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#41 Post by cthisbear »

Yes....congratulations to all.

A worthy project.

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#42 Post by MagicZaurus »

Great! Progress in the right direction.

From what I remember these are the things which still require some work:

- Internet sharing / Using Puppy Linux as the router with 2 network interfaces for inside and outside world

- On the fly mounting of sfs-files over NFS

- Billing system

Anything else missing? I expect billing and internet sharing are more important than the on the fly mounting.

Squid is a proxy server. I don't think it's good to use for the billing system, but it can help you to reduce internet traffic if many of the clients are accessing the same websites.
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#43 Post by ecomoney »

Hi MZ, currently the cybercafe is set up like this

Code: Select all

            Telephone Socket
               [ADSL Modem]
                 |       |
                 |       |
                 |      [Admin PC]
            [24 Port HUB]
         |  |  |   |  |  |  |
               [Cybercafe PC's]
To a simpler system like this

Im wanting to reconfigure the cybercafe system to this kind of arrangement

Code: Select all

          Telephone Socket
             [ADSL Modem]
            /         |        \\
           /          |         \  \
         /       [Admin PC  \    \
       PC                          PC  PC

This will make it easier to set up 2/3 pc systems as are used in many shops abroad etc. For larger setups a hub can be added to the adsl modem create more ethernet sockets for cybercafe P.C.'s. The machines all netboot automatically from the Admin PC, and dhcp is handled by the ADSL modem. This is a more explandable/simpler system if no Smoothwall specific functions are required (and they havnt been so far). I also cant get any Smoothwall experts interested in developing a mac addressed based billing system (that will handle people who come in with laptops to use the ethernet).

What would be really handy is to know how to "discover" the i.p. address of the admin computer with the tftp server. That way NFS shares could be set up (which would lower the hardware requirements of the client machines considerably). Currently as a billing system were using cafepilot, which also needs an i.p. address of the admin machine on which its server runs to authentyicate logins.

Cafepilot is rather a large java based program, and is a little large and cumbersome. It also requires software on the client p.c.'s so does not handle people who bring laptops in to connect. I would like eventually to use the admin machine to host a "captive portal" system to which all URL/http requests are redirected for authentication. After authentication the admin machine would also handle session timing. I believe NMAP can be used to discover services/open ports on a network, which could run as part of the clients startup.

For internet connection would be nice to have the option of running the cybercafes "through" the admin machine, which would perhapss even be necessary for it to enable mac address filtering.

At the meeting, the two issues that were identified that need to be resolved fully before the system can go "live" throughout the other Missions is mac address filtering, and automatically mounting and adding rox shortcuts when people plug in pendrives. Currently people need to be supervised by a trained member of staff to do upload/download from/to memory sticks.
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#44 Post by Aitch »

Hi Rob

This any use? ... -on-linux/ ... re-fedora/

Can't you just query the router?

sounds from your description very close to internet shared thin client

maybe raffy has some tips?

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#45 Post by MagicZaurus »

Getting the IP of the Admin PC could be done by passing it as a boot parameter during the netbooting.

But there is a problem with running DHCP on the ADSL modem. The Admin PC with TFTP server is also running a DHCP server. During the initial IP request from the PXE-ROM of the network card this doesn't matter, as the ADSL modem doesn't give a correct reply. But when the system is up and the client request for an IP there will be a race condition between the ADSL modem and the Admin PC. Whichever is faster will pass the IP to the client. It's not good to have 2 DHCP server in one network.

The technical correct way would be to configure the ADSL modem to provide the link to the TFTP server on the Admin PC and not run the DHCP on the Admin PC. But most of the simple ADSL modems given from the ISPs don't have this function. So the second best way is to disable the DHCP of the ADSL modem and run the DHCP on the Admin PC.

For the billing system based on MAC filtering I only see it feasable if the traffic flows through the Admin PC to the ADSL modem. That's the only way to take control of who is allowed to access the outside world. It's possible to do that remotely with some high-end routers, but not with the simple routers inside the ADSL modems for home use.

I found that if you use 'Setup Firewall' in Puppy 4.1.2 and go for manual configuration and not automatic, there is actually a possibility to activate internet sharing. So far couldn't test it, as my laptop doesn't have 2 network interfaces. I will try to find some cheap 2nd hand PCMCIA network card to test it.
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#46 Post by ecomoney »

MZ, Aitch, thank you for your continued help. General networking theory is a bit of a black hole which I need to learn a lot more about. At the moment this is what I currently (think I) understand.

-A TFTP server "offers" boot files (initrd.gz and vmlinuz) out to any computer on the network that requests it (i.e. "boot from network" is selected in the bios)

- A DHCP server is something that assigns a computer on the network with an ip it can gain access to the internet. It can be done by a router, or by any computer connected to the network. When a computer connects via DHCP, its "internet" is delivered via the Computer which gave it its i.p. address.

One of the "features" I wish to implement of this cybercafe system is also that very little networking knowledge is assumed. Computer expertise is expensive (unless its gained from open source forums!), and I would like this system to be able to be used/setup/operated by staff who have very low levels of computer expertise. Reconfiguring routers (or even knowing the passwords for them :wink: ) is something I would prefer to avoid anyone working this system needing to do. Another "feature" of this system is that it can be set up with commonly available computers (as old as possible) and networking components.

To manage billing, the Admin computer not only has to be a TFTP netboot server, but also control/filter internet access. An instruction like "Make sure this computer is switched on first and then everything else will work" is at a level where most of the cybercafe staff would be able to comprehend :D

MZ, you mentioned a "race condition" when there are two DHCP servers on the same network...with whichever can supply an i.p. address fastest becoming the one which takes priority for supplying the "internet" to the other computers connected to the network. Either the ADSL router, or a PC (the Admin PC in this example) can supply i.p. addresses and the "internet". I notice with many routers, there is a short delay when running the Puppy Ethernet Connection wizard anr requesting an i.p. address from the router (pressing the autoDHCP" button. Puppy is configured to try for 60 seconds when requesting an i.p. address from the ethernet network it is connected to.

Putting aside the conventional networking wisdom about running two DHCP servers on the same network for a moment (which I can understand is wise), would the admin PC in this example be able to *consistently* supply I.P. addresses from a DHCP server running on it faster (i.e. in preference to) a box standard ADSL router?

If this were the case, I am thinking that the Admin PC on this network could boot first, gaining its I.P. address from the router. Once internet access to the admin machine is established, it could start its own (faster) DHCP server. Requests for i.p addresses/internet connections from computers on the network (both netbooted clients and laptops that people brought in) would then be made via the admin machine in preference to the ADSL router.

The admin machine could then act as a "Gateway" (let me know if Im using the correct terminology), redirecting all web page requests to a page requiring login with a ticket number before it starts to route them to the client P.C. (Could puppies inbuilt Monkey Webserver be used to host this "captive portal"?).

Using this method (if it will work consistently and reliably), then it would simply be a matter of the cybercafe staff knowing to switch on the admin machine first. Anything else the plug in and set to boot from the network will then "just work", as well as any Windows/Mac laptops.

MZ I am happy to conduct any tests that you need more information on. I also have several pcmcia network adaptors I would be happy to send you if you PM me with your whereabouts.
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#47 Post by ecomoney »

Ive done some reading on the subject ... 102AAK2T9c

If the admin computer were to effectively "take over"/"perform faster" the issue of i.p. addresses to clients, then it would need to use a different range of i.p. addresses (a different "subnet") to the one that it got from the ADSL router. Could it do that by inspecting the i.p. address it recieved from the ADSL router on bootup, and setting its DCHP servers to issues i.p.'s from a different range?

i.e. ADSL router is configured to issue i.p. addresses in the range of, the Admin machine would then see the address it has been given, and start its (faster) DHCP server to issue addresses in the range

That way, any computer that was started with DHCP on bootup would gain its "internet" via the Admin computer (and have that connection filtered based upon a valid login). Otherwise if the Admin machine was not switched on, the system would "fallback" to having their internet being supplied by the ADSL router. This would mean that the cybercafe would still be available (not through netbooting but perhaps by booting from CD/usb) without any billing being available. This would be much preferred to there being no internet connection at all as the cybercafe operator could at least tap on peoples shoulders asking them to pay up! :D
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#48 Post by Aitch »


For a deeper understanding try; ... tcpip.html ... esses.html ... uting.html

I also saw this in the configuring kernel section,, which may be worth a read
Networking options --->
[*] TCP/IP networking


You have to enable this option if your system acts as a gateway between two networks or between a LAN and a SLIP link, etc. It doesn't hurt to enable this by default, but you may want to disable it to configure a host as a so-called firewall. Firewalls are hosts that are connected to two or more networks, but don't route traffic between them. They're commonly used to provide users with Internet access at minimal risk to the internal network. Users are allowed to log in to the firewall and use Internet services, but the company's machines are protected from outside attacks because incoming connections can't cross the firewall (firewalls are covered in detail in Chapter 9 ):
Note: By the you get it sorted, they'll have to lay in a fibre optic to keep pace with all your web traffic :wink: :D


btw the main site is a gem...

Aitch :)
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#49 Post by MagicZaurus »

I would presume that there is no way to guarantee that the Admin PC is always a faster DHCP server than the ADSL modem. There are hundreds of different ADSL modems in the market and there is no way to know how they all work.

Some explanation why we need a DHCP server on the Admin PC. When the client PC boots the network card first needs to get an IP address and the information where the TFTP server is located. So the network card makes a broedcast request. In that case either the ADSL modem or the Admin PC replies faster. In case of the ADSL modem there is no attached information about the TFTP server provided and the network card can just drop that reply and will wait for a reply which includes a TFTP server information to start the netbooting. Because the ADSL modem doesn't provide the TFTP server information it is required to run an additional DHCP server on the Admin PC in order to get netbooting working.

After Puppy is booted it will request for an IP from the DHCP server again and now it really depends who responds faster. Most likely it might even be the ADSL modem which is faster, as the client is directly wired to the ADSL modem. Which is ok, as long as no billing/mac-filtering is required.

As mentioned in your link, it is still possible to run 2 DHCP server as long as the issued IP addresses don't overlap. But there is no control which DHCP server will issue the IP to the client.

In my opinion the only safe/feasable way is to put the Admin PC between the ADSL modem and the client network.
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#50 Post by ecomoney »

@ Aitch, thank you for those links, thats my bedtime reading for a few nights sorted out. Theres always something new to learn, I doubt I will ever get senile in my old age if I continue to work my brain like this.

The thing about the kernel you mention...Ive always wondered why the internet connection sharing code in the firewall wizard doesnt seem to work...could it be that Puppies kernel is compiled with this option turned off? How would we find out?

MZ, Thanks for the explaination. This method does seem a little convoluted. The idea is to get around the need to install software on the machines that people bring in. The netboot clients could have their boot image configured quite easily to have their sessions authenticated from the admin computer...but this wouldnt apply by machines that were connected via ethernet.

Since most modern laptops have a wireless facility, I think it would be sufficient to have a usb wireless dongle (or internal pci) connected to the admin machine (or even, with some programming the netboot clients). This would provide for laptops by producing a hotspot, via which all requests for internet connectivity would be directed through a "captive portal" for authentication. All this would need some fancy programming...but we do have a budget for this. Overall I want this setup to be as "just works" as possible.

Today Im going over to the Cybercafe today in Immingham to attempt to take the Smoothwall out of the equation and give the netbooting duties to the administration machine. I wll let you know how this goes.

Thank you all for your continued support. :)
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#51 Post by ecomoney »

Well, today I took the Smoothwall computer out, as it wasnt needed. All of the netbooting and password authentication (via cafepilot) is carried out on the Admin computer not. This is now a 100% Puppy Linux operation. 8)

The Admin computer had been running Ecopup 0.7.3, but I found that the tftp server package MZ made wouldnt work on the 2.15ce based Ecopup system. Its now running puppy 4.2.1, with my ecopup package added (which provides the Java runtimes that the CafePilot Server package needs). I set this to run in the /root/Startup folder. I found I needed to include a "sleep 15" statement in order to ensure that the Admin computer had successfully connected to the ADSL router before it started the netboot server. The schematic for the cybercafe looks like the quick and nasty diagram I attached below (except neater).

Something I noticed was that running the Puppy connection wizard on the netbooted cybercafe is that an i.p. address was gained a lot quicker than they previously. I had a look in /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases file on the Admin machine and found this...

Code: Select all

0 00:14:38:c7:0f:1a * 01:00:14:38:c7:0f:1a
0 00:13:21:d2:65:16 * 01:00:13:21:d2:65:16
0 00:13:21:fa:e5:eb * 01:00:13:21:fa:e5:eb
0 00:13:21:fa:e5:fe * 01:00:13:21:fa:e5:fe
0 00:14:38:c7:15:53 * 01:00:14:38:c7:15:53
0 00:13:21:d2:6b:14 * *
These corresponded to the mac/i.p. addresses of the netbooted computers (I checked by running "ifconfig" on them). Does this mean that now the admin machine is issuing i.p. addresses on the network in preference to the ADSL router? If so would it now be possible to route (and control) the internet connections via the admin machine? Im hoping this can be done via a captive portal (running on "monkey webserver"?) that will authenticate the tokens for sale over the counter.

Cafepilot is quite a full featured program, but unfortunately needs java to operate. This means that the memory requirements of the client computers have to be at least 256mb to be operable. While Java is quite nice to have for web browsing in general, I would like to get it the memory requirements down to 128mb to enable even older computers (computer waste) to be able to be used in such a setup.

The cafepilot client programs (built into the netboot initrd.gz) currently have the i.p. address of the admin computer (running the cafepilot client) in a configuration text file. I would like the netboot clients to, upon bootup, to "seek out" the tftp server from which they were started, record its i.p. address in the cafepilot client config that the cafepilot client can then connect to the cafepilot server for authentication. I am thinking I can use NMAP to find an open port 69 (the default open on a tftp server) on the network.

I also keep finding the netbooted computers without the cafepilot client program running...I have a suspicion that the client is crashing. This effectively renders the netbooted computer free to use indefinitely. Im wondering if a bash "deamon" could check periodically if the cafepilot client was running and restart it if it has crashed?

Basically, for a high spec computer system, I would like to know how to use cafepilot/nmap "sniffing" (?), and for low spec (or wireless), a mac-filtering based system with a captive portal for authentication. The mac filtering option is also useful as were hoping to to add a wireless hotspot to to the centre so people who bring in laptops can connect and just use our connection.

Today I also had to do a training session for using pendrives. Although Ive got pmount to automatically appear when a memory stick pushed in (enabling the "mount" button to be pressed) it is still difficult for the staff to remember how to navigate to th .mnt/sda1 folder when seafarers saving pictures from email attachments, and when uploading pictures from digital cameras etc. As Puppies mission statement says "just works" and "friendly to linux newbies is still "a work in progress" :roll:

Im thinking I could replace the pmount program with one of the many "automount everything" scripts there are on the forum. I can perhaps hook into this script to set firefox's default download/upload locations to the newly mounted pendrive. Perhaps a "gxmessage" message box could be launched saying "Click on the 'eject" button below when you are done using your pendrive" (this would be "always on top") . It would then unmount all data storage devices safely when "ok" was clicked. This is important as many seafarers like to carry pictures their families send them via email attachments on their pendrive, or wish to send pictures on their digital cameras/pendrives back to their children.

The only other problem we currently have is webcams. Weve got the driver for the logitech quickcams compiled and working now. However, should the customer decide they need a webcam after they have logged in, they need to attach the webcam via usb and reboot for puppy to pick it up and start using it. I believe to do this without rebooting would require a "modprobe" statement...but how to do this automatically when the webcam is plugged in?

Well the "light at the end of the tunnel" is definitely visible now. Its been a long haul but we do have an operational linux cybercafe (with a few caveats and workarounds) that is making the charity some money through its operation...and I have some kind of plan. Tune in soon for the latest update :D
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#52 Post by MagicZaurus »

I made the dnsmasq-package with Puppy 4.1.2, which might be the reason that it doesn't work on the 2.15ce.

Mounting of the USB-Sticks seems to 'accindentally' open the PMOUNT. I tried to put in an audio CD and it will directly open the media player. So usually for an USB-Stick it should open a ROX window with the contents of the drive. It doesn't happen like this due to a bug/feature in the pup_event_frontend_d script. It doesn't call the seperate partitions, but the drive (which might have a few partitions with different file systems) and then AppRun falls back to open PMOUNT.

Where does the average user expect to find the USB-Stick? I find the current way to have a USB-Stick icon on the desktop quite ok.

It seems your clients are getting the IP from the Admin PC. It depends now on what setting they get fot the Gateway and DNS if the traffic directly flows to the ADSL modem or not.
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#53 Post by Aitch »

I'm NOT an expert at this .......
(we may have some on the forum who'll confirm/deny/modify this?)

.....but would a second network card in the admin PC, using it as a bridge, feeding the 24 port switch, work?

Alternately, Re wifi, add a normal wifi enabled router to an output port of the switch, but give the wifi channel an IP address in the range or something (see below) so it can be monitored/controlled independent of the wired traffic, maybe [don't put any wired connections on it]

You can get them cheap on ebay, especially early BT homehubs - they're a bit crappy, but I've bought them for less than a fiver....and they can bridge to extend around a building and early ones are very hackable - they changed code on later ones to stop it, ....erhum...... :wink: see

you can have 2 separate wifi links in the building as long as they [users] only get permission for the controlled one - use different IP addys for controlled wifi - ??? and IDENTIFIABLY NAME IT, maybe
If you lock the other wifi down with security, but make the controlled one accessable via timed password routine....?
Surely someone can knock up a timed password routine....?
buy a password at the desk, works for an hour/more, clunk, buy another password, etc ?
Hell what do I know? :lol:

Edit: also see ... imple.html ... wired.html

Aitch :)
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#54 Post by ecomoney »

Well, I thought that was too simple...I got a callout from the cafe this morning, and it was down again (on the day that the Chairman of the board of directors was in a meeting there!). The cybercafe wqs full of disgruntled seafarers whos first time on land in a month to contact their families could not be met. :evil:

The problem was with the cybercafe computers not getting an ip from anywhere, so they were not accessible. Running the internet connection wizard did get them connected once they were started. I think it was something to do with dhcp taking too long to respond, and the sitecafe client was starting without a route to the sitecafe server on the admin machine. I tried several initrd.gz remasters with "sleep" commands in the startup scripts but to no avail.

Ive hacked together this simple bash script. This should periodically check to see if there is an internet connection, and if there isnt, keep trying to renew it until there is one....

Code: Select all

IP=$(ifconfig "$(ls -1 /sys/class/net | grep eth | head -n 1)" | grep "inet addr" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1)
while true; do
   ping -c 1 >> /dev/null
   if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
       echo "oh google!" ;
		 echo "Attempting Reconection..."
		 # try to reconnect
		 killall dhcpcd
		 sleep 1
		 dhcpcd -t 5 eth0
		 sleep 5
		 IP=$(ifconfig "$(ls -1 /sys/class/net | grep eth | head -n 1)" | grep "inet addr" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1)
       if [ "$IP" != "" ]; then
          echo "We have an ip address...good! :D "
		    echo "new ip address is:-"
          echo $IP
          sleep 2
   	 echo "google found :D"  ;
		 echo $IP
	 sleep 2
This Im going to add to the /root/Startup script on both the clients and the Admin computer tommorow. Also this way, cables that become unplugged can be plugged back in and the system will work again almost immedietely. This is even true if the modem becomes disconnected or the connection drops (I have a sticker on the modem which says "switch me off and on again if this light starts flashing", and an arrow pointing to the ADSL connection light!).

Since wiring and the modem dropping out has caused about 80% of the failures so far, this should radically improve the robustness of the system.

I lifted the piece of code to discover the IP address from the /usr/sbin/ppxe script in MZ's tftp server package. While I was in there I also discovered this...

Code: Select all

PXE_IP=$(ifconfig "$(ls -1 /sys/class/net | grep eth | head -n 1)" | grep "inet addr" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1)
IP_BASE=$(echo $PXE_IP | cut -d "." -f 1-3)
This returns the "subnet" (?) of the ip addresses given out by the adsl router. So if the client computer gets an i.p. of,, or anything else, $IP_BASE will always return only "192.168.1". It should then be a simple matter to use a FOR...EACH loop to ping for responses from,,, all the way up to Each i.p address if a ping is returned will then be checked for an open port 69 (the port used for the tftpserver).

This will then reveal the i.p. address of the Admin computer, which can be written to the cafepilot client log file as the i.p. address to use to validate passwords. Currently the mac address of the server network card is set to statically give under its "Advanced DHCP server options", and the same ip is hardcoded into the netboot clients config file in the netboot image. This way, the netboot client can discover where to validate its passwords, and special router configuration by non-technical cybercafe owners/operators can be avoided. The i.p. address can also be used I presume for mounting network shares, and mounting .sfs files of extra, less used, programs over the network (perhaps even swap files?).

@ Aitch Thank you for those links and for your help (I am not an expert either!). I have an old BT hub that had a firmware failure which I intend to flash and play with given time. Your solution would indeed be the best technically, but it would require knowledge of how to install and configure a second network card. The aim of this cybercafe system is for it to be able to be set up by someone with a low level of computer literacy (and no linux literacy) using "computer waste" they can pick up for nothing or next to it (think third world enterprise).

Ive been discussing the possibility with Phil (the centre manager) of using a usb or interneal wireless network card attached to the admin machine or the clients to allow brought in laptops to connect. This would route them via a captive portal on the admin machine where a pre-purchased code could be entered. This would then be entered into a captive portal, and the Admin machine would then know to give that mac address unrestricted access to the internet for one hour.

This would mean that cybercafe owners could add a wireless hotspot capability to their cybercafe simply by attaching an optional cheap usb wireless dongle to the usb port of the admin computer. Hopefully I could get this to autoconfigure should a wireless dongle be autodetected. This would mean that even if the modem does not have a wireless feature this could be added easily/cheaply with little disruption/configuration needed.

This would be open in security (no wep/wpa) meaning no difficult codes would be required to connect. Hopefully I can find a piece of code that will generate passwords from a dictionary, but add a couple of random numbers to the end....this should be enough to deter "brute force" attacks. Using the script described above, I could get the dhcp server for the wireless on the admin machine to use a different "subnet" to the one being used at the router.

@ MZ

so, its the "pup_event_frontend_d" script that gets run when a usb stick/cd is inserted? Great stuff.....hopefully now I can modify it to mount and display all active partitions on all devices when a usb drive (or cd) is inserted and display the contents. I would also like to add a shortcut in the GTK file open dialog (the one that opens when the "browse" button is clicked when adding an attachement). I assume these are in a text file somewhere. Ive found the average user (from using Windows, and other linux's) expects a window with a list of their files in to pop up when a pendrive is inserted. "/mnt/sda1" is too much for them to consider, so a shortcut/bookmark (labeled USB pendrive) in the open dialogue box, as the default location, would be fine. The icon on the desktop is almost always missed as the user generally has firefox maximized when they are using their webmail email.

I will research what a gateway and DNS is specifically :D

Another problem there is at the cybercafe is that firefox is crashing far too frequently....for the next netboot image remaster I will try the Wine/Windows Firefox/Flash browser combination which I have found gives much smoother results when watching streaming flash video on the web.

Sorry to overload with so many issues in one post :roll:
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#55 Post by MagicZaurus »

It might be good to split up the different problems and put up seperate threads for them. For exapmle the feature to open a ROX window with the contents of a USB-Stick when it is plugged in. I expect nobody of the guys who might actually know how to do this is attracted by the thread tittle 'The Mission'. This feature should be of interest to many people.

Another one might be how to make it easy to share an internet connection with a Wifi-USB-Stick.

Then at the end your 'job' is to assemble that all together for you internet cafe solution and maybe make the billing system.
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#56 Post by ecomoney »

Your absolutely right MZ, I will get posting.
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#57 Post by cthisbear »


Can you please look at the sound in your Cybercafe release.

Really painful to get it going.
Very off putting for newbies....and moi.

3 times I tried it on 2 machines.

You've been there before so you'll know this feeling....
the first time I fiddled around and got lucky and the
mp3 song I was trying worked.

OK! I said....I'll remember that............hmmmmmmmm!

Next time it wouldn't work.

On a customers Vista machine I retroed back to XP,
I cheat frugalled your release on it as well.

Bumbled around trying to get the sound going
for nearly 20 can you please adjust
the settings so that I can hear the Woofy first time.

I want to give this release to a second hand comp shop,
not far away. He liked Hansamben...for his kid.

He could always give this away as a freebie to customers.
Also can I hide away the hidden partition it won't automount.
Just on the desktop.

One other thing.
Next release can you change the main file and save file
to be named.... it doesn't get confused
with the main release.

I realise the amount of work that has gone into this.
So apologies if I seem ungrateful. request.

Got anyone over there who could give you
an Indian translation. This would be a Puppy killer release.

Something to think about.
This comp shop owner would really like that.

Regards Chris....enjoy your holiday.

Ah! Ray Davies...might buy this.
Only got 30 Kinks albums but...

The Kinks Choral Selection

Ray sings Waterloo Sunset.
Last edited by cthisbear on Wed 19 Aug 2009, 05:22, edited 1 time in total.
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#58 Post by ttuuxxx »

ecomoney wrote:
Another problem there is at the cybercafe is that firefox is crashing far too frequently....for the next netboot image remaster I will try the Wine/Windows Firefox/Flash browser combination which I have found gives much smoother results when watching streaming flash video on the web.

Sorry to overload with so many issues in one post :roll:
Maybe its time to switch O's versions? 2.14X-v8 has FF3.5.2 and flash 10 which streaming flash works fine and also I already added the startup script, Since your version is based on 2.15CE then you should be able to swap over everything. If I was in your place I would :wink: . Then maybe you could join our team and help bust the final small bugs?
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#59 Post by cthisbear »


Did you see Barrys' post??

Thanks mate.

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#60 Post by ttuuxxx »

cthisbear wrote:ttuuxxx:

Did you see Barrys' post??

Thanks mate.

Hi Chris it runs and auto-updates perfect, its been in use on 2.14X for atleast 3+ months and has never crashed and has auto updated from beta->rc->stable without a glitch. Also it works perfect on Dpup 746, But when gposil switched to the newer kernel FF3.5 was dead in the water, so he's sticking with the older kernel for now. I haven't seen FF run so well on puppy since series 1 :), Too bad about the new kernels, or could even be glibc versions, 2.14X has the latest gtk,glib etc but an older glibc from 3 series, and 2 series kernel/xorg, the rest is new, pretty much, lol

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