SeaMonkey cookies not saved - fixed with fsck

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SeaMonkey cookies not saved - fixed with fsck

#1 Post by ranprieur »

Yesterday I forgot to plug my laptop in, and the battery ran out. When I restarted it, suddenly automatic sign-in wasn't working on any site. The cookie settings looked fine. But then when I closed and restarted SeaMonkey, and used the cookie manager to look at the stored cookies, there were none!

I looked on some forums and finally got the idea that the cookie file might have been corrupted by the power failure. So I found it, and sure enough, cookies.txt was that yellow triangle shape. But when I tried to delete it, I got the error message:
stale NFS file handle

So I searched that on the Puppy forums, and someone suggested rebooting with the option:
puppy pfix=fsck

That fixed it.
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#2 Post by Béèm »

Thank you for letting us know.
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