Wine 1.1.30 + winetricks +color setter +goodies & sfs

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#141 Post by mawebb88 »

"-------------l and I forgot about the .sfs so it will have to wait till next time..........."

Yes the SFS would be my preference.

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#142 Post by vovchik »

Dear lezzloco,

Thanks again. Works in 3.01 and 4.10. I don't see jack, yet, but don't worry. You got your version out faster than the guys, who announced it but have not yet posted. Good work.

With kind regards,
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#143 Post by lezzloco »

vovchik, Looks like I only put the main jack .pet in, from technosaurus's Instructions earlier in this thread so will do it again with the jack DEV stuff, and try to remember to make a .sfs as well.
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#144 Post by lezzloco »

I have re done things, so here goes, I hope they work, :-

wine 1.1.27v3 .pet with jack I think ...

wine 1.1.27v3 .sfs with jack I think ... 7C_421.sfs

wine 1.1.27v4 .pet with jack and GLU maybe ...

wine 1.1.27v4 .sfs with jack and GLU maybe ... 7C_421.sfs

EDIT Please post some feed back, (anyone) if jack is working, and if you don't get any GLU troubles, not that I am going to make a habit of this, just dont want broken stuff out there
Last edited by lezzloco on Wed 12 Aug 2009, 16:52, edited 2 times in total.
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#145 Post by panzerpuppy »

And you're hosting this file on a Microsoft server....oh,the irony :D :D :D
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#146 Post by jakfish »

Many thanks for these most recent pets/sfs's, but at least w/ me--asus eee 900/frugal sd card install/prebeta 4.3, neither sfs will run itself.

With the wine sfs on page 1, wine-1.1.17-i486_412.sfs, I rename it to: wine-1.1.17-i486_422.sfs, and it works.

I do not get the same results with wine-1.1.27-i486v3%7C_421.sfs or wine-1.1.27-i486v4%7C_421.sfs after I changed 421 to 422.

Does anybody have that problem in prebeta 4.3, or are these sfs's for puppy 4.2* only?

Again, thanks for keeping us current,
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#147 Post by lezzloco »

@jakfish, I made both .pet and .sfs all on a normal 4.2.1 install, (frugal), I did try both on 2 different pc's and can't fault them here.

The 1.1.17 versions aren't my work so can't help there, and all this is really over my head !, I just started compiling it cause I can't wait for the slackware version :x

@panzerpuppy, using their own weapons against them, sort of thing, I am surprised more people in Linux or freeware don't do the same.

I would like to say that I couldn't have done any of this, without the work / files / info already available, basically I just followed instructions and did nothing cleaver.

Some credits - technosaurus, ttuuxxx, coolpup,,
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#148 Post by Adolf1994 »

Hi, I want to know about associate files to a program(in Wine, like to open files from Total Commander). if anyone can tell something about these things, please write it down.
(SOLVED -> in TC File->Associate..., then do what I needed)
Good Boy, Total Commander (Ultima Prime)
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#149 Post by technosaurus » ...

This one is a little bigger than previous lite versions since it was compiled against more libraries. You DO NOT need to install all of the dependencies unless your specific program requires that specific library.

dependencies (& other packages) & ... packages-4
Check out my [url=]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=]blogspot[/url].
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#150 Post by vovchik »

Dear technosaurus,

I get a 404 file not found error from the download site. Eager to look at 1.2.8, once it is there.

With thanks and kind regards,
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#151 Post by technosaurus »

It should work now. gFTP cuts off the filename so I accidentally uploaded the source tarball instead of the pet.
Check out my [url=]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=]blogspot[/url].
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#152 Post by vovchik »

Dear technosaurus,

THe link now works. Thanks. Your version works in 3.xx and 4.xx nicely.

WIth kind regards,
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#153 Post by mikeb »

Thanks technosaurus....working nicely in 2.12 with updated glibc.

There is a problem that flash player is not working in wine gecko :roll:

Anyone managed to transplant the old version that did?

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#154 Post by panzerpuppy »

Wine 1.1.29 has arrived !

- Wine 1.1.29 brings improved Gecko integration by using Wine's network layers
- use of libmpg123 for MP3 decoding
- support for JPEG and PNG formats in WindowsCodecs
- many regression test fixes for Win64 and Windows 7.
- a variety of bug-fixes (as usual)

WINE 1.1.28 was etremely buggy. This one solves most of the issues.
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Pet it?

#155 Post by SilverPuppy »

Anybody care to make a .PET of 1.1.29?
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#156 Post by MU » ...
Compiled in Puppy 4.3beta3.

This is packaged "as is", without anything in addition.
So you might like to install first one of the older pets, and then this one afterwards, overwriting older files.

Some months ago I had uploaded a version of 1.1.14 with memory patches for games like Bioshock.
The relevant "pthread.c" no longer is included, so it seems, that the memory management has undergone some heavy changes.
Bioshock now seems to run, it still crashes from time to time, but less predictable than before (entering the underwater city).
Together with the Catalyst 9.9 drivers I also can use now my Ati card to play Bioshock.
Before, it was completely black, so just worked with a Nvidia card.
Bioshock is extreme concerning grafics, so this is a great indicator, that now many games might run with modern Ati-cards.
There are still errors, e.g. waterfalls are green, not transparent, but they made a very huge step forward, and the game is playable now.

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#157 Post by walter90 »

I was new to puppy and I installed wine 1.1.28 without doing anything in the terminal. Is there a way to rectify that now?
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#158 Post by panzerpuppy »

MU: You're way too slow with your .PET releases :) There's a new,much better version of WINE:

Wine 1.1.30 Released ! (September 25, 2009)

What's new in this release:
Support for OpenAL (tasty!)
Many improvements in HTML and JavaScript support
Many common controls fixes and improvements
More Direct3D 10 work
Better MAPI support
Tons of bug fixes

Here's just a tiny sample of the general (non app-specific) bugs fixed in this release:

Code: Select all

* Unable to right click on windows apps
* Test Audio button hangs winecfg
* Tray icons won't appear
* Horrible performance when opening large text files
* Offscreen render targets are off by one
* Wine does not report Pixel Shader 3.0 properly to games
* Fonts in games are displayed incorrectly
* Microsoft .NET Framework fails to install (crash)
* Really long lines fail to import into registry
* Program window shuts down on pressing "Esc" 
* Redraw problems
* 'wine uninstaller' crashes on launch (appinstall)
* Joystick's POV doesn't work
* Screen does not get updated in some cases
* Path Problems with SaveDialog
* Wine applications can't set a gamma value
This is a recommended upgrade.
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#159 Post by satishbhawra37 »

This one is a little bigger than previous lite versions since it was compiled against more libraries. You DO NOT need to install all of the dependencies unless your specific program requires that specific library.

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#160 Post by Gedrean »

Would it be possible to get an SFS of the 1128 at least, if not a newer version? Is there a tool to convert a pet to an SFS, since that would be awesome -- I have enough problems with my save files ending up corrupted after a month, and an SFS would let me uninstall and install new versions with a much easier path... so I wouldn't need PET installs uninstalls etc...
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