vmPuppy 2.14X - Now Version 9

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#21 Post by playdayz »


the message you got refers to folders on my machine--that should not be of course.

When vmware player starts the puppy vm 2.14X the first time--it asks me if I copied or moved the machine--the default is Copy which worked for me when I tested on my xp machine. I think if you picked Moved it might look for my stuff. Please let me know if that is it--I would advise starting over.

Add: Yes. I just started over in xp by deleting the puppy folder and unpacking the zip archive again--when I clicked the vmx file and the vmware player started it asked the question (Moved or Copied) and I answered Move (instead of copy) and I got the message you reported. So, strong indications that was the problem. So the right answer is Copied. Good.

there is 384 RAM allocated for the Puppy vm--that should be enough I think, shouldn't it? With 1GB on the host I don't think we should go any higher than 384. on my machine the hardinfo blowfish benchmark tests at 12 and celeron 1.5 is 26 (lower is better--my machine is a phenom x4 9850 at 3 GHz). The vm is only virtualizing one of the cores. vmware allows for 2 cores which increases speed by around 10% but i set one core for compatibility. let's see what it does if it works correctly--i don't think it should be at all "jerky" though.

with ide disabled"
yes, without ide (disk) it would be using only the 384 RAM and would be jerky, so I think getting the startup right should improve speed.

It is a bad design on my part but the vm-tools and vm-mnt icons on the Desktop don't "seem" to do anything, but they should. After clicking vm-tools, you can check "lsmod" in a terminal to see the six "vm...." modules. Also you can check "htop" to see the two vmware processes running. There are some docs in the /root folder about checking that it is working.

Once you confirm that the vm-tools are working then click the vm-mnt. Remember, you must make a folder at C:\Puppy *before* you try to mount it. Actually maybe not, according to what Mstar said, but I would do it (create C:\Puppy) to be safe. Once C:\Puppy is created, then click vm-mnt. The way to check that is to then navigate Rox to /mnt/Puppy and you should see the contents of C;\Puppy--assuming there is something in C:\Puppy ;-)

I hope this gets it.
yep....but 4.2.1 doesn't have bubbles & gem... Wink

and it's slower Sad
just making sure ;-)
The mouse jumps between host and guest more seamlessly than in vmPup214X8 without the tools.
I see what you mean MHHP. Without the tools installed you have to click to get back into the virtual machine window.

The small 2.14X9 virtual machine (without VMWare Tools) should be working now.
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#22 Post by Aitch »

Hi playdayz

not having much luck with this - tried allsorts

when trying mount C:\Puppy, I get

Code: Select all

mount: can't find C:Puppy in /etc/fstab
[note backslash is missing, I didn't mis-type it]

no 6 vm files in htop

no shared folder to mount - nada

made a bit more tricky as it comes up with us keyboard, and I couldn't find the slashes.... :( resetting keyboard/locale doesn't change keyboard, maybe it needs reboot?

I deleted everything, vm's, player, registry entries, files....
re-decompressed the d/l, yet it came back up showing my first [working] v2/6 version, as well as the failed v9 as if I hadn't deleted anything
....and I still get the same 'sunshine' message & 'ide will start unmounted' [not disabled as I said earlier]

is there something else I can try?

does the fact that I have XP home make a difference?

I haven't got a clue on this.... :oops:

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#23 Post by playdayz »

Man, I feel bad about this--I think it should work, but there is always a point of letting it go.

If you want to pursue let's try step by step.

1. Place the downloaded file puppy_2.14X_V9.zip on your Windows desktop.
2. Right-Click the file and choose Extract Here (if that is an option--if you have WinRar or WinZip it should be--even XP alone will have some method of decompressing I think). Decompress to the desktop so you have a brand-new folder on your desktop named "Puppy 2.14X V9." We are doing this to make sure to get away from anything previous.
3. Double-Click to open that folder and then double click the file "puppy 2.14X V9.vmx."
4. VMWare Player should start and ask you if you Moved or Copied the vm. Choose Copied (the default). I am sure that message about "download\Sunshine etc." is because you have somehow chosen Moved instead of Copied or it was chosen for you or something.
5. Then Puppy 2.14 should start as usual.
6. When Puppy has booted, then click the "vm-tools" icon on the desktop. Wait a second and then open a terminal and enter "lsmod." You might have to scroll back up to see everything, but there should be 6 modules that begin with "vm..." that you see.
7. Then go to Menu -> System -> Htop and you should see 2 programs "vmware-guestd" and "vmware-user." You might have to grab the corner and expand htop to see everything. Steps 6 and 7 tell you that vmware-tools is running.
8. In Windows, click Menu -> My Computer -> C: drive and make sure there is a folder named Puppy. It will not be there automatically--you have to create it and make sure there is something in it
9. Once the folder C:\Puppy is created in Windows, go back into the Puppy VM and click the "vm-mnt" icon on the desktop.
10. On the Puppy desktop click home -> up arrow -> mnt and there should be a Puppy folder in /mnt (/mnt/Puppy). Click that folder to see the contents of the C:\Puppy folder in Windows. Note that you do not need to "mount" anything yourself in Puppy.

The key points are to start with a brand new unsullied Puppy 2.14X V9 folder; to choose Copied; to click "vm-tools" and then check that it is running; to make sure the file C:\Puppy exists on the C:\ drive in Windows; to click "vm-mnt" and then check /mnt/Puppy.

I don't think having XP Home should matter but you never really know and I have XP Professional that I am testing on.

Perhaps MHHP or someone else who has this running would have some suggestions. If you try this, and it doesn't work, perhaps you could let me know which step didn't give the expected results and what they were. Best.
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#24 Post by MinHundHettePerro »

Aitch wrote:made a bit more tricky as it comes up with us keyboard, and I couldn't find the slashes.... :( resetting keyboard/locale doesn't change keyboard, maybe it needs reboot?
As with standard 214X, choosing the keyboard for your country only sets the variable in /etc/kmap, which is shown on boot-up, it doesn't change the keyboard layout. To change layout go to Menu>setup>mouse/keyb>keyb layout and change it to your preferred layout, make sure you save/apply the new setting.

[color=green]Celeron 2.8 GHz, 1 GB, i82845, many ptns, modes 12, 13
Dual Xeon 3.2 GHz, 1 GB, nvidia quadro nvs 285[/color]
Slackos & 214X, ... and Q6xx
[color=darkred]Nämen, vaf....[/color] [color=green]ln -s /dev/null MHHP[/color]
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#25 Post by Aitch »


step 4 still get the sunshine message - even after selecting copied

step 6 & 7

no go - no vmtools/share folder/htop/lsmod - nada

tried putting the 4 log files in a file to isolate them, all that seemed to achieve was to mess up the xserver - got a smaller screen, it set ok by running xorg wizard

going to try deleting everything again and going deeper into registry by searchinhg for vm files - I had an earlier version2.5 of vmware infrastructure client and workstation5 on this box, and maybe there's a clash...

also did some checking on the web,.....trying d/l'ing .NET framework 2.0
I think it should work, but there is always a point of letting it go
shame - but not the end of the world - I still have to try Puppy 4.2.1 Virtual Machine in VirtualBox

I'm a bit miffed that I can't get my Lacie network drive recognised in puppy, either, no matter what version of puppy I try....

I'll have to dig out my Slampp CD, as that had really good network/samba setup on it, and see what differences I can see

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#26 Post by MinHundHettePerro »


I did get rid of that message somehow, already in vmPuppy214X8, I just didn't remember what I did :shock: :), so I couldn't tell you.

Now, it suddenly dawned on me :).
I think it was when I edited /mnt/sdc7/Puppy 2.14X V8/Puppy 2.14X V8.vmx and exchanged the line "ide1:0.fileName = "C:\Users\Sunshine\Downloads\214X8.iso" for "ide1:0.fileName = "R:\pup_214X9\214X9.iso"" for one of my .iso-files to be auto-mounted as a CD-drive on boot-up.

I'm pretty sure about this but, cannot confirm it to 100% until Monday when I'm back to work.

[color=green]Celeron 2.8 GHz, 1 GB, i82845, many ptns, modes 12, 13
Dual Xeon 3.2 GHz, 1 GB, nvidia quadro nvs 285[/color]
Slackos & 214X, ... and Q6xx
[color=darkred]Nämen, vaf....[/color] [color=green]ln -s /dev/null MHHP[/color]
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#27 Post by playdayz »

thanks MHHP, it is looking that i must have left the puppy install iso connected. i found it listed in my vmx file. i appreciate your help with all this--getting it running and then getting it ready to be used by other people are two different things. i will try to confirm this and get another zip file uploaded for aitch. A weird thing was that I could cause the error message about Sunshine\Downloads by saying that I Moved the virtual machine (instead of Copied) when it first booted--but that was a red herring.

aitch, you were giving me all the clues but I just wasn't hearing them. thanks for going with the steps and then MHHP gave another clue. The large Puppy 2.14X V9 with vmware tools that is now posted in the first message should not have this problem with the Sunshine/Download business. sorry it took me a while. I uploaded and downloaded and the md5sum was good. I renamed the iso it was looking for and did not get the problem, also it does not show up in the vmx file.

I did get the message that shared folders are disabled. That is fixed by Edit Virtual Machine Settings -> Options -> Shared Folders -> Enable.

I hope this and 4.2.1/VirtualBox work for you. One good thing about VirtualBox is that you will have the actual program instead of just a "player" and that gives you more control.
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#28 Post by Aitch »


I'm not supposed to get virtualised - I can feel it in my bones....

I also found a quoTrader Ubuntu 9.04 + VMTools

That didn't work either.....

I've just deleted virtualbox after 2 days of difficulties...I'll post in that thread - nearly borked my windoze XP.....

Thanks for your efforts, I'll try the newer download of Puppy 2.14X V9 with vmware tools

I did try the share option, but it wouldn't run because of vmtools not working

I did manage to get a non-vmtools puppy to a desktop using that large d/l

I've deleted all non VMware player files

My earlier d/l [v6/7?] is still working without copy/share, and will go on the net

Good job we're all "dogg-ed" determined, eh? :wink: :lol:

Aitch :)
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#29 Post by SilverPuppy »

Other than a "sandbox" for browsing inside, (which is itself not a bad idea.......) what's the point of running Puppy on Windows? I don't see any compelling reason to attempt it. It helps that I always have 240 gazillion old computers running around, and there's usually one 4 feet away from my main (XP) box running some Puppy flavor for a Linux fix.

So assuming I wasn't 4 feet away from a true Puppy, why would I want a Tamagotchi Puppy? :D
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#30 Post by playdayz »

hey SilverPupy,

as you say, browsing appliance is one.

running Puppy when you have to be working in Windows is another, for people who don't have a houseful of computers (I do btw, but only 4 or 5 at a time though).

there is always the "let's see if it can be done" reason ;-) some of the computer science concepts such as virtualization are interesting in their own right to me so what better way to explore them than Puppy.

in the back of my mind is the fact that a virtual machine (such as vmPuppy) can be distributed so that one will know exactly what the "clients" have on their box--this interests me because I think it would be possible to distribute educational material (I teach online courses) such as perhaps a simulation or various software to create music or visual arts. students could download the vm and everyone would be on the same page and I should have less support issues than if I just asked them all to get and install some software. that about does it for me. oh, one more.

finally, i have always kind of favored a "unified" operating system, meaning i would like to run the best Linux, Mac, and Windows programs conveniently on one computer with easy back and forth access, copy and paste, shared files, and so forth; because of that i am interested in wine as well as virtualizers.

just one more, some people in this thread or one about the other vm Puppies said that they like to try the test Puppies in a vm and then install when the final is released. I made a vm of 4.3b3 which was only active for 3 or 4 days until the final was released.

i could do most of those things running a Virtualizer in a Linux host, but I keep a beefy Windows machine for work and it is easy to use that.
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Good ideas....

#31 Post by SilverPuppy »

Yes indeed, good ideas all of them. I hadn't considered some of those very good uses.

Reminds me of this, which someone sent me today:

You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus:

1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.

2. An old friend who once saved your life.

3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car? Think before you continue reading.

This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job application. You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first. Or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again.

YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS....................

The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. He simply answered: 'I would give the car keys to my old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams.'

Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations.

Never forget to 'Think Outside of the Box.

By the way, you misspelled my handle. :O
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#32 Post by Aitch »

playdayz wrote:finally, i have always kind of favored a "unified" operating system, meaning i would like to run the best Linux, Mac, and Windows programs conveniently on one computer with easy back and forth access, copy and paste, shared files, and so forth; because of that i am interested in wine as well as virtualizers.
yep, me too, except for the wine bit.....something about the nasty taste using windoze stuff leaves in my mind.....I'm trying to avoid corrupting my linux experience, which is still a big learning curve for me, for jobs I can still do fairly quickly in windoze, until something unexpected happens, and I then struggle to recover unrelated stuff that gets lost in the crash
Windoze may be known bad, but I still wear it like an old jumper more comfortably than my newish linux equivalents - too many years with W95/98.....before discovering any other OSs

I work [as a retirement hobby & to relieve boredom/retain a sense of purpose] busting viral activity with a friend in the same room, & often use a shared scanner/printer all-in-one, and a Lacie Networked hard drive, and we often need to share files/links when tracking down some nasties
We both now run sandboxed XP, [mine is a fairly recent upgrade from 2K, following a major mobo-destroying incident earlier this year on my SCSI-based system of 5 years, which cost me a lot of data....] and my friend is an xbasic programmer, too, writing a plain language learning AI system that he hopes to put on the web...] so the beauty of being able to copy/paste from virtualised puppy to windoze/network, still strongly attracts me....[and I have a MAC-nutty friend, too :lol: who occasionally visits and wants to share stuff....]
I just haven't managed to get it to go yet....... :(
Neither VMWare nor Virtualbox seem to want to share on my box and I've not managed to figure out why.....
Slampp is the closest I've got, but it's too big/slow....and there always seems to be something needing tweaking, no matter what Puppy I use - just to get everything working as it should....

hmm, this must be one of my down days....excuse my whinginess - 'sh*t happens', as they say :lol:


SilverPuppy; re: the climate change debacle, this recently published review...

http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voi ... arming-swi

Aitch :)
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#33 Post by playdayz »

hey guys, i personally don't care about windows much at all-I have much more fun with Puppy. However i do like to use good software--and there are some programs that were written to run in windows that I think are among the best. My best example is probably Cool Edit 2000. It was available in two editions, Regular and Pro; I had the regular. Several years ago Adobe bought it and reissued it as the hugely expensive Audition (actually the same price as Cool Edit Pro but that seemed expensive to me). One guy David Johnson wrote it and I have still seem nothing better--fortunately I have it running in both XP and Vista (wine also). These is also another shareware I use Picture Window which was also written by one person to meet the needs of serious photographers, also runs in wine.

btw aitch, i have quit using vmware because i found out that it was the culprit screwing up my home network. since your experience i am being more careful about recommending even virtualbox.

here's my spam at the bottom ;-) actually they are both my sites and there is nothing for sale on them anywhere ;-)
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#34 Post by Aitch »

Hi Playdayz

Thanks for the update....

Re: your preferred windoze software, have you considered puppyluvr's Puppy Artist's Workshop/Pupitup/Mediapup in one DVD


Sounds pretty close to what you're after - in puppy/linux even.... :D

One of these days, a team will come together to sort virtualising out for Puppy - I hope

Thanks for your efforts,.....close,.... but no cookie :wink:
here's my spam at the bottom......
no cookie there either... :lol:

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vmware puppy

#35 Post by recycler »

Thanks for this. Seems 700mb ram is a reasonable minimum to get this working well on XP. It is a fact of life that XP is so dominant - to be able to subvert that by running Puppy in Windows is truly a grand achievement :D
[i][quote] [/quote]
[/i]Puppy 412 and 430
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