4.3 Beta 1 -- bugs and reports

Please post any bugs you have found
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#121 Post by Bert »

Seamonkey now has language packs for 20 additional languages. It is simple: just download your language file, go to 'Edit'>Preferences>Appearance>Languages and choose your language....

..except that in this Puppy-version of Seamonkey, "Appearance" does not have the "Languages" option!

There must be a good reason for this, I'm sure. Probably to avoid problems with non-western fonts or something like that.
But what a great pity, now that the Seamonkey guys have made localization so easy...
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#122 Post by playdayz »

Sorry all if my original message was not clear. What I meant was that the gparted that is in 4.3beta1 works much better for me than the gparted in any previous version. Since this was a forum for bugs, I "cleverly called it an "anti-bug."

Original message: an "anti-bug" gparted is working far better than ever before. Previously in all versions it would take 10-15 seconds to write a header on a unallocated partition and about the same time to set the boot flag. Now, both things happen instantly. much nicer. thanks.
Last edited by playdayz on Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:35, edited 1 time in total.
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#123 Post by esmourguit »

Bonjour à tous,
@ Barry K,
With the help of MU's script and improved by Shinobar, we created for version 4.3 (from version 417) these 3 localized files xwin, xorgwizard and chooselocale .
To simplify the localization of Puppy and avoid to repeat translations when scripts are upgraded, would it be possible to include these localized scripts in the official version as Nathan Wallpaper Setter, for example.
Thank you in advance,
Cordialement ;)
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#124 Post by Kenny-M »


I appreciate the work you are doing but have to ask after the
image you built for me below will the additions roll into the
next new release as standard because the SCSI Puppy also appears
to load fine on machines with SATA drives? Also, the video drivers
for Maxtox G550 and the mod. to the rxvt console colors stay?
Other problems are listed below.

Image: puppy-4.3beta1-k2.6.25.16-v423-SCSI.iso 8-14-2009 11:07

Now properly sets Matrox G550 card to 1024x768 at 60hz. OK

Properly indetifies Adaptec AIC-7880 and AIC-7890 SCSI chipsets. OK

Console rxvt screen much, much better with Black letters on White. OK

Problem - After getting Crystal 4237b audio working using lagecy
cs4236 and producing output after a reboot I notice the audio ICON
has disappeared from the taskbar. Running through procedure does
not restore audio ICON and now there is no output. How to reset to
normal or initial state?

Problem - Puppy Universal Installer always identifies installation
partition as ext4 even when it is Gparted to ext2 or ext3. Also,
selecting SCSI says Not Implemented so I tried internal IDE/Sata.
So can't install Puppy onto a SCSI drive.

Other SCSI drive operations work as expected. As with Gparted.

Problem - Grub fails on ext4 partition. Grub fails to SCSI drive
as sdb and it leaves boot MBR on sda with a prompt and dosen't boot.
Could not load XP on sda had to use DOS fdisk /mbr to recreate.

Problem - From rxvt console 'vi' command causes Segmentation Fault.

Problem - Downloading HP drivers from files foo2zjs-i486 and
hpijs-2.8.2_static-1-patched421 does not now show all the HP PSC
series like PSC 1310. Under 4.2.1 it worked. Per 8-bit Cannon
print drivers are also missing.

Problem - When certain jobs are queued I get garbage in the colsole
window. Open a console windows and type in the following:

lpstat -t

What should come back is the status of the print sub-system and queues.
Jobs in queue will look like <printer_name>-job_number <other info>
At times the printing sub-system status displays OK but when it gets to
the point of displaying the jobs in qeuue you will get back control
characters and the cursor is moved elsewhere on the screen.

Browsing - Becase the Dell Precision 610 Zeon 550 machines are older
and slower is there a way by default to up the priority of SeaMonkey so
streaming video is displayed normally and not choppy / freeze frame?


P.S. In trying Puppy and other Linux's I can see a great potential for
using Puppy to recover data from crashed Windows 2000 & XP file
systems. I.E. Fat32 and NTFS. Also, use Puppy as a bare metal backup
tool for Windows machines to make an image and store it on a NAS
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#125 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Kenny-M wrote:Browsing - Becase the Dell Precision 610 Zeon 550 machines are older and slower is there a way by default to up the priority of SeaMonkey so streaming video is displayed normally and not choppy / freeze frame?
Haven't looked at this, but in perusing this page I see:
"Process Lasso -- a freeware package that allows you to set the process priority of any thread. Bump up the priority of your web browser, for example, and see how lousy your system behaves."
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#126 Post by panzerpuppy »

Request: Return of Geany.
Another vote for Geany. I really miss the advanced text add/replace features. Very important for editing scripts and huge blocklists.

Puppy Package Manager Could we get back the ALL

I like this for the a - z looking I don't know what packages
belong to what groupings!

Please bring this ALL back!
I'd like to have this as well. Disabled by default, available as an option in the PPM preferences.

gview works better for me as a default image viewer
I never liked fotoxx. GPicView (included in Puppy 4.2) is a much better image viewer IMO.
A good image viewer shouldn't have the ability to (destructively) modify or edit images.
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#127 Post by 4-stroke »

panzerpuppy wrote:
Another vote for Geany. I really miss the advanced text add/replace features. Very important for editing scripts and huge blocklist

I never liked fotoxx. GPicView (included in Puppy 4.2) is a much better image viewer IMO.
A good image viewer shouldn't have the ability to (destructively) modify or edit images.
I know this thread is for bugs but I must butt in and agree to the fullest with this.
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#128 Post by panzerpuppy »

A few excerpts from today's DistroWatch review:
DistroWatch reviewer wrote:After using Puppy 4.2.1 for a few days, I have to say Puppy is a mixed bag. Some things are done really well, but other things are disappointing.
On the negative side, Puppy has a lot of problems:
It has virtually no security, having the user run as root without a password!
There's no way to perform package updates. As far as I can tell, there is no package updater built into Puppy. During my time using it, I neither found a manual update application nor was I notified of any available updates.
There are relatively few PET packages to be had from the official repositories and Puppy doesn't connect to other repositories, such as Debian's or Slackware's.
Puppy didn't do a very good job at guessing what my hardware was (both the recommendations for video and mouse were incorrect), but the hardware wizard explains what's going on and lets the user over-ride the defaults. With that out of the way, I was given an unusual desktop.
One of Puppy's weak points seems to be hardware. Sound was properly set up and worked without any problems. However, aside from my video card and mouse, my mobile modem also wasn't detected. This isn't a problem on my desktop machine, but it means I won't be using Puppy on my laptop.
Another thing I found odd is the manual pages. While Puppy comes with a fine collection of documentation, the man pages (common on most Linux systems) aren't included. Instead, running the man command re-directs the user to a web page which displays an error. This was unexpected, unwelcome and unhelpful.
There are two places I've found where the newbie-friendly image of Puppy Linux seems to fall apart. One of those is the application menu, which is full of cryptic program names. There are brief descriptions after each name, but I think newcomers would find application names like "XF-Prot" and "GTKLPQ" a bit confusing. The other place is in the Puppy installer. There are still the helpful information boxes, but there were a few problems. There isn't any disk partitioning or package selection during the install, which caught me a bit by surprise. Puppy just tries to install into whatever partition you select without any formating or questions.
Another problem I ran into after installing Puppy to my hard drive was that I couldn't browse the web. I could connect and ping IP addresses, but found that browsing to any URL gave me an error. It turned out that Puppy wasn't resolving any addresses via DNS. I tried to open my resolv.conf file and was given an error. Puppy, apparently, makes /etc/resolv.conf a short-cut (symbolic link) to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf, which loops back around to link to /etc/resolv.conf. I deleted the links and created my own resolv.conf file with some known name servers and web browsing became possible again. This wasn't a problem on the live CD, just on my hard drive install. Not being able to browse the web strikes me as a pretty big bug for a distro which tries to be newbie-friendly.
My only complaint about the package manager was that the package manager didn't show how big a package was. It could be a few kilobytes or a few hundred megabytes, it'll look the same until the download starts.
A concern I had while running Puppy is that, by default, the user runs as root. There's no warning regarding this. During the install and first boot there's no option to change the root password nor create another user account. This strikes me as a poor practice. Furthermore, there's no option to manage user accounts in the Setup or Control Panel applications. As far as I can tell, there is no graphical tool for changing or setting the root password either. The system just automatically logs in to the desktop as root. This is, in my eyes, a serious lapse in security.
Puppy is not a distribution I'd recommend installing on a hard disk or using as a day-to-day operating system or even connecting to the Internet. Its strengths lie in its small size and friendly approach to Windows users, not everyday use.
A nice GUI) with a prompt to enter a root password on first boot would be a good idea.

Another reminder/warning to enable the firewall should be displayed after configuring the network connection.

The Puppy Package Manager really needs some kind of system for performing package updates.

Puppy's Package Manager also lacks another very important feature: displaying the file size info for each package.
Last edited by panzerpuppy on Mon 24 Aug 2009, 13:46, edited 1 time in total.

#129 Post by Kenny-M »


Nice to hear from you again. Regarding :

[Haven't looked at this, but in perusing this page I see: "Process Lasso -- a freeware package that allows you to set the process priority of any thread. Bump up the priority of your web browser, for example, and see how lousy your system behaves." ]

This turns out to be a Windows based tool. Perhaps these machines simply don't have the horse power? But I have to say under Windows XP this choppy / freeze frame action does not happen hardly at all?

Thanks SHS,

#130 Post by Kenny-M »


Nice to hear from you again. Regarding :

[Haven't looked at this, but in perusing this page I see: "Process Lasso -- a freeware package that allows you to set the process priority of any thread. Bump up the priority of your web browser, for example, and see how lousy your system behaves." ]

This turns out to be a Windows based tool. Perhaps these machines simply don't have the horse power? But I have to say under Windows XP this choppy / freeze frame action does not happen hardly at all?

Thanks SHS,

P.S. How do you delete a duplicate post?
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#131 Post by BarryK »

trio wrote:I still have to copy folder /lib/firmware/b43 from another puppy in order to make the b43 module works.
I'm trying to understand this. 4.3beta1 has the b43 firmware, which should install to /lib/firmware when the module first loads.
There are three situations in which this automatic installation should work:

1. At bootup, Puppy will detect the network interface and load the appropriate module.
2. At bootup, modules specified by the BootManager will load.
3. Dynamically, the so-called "hotplug" mechanism, if a pluggable network interface is plugged in such as a USB network device.

Are you doing something else to load 'b43'?
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#132 Post by BarryK »

4-stroke wrote:Medit still segfaults.

Gparted works on first boot. When I create a pupsave and reboot, it segfaults when I try to run it. Haven't tried this before so I thought I should mention it.
I'm sorry, I cannot reproduce this. On the PC's I've used so far, Medit and GParted are rock-solid.
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#133 Post by BarryK »

panzerpuppy wrote:- Alsa Mixer and the other utilities are not updated (still at v1.0.16)
This is for compatibility with the kernel. Ideally the build should use later ALSA libs and utilities, but there doesn't seem to be any problem so I haven't bothered.
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#134 Post by trio »


No I did not do anything with b43. Anmd I am not the only one has a problem with b43, I think sit heel speeak and another person (few pages back)

I always have to do this also with 4.2, even until the final 4.2.1 I still need to do this. It has never been resolved. You may find posts about it in 4.2 related threads.

Hope that clarifies something.


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#135 Post by 4-stroke »

BarryK wrote:
4-stroke wrote:Medit still segfaults.

Gparted works on first boot. When I create a pupsave and reboot, it segfaults when I try to run it. Haven't tried this before so I thought I should mention it.
I'm sorry, I cannot reproduce this. On the PC's I've used so far, Medit and GParted are rock-solid.
Ok, for the sake of testing something, I just changed locale from sv_SE to en_AU and they both work perfectly with that setting.
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#136 Post by sinc »

i mentioned this a couple pages back but i had wireless issues. I apparently have to use the b43legacy driver and it doesn't work on my system with the firmware that is included. I copied the firmware package over from 4.21 and it worked so-so but at least it worked.
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LAN Printing No Longer Working

#137 Post by arby »

Well now this can be in the right thread anyways.

I setup a network printer (HP LaserJet 4000) via the CUPS interface.
It says it's successful and the 4000 appears in the print dialog boxes.

But, puppy-4.3beta1-k2.6.29.6-v423.iso appears to print only browser
generated pages; the CUPS test page and Sea Monkey browser pages.

Viewing 'lpstat -t', shows the editors in Puppy aren't generating
any print jobs, while Sea Monkey and CUPS setup page are.

Editors Abiword, Medit & Nico lock up the system. Any attempt to click
on the printer, from Abiword, medit or Nico freezes the application
and eventually requires powering off the computer.

Using the same hardware, identical setup and identical network,
puppy 4.12 prints fine, Puppy 4.3 beta doesn't print via LAN at all.
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#138 Post by jakfish »


Must be a kernel thing, b/c w/ the 4.3beta1 and the older kernel, I print fine via LAN/Samba to an HP printer (6500 Wireless) with Asus EEE 900. I can print from any app, including MS Word 97 running in Wine.

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#139 Post by 01micko »

Has any one noticed Puppy Browser not working? Am I the only one? I must have broken it but I've no Idea how. Will do a pfix=ram and see...

:oops: Nope, it's ok, I broke it somehow...
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Updated Linuxant HSF/HCF/DGC modem drivers

#140 Post by rerwin »

Attached is a dotpet made from the Linuxant drivers recompiled for the latest (patch2) kernel Please try this if you have one of those modems. I have sent the source code to Barry.

UPDATE 8/27/09: I have replaced the dotpet with a better version for beta2. I have one further update to make to the firmware tarballs, to simplify them but retain their current functionality.

UPDATE 8/28/09: I have upgraded the dotpet with further refinements to the firmware tarballs. I believe I have solved all the issues I have been working on for beta2. Please accept this as my contribution to beta2.
Last edited by rerwin on Fri 28 Aug 2009, 22:03, edited 2 times in total.
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