USB keyboard on installation

Booting, installing, newbie
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puppy newbie

USB keyboard on installation

#1 Post by puppy newbie »

I am just installing Puppy. It works fine on one of the laptops. However, when I installed it on my desktop, with USB keyboard and mouse. It "stopped" / (hanged) at the keyboard type selection on the ist boot from the live CD. I supposed it did not recognize them.

How can I get it through ?

Thanks to those experts who help !

#2 Post by Guest »

It's probably best to wait for v1.0.2, coming soon, as there are quite a few changes in this area.
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue 10 May 2005, 20:04

#3 Post by nmwinow »

I don't know much, but I know I couldn't get the usb keyboard on one of my machines to work. So I plugged in an old serial keyboard instead, puppy loves it. Puppy didn't like the usb CDrom on my laptop either.
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