4.3 Beta 1 -- bugs and reports

Please post any bugs you have found
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#101 Post by Kenny-M »


I too am having CUP issues with missing HP drivers. Specifically
the psc-1310.

Under 4.2.1 I would download 'foo2zjs-i486.pet', and
'hpijs-2.8.2_static-1-patched421.pet' but under
Puppy 4.3Beta1.k2.6.25.16SCSI (8/14/2009) the
downloads have no effect?

Anyone else familiar with the above pets and know if they
should work under 4.3Beta1.k2.6.25.16?

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#102 Post by tubby »

@playdayz, there are 15 libs to copy over from the FF folder plus the dbus ones.
As a matter of interest i have tried a few different kernel pets as described in my earlier post, maybe something got left over?. By the way i neglected to say that i am working on a full install.
Why not try a different kernel.pet and see if FF works for you. Pets can be downloaded from
ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dist ... ages-woof/
Just remember if you uninstall a kernel.pet you must install another before you shut down.
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#103 Post by tubby »

@playdayz, what errors get thrown up in /tmp/xerrs.log when you try to run FF?.
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#104 Post by `f00 »

dogone wrote:b. I do not understand the need for the orange confirmation dialog upon desktop drive icon click. It's a nuisance and equivalent options have long been available via a right-click. I greatly prefer Puppy's legacy solution. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"?
broomdodger wrote:I agree... nuisance. Please make it go away.

When I click a drive icon I just would like it to open.
..possibly it's for compatibility with those one-button mice :lol:
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#105 Post by charlie6 »

edited on BOTH puppy43b1k2.6.29 and k.2.6.25 frugall on HDD
I definitely cannot run ppa-423 on frugal install without booting with help of the live-cd.
I installed puppy423 on an ext3 partition (/dev/sda3) which contains the boot directory.
Grub bootloader asks for "where to place grub, etc..", and aftwds tells "Working, please wait" a while before extinguishing without asking about configuring MBR (as "stable" Puppy's versions use to do).
Grub directory is well present with all its files except the menu.lst file which is missing.
Moreover while running the PUI, the choice of the partition to install Puppy was proposed on "ext4 partition" (sda3 is announced in PUI as an "ext4 partition" whereas GParted confirms it is an ext3 partition)...!!???

? Does this behaviour have something to do with the upgrade of Grub and guess_type documented here

This happened already on former ppa-422
edited: this happens also on puppy4.3beta k2.6.25.16
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#106 Post by 01micko »

Just testing Firefox alpha "Namarooka" (codename) and it works fine so far in 4.3 beta 1- k :)

Guess it's a firefox problem (or mozilla-1.9.1 source problem?) with these later kernels.

Cheers and be patient :lol:

edit; A post on Barry's Blog reports that it is a unionfs problem with firefox.
Last edited by 01micko on Wed 19 Aug 2009, 09:26, edited 1 time in total.
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#107 Post by veronicathecow »

MP4 not linked to Gxine 4.3 beta 1- k
Plays fine but no link.
Last edited by veronicathecow on Wed 19 Aug 2009, 09:27, edited 1 time in total.
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#108 Post by veronicathecow »

BBCi catchup requires Flash 9.0115 or higher
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Cups and Samsung 2510

#109 Post by veronicathecow »

Cups and Samsung 2510 not printing test page. Works on PCLinux with SpliX 2.0.0
This Puppy seems the snappiest so far on my Intel Atom
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#110 Post by charlie6 »

on puppy4.3beta-k.2.6.29 frugal booting on live-cd (grub problem...! see a few posts above)
I have installed the ...1.10... and pixam-MP150 -.pet files given here
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 86&t=42703
and have connected a MP160 Canon mutlifonction (which works nice on Puppy412 with the same pets installed).
I got this:

Code: Select all

# scanimage -L
device `pixma:04A91714_F30F67' is a CANON Canon PIXMA MP160 multi-function peripheral
# scanimage > mypicture.pnm
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
error - libusb speedup error handling needs improvement
scanimage: sane_read: Error during device I/O
 handling needs improvement
scanimage: sane_read: Error during device I/O
looking at libusb (using PFind): there are more libusb present on Puppy412 than on the current Pup43bK2.6.29

Running Xsane:
no file is loaded / have to wait a longlonglong time before taking hand again (on a previous trial I simply killed the process...as it seemed so long to me...)

Hope this helps


#111 Post by Kenny-M »


""while running the PUI, the choice of the partition to install Puppy was proposed on "ext4 partition" (sda3 is announced in PUI as an "ext4 partition" whereas GParted confirms it is an ext3 partition)...!!??? ""

I think this is already a well known problem. Have not seen a solution.

I am testing 4.3Beta1.k2.6.25.16 SCSI
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#112 Post by Ray MK »


Just for your info - switched from dpupE to dpupG and it seems to boot noticeably faster and appears generally snappier - nice.

Everything seems ok to a n00bie - file copying, internet set-up and browsing - and a slightly prettier presentation.

As always - many thanks for all your work.

Very best regards - Ray
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#113 Post by Jim1911 »

Just a note about an ext4 partition that was sized and formatted by the Gparted on this release. I have installed Ubuntu karmic (development branch), kernel 2.6.31-6-generic on this partition (without allowing Ubuntu to format it) and it's running fine.

Puppy is becoming more friendly with ext4.
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Wireless modem support update

#114 Post by rerwin »

I am attaching my latest script updates for wireless modems. They include moving the APN field in pupdial to the individual accounts, allowing use of pulse dialing in pupdial (ATDP), limiting PIN issuance to the first connection, to avoid disruptive error states on subsequent use. In addition, I added handling of the special case of hybrid devices, which I discuss below.

I have made the scripts ready for substitution, so you should not need to edit them unless you object to some code. They are in a dotpet, so users can try them immediately. The difference listings are in the tarball.

About the hybrids:
The script /sbin/pup_event_backend_modprobe always chooses the last module in a list generated from the module.alias file (or another representation of it). For most devices, which have only a single modules.alias entry, the generated list has the named module last, preceded by the modules it depends on. But hybrid devices such as some wireless modems may be represented by two modaliases, both of which are valid.

Hybrid modems are both a usb-storage device and a modem. The dual modaliases usually contain a filter to differentiate the module to be loaded in a particular circumstance. But the filters are limited such that either only one of the possible modules is placed in the generated list, or both are included -- not one or the other! Backend_modprobe selects only the second in the list, which is determined by automatic factors related to the "depmod" operation (I think). If the required module is the first of the two, it is never loaded!

To solve this, I inserted logic that is activated only when usb-storage is last in the list and module usbserial (a depencency of most USB wireless modem drivers) is also in the list. When that situation exists, the actual modem module follows usbserial in the list. The logic finds it there and makes it the selection. This works when usb-storage appears later in the modules.alias file than do the modem drivers.

I have found two cases where the dual modaliases are identical, meaning that one of the two modules will never be loaded. I think that can be overcome by special udev rules to detect when the neglected module should be loaded, and invoke backend_modprobe with the module-name parameter. That will require feedback from users encountering the problem.

Thanks for considering these updates for beta2.
The scripts
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Difference listings
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Beta bugs and reports

#115 Post by bert07 »

Could not get b43 to work.
Did not recognize b43 automatically.
When loaded and started "scan" it gave the following error:
"Failed to raise interface wlan0. Failed command was: ifconfig wlan0 up. Error returned was: ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory."
Filling in the network manually, gives the same error.

The CD would not boot. Downloaded it twice. Burned it three times.
Also, when trying to copy pp4c-423.sfs manually, gave a read/write error.
PC: Dell Inspiron 531 - Motherboard: NVIDIA MCP61 chipset - Sound: Realtec High Definition Audio ALC888 - Display Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro - Wired: NVIDIA nForce networking controller - Wireless: Broadcom AirForce One 54g (ASUS WL-138g-V2)

#116 Post by Kenny-M »

Can I make the assumption with work going forward on
4.3 beta 1- k that the SCSI beta Barry made for
me 4.3 Beta 1- k2.6.25.16 SCSI which also included the
drivers for the Matrox G5xx series viedo cards will be

How does one make sure that for example SCSI drivers
for Adaptec cards/chipsets (AIC-7880 & AIC-7890) and
video drivers for Matrox cards, specifically the G5xx (G550)
will continue to be included?

Also the Printer drivers for HP PSC series (specifically PSC-1310)
are included? Could not find this printer in 4.3 Beta 1- k2.6.25.16
SCSI. It does and work in 4.2.1. Downloading 'foo2zjs-i486.pet',
and 'hpijs-2.8.2_static-1-patched421.pet' does not seem to work
under 4.3 Beta 1- k2.6.25.16 SCSI.

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#117 Post by sinc »

i can't get my wireless internet to work on 4.3 and was wondering if someone could help me with that.

on ttuuxxx's 2.14 i have to download the bcm43xx.pet in order to get wireless working.

it doesn't auto-detect any wireless driver for me. when i load bcm43legacy it finds the module but when i try to set up wireless it comes up with an error ... "can't raise something or other"

please let me know if any further info is needed. thanks.
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#118 Post by 01micko »

01micko wrote:
BarryK wrote:
01micko wrote: Not in mine, this little script I wrote depends on it...
/etc/puppyversion not used anymore. Look in /etc/DISTRO_SPECS
guess I'll update my script then

(um, for me /etc/puppyversion is definitely still there, I just checked, "puppy pfix=ram", is it used in the welcome note?)
Well, /etc/puppyversion is not in dpup, gposil's woof build, so I updated my script... Versioninfo

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#119 Post by paulh177 »

installed frugally on an acer aspire one 1gb ram 120gb hdd, on the preexisting Linpus ext2 fs

loading devx-4.3beta1-k2.6.29.6_423.sfs

trying compiles:

Code: Select all

Configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
and in config.log i see:

Code: Select all

gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory
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#120 Post by Bert »

Perhaps not a bug, but rather an oversight..It was reported earlier in this thread, by playdayz, at the bottom of page 2.

Puppy 4.3 beta1 does not start up X in Xorg when running in VirtualBox. (Neither did the pre-beta.)
This is kind of important, as VirtualBox has become very reliable, fast and user-friendly and must by now be the most popular way to check out new releases and distros.
Someone new to Puppy will probably just hit the 'enter' key to choose the default settings. Xorg is the default setting and this results in a black screen, leaving the newcomer clueless.

So, while not essential to Puppy, I think it is an important service for new users, testers and distro-hoppers.

Playdayz even mentioned the solution: a missing Xorg-file...
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