The Puppy Logo...

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#81 Post by david »

Thanks guys for the encouraging replies.
Lobster wrote:Here are some of Davids images already in use. Did I mention Puppy is fast . . . and frisky (all created in Puppy Mozilla/composer)
Wow man, you're quick. Interesting concept and nicely done :)
Leon wrote:The second one from the first raw of the experimental version (puppy_experiment.png) might also be the right one.
I grew to like that one as well. Just in itself and not as a solution that solves the "problem" that kcin addressed.

#82 Post by Sandgroper »

Re: Puppy Logo

I hope the flower shown in Puppy's mouth is a West Australian wildflower

#83 Post by bugman »

I like the chihuahua. Did you know they were originally bred for food? There's something of the underdog in them, and with the addition of the flower, makes Puppy Linux the least corporate-seeming distro out there. The various drawn puppies don't do much for me, I admit...

I'm not much on graphic arts, but if there was a way to clean up the photo of the REAL puppy, especially the background, you could still have a slick-ish logo--and honor the memory of the little guy...
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#84 Post by Pizzasgood »

I like the original the most. The first and third from the top on the left are also nice. They don't quite look right with the flower. The original really doesn't look too sad, just if you try really hard to find something wrong. When I look at it as "Random Jack" instead of "Inspector Pizza," it looks fine. More like he's trying to look cute than feeling sad.

Seeing all those Puppies made me think: The puppy could change his expression every now and then too. The flower could be for different versions, and on holidays the expression could change. He could even wear hats and stuff.

I still think the first of those Puppies is the best logo so far, followed by the paw print.

As for professional, what's professional about flying window-flags? As far as I'm concerned, businesses can go eat their little abstract rectangles. Puppy isn't a business os anyways. Who wants Linux? All those people sick and tired of MS wasting their time and money. They want something friendly that they can enjoy using. A puppy is friendly. Puppies don't bite you (unless you put your hand in their mouths). Puppies are also tougher than flimsy glass windows.

Those who aren't looking for an easy os, but another version of Linux to try are already used to the idea of a penguine for a mascot. So what if it's cute? They know it works. So, if they can handle a penguine, they can handle a puppy. Besides, people associate with a puppy more than a penguin. And a heck of a lot more than a window-flag thingie.

If a business is looking for an os and for some reason Puppy would be ideal, do you think that if the os has a fuzzy face they are going to take the more expensive, less efficient route? The main problem is getting them to take that first look to realize that it really is what they want. In that case, being soft and cuddly might be a discouragement. BUT, unless the owner is a complete moron, he/she'll have someone competent looking for the os. If they are even taking the time to look, that means that person is willing to accept Linux, and may even know stuff about it. In which case, the situation is the same as with an experienced user who knows to look past the penguins and puppies to see the os benieth.

That said, is it even Barry's goal to get big companies using Puppy? Maybe a dream in the back of his head, but I think he's more worried about the individual than the corporation. And really, does it matter to him if they don't use it? It's not like he's making money. If this were a product being sold, then yeah, I could see that as a concern. But if they want to pass up a good deal because they don't like puppies, well, it's their loss.
(Sorry if I spoke for you or assumed wrong, Barry. Just trying to make a point.)

I need to go eat now. And yes, I'm eating a pizza. Hey, my name is Pizzasgood, not Senior Pizza. It means that pizza is good, not that I am a pizza. Though, with my shape-shifting abilities, I sometimes am.
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#85 Post by deshlab »

David, would you supply the .svg of your trace of puppy's head as well (upload it as a forum attachment)?
i'd like to experiment with that (eyes, ears).

as for now, here is a wallpaper of a scary alien logo:
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#86 Post by david »

deshlab wrote:David, would you supply the .svg of your trace of puppy's head as well (upload it as a forum attachment)? i'd like to experiment with that (eyes, ears).
of course.. here you go.

I would like to hear from Barry, since he seems to be the one that has to make a decision, because once there is one, I would like to make all kinds of variations for various applications. or let me know if you're waiting for something better to come along, in which case I will put more energy into that.
puppy traced SVG
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#87 Post by deshlab »

thanks :)
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Cat from Eveready(tm)

#88 Post by raffy »

In another thread, Lobster and G2 were saying they were already spoiled by Puppy, and then I remembered to ask, "Why would they be?". Perhaps the olympics idea has something to do with it, trying to outdo oneself along certain traits, like speed, simplicity, functionality, etc. And I remembered, too, the eveready(tm) cat flying through the air...
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#89 Post by GuestToo »

speed, simplicity, functionality

for example, running a Knoppix cd, i keep wishing i had Rox instead of Konqueror ... the waiting while the cd (noisily) spins up every time you try to do something

i like simplicity and efficiency
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#90 Post by Pizzasgood »

That is one point where my mom and I disagree frequently. She seems to think there is something wrong with closing the fridge with my foot when my hands are full. And carrying all the groceries in one trip (stick my arms through the handles on the bags, load up with as many as possible). And running instead of walking. And jumping over the couch instead of going around. And jumping the cord instead of stopping to step over (when I should be walking in the first place). And not wearing a jacket when I'll be outside for only two minutes and it isn't cold anyway (even though it's January).
At least she can't complain about my Puppy 8)
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#91 Post by Lobster »

bugman wrote:I like the chihuahua. Did you know they were originally bred for food?
I always knew Puppy was good enough to eat :)
(this is a cruel practice incidentally - the dog is tenderised whilst still alive. I had a Malaysian friend who told me about this) Warning: do not cook puppy
for example, running a Knoppix cd, i keep wishing i had Rox instead of Konqueror ... the waiting while the cd (noisily) spins up every time you try to do something

Knoppix on HD was my first real effort to use Linux. The thing I could not abide is mounting. Much easier in Puppy and yes Rox is far better - one of the Puppy gems.

David - Barry has already implemented your design - so take that as approval and work on variations of that design . . .

Here are some ideas - but I look forward to your creations . . .

Summer Puppy (Puppy in shades)
Borg Puppy (aka cyber Pup - for hardware related)
Oz Pup (hat with corks)
Pup (mortarboard Puppy)

You are working in Inkscape?

Also if you have the time - start exploring the pre-release of mtpaint
which will anim and get Pup to blink
If you do the sequences, I am sure we can string them together
In fact Puppy (as ever) has an animation tool built in . . .

If running Puppy - gifsicle

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#92 Post by david »

I suppose you're right. I will make some small tweaks (probably not noticable to most) and create an official pack with all kinds of variations. If we could come up with a list of uses or potential logo variations that will be needed, that would be helpful. I have some ideas already, but it would be nice to hear what is needed to make sure the list is as complete as it can be. Thanks,


PS: Yes, I'm working in Inkscape. I'm starting to like it more than Illustrator, although a couple of features are missing :)
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#93 Post by kcin »

Dave and all,

I have never used Inkscape before today, but David's work with the Puppy Logo has inspired me to give it a try. To my eye this first effort is a little sloppy, but I wanted to share it anyway to get the groups impressions of it and feedback about it

Original SVG included for those interested...

Best Regards.

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Help with Inkscape?

#94 Post by kcin »

Hello to all,

While perusing the Inkscape maual online, I noticed that version 0.4.3 of Inkscape was out, and I am using 0.4.2. So I thought I'd upgrade - so I went to Grafpup site and downloaded the tar.gz, and tried to install it as an alien package via pupget. It said it installed ok. but it was broken, and wouldn't start, so I uninstalled it, and went to re-install 0.4.2, but now it says I have not enough space to install it, but that is not true, I know because this is a 15 gig partitition HD install of Puppy, with very little else on the drive, and I have all kinds of free space.

Can anyone help me?

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Help with Inkscape?

#95 Post by kcin »

oop, duplicate post - Moderator, pleaxe delete?
Nathan not logged in

#96 Post by Nathan not logged in »


Not sure about your hard drive problem, but the inkscape issue probably had more to do with missing dependencies than the package being broken. To get Inkscape-0.43 to run in Puppy, you'll need libgc, gtkmm, aspell, and gtkspell. All can be found in the same place you found Inkscape. If there's sufficient interest I might repackage all of them together so that Inkscape would be an easy install for Puppy users. As it is, the packages were created with Grafpup in mind where the end user won't know or care anything about dependencies because they're already in the live cd.

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available in Puppy

#97 Post by Lobster »

I would be interested in all packages but particularly inkscape being available in Puppy,

I think it would be a shame if packages for Grafpup and Puppy had to be different and I hope this will be adressed with .pet (pget and .pup hybrid being prepared)
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#98 Post by kcin »

Nathan not logged in wrote:kcin-

...To get Inkscape-0.43 to run in Puppy, you'll need libgc, gtkmm, aspell, and gtkspell. All can be found in the same place you found Inkscape....

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for the info - I found everything but libgc on your site - that one seems to be missing. I'm going looking for it elsewhere now, but wanted to let you know it's missing from your site..

Best Regards,

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#99 Post by Nathan F » ... 6.6.tar.gz

Sorry about the confusion. That link goes right to the package you need.

I intend to eventually index all of the packages with a description for each one. It might be a slow process as it would also include the 300 or so packages that Barry has made.
think it would be a shame if packages for Grafpup and Puppy had to be different
Making the packages different isn't what I had in mind, really. The issue is that I've decided not to put the libraries right into the packages, for a couple of reasons. It makes it easier for me to update the package if I don't have to put the libraries back into the new one. If someday I decide to remove a program from the iso it also prevents things from breaking if some other program had a dependency on the same libs. For instance, if I were to put GTK into the Gimp package (not too far off since it IS the GimpToolKit) and later decided to remove Gimp half the OS would break and not function.

What I was getting at is that it would make installation much easier for Puppy users if I did combine the packages, especially for newbies who have no idea what a dependency is. In fact, newbies are one of Puppy's primary targets. I was actually considering taking some of the more popular packages and making dotpups based on them since that is what most people are used to using in Puppy. It would be the same build, but distributed in a format that's easier to deal with. I already know there's a need to do something because this is not the first time I've had to explain to someone where to find the dependencies in order to get xyz working.

Of course, my time is often an issue and I'd welcome any help if someone wants to repackage certain unleashed packages I've made in order to make them more accessible. Intentions are great but I'm stretching myself pretty thin sometimes and it won't do any good if the intentions are never actually accomplished.

Sorry for taking the thread away from it's focus, please return to your regularly scheduled programming now.

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Eyes and Color

#100 Post by raffy »

Look at the eyes and color of this brown dog - could be useful model for David. Happy Lunar New Year!
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