Puppy Swap File Questions

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#21 Post by rjbrewer »

In 4.00 and before a swap partition would show up in Mutt if
you had one.
When 4.xxx with desktop drive icons came along, one of the
icons would be for swap.
Now there is no icon or listing of swap in pmount or mutt.
Bruce B

#22 Post by Bruce B »

peb wrote: So, my conclusion is that for 4.1.2 running from a CDROM or USB, Puppy does NOT create a swapfile automatically and does not look for use pagefile.sys or other Windows swapfile. (From my search, no files made reference to Windows swap files such as pagefile.sys.)

Correct conclusion?
I feel safe in saying it is correct, even to the extent that I don't think Puppy every used a Windows swap file.

The exception being user hacking to get it to use it. My opinion on what I've read is somewhat like this:

Puppy requires a 'formatted' swap file. Maybe Windows doesn't and if not, the basis for an interchangeability, but entirely untested by me.

I don't think thoroughly tested by anyone I've read.
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#23 Post by Bligh »

Has anyone tried using a usb flash drive for a swap partition or file? Also why not just remove or delete the swap file?
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#24 Post by ttuuxxx »

Bligh wrote:Has anyone tried using a usb flash drive for a swap partition or file? Also why not just remove or delete the swap file?
In the past I've dedicated a 1 gig usb stick as a swap drip and it worked fine :)
no issues or problems, kind of like my 15gig pup_save file, only do that one on a ext3 partition :)

If any of you want to try it, you can download the increased size pupsave file utility but once again for ext3 only I haven't tested on any other partition type and do not use it on windows partitions, they aren't made for that.
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... h&id=14644
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http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
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#25 Post by DMcCunney »

Bruce B wrote:Personally, I'm a bit paranoid writing anything of any kind to NTFS. Paranoia is a fear lacking in foundation and I'm not sure of my foundation.

The foundation I have is (1) there was a time we couldn't with Linux, (2) then FOSS development achieved a level where we could, (3) I don't think MS ever released the NTFS specs, did they? (4) lastly it is Microsoft partition and not much trust there on my part.
Largely correct. I don't believe MS has ever properly documented NTFS, so support for it on other OSes has been a matter of reverse engineering.
Works fine as long as NTFS is the same, but if MS chooses to make changes, you might have issues. (And MS does make changes. For instance, NTFS 5 supports hard links, though it doesn't expose the functionality in any easy to find way. I use a freeware third-party utility to do it under XP. Vista supports true symbolic links. I have no idea what changed, but it only works in Vista.)
I found a nice set of Unix utility ports for Windows here:

It's a decent package, and a simpler alternative to installing the Cygwin environment. I grabbed it because it has a decent port of zsh among other things.

Another open source package I like on the Windoze side is Console. Console is a tabbed wrapper for console mode programs. It's designed for shells, but will happily run any console mode program. I've had it running with MS cmd.exe, JP Software's TCC-LE, Cygwin bash, unxutils zsh and several other things simultaneously. It works fine, and supports transparency.

See http://sourceforge.net/projects/console
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#26 Post by panzerpuppy »

How can I create and enable a pupswap.swp file (not a swap partition) and use it with Puppy 4.1.2 or 4.2 ?
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#27 Post by ArnaudN »

Maybe this thread can help:
Fugitive blue screen when I use pagefile.sys for swap file
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 76&t=24578
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Max and Moritz HORROR fly show

#28 Post by potchan »

Hi Team,

As I read, the connections speed-up rapidly. In Japan it's already about a 100 Mbit (while I'm on 4). This fact leads me to think my Potchan future "victims" on the cloud should enjoy a swap from cloud as well.

My question relates to my future imaginary users Max and Moritz who use the remote swap on the same time. The swap area - apart from system area - will be writable.

Is there any chance the collision of their files on swap will cause a HORROR FLY EFFECT as on famous movie :evil: ? or is it safe since no way their file fractions merge each other :lol: ??

any thoughts ??
Timmo', the potchan (=opener) team at - [url]http://potchan.org[/url]. Taste it, love it, code in it.
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How to stop the swap

#29 Post by wingfin »


For example, using Gparted to clean up the hard drive. The swap partition cannot be unmounted and deleted... or can it?
A "pfix=noswap" would be the ideal solution.
I did try the boot with "noswap"... as of version 4.2.1 these is still no noswap parameter... or is there?
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#30 Post by rjbrewer »

swapoff /dev/sdxx

swapon /dev/sdxx

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#31 Post by hakar »

how to make Puppy 4.2 to use the Linux-swap partition, the partition is (512 MB) as sda2 is mounted by Puppy but unused. 'Conky System Monitor' shows on 0 !! use
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#32 Post by Aitch »


If you have reasonably large ram it may not get used unless you are doing something intensive, like compiling or video editing,

or maybe just conky not displaying it

I have 1 Gb ram and it's split between virtual puppy 214x9 and xp, I am on here, listening to CD, browsing with several tabs open, and it's still not using swap, as shown in Htop

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#33 Post by PaulBx1 »

Use the "free" command in a console window.

Puppy Swap File Questions

#34 Post by gcmartin »

Does Puppy "automatically" look for and know to use a SWAP partition on disk when he's running from LiveCD?
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Re: Puppy Swap File Questions

#35 Post by rjbrewer »

gcmartin wrote:Does Puppy "automatically" look for and know to use a SWAP partition on disk when he's running from LiveCD?

Inspiron 700m, Pent.M 1.6Ghz, 1Gb ram.
Msi Wind U100, N270 1.6>2.0Ghz, 1.5Gb ram.
Eeepc 8g 701, 900Mhz, 1Gb ram.
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#36 Post by hakar »

my machine is a Pentium II 350 MHz owerklock 392 MHz, 131 MB of RAM only :cry: .
PaulBx1 - big thanks, but there's nothing like the console, Puppy started using the SWAP partition, instead of using the command swapon -a / dev/sda3 :!: , But reluctant to use it (488kB) - Puppy is great :D - now all about
Conki shows the use of swaps in the subtitles is not a bar graphic.

Thanks again for your prompt assistance and interest
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#37 Post by Aitch »


can you post the result of menu/system/xproc/memory?

and in gparted, does the swap partition show as FS type 82?

Is not using the swap partition actually causing a problem, or is this a conky thing??

If it IS a swap thing, you could try a swapfile, to test it

You can use a regular file in an ordinary partition. All you have to do is create a file of the size you want

Code: Select all

dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/pupswap,swp bs=1024 count=131072
and activate it
mkswap -f /var/pupswap.swp
swapon /var/pupswap.swp
This invocation creates a file called pupswap.swp in /var.
It is 128 Mb long (128 x 1024 = 131072). Initially, it is filled with zeros. However, mkswap marks it as swap space and swapon tells the kernel to start using it as swap space.
When you are done with it,

Code: Select all

swapoff /var/pupswap.swp
rm /var/pupswap.swp
I believe that should work, though I haven't tried it, as I'm using virtual puppy and don't need it
I used /var as I'm not sure of your install type
- it maybe should be root...?

Better yet, see Bruce B's method here, as there seems some doubt about it, and whether puppy will create it


good luck

Aitch :)
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#38 Post by hakar »

Aitch thanks :wink:
You're right in a previous post. The puppy is doing well from memory. SWAP is used only as really needed. Conky good, but how little Puppy uses SWAP is not visible in a graphical bar :oops: . I ran many programs (browser, java, convert mp3, photo viewer) Puppy benefited from SWAP (4%), John M. knew what he was doing, and I will not Puppy be corrected on this.

Yours and thanks for the quick response
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How to move the swap partition?

#39 Post by svgt »

I want to change the position of the swap partition. Under a puppy live-cd the gparted refuses to swapoff the partition.

In which way is it possible to swapoff this partition? Booting with pfix=ram was no solution.
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#40 Post by Béèm »

With the swapoff command
Time savers:
Find packages in a snap and install using Puppy Package Manager (Menu).
Consult Wikka
Use peppyy's puppysearch
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