Classic Pup 2.14X -- Updated 2 series

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What is the best Puppy Version ever, LOL

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#1741 Post by James C »

Sounds like a plan.

2.14X is pretty darn solid right now, hopefully it won't take too much to complete.Actually, guess you can always find something to change. :lol:

Keep up the good work, but take some time for yourself too!
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#1742 Post by vg1 »

Re using p216 as base - bear in mind that, unlike p214R and series 3&4, in p216 [and p217] the 'psubdir=' param does not allow the base pup_xxx.sfs & zdrv in a folder. They must be on root, like the earlier 2 series, which is not so convenient for multiple frugal installs. I suppose init could be tweaked to enable full 'psubdir' [Clarf possibly?].

There is another difference: in p216 you could still use 'PUPSAVE=' as in the older 2series to specify a save_file out of several present in the same folder. If none was speciified it would use none [same as pfix=ram]. In p217 this was lost, and you would always get a choice of the available pup_saves, whether or not you specified one with PUPSAVE='.

Also, as in p214R, the init searches for pup_save only one level deep [but psubdir works two levels or more]. If I remember correctly Clarf changed the p214x init to search two levels deep. But that was not necessarily a bad thing. With multiple frugal installs, I would not wish to be presented with all the pup_saves in all my folders. So with the 216 & 217 I burried the pup_saves two levels deep so they would be used only as specified [with PUPSAVE or with psubdir].

As most things these can be mixed blessings, depending on individual preferences, but possibly something to be considered.

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#1743 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi guy's while I was thinking about 2.16.1 an idea went into my head, If I took 2.18 with <---small updated kernel version added 2.14X xorg, dbus and FF3.5 would that work?? well no holding me back, lol answer yes and now it still needed the update Glibc like I did on 2.14X, So final answer yeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss
It works perfect, just like 2.14X, So that cures about 90% of the issues.
So I'll download woof and start working on it, oh by the way 4 series sfs works on the 2.18 version :) and not the 2.18 version so for once we are really in luck and only need to make a zdrv_218.sfs up and all should be good, I can reduce/change some of the apps etc and keeping building releases and doing updates, but the updates will be easy then:)
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#1744 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi guys Barry has ok'd for me to use Puppy Linux 2.20 as th series number/name so well, are you excited? I'm sure as heck, This is perfect :) It might take between a few days to a week until I have sort of test model woof in place. But after that it should be easy to update/maintain :)
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#1745 Post by clarf »


Dougal heavily updated init for 214R and also added many new parameters on boot, but I`m sure we could add those things for 2.16, I`ll start to check that. A side note: I was thinking in add a pfix=nox paramter for 214X like in newer series, if for some obscure reazon X wizard doesn`t work or you need quick access to terminal (In fact those things are very ease to add).
ttuuxxx wrote:Hi guy's while I was thinking about 2.16.1 an idea went into my head, If I took 2.18 with <---small updated kernel version added 2.14X xorg, dbus and FF3.5 would that work?? well no holding me back, lol answer yes and now it still needed the update Glibc like I did on 2.14X, So final answer yeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss
It works perfect, just like 2.14X, So that cures about 90% of the issues.
So I'll download woof and start working on it, oh by the way 4 series sfs works on the 2.18 version :) and not the 2.18 version so for once we are really in luck and only need to make a zdrv_218.sfs up and all should be good, I can reduce/change some of the apps etc and keeping building releases and doing updates, but the updates will be easy then:)
I don`t get it ttuuxxx, you did the same thing with 2.14X (and started a new thread) but that didn`t work.
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#1746 Post by clarf »

ttuuxxx wrote:Hi guys Barry has ok'd for me to use Puppy Linux 2.20 as th series number/name so well, are you excited? I'm sure as heck, This is perfect :) It might take between a few days to a week until I have sort of test model woof in place. But after that it should be easy to update/maintain :)
Great news ttuuxxx, I`m so excited :) :) :)

This is a real official update for 2 Series, updated kernel, support for 3 & 4 sfs files, best X Server, updated Glibc and the ttuuxxx magic/additions. BUUUTTT keeping the same structure, speed and stability of Puppy 2 series (I can support this for ever).
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#1747 Post by ttuuxxx »

clarf wrote: I don`t get it ttuuxxx, you did the same thing with 2.14X (and started a new thread) but that didn`t work.
well it kind of worked but this isn't the same at all. last time I was trying to change the kernel sfs etc, This one is the .8 kernel, that the sfs already works, the kernel is good, just a few changes to get it going, then we go to town on it :) The nice thing it will be a official one, That I'll maintain. :)
Ok might as well get the ball rolling :)
I want to use my ibiblio account for this. Its basically a clean slate :)
I need to make directories, I don't want a mixed up system where you shoot everything in one folder, Some sort of naming convention needs to be made, That makes sense for new users.
The package manager will be like 2.14x but for install will open a webpage and then the user will select what they want under the heading titles.
So anybody have a great naming convention for the server?
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#1748 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well guys I made an announcement ... 540#340540
So looks as official as it can get :)
I started building 2.20 tonight, I'll release it so that you guys can test the build, it won't be updated at all, just a default woof build, that way we know what works and what we'll have to fix in the future. :)
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#1749 Post by clarf »

maddox wrote: original line 21 : "exec killall -9 X #v1.0.7 make sure X is killed"
- My change for correct shutdown : "exec killall X -9 #v1.0.7 make sure X is killed"
notice the variable/parameter inversion "-9 X" against "X -9"
This also works for me for the "reboot" script that contains the same line.
I now get the usual puppy shutdown dialog box : "save to file, save to cd, do not save"
I tried this maddox`s fix for blanck screen. It still have random black screen problems, sometimes I just change resolution and that fix the problem. Although making this change is failsafe, if this work for other people with black screen problems after reboot/poweroff, It should be added in the next release.

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#1750 Post by sinc »

soooo... um... is this thread over? should we move to the new one now?

can I make a suggestion, when testing these things sometimes you make great pet packages that I want to keep using but a lot of times they get lost in all the pages and I lose them while deleting and adding different versions. when you make a pet in the 2.20 thread can you add it to the 1st message like you do with the actual release the actual release. then if you include it in the release you can remove it.

EDIT: Nevermind. I got the second spot on the new thread so I can do it myself, don't worry about it.

thanks ttuuxxx, I am excited with you. :D
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#1751 Post by sullysat »

Okay, as excited as I am about the 2.20 idea, I need to clarify.

Am I correct in understanding that 214x11 IS 214R Final?

I'm just checking to be sure I didn't miss an update somewhere. It was a helluva week.

Also, I agree with sinc. It would be a very good idea to find a way to keep track of pets developed through all this testing and tweaking.

Awesome job ttuuxxx and you eagle eyed guys out there! I'm just learning to be as thorough... never really TESTED anything before. Thanks for the training!

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#1752 Post by James C »

ttuuxxx wrote:ok guys this is what I'll do, I'll update 3.0.1X one last time and stick it in the Puppy Derivatives section and let people play with it, I'm not going to support it any further, but it was a lot of work and is a major update. Great for series 3 people.

Then I'll update 2.14X hopefully the last time and start building some sort 2.16.1 type pup with a regular repo etc, for the software installer probably just a direct link to my ibiblio acctount which I still have to make directories etc.
Then I'll be able to support it/ release it etc.
The only main real reason why I'm going to call it 2.20 was / is because 2.19 I'll leave open for Barry and also I like the name better :)
Looks like there will be one final 2.14 X coming out. :)
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#1753 Post by YoN »


I use 2.14X-JP (based on V8, japanese member Nikukyu made to Japanese).

I was troubling of shutdown/reboot problem for a long time, too.

However, I can shutdown/reboot in your solution, and also can to save my personal storage file.

Thank you.

maddox wrote:- My change for correct shutdown : "exec killall X -9 #v1.0.7 make sure X is killed"
notice the variable/parameter inversion "-9 X" against "X -9"
This also works for me for the "reboot" script that contains the same line.
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#1754 Post by OlddogNewtricks »

davesurrey wrote:OlddogNewtricks

Hi and thanks for pointing that out. I should have seen that before. :-(

No floppy drive present on my Gparted and now I can easily see all my drives with the drop down box.

Pity I can't set it to start with default = ALL but we can't have everything

Hi dave, don't know why I didn't think of this at the time, but all you have to do is edit /usr/share/applications/gparted-partition-manager.desktop to open gparted instead of gparted_shell.
As I have a floppy drive (which always opens first) but only one hard drive I can edit as 'gparted /dev/hda' to open straight into my drive.
Don't forget to refresh menus after saving.
Wouldn't be suprised if youv'e thought of this already.
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#1755 Post by clarf »

Hi tttuuxxx, I know you are working in 2.20 Alpha. I have a little request that could help you to rest a little for that hard work. :)

I could see in 214x9 that BMP´s skins are not compressed, you could compress them and gain some space for the next 214x release. BMP, XMMS and WinAmp can retrieve skin from these .zip files without problems in the same way it reads the skins directories.

I also note that first boot screen was updated, but the second boot screen "F2" has the same text. Could you update it please.

Thank you ttuuxxx.
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#1756 Post by Colonel Panic »

Hi. I just wanted to say I downloaded 2.14x11 yesterday and it's working well except that unfortunately I was able to get it to lock up with 5-6 windows open, which doesn't happen with 4.2-derived Pups on my machine (things slow to a crawl with them but still keep going).

I think a lot depends on what the windows are as well. I've got five open at the moment in Firefox and it's still working OK (mind you, I've disabled Java though).
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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#1757 Post by davesurrey »

OlddogNewtricks wrote
all you have to do is edit /usr/share/applications/gparted-partition-manager.desktop to open gparted instead of gparted_shell.
I've been away from this thread as ttuuxxx now seems to be working away on 220 (he does say he'll finish off 214X later though) so just saw your post.

Editing the file to

Code: Select all

Exec=gparted /dev/hda  /dev/hdb
allows gparted to offer me a choice of hda or hdb. So just what I wanted.
Very many thanks!

In fact I'm going off the original idea of defaulting to ALL as gparted seems to take an eternity to search for all drives (only have 2 HDDs and one DVD at the mo but also a card reader which may be the problem....or do I remember something about FDDs with no disk in them delaying things???) But that's another problem.

Anyway once more I appreciate your help.

(see you over on 220 or are you sticking with 214?)
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#1758 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi Guys as 2.14X goes I will make a another release in a week or so, Just giving you guys sometime to find/fix some bugs while I'm getting 2.20 ready for to take over 2.14X place. There are a lot of advantages going with 2.20 Like currently its over 14MB smaller compressed
pup_220.sfs 76MB
pup_214R.sfs 90MB
The iso is 96MB and thats with all the drivers, If I was to make like a regular puppy release which usually has a separate sfs for SCSI and older modems I could knock off a lot, maybe bring it down to 90MB.
That would be like 20MB compressed smaller. Or have 2 versions, it only takes about 5 mins to build a new release without, with woof :) Its the only time its really quick, everything else is a bit precise :wink: to get to that point.
Then as other have said sfs works and installs etc, has all the updated scripts. We did some amazing work with 2.14X, but 2.20 I feel is the next step for older PC's, I can support it better somewhat. I would of never went looking for a new base if you guys didn't want 4 series sfs, hey it wasn't my Idea, I was happy with 2.14X, lol Now I have a base just as good/fast and stable, with bugs, but not as many as 2.14X had at the start, not even half as many :)
Well you guys vote on it, if you want 2.14X will stick with it, If you want just one last update and move on to a official 2.20 puppy that we can release etc and have a repo, just for older hardware its up to you.
For now I'll be fixing bugs in 2.20 and learning more about the woof build, Getting better at it everyday :)
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#1759 Post by clarf »

Hi guys,

With my previous request to ttuuxxx for compress default BMP skins in 214x (previous page in this tread), I was looking at my own winamp skins and I want to share them with you boys. :)

Maybe ttuuxxx after recover space compressing default folder could add other skins, even create a pool for that...

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#1760 Post by Aitch »


I'm sure you'll be moving on to 2.20 nomatter what

I have just one request before you 'finalize' 214xx....

Could you NOT default it to load US keyboard/Locale automatically?

I know it's fairly simple to sort out, but it's one of the few puppies that does this, and it just niggles me each time I fire it up to demo it to someone, here in UK

Thanks, Star!! :lol:

Will be happy to try 2.20 once you get into the swing of it.....[quick request SMP/SCSI booting support maybe??? :lol:
nah, maybe too much, even for you, ttuuxxx ]

Aitch :)
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