OpenOffice 3.1.1 sfs

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#41 Post by mikeb »

plus the older X-server has extras built into that allows Firefix 3.5 to run at 100%, where as any series 4 would run at around 70%.
and xorg 6.8 is even faster!!..I did suspect there was a flash stability connection but never found anything definate but did just drop it in as a test with no apparent problems that were not fixed with the odd symlink. The speed up with older X servers is not limited to gtk2 either....the tktcl bubble test showed something resembling a 50% difference....anything X11 related...xv seems unaffected....the rule of thumb seems to be if you don't need the updates don't use them.

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#42 Post by BarryK »

mikeb wrote:
plus the older X-server has extras built into that allows Firefix 3.5 to run at 100%, where as any series 4 would run at around 70%.
and xorg 6.8 is even faster!!..I did suspect there was a flash stability connection but never found anything definate but did just drop it in as a test with no apparent problems that were not fixed with the odd symlink. The speed up with older X servers is not limited to gtk2 either....the tktcl bubble test showed something resembling a 50% difference....anything X11 related...xv seems unaffected....the rule of thumb seems to be if you don't need the updates don't use them.

Yes, I do wonder sometimes about all the "progress". Xorg, Linux kernel, GTK, all of it, becoming more and more complex.
Very old versions may have been cruder, but often they were fast because of the simplicity.

Perhaps someone should fork an old version of Xorg and bring it up to date to recognise more recent video chips. I'm sure that even recent video chips have a baseline operation mode that an old Xorg can handle.
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#43 Post by raffy »

Will the sfs be usable (without updating in UnionFS version) for Puppy Linux 4.3?
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].
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#44 Post by Subito Piano »

Did you try this one ...
I removed all that stuff.
15 MB compared to 138 for the regular OO sfs!?!?!?! Besides JRE, what did you remove?
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#45 Post by mikeb »

15 MB compared to 138 for the regular OO sfs!?!?!?! Besides JRE, what did you remove?
I get it showing as 160MB...I don't think ttuuxxx's magic can go that far :D

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#46 Post by tlchost »

tlchost wrote: I tried it in ChoicePup where I am running Xampp1.7.2 ... as soon as the OO sfs loads in, MySQL stops running.
Any ideas on why MySQL stops with this version of OO ?
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#47 Post by Subito Piano »

Did you try this one ...
I removed all that stuff.
It's not installing --??? Using 4.3 retro kernel. Don't know this a complete (albeit "lite") OO install package or something else?
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Re: Ah, yes, well, yuck

#48 Post by SilverPuppy »

SilverPuppy wrote:Interesting, that I hadn't noticed. I did download it and boot it briefly, but didn't use it as there was no apparent increase in speed, and it felt a bit primitive, BUT I might try the FireFox 3.5 thing, as I did notice that it's occasionally a bit jerky. What are the addons, and can they be .PETted into 4.1?

On a side note, that was a Cyrix MII 6x86-366. It has the performance of a loaded dump truck with 3 dead cylinders. I've never seen a machine perform so badly with so much. What a LAME CPU! An equivalent PII flies compared to that.......HOWEVER, even though Compaq-crap put an MII in this, it's a Gigabyte board that supports AMD K6 through K6III+-550, and eBay seems to have some of those available. Changing that CPU out will make it haul butt. It should also be overclockable with the K6III+, I've read that they're good at overclocking. The MII will overclock either by raising the bus to 112mhz from 100, or by increasing the multiplier from 2.5 to 3, but neither is stable, though both do improve performance while they last, but just barely. I used boot time as a benchmark, and OCed it booted in 2 mins even, non-OCed 2 mins 13 seconds. Good improvement amount, but still terrible. Guess I'll be replacing the CPU. I have to if I want to make someone happy with this box, 'cuz it's just too much of a dog right now. I think an original Pentium was faster........just the impression I get........though I now have some to try. I do want to see just how little this Puppy will run on. I would think a 486 w/ 64mb RAM should run, albeit putzy. I don't think I have a box that old to play with right now, but maybe I do. I have a source for all things old computer. I dunno where he gets them........
One last thought about this, if anyone took that board with the Cyrix MII 366 2 mins 13 seconds to boot, then out of curiosity I put the same old hard drives in a Celeron 266, and it booted in 1 minute 7 seconds. A Pentium III 733 did it in 27 seconds. What astonishes me is how bad the Cyrix is compared to similarly-spec'd processors of the day. No wonder they're not around anymore............I do look forward to seeing what that board runs like with the K6III+ 450Mhz chip I bought today. Should be comparable to the PIII 733 by the time I get done with it, as AMD always gets more oomph out of their Mhz than Intel, and I plan to wind it up a bit tighter yet, if it can take it, which it should be able to. It might even benchmark better than the 733, wouldn't that be fun. More details later, if I think of it, and nobody tells me to shut up my crappy old computer tales. :D
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#49 Post by caleb72 »

Now on my 6th attempt to actually download this thing fully (using the .pet version linked to).

Driving me insane - but I'm guessing if I just download over and over again I might eventually get the full download.

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#50 Post by DaveS »

caleb72 wrote:Now on my 6th attempt to actually download this thing fully (using the .pet version linked to).

Driving me insane - but I'm guessing if I just download over and over again I might eventually get the full download.

Caleb, are you downloading via your browser, or using wget? What goes wrong? Where are you downloading from?
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#51 Post by SilverPuppy »

SilverPuppy wrote:
SilverPuppy wrote:Interesting, that I hadn't noticed. I did download it and boot it briefly, but didn't use it as there was no apparent increase in speed, and it felt a bit primitive, BUT I might try the FireFox 3.5 thing, as I did notice that it's occasionally a bit jerky. What are the addons, and can they be .PETted into 4.1?

On a side note, that was a Cyrix MII 6x86-366. It has the performance of a loaded dump truck with 3 dead cylinders. I've never seen a machine perform so badly with so much. What a LAME CPU! An equivalent PII flies compared to that.......HOWEVER, even though Compaq-crap put an MII in this, it's a Gigabyte board that supports AMD K6 through K6III+-550, and eBay seems to have some of those available. Changing that CPU out will make it haul butt. It should also be overclockable with the K6III+, I've read that they're good at overclocking. The MII will overclock either by raising the bus to 112mhz from 100, or by increasing the multiplier from 2.5 to 3, but neither is stable, though both do improve performance while they last, but just barely. I used boot time as a benchmark, and OCed it booted in 2 mins even, non-OCed 2 mins 13 seconds. Good improvement amount, but still terrible. Guess I'll be replacing the CPU. I have to if I want to make someone happy with this box, 'cuz it's just too much of a dog right now. I think an original Pentium was faster........just the impression I get........though I now have some to try. I do want to see just how little this Puppy will run on. I would think a 486 w/ 64mb RAM should run, albeit putzy. I don't think I have a box that old to play with right now, but maybe I do. I have a source for all things old computer. I dunno where he gets them........
One last thought about this, if anyone took that board with the Cyrix MII 366 2 mins 13 seconds to boot, then out of curiosity I put the same old hard drives in a Celeron 266, and it booted in 1 minute 7 seconds. A Pentium III 733 did it in 27 seconds. What astonishes me is how bad the Cyrix is compared to similarly-spec'd processors of the day. No wonder they're not around anymore............I do look forward to seeing what that board runs like with the K6III+ 450Mhz chip I bought today. Should be comparable to the PIII 733 by the time I get done with it, as AMD always gets more oomph out of their Mhz than Intel, and I plan to wind it up a bit tighter yet, if it can take it, which it should be able to. It might even benchmark better than the 733, wouldn't that be fun. More details later, if I think of it, and nobody tells me to shut up my crappy old computer tales. :D
More tales from jurassic park! Just for grins I stuck a Pentium-120mhz chip on the board that the Cyrix was on, OCed it to 133mhz (since that was the lowest that board will go) and booted the same hard drive. Two things didn't surprise me. I was not surprised that it booted (and with no complaints) and also was not surprised that it took longer than any previous boot. I WAS surprised that it took 6 minutes 5 seconds to boot! I thought it might have gone faster than that.......but hey, now we know: for the patient, it is possible to run Puppy 4.1.2 non-retro on a P133----if you're VERY patient. (Just loading SeaMonkey took awhile. XD )
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#52 Post by caleb72 »

DaveS wrote:
caleb72 wrote:Now on my 6th attempt to actually download this thing fully (using the .pet version linked to).

Driving me insane - but I'm guessing if I just download over and over again I might eventually get the full download.

Caleb, are you downloading via your browser, or using wget? What goes wrong? Where are you downloading from?
Just through my browser. I've got it now - just took many attempts.

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#53 Post by technosaurus »

This has saved me a bunch of time

Code: Select all

wget -c <url_of_your_file>
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Re: Wow!

#54 Post by SilverPuppy »

SilverPuppy wrote: More tales from jurassic park! Just for grins I stuck a Pentium-120mhz chip on the board that the Cyrix was on, OCed it to 133mhz (since that was the lowest that board will go) and booted the same hard drive. Two things didn't surprise me. I was not surprised that it booted (and with no complaints) and also was not surprised that it took longer than any previous boot. I WAS surprised that it took 6 minutes 5 seconds to boot! I thought it might have gone faster than that.......but hey, now we know: for the patient, it is possible to run Puppy 4.1.2 non-retro on a P133----if you're VERY patient. (Just loading SeaMonkey took awhile. XD )
Come to think of it, that sounds like a good application for TurboPup, as I have a few of these hanging around still. :P BUT, an update! That board now has an AMD K6-III+ 450mhz chip on it. Wow, what an infinitely better chip that is! The best part is that it's supposed to run at 100mhz X 4.5, but I've got it running at 112mhz X 5.5! That's 616mhz out of a chip rated at 450! The funny part is, it's perfectly stable that way. Not a fuss in any way. It runs cool (relatively; I've got a heatsink rated to 1.4ghz on it :lol: ) and it makes NO complaint about anything! The Hardinfo benchmarks I am getting are astonishing! I did move everything off the board though: PCI video and audio, as the onboard components are not exceptionally good, and raising the PCI bus speed a few mhz makes some things a bit unhappy. But I've found network, audio, and video cards that are happy at 37.x mhz rather than 33, and boy is that a fun system! More because of what it represents than anything else, as even though I've overclocked it 35%, it's still only a tad over 600mhz, which is definitely not a screamer by modern standards.

Interestingly, in many of the future chips, the manufacturers started multiplier-locking their chips, so the only thing a piddler could do was bus overclocking, or re-engineer the chip. I guess they wanted to avoid accidentally lobbing out a chip that would be able to be turbocharged and beat the pants off their next generation products. :P
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#55 Post by g000g1e »

My system is puppy 4.30 (kernel full installation on hard disk, I downloaded openoffice-3.1.1-sfs4.sfs and I installed it in "/" ; but BootManager not recognize the file.
I made a little script and I installed it in "/ root / startup" which contains the following order: "filemnt /openoffice-3.1.1-sfs4.sfs " and created a shortcut to /mnt/+openoffice-3.1.1-sfs4.sfs/opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice on the desktop.

So it works well: when start Puppy mount the directory /mnt/openoffice* and all functionality from ooo is available to me.
But there is a problem, when turn off the system the directory remains mounted, then at the next boot the order " filemnt" does unmount; so I have openoffice at startup intermittently one time yes and another time not.

Please help me:

How should I do to remove (or unmount) the directory (automatically) when leaving the system?

I'm a newbie and I have very little experience with linux, and do not speak English, this is a translation through google translator.
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#56 Post by miriam »

Caleb... I have just about given up using my browser for downloading. I only use wget for anything important.

Some of the download sites mentioned here require a username and password. Not a lot of people know that they can be given as part of the address... like this: ...
where "puppy" is the username at that address and "linux" the password there.

So in that particular case I'd type into a command line:

Code: Select all

If you have to stop the download part way through then you can continue later by using wget's "-c" option as technosaurus mentioned.

Makes life a lot easier.
[color=blue]A life! Cool! Where can I download one of those from?[/color]
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ttuuxxx's 2 series (214X16.iso) and

#57 Post by fm1st »

ttuuxxx wrote:I would say if your using an older pc use ... /214X9.iso
plus that openoffice pet package, it will run way faster, less memory etc
Ttuuxxx, please confirm which one is that openoffice pet package you meant above.

The (as stored in
either or (stored in ... es/testing)?

I am currently using yours 4311 (w/FF305) plus openoffice-3.1.1-sfs4.sfs in old hardware (PIII_800MHz_ram500Mb) with success so far (with yours jwmfix) but I would like to try out yours 214X16.iso. Will it accept the ?

thanks a lot
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Re: SFS works but the Pet not yet

#58 Post by ken geometrics »

A useful trick on a pupeee machine:

The Asus machine is a little small on the amount of RAM for putting the open office into the SFS and having it in RAM. Here is how I got OO working from the Flash card:

Assumes your pup_saveXXXX.2fs is on the Flash card

Put the SFS on a memory stick and open it (click on it from the files browser ROX) this will let you see what is inside it.

Open the flash card with another copy of the file browser and drag the two directories on there.

You now have the directories in the Flash Card in the non-compressed form.

You next need the two files browsers looking in the following places:

1) go to /initrd/mnt/dev_save/opt or ../usr/bin etc

2) go to the /opt/ and /usr/bin/ etc on the machines as needed

In each step through all the files or directories that do exist on (1) and don't exist on (2). Drag the file or directory from (1) to (2) and choose the "link" option

When you are done with them all to the (2) /usr/bin and drag the starter one to the desk top.

This makes the open office stored in non compressed form on the Flash card. All the links will be remembered in the save file. It works fairly quickly because reading the Flash is quick but there is little increase in the RAM space used.
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#59 Post by ecomoney »

British English dictionary's seem to be missing from this version :evil: ... sh+english

However version 3.2 is out. Considering who came up with the language...I consider this a MAJOR fail!
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Well, well.....

#60 Post by SilverPuppy »

Isn't that called "King's English?" :P

Are we going to get a nice .PET of 3.2 soon?
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