PuppyFiles.us - Updates & Discussion

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PuppyFiles.us - Updates & Discussion

#1 Post by babbs »

(This entry updated February 8, 2006 at 0540GMT)
Hello everyone,

PuppyFiles.us now resides on a new server. Progress has been:
- Moved the domain from a shared IP configuration (allowed http only) to a dedicated IP address (allows both http and ftp)
- Moved the domain to a new server (newer Apache, PHP and MySQL versions than before)

- PuppyFiles.us provides Puppy Linux version browsing and ISO downloanding http

- PuppyFiles.us provides Puppy Linux version browsing via http, with downloading via ftp

- PuppyFiles.us adds a package management component

- To help the Puppy Linux pack grow

Last edited by babbs on Wed 08 Feb 2006, 06:15, edited 7 times in total.
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#2 Post by Lobster »

:) thanks for all your efforts Babbs

A lot of support goes unseen and acknowledged - some of us are well aware :)
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#3 Post by kethd »

Thanks for hosting all those complete archives of Puppy release versions!
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#4 Post by babbs »

Depending on your your location and the pace of the DNS updates, the HTTP part of www.puppyfiles.us seems to be back up. I am still working on the FTP side of the house.

As a part of the ftp setup, I get the opportunity to push a login message. I don't know what text I should use. I'm seeking recommendations. Part serious, part funny... ;)

As always, the kind words are appreciated.

More updates as they develop.
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#5 Post by MU »

from germany I can reach it :)
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#6 Post by Pizzasgood »

Kindly provide your login information. If you choose to refuse, you will have the option of hacking your way in. Have a nice day.
UserName:_________________ Password:________________ SUBMIT
We do not condone the hacking of our server. If you hack in and we catch you, you will be sentenced to death by firing squad. If you escape, we will track you like bloodhounds. Upon capture, you will be chained to a rock and disemboweled by a lobster over the course of four days. The crustatcian will sacrifice your organs to the diety of his choosing and the rest of your body will then be ground up to make Kibbles and Bits.
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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#7 Post by babbs »

Progress report:

- Anonymous FTP server is now working. Empty, but working.
- Initial file structure is:
/conf (Empty, no write access.)
/incoming (For new files to be uploaded. I set it so that the contents are not visible to visitors in case there are non-Puppy uploads. 256MB limit. --Is this enough?)
/pub (duh) ;) (This is presently empty.)

I propose the structure of /pub to be:

Each release would be subfoldered as /v1.0.7, /v1.0.6, etc.

Any comments?

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#8 Post by jmarsden »

Many thanks for setting this up. One thought:

It might be helpful to suggest that anyone uploading to /incoming notify you in some other way about what they just uploaded -- email? PM here on the forums? whatever works best for you. Those notices could usefully say something like:
Example email message wrote:This is Fred Smith <fred@smith.com>. I just uploaded xyz-1.2.pup to /pub/incoming . It is 129KB. xyz is an alphabet soup generator written in Tcl. It's licence is GPL, and its homepage is http://xyz.example.com . It has been tested in Puppy 1.0.6 and 1.0.7. Please put it in /pub/dotpups/ . Thanks, Fred
This way, you know what it is you are getting :-)

Longer term we can look at providing a web form for submitting this sort of info, perhaps. But straight email or a forum PM will be adequate for now, I think.

Once you say "OK", I'd love to see dotpup and pupget package developers upload their packages by FTP to /incoming and send you messages like this. Then we'd soon all have a very useful package repository to download from :-)

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#9 Post by deshlab »

picking up jmarsden's thought:

would it not be best if every uploaded file was accompanied by a short readme (same name text file) containing the info jmarsden suggested?
these would be useful for babbs'/other's sorting them and for the accessing users later.
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#10 Post by kethd »

Re: 256MB upload limit

I ferverently hope that someday there will be full-sized 700MB Puppy-related ISO files available. (Since most Puppies are probably still being burned on full-sized write-once CDs, wasting 90% of the surface, and many people do have flat-rate broadband.)

But I would not expect you to just accept such big files without pre-arrangement, and don't even know if you can afford the bandwidth -- the top priority is for you to make sure you have adequate mechanisms in place to protect yourself and your services, so that you can go on being so generous and helpful to us all!

I hope you won't have the same silly limits on file types that the forum has -- I think it even prohibits txt files!
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#11 Post by babbs »

kethd wrote:Re: 256MB upload limit

I ferverently hope that someday there will be full-sized 700MB Puppy-related ISO files available. (Since most Puppies are probably still being burned on full-sized write-once CDs, wasting 90% of the surface, and many people do have flat-rate broadband.)

But I would not expect you to just accept such big files without pre-arrangement, and don't even know if you can afford the bandwidth -- the top priority is for you to make sure you have adequate mechanisms in place to protect yourself and your services, so that you can go on being so generous and helpful to us all!

I hope you won't have the same silly limits on file types that the forum has -- I think it even prohibits txt files!
Preferred Rule: Deny all; permit by exception... :lol:

Honestly, I figured that there are two sides to this project. One, the implamentation of the technology (proving to me that I could do it correctly), and the other being the policy of keeping it going. I think that I have the first part pretty much under control, but its the policy part that is up for committee comment. We'll flush out the rules and stuff as we go...

The 256MB was a arbitrary starting point. I can adjust it up; I can adjust it down.

Bandwidth issues & silly limits? I am hopeful that this won't be the only mirror and the load will be shared by more than just me. So far, 85% of my bandwidth usage for this site has been me collecting all the files... Although I saw 778GB over a two week period when Chubby Puppy 1.0.5 was posted, my provider was kind enough to not charge me for this spike. ;)
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Upload limit

#12 Post by raffy »

Just to keep the Puppy idea of doing it small - how about a 128 MB upper limit? (well, not really for you to act, Babbs) Let's put the 128 MB limit in our minds when doing the dotpup/pupget/sfs :oops:

An Open Office 2 SFS or dotpup will be very much welcome!!!
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Re: Upload limit

#13 Post by babbs »

raffy wrote:Just to keep the Puppy idea of doing it small - how about a 128 MB upper limit? (well, not really for you to act, Babbs) Let's put the 128 MB limit in our minds when doing the dotpup/pupget/sfs :oops:

An Open Office 2 SFS or dotpup will be very much welcome!!!
raffy - are you talking about this file?
ftp://puppyfiles.us/pub/releases/grafpu ... r_more.sfs
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#14 Post by babbs »

Progress report:

- Anonymous FTP server file structure is:

Code: Select all

 | - conf
 | - incoming
 \ - pub
      | - dotpups
      | - pupgets
      | - releases
      |    | - grafpup
      |    |    | - OpenOffice2
      |    |    | - dotpups
      |    |    | - isos
      |    |    | - python
      |    |    \ - unleashed_packages
      |    | - pizzasgood
      |    | - v0.1
      |    | - v0.2
      |    | (all versions through)
      |    \ - v1.0.7
      \ - source_code
- For new files to be uploaded.
- I set it so that the contents are not visible to visitors in case there are non-Puppy uploads.
- 256MB limit. --Is this enough? As per comments above, I will adjust as appropriate.
- I need someone to come up with a recommendation/policy as to how to notify posters to contact me with details of their upload. I can set up a daily cron job to notify me of uploads, but that does not address the issue of missing readme files.

The /dotpups directory is my next task. I am starting with the dotpup index page given me in the Foundation006 meeting.

The /pupgets directory now has all the files that were in ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributio ... ackages-1/ as of about 15 minutes before this posting.

Under /releases, I have put grafpup, pizzapup, and versions 0.1 through 1.0.7. (Versions 0.1 through 0.3 are readme files since I don't have the ISO files for those releases.) I believe that John's Opera and 128M versions have been properly added to the appropriate release version directories. Are there any other major release varients that should be reflected in the releases section?

The /source_code directory is presently empty. We need to figure out how this is going to work, but at least the directory is there.

Once I have the dotpups added, I will be refining the html portion of the site to link to the files in the FTP area. As of this posting, the version files reside in two places on the server, HTML & FTP. Links to the html version pages will remain valid, but direct links to the ISO and related files will be changed to reflect their new location on the FTP server.

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#15 Post by puppian »

babbs wrote:the load will be shared by more than just me.
A bittorrent tracker has been set up at puppylinux.org :)
[url=http://puppylinux.org]Puppylinux.org - Community home page of Puppy Linux[/url] hosted by Barry (creator of Puppy), created and maintained by the [url=http://puppylinux.org/user/readarticle.php?article_id=8]Puppy Linux Foundation[/url] since 2005
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#16 Post by babbs »

Since there are a number of threads discussing the dotpups and how to best store/maintain them, I am presently focusing on the html part of the site. Once this is done, the only place the ISO and related files will be stored will be the FTP server. More updates as the come.
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#17 Post by babbs »

puppyfiles.us Progress Report:

* Public Web (HTTP) server:
---> Web site now links to the files in the FTP server directly. The version files that were on the web server have been deleted (initially on the web server, but moved to the FTP server).
* Anonymous FTP server:
---> Pupulated with Puppy versions 0.1 through 1.0.7, including Opera, low RAM, GrafPup, and PizzaPup varients.
---> Pupget files have been mirrored from the ibiblio.org /pupget_packages-1 site.
---> I am waiting for the dust to settle down on the dotpup dialog before proceeding with adding them to the /pub/dotpups directory.
---> I am waiting for the debate to progress on the posting of Puppy Linux source code before proceeding with having them added to the /pub/sources directory.

* Correction: I previously stated that the /incoming directory would not display the files put there. I was incorrect. The files will be visible, but they will not be downloadable.
* Configuration: The /incoming directory is currently limited to 250MB, but subdirectories can be made by the uploader to partition their files. This limit can be adjusted for special uploads.

Still to do:
* Login message for the FTP server.
* The development of content management policies.
* Populating the /dotpups and /sources directories.

As a side note, the content for puppyfiles.us (FTP & HTTP) is presently at 4.4GB.

Edit: Just a quick note to say that I've added a an index file for the FTP site (ls -bghlmRs1) at: ftp://puppyfiles.us/pub/puppyfiles-ftp-list.txt (16k)

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#18 Post by babbs »

puppyfiles.us Update:

* Public Web (HTTP) server:
---> Upgrading Apache Web Server from 2.0.40 to 2.2.0.


Edit - I missed a step and can't figure it out right now... Need to take a breather... Apache 2.0.40 restored and puppyfiles.us is working as before.
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#19 Post by babbs »

Its official now...

Its official now that I'm having one of those days where things don't go my way... :evil:

- I set off to upgrade Apache and ran into a conflict with the current version of PHP (or at least the settings)...
- I set off to upgrade PHP so that I could try to upgrade Apache again... That install conked out when it discovered that I didn't have "flex"...
- I got flex installed, but discovered that PHP also needed xml2-config (a part of libxml2)...
- I tried to install libxml2, but discovered that xml2-config was needed and that it is in libxml2-devel...
- The only version of libxml2-devel that I could find (without reverting to an earlier version) was 2.6.23, but discovered that it needed an updated version of mod-xslt...
- I tried to install mod-xslt, but discovered that I needed Python2.3 (Python2.2 was installed)...
- I upgraded Python from 2.2 to 2.4.2. (Yea! One thing got installed.)
- I tried to install mod-xslt, but discovered that mod-xslt really, really wants Python2.3... :cry:

Its about 3:30am here and I don't really feel like uninstalling Python2.4.2 just to install 2.3 right now. I'm off to bed and will resume this mess in the morning...
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#20 Post by Nathan F »

Dependency hell at it's worst. I feel for you.

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