Puppy 4.4 'Woofy'

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#81 Post by PaulBx1 »

Please consider automatic backup of the pupsave during shutdown. It got talked about and never done last time around. Even with my modest coding skills I have put it in my rc.shutdown and it is a real time-saver, not to mention I now back up way more than I ever did before. See my solution on this thread:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 94&t=44156
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#82 Post by Aitch »

Can I put in a suggestion to all good puppy codesmiths...?

Can anyone make a user feedback add-on for networking that shows what the status of the network wizard is.....?

A progress gui would be great - the 'stages to connect' is only a logic flow chart, after all

There are oh so many cries for help with networking and us poor souls trying to help, have to ask noobies/experienced users alike, loads of questions, sometimes misunderstood, just trying to figure out what has actually happened, and why they can't get on the web

It must be THE most common call for help [and I do realise many times it's a driver issue, but also APIPA loopback IP a lot, & where there is a DNS issue]

thanks - big wish I know......but here's hoping... :wink:

Aitch :)
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#83 Post by technosaurus »

wpa_gui works like a charm ...too bad its not gtk2 ...
yet another reason to use a Qt based browser
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#84 Post by Aitch »

So is that a likely candidate for inclusion then?

Did you do the recompile of qt?

....You have taken on a huge task here....I hope you won't get whodo'd :wink:

You have my deepest admiration, and support, thanks :D

PS there's also WICD, gnome network manager,

and there's also things like Nagios and Wireshark

I feel bad after all dougal's efforts, but it just won't go away.....

I feel that this could be a clincher for you to nail, as a hero...

edit: oops sorry edit xpost

Aitch :)
Last edited by Aitch on Tue 20 Oct 2009, 00:15, edited 2 times in total.
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#85 Post by technosaurus »

I am about halfway through my 3rd go at it actually - kids aren't around now so maybe I can finish this time - Qt takes wayyy too long to compile.... If we can squeeze the 2 main Qt libs in (core and gui) it will replace Xautoconnect.
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#86 Post by ttuuxxx »

technosaurus wrote:I am about halfway through my 3rd go at it actually - kids aren't around now so maybe I can finish this time - Qt takes wayyy too long to compile.... If we can squeeze the 2 main Qt libs in (core and gui) it will replace Xautoconnect.
When i compile QT usually i do it before I go to bed or to work, so when I getup or come home its done :)
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#87 Post by ttuuxxx »

Here's a qt wallpaper changer that looks very interesting, might be an idea :) You might have to alter the sources a bit to work on rox like Gposil did for the other changer
http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop- ... 3915.shtml
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
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#88 Post by Aitch »


In case you don't spot it, I was editing my last post when you posted

You may care to re-read it for a further network manager idea/plug, thanks

Another suggestion....

How about including PXE booting [with a menu entry in the hoped for catdude bootgui], in puppy4.4CE?

It's been done before as an afterthought, by raffy, I think, maybe others, but never made it into a mainstream version

It would also go down well in the round of reviews, methinks!

It would be very useful for people with slow modems/ low ram/no CD, but may mean keeping a PXE boot server on the repo, or something, I think...?

I don't think it is hard to implement, but throw the idea up for discussion

please don't shoot the messenger.... :wink: :lol:

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#89 Post by technosaurus »

net work boot requires the huge init AFAIK. This would be possible if the new unionfs will work this way (I don't know) - The small size increase could be offset by not having to include doubles of the initrd utilities for when the "switchroot" occurs. so the question is....

Can we union layers directly on top of the initial ram disk?
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#90 Post by panzerpuppy »

Fresh Qt 4.5.3 and Qt 4.5.3-DEV .PET packages by coolpup:


Cool! :D :D :D
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#91 Post by DemostiX »

I've learned that Puppy may sniff and detect wireless with the best; but that some other distros do not leave me so confused as to which network, by default, I would want to connect to, whether I already had a lease; and always feeling I'm shoving the wizard offscreen because I must surely be done with it. Often as not in new environments ,I execute pwireless in the middle of connection, just to find out where I am, and to reduce an excess of redundant clicking.
I know this isn't easy, or MS would also have done it better years before they finally did, if they finally did so :)

Here, graphic design really can be used to better effect.
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#92 Post by amigo »

Version numbers mean absolutely nothing. Surely, no distro demonstrates this better than Puppy. What start out as bug-fix releases end up adding new and removing old software, upgrading versions, adding new setup routines etc.

What this distro needs more than anything in the world is to have even two releases which are based on the same basic content and versions, using the same concept of what should be done or not done to make it complete. That would really have a chance at being 'Earth-shattering'.

When I was a youngster(in the USA), I once went to work as a machinist for an old native-German fellow. In the shop he had a sign posted which said:
"Why is there never enough time to do a thing right, but there is always time to fix it afterwards?"
And brother, we worked according to that standard. I remeber once spending a full (long) workday just to properly center a huge piece ina a lathe. And I was made to understand that if it took two days or whatever the amount of time, that it would be perfectly okay. The piece did not have to be re-done and was fabricated to a tolerance of two-tenthousandths of an inch (2/10,000)! In fact, correctly finishing that piece -which took 11 days all told, was what landed me a permanent job there.

So now we're going to have a 4.4CE -based on 4.3.1 or is that 4.1.2, which borrows half its' programs from 3.??, doesn't include any of the bugfixes from 4.2.1 which were first reported in 1.09 and introduce a bunch of new bugs, plus regressions mind you, by including untested combinations of software and libs. And before it is finished, there will be 34 derivatives -each with its' own similar mess and no hope of compatibility with any of the others. Plus, meanwhile we'll get a whole new version from the main devs which has a version number smaller than the last release and again starts with a half-clean slate in order to do the same song-and-dance all over again.

This all reminds me, somehow, of a Charlie Chaplin movie -played in reverse!
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#93 Post by amigo »

Version numbers mean absolutely nothing. Surely, no distro demonstrates this better than Puppy. What start out as bug-fix releases end up adding new and removing old software, upgrading versions, adding new setup routines etc.

What this distro needs more than anything in the world is to have even two releases which are based on the same basic content and versions, using the same concept of what should be done or not done to make it complete. That would really have a chance at being 'Earth-shattering'.

When I was a youngster(in the USA), I once went to work as a machinist for an old native-German fellow. In the shop he had a sign posted which said:
"Why is there never enough time to do a thing right, but there is always time to fix it afterwards?"
And brother, we worked according to that standard. I remeber once spending a full (long) workday just to properly center a huge piece ina a lathe. And I was made to understand that if it took two days or whatever the amount of time, that it would be perfectly okay. The piece did not have to be re-done and was fabricated to a tolerance of two-tenthousandths of an inch (2/10,000)! In fact, correctly finishing that piece -which took 11 days all told, was what landed me a permanent job there.

So now we're going to have a 4.4CE -based on 4.3.1 or is that 4.1.2, which borrows half its' programs from 3.??, doesn't include any of the bugfixes from 4.2.1 which were first reported in 1.09 and introduce a bunch of new bugs, plus regressions mind you, by including new untested combinations of software and libs. And before it is finished, there will be 34 derivatives -each with its' own similar mess and no hope of compatibility with any of the others. Plus, meanwhile we'll get a whole new version from the main devs which has a version number smaller than the last release and again starts with a half-clean slate in order to do the same song-and-dance all over again.

This all reminds me, somehow, of a Charlie Chaplin movie -played in reverse!
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Version Numbering and Control

#94 Post by Snail »

Cannot agree with you more Amigo. As a noob I am completely confused. Browsing the forum, I was flabbergasted to see the amazing work being put in on 2.14. It looks as if it will be way more up to date than 4.3 and run faster on smaller equipment. Lots of good apps for it too. But it will be completely ignored by most users who don't have time to really get into the forums, just because of the old version number. Maybe more guidance on the best distro for different purposes on the Wiki would help, but the same crazy duplication of effort plagues the documentation, so many users would never get to see that info either.

Even with this craziness Puppy is great for me. I have very limited Linux experience but it is way nicer than PCLinuxOS 2009.2, which is touted as a lightweight user-friendly distro but is 7x the size and half the speed on my relatively modern but low-end machines.

If more logical organization and QC was possible, without stifling the creative developers, Puppy could really go hypersonic (As opposed to only supersonic now!)

I'd just hate to scare off any of Puppies' wonderful developers, but perhaps a really lightweight policy manual, say a couple of pages max, might help?
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#95 Post by PaulBx1 »

I agree with the latest rant. For example:
Don't take the "431" number
...So the 432 number is used instead, making another bugfix of 431 impossible. Why not start at 435? In fact, since this is a 4.4 release, why not do the sort of thing that was first invented, oh, probably back in 1932, and call it 4.4.0? And not get concerned that the final release ends up with a number like 4.4.7? It's not a mark of shame, after all. :roll:

Never mind me. I will put up with Puppy quirks, no matter how silly.
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#96 Post by Lobster »

I am completely confused
Possible solutions always welcome
For example through to etc
or 4.4 Alpha 1,

Fortunately our developers are smart enough to understand when a working test release is available

or we could call Puppy 4.4
Kennel or Ken for short.
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
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#97 Post by amigo »

kennel comes before puppy alphabetically, so does that mean that puppy is a later version than kennel?
woof, dpup, upup, zpup, spup, rpmpup, barf, kennel,
How should someone orient themselves?
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#98 Post by 8-bit »

Isn't that a place that locks up Puppys?
I like my Puppy roaming free!
I think a better name is required.
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#99 Post by Lobster »

ok we will use the name Woofy as suggested by Raffy

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#100 Post by ITAmember »

As I type this I'm working on setting up a chromium build environment on my puppy 4.1.2. If I succeed in building chromium will you guys consider making it the browser in puppy 4.4CE if it proves to be stable? This would be the first ever linux distro to do this. (afaik) My estimates place the size of chromium compressed at about 15MB.
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