

Subject description: ignore me
I can see what your saying Master_Wrong
Thank you, also for your long post explaining to me regarding this issue...

PS Number 2: I believe that is what the "add" button is for, so where it says:
you can add the hd's to this by using the add (although hotplugging may need to be enabled) so you end up with something like this:
would this not do as you require?
my $2 bucks worth
well, It should make thing easier a bit then...
I also have some idea btw
maybe we can put link inside puppy root which will mount and show the partition ?

or can we just alter the default so instead of root it will show media so if the partition was mounted it will automatically shown ?

btw I don't mind that i have to mount partition because in 4.20, mounting partition was easy, and I think $2 is too much thank you, perhaps it's ok if we just barter with my idea above?
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#23 Post by MU »

Rox has some advantages, pcmanfm others.

Both provide desktop icons.
The desktop of pcmanfm is very limited compared to rox.
You cannot arrange icons as you like, or drag any file on it.
Instead, you need to use or create a *.desktop file.

Concerning filemanagement itself, I prefer pcmanfm in some cases.
To quickly get an overview of thumbnails though, I prefer rox.

To manage packages or copy/symlink, I prefer Muppyfiler.
For things Muppyfiler can't do, I would prefer XFE, but I even don't have it installed any longer, because I did not really need it since quite a while.

So in Newyearspup, I offer rox, pcmanfm and in addition Muppyfiler.

I think the optimal solution would be to stay with Rox, and in addition write a XFE clone in Genie. But this will take a while.
I already programmed a tree class, now we also need a "table" (for the filelist), and then add the typical stuff like copy/move/delete.

I do not actively program a filemanager at moment, so maybe it takes until 2010 until I have built so many classes, that finally generating a filemanager from them will take not much time.

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#24 Post by Flash »

Hey, Mark, since you're writing a filemanager anyway, could you include the ability to display a truncated tree view? :)

I have a lot of mp3 audio books, and there is no good way to display them in any file manager. I'd like a tree view which shows all the authors, and beneath each author the folders containing the books that author wrote, but without showing the actual mp3 files in the tree view. There is a program called "tree" which can do what I want, but changing its font so that it is readable for me is difficult. I just thought that it might be a useful thing to include in a file manager the ability to show a truncated tree view. :)
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#25 Post by MU »

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They both work, but...

#26 Post by Schism »

I use MU's Newyearspup2. I like pcman which he uses more than rox, simply due to the cut, copy, past i don't like in rox. I also chose pcman becuase of the mounting and unmounting abilities.

Lately, and right now I'm using upup476, I have lxpanel and openbox installed and would love to get pcman. Is there a pet?

Truthfully, MU has a great system in Newyearspup and really want to clone it in Puppy 5.

Also, it is important to realize that people have different tastes and use there computers differently. Whatever Puppy ships with should be easily changed, and it has done that.
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#27 Post by droope »

I think ROX does it's job OK, and unless PCmanfm (or whatever it's name is :P) is lighter in weight, it shouldn't be added...

Why? It's the same issue that with widgets. Is it really necessary to force everyone to the extra weight? Maybe you could install it on yourself on your own OS, rather than making everyone who doesn't like it uninstall it.


EDIT: i've read the 1st post. I like Pcman asfbui (Can't remember name) more, i've tried in the past... If it's smaller than rox, it's great! THe only issue is, well desktop, then ;(
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#28 Post by Master_wrong »


Thank you for the info and I agree, I just tried so I realize that we can even add custom script and program to rox,
ok,ok,ok, I'm still learning now... :idea:

however i still think newbie will need transitional stage which they can easily navigate into their own media (hd,flash etc) and im glad that you will create a new filemanager to accompany rox, also puplet with it so I think it's great :arrow: keep rox as sole filemanager in puppy and for anyone vote aye ! can have mu's puplet so everyone happy, yes?.

I thereby cast this as solved !
Thank you
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#29 Post by Max Uglee »

What about Thunar? It is the default in Boxpup 4.1.3 which is only 90 MB. it looks very similar to PCmanfm, I am not sure of the advantages/disadvantages of either one but I know that most ex M$ or Mac people will like them more. Xfe looks nice also. ROX is great for what it is but I must say that when I first started using Puppy it was the only thing I really did not like. It is just too different from what people are used to.
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#30 Post by Master_wrong »

Thanks max for the info...
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#31 Post by Max Uglee »

Master_wrong wrote:Thanks max for the info...
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#32 Post by 37fleetwood »

Hi, just spotted this, possibly too late. as a "newbie" I would chime in that Rox as a whole isn't really a problem, it's the filer that sucks. I have Puppy3 running Icewm/Rox with Thunar installed, and am very pleased with it. please someone simply make a pet and put it in the repositories of PCman filer or Thunar. the only one available was an old version of Thunar I think, I had to really hunt to find it, and fight with it to get it going. as a pet, it wouldn't much matter how heavy it was, anyone who wanted it could install and pay the consequences if they are willing. this keeps Puppy light and fast yet solves the main problem which is the dislike of the Rox file manager. in the mean while,I'll stick with NOP. perhaps in the future Rox will change the look and function of their Filer, but til then...

Icewm with Rox running Thunar:
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#33 Post by gawth_slacker »

Yes, I think it would be a very good idea to switch to PCmanFM over rox. PCmanFM is much more user friendly and would attract more ppl to Puppy for those who would have ditched it because of ROX being preinstalled. I now know how to use it but is still not as desirable as PCmanFM. Pound for pound PCmanFM is a better deal than ROX.
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#34 Post by ttuuxxx »

Rox is stable, fast and pretty much complete, I wouldn't change it for any other file manager, :) It does the job the way it should and I'm pretty much used to it.
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#35 Post by Aitch »

oh dear...I'm a bit late....Re: Master_wrong/BumpTop
Is there a Mac or Linux version of BumpTop available? Where do I download it?
We do not currently have a Mac or Linux version (Beta or otherwise) available. Sign up on our mailing list at the bottom of our download page and we'll keep you updated as we expand our operating system support.
Midnight Commander does an explorer type 2 panel & tree view

Bruce B posted links to alienx MC+ ... 10c9fce1b7

Is there an up to date .pet?

As a noobie, I remember it didn't take long to figure out rox, though copy/post was tricky, as I recall
[middle button on a 2 button mouse? - yes, when you know how.... :wink: ]

Aitch :)
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#36 Post by Max Uglee »

37fleetwood wrote:...Rox as a whole isn't really a problem, it's the filer that sucks...
Yes it is only the filer that sucks. I am not against having it as a desktop and all. But c'mon guys you are 10X more computer literate than the average person who uses a computer. Try to think like someone who is used to window$ or mac or even most other linux distros for that matter. Why do you think these puplets with other filers are more popular than Puppy itself. I think that peoples' views of what an OS should be like get skewed when all they use it for is to develop and the only people they talk to about it are on this forum. I understand why you guys like it but it is not right for Puppy. Lightweight, yes, extremely, and it's very impressive what you've done, but don't claim to be an easy to use OS when you're not. I love Puppy and I don't want to sound unappreciative. Thank you all for what you have done for it. And thank those of you who have made other filers available as well ;)
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#37 Post by 37fleetwood »

I started using Puppy just as 2.15ce came out. I also customized my own 2.16, so I'm here to tell you that for the most part Rox filer isn't hard to use. nothing looks cleaner than a nice fresh Puppy 4.2 cd. Jwm and the default theme is gorgeous. the main issue is that it is quicker and simpler to deal with files and drives using a two paned filer. it doesn't matter which, someone just please make a pet out of PcMan or Thunar that has all the dependencies included, and make it available in the repositories. Rox is fine as long as one or both are available. in the mean time I've simply taken to installing the nice Xfce 4.6 pet that's available. I suppose most of this goes out the window and becomes moot when Woof is completely ironed out as it will give access to everything in the repositories for the version you are using.
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#38 Post by smokey01 »

I must admit when I first started using ROX I didn't like it either. I, like many, preferred the two window file managers as that's what I was used to. Drag and drop between windows is very easy to use.

Anyway after some perseverance I learned more and more how ROX worked and now I love it. It really is worth reading the help files as it does a lot of good stuff that many other file managers can't. Yes it is different but it certainly is worth the education.

Do I still like duel window file managers, hell yes. I simply open ROX twice and drag and drop files between them. Doesn't everyone do this?

I even have ROX assigned to the Windows+E key so it is easy to access and keeps the familiarity with Windows Explorer.
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#39 Post by ttuuxxx »

Yes I agree with you on that smokey01, It took me sometime to get used to ROX, coming over from windows, but once I did it works great, and yes I do the multiple rox window and drag and drop all the time. Thunar is way too big and uses dbus etc, other window manager don't have the nice icon display, I like the layout of ROX, never been much for text only no 48x48 icons like most 2 panel WM. Plus the way I have ROX setup in 2.14X you can change the gui icons in /mini-icons which most versions its more complicated than that, To to that I had to point rox to the mini-icons folder and have them named after gtk2 icons, once that was done, it all worked easy.
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#40 Post by James C »

Keep Rox.

I open two Rox windows and drag and drop myself.It is simple and it works.
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