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#61 Post by eztuxer »

Hi Muggins !

Thanks for those .pets
I've installed all 4 of them and it works just fine on my Fujitsu Siemens Desktop with 500 MB ram and 2;6 GHz.
It runs with pupitup 4.1.2 kernel
However on my Aspire One netbook, starting it kills X...
Might be due to 1024x600 res screen.
And Charlie, since we live one mile apart we'll have to meet some day ! ;) :idea:
Don't poop it down... Pup it Up !
Posts: 6724
Joined: Fri 20 Jan 2006, 10:44
Location: hobart

#62 Post by muggins »


good to hear that it's working for you.


it seems either you're having problems getting openGL working, or gCAD3D doesn't like your graphics card?

What response if you run, in a terminal:

Code: Select all

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Posts: 1230
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Location: Saint-Gérard / Walloon part of Belgium

#63 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Muggins,
muggins wrote:... having problems getting openGL working,...
....What response if you run, in a terminal:

Code: Select all

Here it is

Code: Select all

# pwd
# gCAD3D
bash: gCAD3D: command not found
# ./gCAD3D
+++++++++++++ Start xa   1
OS_Init_ |./gCAD3D|
 basedir = |/usr/local/gCAD3D/|
 tmpdir = |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/|
UTX_memFind1 40 2
ex UTX_memFind1 found 19
 AP_printer=|lpr -l -PCUPS-PDF|
 active application=||
UI_win_main 90
GUI_init || 0
UI_menCB |Iact|
UI_menCB |Bar1|
UI_menCB |Bar2|

UI_butCB |VWR|

UI_butCB |MAN|
 charSet 0  |ANSI_X3.4-1968|
 ascent=10 descent=3
  UI_Ed_ln_sizY = 13
gtk_gl_area_new - 0
ex UI_GR_WinInit
GUI_Pix /usr/local/gCAD3D/xa/xa_logo.xpm
The program '<unknown>' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadMatch'.
  (Details: serial 953 error_code 8 request_code 144 minor_code 5)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
I tried as mentionned in the last comments rows:

Code: Select all

#./gCAD3D --sync
got the same code as hereabove.

....or gCAD3D doesn't like your graphics card?
Nvidia drivers are kernel sensible. See belox end of post gray's (thanks gray !) posts giving respective Nvidia drivers according to kernel version:

Have to mention that gCAD3D works with that Nvidia Ge6 graphic card using k2.6.25.16.+NVIDIA-173.14.12-k2.6.25.16.pet +xorg_xorg-7.3-full-DRI.pet
Whereas on pup430-k2.630.5+NVIDIA-185.18.36-k2.6.30.5-1.pet I have e.g. GoogleEarth-4.3_430-sfs4.sfs nice working WITHOUT xorg_xorg-7.3-full-DRI.pet as xorg is already in the Nvidia driver.

Cheers, Charlie

Code: Select all

Gray wrote: I have compiled and packaged the Nvidia drivers for the new kernel of Puppy 4.3 (k2.6.30.5). The pet packages also contain OpenGL libraries (libglut and libGLU) and a test program glxgears, so you do not need to install the xorg_dri package for OpenGL support. 
Nvidia drivers gray's link:
for k2.6.30.5 http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 972#341972
for k2.6.25.16: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=34001

ps: I wonder if it could be usefull to ask gray's advice ? I believe this could come from xorg_dri new kernel compatibility. I indeed try the xorg_full_DRI with the new kernel on different graphic cards (onboard intel 845G and nvidia ge6): both do not give OpenGL working. Whereas both are working on k2.6.25.16.
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Location: Saint-Gérard / Walloon part of Belgium

#64 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Muggins,
in order to good understand :
... so after removing save file...
do you have removed the pupsave.2fs file because it could be corrupted? or what else?
... and just installing gCAD3D, openGL & libgtkgl-2.0, it seems to run OK.
Which way do you install openGL ? (as here xorg_xorg_full_dri-7.3.1.pet does not...)

Thanks for your reply!
cheers, Charlie
Posts: 6724
Joined: Fri 20 Jan 2006, 10:44
Location: hobart

#65 Post by muggins »


I think the problem is definitely openGL related, as I get similar output, except, following the
xa_logo.xpm line, I get a series of openGL comments:

Code: Select all

GUI_Pix /usr/local/gCAD3D/xa/xa_logo.xpm
::::GL_alloc__ 5000
::::GLT_alloc_pta 1 0 175000 175000
ex GLT_alloc_pta 1 175000 175000
::::GLT_alloc_cta 1 0 10000 10000
::::GLT_alloc_ppa 1 0 6000 6000
::::GLU_alloc 1 0 400 400
GL_RENDERER:    Mesa DRI Intel(R) 915GM 20061017 x86/MMX/SSE2
GL_VERSION:     1.3 Mesa 6.5.2
GLU_EXTENSIONS: GLU_EXT_nurbs_tessellator GLU_EXT_object_space_tess 
To get openGL working on my computer, I also installed xorg_xorg_full_dri-7.3.pet. Unfortunately why this doesn't work for you is beyond my understanding...I know Mu was clued up on getting graphics cards working with openGL...but he's quite busy with other stuff AFAIK.
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Posts: 1230
Joined: Mon 30 Jun 2008, 04:03
Location: Saint-Gérard / Walloon part of Belgium

#66 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Muggins,
with ch-gCAD3D-1.30-sfs4.sfs...
gCAD3D (now...) works !!! on puppies 4.31.1 ttuuxxx updated (it di not till now nor as also on pup430 final k2.6.30.5):
a few minutes ago "glxinfo" was still telling "direct rendering; No".
I just launched googleearth before ..it ran OK; afterwards did "glxgears' in a terminal and FPS was around 1300FPS ! So I did again"glxinfo" and it said "direct rendering; Yes" ....unbelievable ...I verify which puppy was running !!
Be fore I just installed libgtkgl- as recommended in page 1 this thread and previously uninstalled libselinux.

I am not expert to understand what happened.

I give here the comments on terminal:

Code: Select all

# glxinfo
name of display: :0.0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
server glx version string: 1.4
server glx extensions:
    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, 
    GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGI_video_sync, GLX_SGI_swap_control, 
    GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_ARB_create_context, GLX_ARB_multisample, 
    GLX_NV_float_buffer, GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float
client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
client glx version string: 1.4
client glx extensions:
    GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_visual_info, 
    GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_SGI_video_sync, 
    GLX_NV_swap_group, GLX_NV_video_out, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, 
    GLX_SGI_swap_control, GLX_ARB_create_context, GLX_NV_float_buffer, 
    GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float, GLX_EXT_fbconfig_packed_float, 
    GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, 
    GLX_NV_present_video, GLX_NV_multisample_coverage
GLX version: 1.3
GLX extensions:
    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, 
    GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGI_video_sync, GLX_SGI_swap_control, 
    GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_ARB_create_context, GLX_ARB_multisample, 
    GLX_NV_float_buffer, GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float, GLX_ARB_get_proc_address
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 6200SE TurboCache(TM)/PCI/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 185.18.36
OpenGL extensions:
    GL_ARB_color_buffer_float, GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, 
    GL_ARB_fragment_program, GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow, 
    GL_ARB_fragment_shader, GL_ARB_half_float_pixel, GL_ARB_half_float_vertex, 
    GL_ARB_framebuffer_object, GL_ARB_imaging, GL_ARB_map_buffer_range, 
    GL_ARB_multisample, GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_ARB_occlusion_query, 
    GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object, GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_point_sprite, 
    GL_ARB_shadow, GL_ARB_shader_objects, GL_ARB_shading_language_100, 
    GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_compression, 
    GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_texture_env_add, 
    GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_ARB_texture_float, 
    GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, 
    GL_ARB_texture_rectangle, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, 
    GL_ARB_vertex_array_object, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object, 
    GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_ARB_vertex_shader, GL_ARB_window_pos, 
    GL_ATI_draw_buffers, GL_ATI_texture_float, GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, 
    GL_S3_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_bgra, 
    GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate, 
    GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, 
    GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array, GL_EXT_Cg_shader, GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test, 
    GL_EXT_direct_state_access, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_EXT_fog_coord, 
    GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample, 
    GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters, 
    GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil, 
    GL_EXT_packed_pixels, GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object, GL_EXT_point_parameters, 
    GL_EXT_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, GL_EXT_secondary_color, 
    GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, 
    GL_EXT_stencil_two_side, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_EXT_texture3D, 
    GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_cube_map, 
    GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine, 
    GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, 
    GL_EXT_texture_lod, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp, 
    GL_EXT_texture_object, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB, GL_EXT_texture_swizzle, 
    GL_EXT_timer_query, GL_EXT_vertex_array, GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra, 
    GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip, GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat, 
    GL_KTX_buffer_region, GL_NV_blend_square, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, 
    GL_NV_depth_clamp, GL_NV_fence, GL_NV_float_buffer, GL_NV_fog_distance, 
    GL_NV_fragment_program, GL_NV_fragment_program_option, 
    GL_NV_fragment_program2, GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage, 
    GL_NV_half_float, GL_NV_light_max_exponent, GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint, 
    GL_NV_occlusion_query, GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil, GL_NV_pixel_data_range, 
    GL_NV_point_sprite, GL_NV_primitive_restart, GL_NV_register_combiners, 
    GL_NV_register_combiners2, GL_NV_texgen_reflection, 
    GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc, GL_NV_texture_env_combine4, 
    GL_NV_texture_expand_normal, GL_NV_texture_rectangle, 
    GL_NV_texture_shader, GL_NV_texture_shader2, GL_NV_texture_shader3, 
    GL_NV_vertex_array_range, GL_NV_vertex_array_range2, GL_NV_vertex_program, 
    GL_NV_vertex_program1_1, GL_NV_vertex_program2, 
    GL_NV_vertex_program2_option, GL_NV_vertex_program3, 
    GL_NVX_conditional_render, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, GL_SGIS_texture_lod, 
    GL_SGIX_depth_texture, GL_SGIX_shadow, GL_SUN_slice_accum

   visual  x  bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav
 id dep cl sp sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a bf th cl  r  g  b  a ns b eat
0x21 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x22 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x23 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x24 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x25 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x26 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x27 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x28 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x29 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2a 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2b 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2c 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2d 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2e 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2f 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x30 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x31 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x32 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x33 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x34 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x35 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x36 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x37 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x38 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x39 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x3a 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x3b 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x3c 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x3d 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x3e 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x3f 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x40 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x41 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x42 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x43 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x44 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x45 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x46 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x47 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x48 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x49 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x4a 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x4b 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x4c 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x4d 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x4e 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x4f 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x50 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x51 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x52 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x53 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x54 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x55 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x56 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x57 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x58 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x59 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x5a 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x5b 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x5c 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x5d 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x5e 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x5f 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x60 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x61 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x62 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x63 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x64 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x65 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x66 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x67 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x68 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x69 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x6a 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x6b 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x6c 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x6d 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x6e 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x6f 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon
0x70 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 Ncon

Code: Select all

# ./gCAD3D
+++++++++++++ Start xa   1
OS_Init_ |./gCAD3D|
 basedir = |/usr/local/gCAD3D/|
 tmpdir = |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/|
UTX_memFind1 40 2
ex UTX_memFind1 found 19
 AP_printer=|lpr -l -PCUPS-PDF|
 active application=||
UI_win_main 90
GUI_init || 0
UI_menCB |Iact|
UI_menCB |Bar1|
UI_menCB |Bar2|

UI_butCB |VWR|

UI_butCB |MAN|
 charSet 0  |ANSI_X3.4-1968|
 ascent=10 descent=3
  UI_Ed_ln_sizY = 13
gtk_gl_area_new - 0
ex UI_GR_WinInit
GUI_Pix /usr/local/gCAD3D/xa/xa_logo.xpm
::::GL_alloc__ 5000
::::GLT_alloc_pta 1 0 175000 175000
ex GLT_alloc_pta 1 175000 175000
::::GLT_alloc_cta 1 0 10000 10000
::::GLT_alloc_ppa 1 0 6000 6000
::::GLU_alloc 1 0 400 400
GL_RENDERER:    GeForce 6200SE TurboCache(TM)/PCI/SSE2
GL_VERSION:     2.1.2 NVIDIA 185.18.36
GLU_EXTENSIONS: GLU_EXT_nurbs_tessellator GLU_EXT_object_space_tess 
UTX_setup_get fopen|/usr/local/gCAD3D/xa/gCAD3D.rc|

UI_butCB |MAN|
MAN - disactivate

UI_butCB |VWR|
VWR/CAD - activate
UI_cb_search 0
 gCAD3D Version 1.30 / 2009-07-15 - Host 01020304
UI_Enter 0 sysStat=1
UI_Enter 0 sysStat=1
display funcions:
move:   Shift + drag mouse (do not push mousebuttons)
rotate: Ctrl + drag mouse
zoom:   Shift + Ctrl + drag mouse
 reall > 2000004
UI_GR_view /IsoView/

UI_butCB |butEND|
 butEND: InpMode=1
::::DB_allocCDAT 0 2000000
::::DB_allocLine 0 0 2000 2000
::::DB_allocModRef 0 0 200 200
UI_GR_view /ResView/
DL_ReScale__ ModSiz=500.000000
ex GL_Query_siz 0
ex GL_Feedback 0
 n.work_END: lNr=1 iErr=0
AP_defLoad 0
Mod_load__ |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/Model| 0 0
OS_file_delGrp |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/Model_*|
OS_file_delGrp |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/*.tess|
OS_file_delGrp |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/*.write|
OS_file_delGrp |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/M*.ptab|
OS_file_delGrp |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/M*.msh|
OS_file_delGrp |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/*.dlg|
OS_file_delGrp |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/*.bmp|
ED_new_File |/usr/local/gCAD3D/tmp/Model_|
::::DL_alloc__ 5000
ED_work_dyn ---------
::GA_realloc 0 5000
delete DYNAMIC_DATA off=239
ex APED_search_dbLimits 27 25 0 0 21 23 28 0
DB_size_set 27 25 0 0 21 23 28 0
 sizTot=204500 iAll=124
I'll have a test on another PIV PC with graphic chip 845G onboard; and with the gCAD3D-1.32.pet on page 1.

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#67 Post by muggins »

Good to hear it's working...even if we don't know why.
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#68 Post by eztuxer »

Giving it a try with 431-rc when I installed libgio-2.0.so.0.pet I lost most of my deskop functions (screen black), menu works only to shut down...
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#69 Post by TheAsterisk! »

eztuxer wrote:Giving it a try with 431-rc when I installed libgio-2.0.so.0.pet I lost most of my deskop functions (screen black), menu works only to shut down...
Same thing happened to me in 4.3.0, so I rooted 'round in Puppy's innards, and that library is already included from the get-go, or so it seems to me.

I've gotten it running seemingly just fine by simply not installing libgio, but to be fair I haven't really stressed it out very greatly. I've just been using it to view IGES files- no creation or modification at all.
Like I said, though, it seems to work just fine so long as you don't install libgio in 4.3. Might want to give it a try.
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#70 Post by muggins »

Yes, I altered the post on the first page to advise not to install libgio, with pup4.3, as it already comes with it.
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#71 Post by eztuxer »

Thanks, I'll give it a try, and report.
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#72 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v1.40.
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#73 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v1.42.

N.B. This release doesn't need installation of libgtkglext, as it comes with the library already.
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#74 Post by Revolverve »

If , you are curious , Blender ,python based marvel have 3d cad possibility + many,many more... and it run fine on puppy 431:http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... ba5ec29d4f
then a 3d tutorial:http://www.rab3d.com/tutorial.html

I think , blender could become with those python scripts growing arround the best 3dcad + cam on linux.
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#75 Post by muggins »

Uploaded v1.44.
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#76 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Muggins,
thanks to keep this thread up-2-date!

Just one question...could you detail how you could get OpenGL working on puppy 4.3.1 ? if you did so ?
(my last experience was I could not get it working on puppy 4.3.1; xorg_xorg_full_dri-7.3.pet only worked on kernel, not on k2.6.30.5...so I have remained awaiting someone to issue the xorg_xorg_full_dri-7.3.pet for k2.6.30.5...; I also memorized that OpenGL could work or not depending on the current graphic card type ).
Would you please tell which is the graphic card your are using with OpenGL ?

Beside that, I am not yet using gcad3d full time as I still need to learn using it and some professionnal priorities still keep me away from using it as main drawing tool.

Cheers, Charlie
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#77 Post by muggins »


I just tried it, on p431, with k2.6.30.5 & xorg_xorg_dri-7.3-1.pet, and it works OK. (The only other thing I needed to install was libgtkgl-2.0.so.1.0.0.pet.)
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#78 Post by charlie6 »

Thanks Muggins!
OpenGL is running thanks to your advices.
gcad3d strats well... I could not get anything printed....gcad3d shuts down when clicking OK after setting the print options in the print dialog box.
Looking in a console, it returns a segmentation fault message.
Do you also get something like that ?
Cheers, Charlie
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#79 Post by muggins »

Hi Charlie6,

see the attached image...I'll have to alter the default, & re-upload later today.
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#80 Post by muggins »

edit: I have to work out why documentation not working with 1.46.
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