Unable to open, delete or rename .jwmrc

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Unable to open, delete or rename .jwmrc

#1 Post by a-_._-b »

Hi, hello I'm almost new here and I have a question.
Dunno how but I've wasted my .jwmrc, I mean... the file is there but it can't be opened nor deleted nor renamed.
I was playing with one modified script (one that came with fluxbox.pup) to update the flux menu to jwm menu... well I was doing the Openbox version from the fluxbox one... I know nothing of linux so it took me an hour to make it work... but within that hour .jwmrc was screwed.

I don't have my linux partition here and where i have it don't have connection to internet so don't remember exactly what was the alert but seemed a lot like "*FS system error the file cannot be..." what looks like an file system error. (and the file in rox appear in red and is the only in red)

I have a frugal install and the file is in puppysave.sfs so I think that if there is a problem with some asignation table (if ext2 has one or something like the ntfs one) then the problem must be only in the save.sfs.

Is there a way to fix it or I have to blow the entire puppysave.sfs.
I wouldn't mind to blow it, but I would be nice to know if it can be fixed and in that case to know howto... then the nex time that happens I don't have to ask.

Well thats all...
Thnkx in advance and excuse my english.
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#2 Post by disciple »

You can probably fix it by:
- booting with pfix=ram (or simply choosing to load no save file or whatever it is you need to do when booting from CD to ignore the save file)
- mounting the partition your save file is on, NOT clicking on the save file to mount it
- opening a terminal and running

Code: Select all

e2fsck /mnt/sda1/pup_save.2fs
Obviously you need to use the actual path of your save file if that isn't it.

BTW, your save file is a .2fs (or in some Puppy versions .3fs), not a .sfs file. The .2fs file contains a writeable ext2 filesystem, whereas .sfs files contain a compressed read-only squashfs filesystem.
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#3 Post by a-_._-b »

Thanks a lot...
Yeah 2fs... to much new extension or not extensions at all for a new guy in linux world is hard to remember.
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#4 Post by disciple »

Don't forget to let us know if that fixes the problem :)
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#5 Post by a-_._-b »

Yep... that fixed the thing.
It asked a lot of times... but it worked.
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#6 Post by disciple »

I just hold down the y key... but there is almost certainly a command line option to tell it to fix everything automatically.
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