Puppy.ca bans abusers

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Puppy.ca bans abusers

#1 Post by Caneri »

Hi All,

Recently, we have found a need to start being more severe with regards to the banning of IP addresses that are abusing the .ca server.

Our monthly use of bandwidth is very large and a "trim" is in the works.

You may find that only one connection per IP is now in effect. Please, don't continue to try and use download accelerators as these will cause all of us a painful situation via banning IP ranges and permanent IP banning.

If you feel you have been unfairly banned please let us know as this is not to stop legit users, but, to control some abuse of the puppylinux.ca server.

If somebody wants to mirror .ca it's ok with me but please let me know so we can let you out of jail if you were banned ;-)

Sorry for any inconvenience.

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#2 Post by Caneri »

Too Add

We have made a few changes to the server after some reflection.

First ....the connections are now set to 5 per IP address.

Second... automatic banning of IP addresses that continue to abuse the .ca server is now in effect and will become permanent.

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#3 Post by Caneri »

Hi All,

I wanted to add that my decision to limit .ca is not to hinder any new projects.

All that I am trying to do is to trim bandwidth, because in June we used around 43tb in 23 days. and puppylinux.asia was shutdown on June 12 from too much data transfer aka bandwidth.

I must make changes,
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#4 Post by aarf »

is requiring deciphering an image catchpa before download a possible solution?
perhaps also posting info on available torrents in strategic locations
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#5 Post by ttuuxxx »

43TB in a month, OMG I guess puppy is really a large success, man that so big of a number. Really amazing to think of it. Thanks Eric once again for all you do for the puppy project :)
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#6 Post by runtt21 »

Eric, YOU ROCK !!!!!, Thank you for hosting all of our stuff !!
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#7 Post by davesurrey »

Hello Eric,
Yes 43TB in a month is a huge download.

I just had a quick look at your site (it seems to be down now ..hope my IP has not been banned!!??) and I estimate you have around 40GB of files so that would mean the equivalent of 1000 bots downloading everything off the site.

Put another way if each distro is around 100MB then that would be 430,000 folk downloading an iso each month

Obviously these are just very very rough boundary-condition figures but it does show up the scale of the problem you have to cope with.

As ever thanks for all you do.

obviously don't take these figures literally!!! There are only 17000 odd forum members for example. They just scope out the scale of the problem.
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#8 Post by tronkel »

davesurrey wrote:
Put another way if each distro is around 100MB then that would be 430,000 folk downloading an iso each month
I can well believe that. Would be interesting to try to get even rough statistics on the composition of these downloads - i.e. what proportion of them are puplets and what proportion are basic versions.

Eric's server carries all sorts of puplets and I suspect that they constitute the bulk of the downloads at the moment. Netbooks are selling out so much so, that only yesterday, Microsoft has publicly
admitted for the first time, that Linux is becoming a problem for them in the netbook sector. (see Slashdot). I'll bet that the first thing many netbook buyers do these days, is to replace the bundled OS with a Puppy Linux derived puplet. - Macpup, Newyearsday Pup etc. Ubuntu gets used a lot for this as well.

Some facts and figures on netbook/laptop manufacturers' use and/or recommendation of Puppy as an OEM system would also be interesting to discover. I suspect this sort of deployment has increased to the point, where Puppy has crossed the invisible threshold to the side of high-volume adoption. How else could it otherwise consistently maintain its position of no. 8 at Distrowatch?

So is it not time to do some research and identify which commercial entities are making use of Puppy in order to increase their sales turnover? These entities should then contribute to the costs of maintaining Eric's servers. HP subs Debian servers in exactly this way. Puppy more than justifies this help as well - maybe even more so.

So if any netbook manufacturer reads this by any chance - please contribute to www.puppylinux.ca

This download figure of 430,000 is plausible if you consider that sales of say the Asus eeepc range alone accounts for millions of netbook units sold. Include Dell, Acer, HP and many others as well and you can easily see where this figure is coming from.
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#9 Post by aarf »

tronkel wrote:
Would be interesting to try to get even rough statistics on the composition of these downloads - i.e. what proportion of them are puplets and what proportion are basic versions.
agreed post a link to your stats pages . we might be able to give more ideas to solve or unravel this . if you dont have a stats keeper, there are excellent ones available o the web for free. remember seeing distrowatch stats links posted here on puppyforum before so you can do it too.
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#10 Post by Caneri »

Hi All,

Here's some ball park figures.

Total disk usage is around 120gb of files on .ca.
Most downloaded is the iso files at 87.9%
pets are around 6.3%

I'm aware of 1 puplet.iso that has nearly a 100,000 downloads in the last while.

Hacao is another that has massive downloads along with any other iso that gets listed on Distrowatch or linuxmagazines....so you see my dilemma. Some of the bots use up gb's of data transfer per month so they are slowly being filtered out....they are a pain!!

I must salute my host...John at http://igsobe.com has been a great host. He donates to Puppy in a very important way for sure.

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#11 Post by aarf »

the actual data is so much more interesting. here is a stats program
http://awstats.sourceforge.net/#DEMO that i use and recommend. free and small.
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#12 Post by tronkel »

Caneri wrote:
Hacao is another that has massive downloads along with any other iso that gets listed on Distrowatch or linuxmagazines.
and that's only one example. A very few more like Hacao and Eric's server will not be able to cope at all. Other possible cause: a major competitor of Puppy i.e. DSL seems to have disappeared without trace and left this sector wide-open for Puppy. This may also have something to do with that astonishing :shock: 43TB figure.

So it all looks a bit urgent as regards server bandwidth.

It has all gone a bit quiet on the proposed Linux-based Google Chrome OS. Maybe they might (or already are?) looking to Puppy to form the basis for this OS. Google has certainly got the bandwidth horse-power to cope with something like this level of download volume. If this ever gets off the ground then Google could be the saviour here. In the meantime any other offers or ideas gratefully considered!

It's simply not at all realistic for Eric to provide adequate server facilities for Puppy on his own. Why should he be expected to subsidise commercial interests out of his own pocket? I reckon he has done an amazing job so far. Puppy seems to have recently taken-off and has been caught short on server bandwidth. Need some help from the big dogs now.
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#13 Post by aarf »

so who needs to be coy:
image from today at distrowatch.
puppy.ca is one of only 3 download links given.
(31.26 KiB) Downloaded 1496 times
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#14 Post by davesurrey »

Yes but when I went to Distrowatch just now the url it pointed to was http://macpup.org
Are you saying that of the 3 mirrors there one is puppylinux.ca ? Not doubting you but can you educate me how to tell that. Thanks.
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#15 Post by Caneri »

I may be wrong here but re-read runtt's post above..Eric
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#16 Post by davesurrey »

Missed that.
It's your site so I'm sure you aren't wrong. :)

Still would be interested to find out how I can see where mirrors point to in general.

#17 Post by aarf »

you might want to look into htaccess to password lock directories. most are using user:puppy password: linux
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#18 Post by Caneri »

Hi aarf,

Yup..I us those for logins...what we are doing is another method.

As of today the logs show a big drop in bandwidth (the new setup will take time to watch and to see the actual changes/logs/bans etc).

If we can maintain around 50-70gb/day that will be sufficient I would think.

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#19 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi Eric, just trying to download a 40mb kernel from CA and its downloading at 20kbs, and I tried to use axel at 4 connections and It limited me to just one, so its a 33min download for 40MB. Is that also the new max speed? Are there any other mirrors with the source files? www.puppylinux.asia/ doesn't have the sources files, maybe that could be a mirror. Well thanks again and I don't mean to be a pain.
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#20 Post by tlchost »

ttuuxxx wrote:Hi Eric, just trying to download a 40mb kernel from CA and its downloading at 20kbs, and I tried to use axel at 4 connections and It limited me to just one
If everyone downloading used 4 connections................hmmmmm, could that be a problem?
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