weird geany font kerning in print out

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weird geany font kerning in print out

#1 Post by kuapao »

I am using geany 0.16 with frugal Puppy Linux 4.2.1. When printing using Geany's GTK option, the fonts in the print out has weird spacing (I believe kerning is the proper term?).

I am using what I think is the default editor font DejaVu Sans Book.

The only way I've been able to workaround this is to change my editor font to something like Courier. Or, forego all the extras and change Geany's Print preferences to use lpr.

Anyone have ideas?

I will attach two screenshots, one of the text as viewed in Geany and the other as seen in the Print Preview (the print-out is the same as the preview).
text as seen in print out and in Print Preview (note the weird kerning issue)
(75.31 KiB) Downloaded 379 times
the text as seen in Geany
(57.63 KiB) Downloaded 378 times
Posts: 94
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Re: weird geany font kerning in print out

#2 Post by kuapao »

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