Need a script that shuts Puppy down right after booting

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Need a script that shuts Puppy down right after booting

#1 Post by madabout »

Hey Guys,

Im trying to create a shutdown script that will automatically do the same thing as when i click "Start" > Shutdown, I find that when i enter the shutdown command in rc.local it does nothing, and when I enter "shutdown" in the console it brings up the shutdown menu.

I need this to be automated, so when the computer boots up, it shuts down once its fully loaded the desktop, "dont ask why" Its actually booting off a USB flash drive, so normaly when i click the shutdown button, it writes the pup_save.2fs file to the local HDD as its shutting down to automatically save the changes.

I still need this to happen so if anyone can help me, that would be great.

Ohhh and im running version 4.2.1

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#2 Post by mikeb »

wmpoweroff is the script normally called to turn the machine off it that helps

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Re: Need a script that shuts Puppy down right after booting

#3 Post by paulh177 »

madabout wrote: "dont ask why"
but if you take the trouble to explain why, you certainly have a much better chance of getting a useful response
Bruce B

#4 Post by Bruce B »

I'm not using your version.

I suggest looking at /sbin/poweroff and see what commands it sends

If you want it to poweroff before xwin starts maybe replace the /etc/profile exec xwin with exec /sbin/poweroff or the commands it contains.
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