Antivirus, forensics, intrusion detection, cryptography, etc.
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#1 Post by Lobster »

GROWL release 2.1 from Lobster April 2017
  • Guard!
This is very much a simple security template
GROWL is a simple, open, configurable, Puppy Security Tool. GROWL is used for enhancing security, education and probing ones set up.

Save the code as a text file, make it executable. Click to run. Modify if needed.

New for 2.1 Updated for Slacko64 Puppy -
New Password Generator from SFR, many new links and services

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash
# GROWL v2.1 2017 Fri 7 April
# Security enhancements, probes, online services and info for Puppy Linux
# thanks to SFR, Shadow, Linux Kodachi, Buddha Vajrasattva and Puppy yap dogs (security paranoids everywhere)

# New for 2.1 
# eth0 disconnect, reconnect
# SFR Password Generator
# htop process viewer, pswrd reset, ipinfodb probe, probe, webkay probe, GNU Privacy Guard
# more anon proxies added, final thoughts
# New for 1.9 Updated for Slacko64 Puppy - 6.3.2, Quick Start Help Button added, proxy, Browser Paranoid Kit 

####### BEGIN not implemented ############
# <menuitem>
# <label>Temp Disable Firewall</label>
# <action>rxvt -e /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall stop</action>
# </menuitem>
# <menuitem>
# <label>Enable Firewall</label>
# <action>rxvt -fn *-Fixed-*-20-* -geometry 40x15+480+400 -C -bg orange -e /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall start ; sleep 10</action>
# </menuitem>

# <menuitem>
# <label>Activate EzTables Firewall</label>
# <action>rxvt -e /usr/sbin/</action>
# </menuitem> 

# <menuitem>
# <label>Reset root password</label>
# <action>passwd -d root 'test1' &</action>   
# </menuitem> 

####### END not implemented ############

#### SFR Password Generator
   # Generates a password with at least:
   # - 1 lowercase letter
   # - 1 uppercase letter
   # - 1 digit
   # - 1 punctuation mark
   # Min: 8, Max:256, Default: 16
   LENGTH=$(Xdialog --stdout --title "${TITLE}" --spinbox "Password length:" 0 0 8 256 16 "")
   [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit
   [ ${LENGTH} -lt 4 ] && LENGTH=4   # must be at least 4, or else the loop below will never end
   while true; do
      while true; do
         PASS="$(tr -cd '[[:alnum:]][[:punct:]]' < /dev/urandom 2>/dev/null | head -c ${LENGTH})"
         if [ -z "${PASS##*[[:lower:]]*}" -a -z "${PASS##*[[:upper:]]*}" -a -z "${PASS##*[[:digit:]]*}" -a -z "${PASS##*[[:punct:]]*}" ]; then
            break   # all criteria were met, so break the loop
      echo "${PASS}" | Xdialog --title "${TITLE}" --ok-label="Repeat" --cancel-label="Close" --textbox - 0 0
      [ $? -ne 0 ] && break

export -f PASSGEN

#### End of Password Generator code

export Grrr='
<window title="GROWL 2.1" window-position="1">
<label>Quick DISCONNECT eth0</label>       
<action>ifconfig eth0 down &</action>
<label>Connect eth0</label>
<action>ifconfig eth0 up &</action>
<label>Password Generator</label>
<action>PASSGEN &</action>
<label>Run as spot</label>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run as spot" --msgbox "Run as Super User. \n SPOT" 600x0`</action>
<action>rxvt -e su spot &</action>
<label>Browser Paranoid Kit</label>   
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "install Paranoid Kit" --msgbox "Install Paranoid Kit. \n As super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
<action>rxvt -e su spike &</action>           
<action>rxvt -e defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Run Browser securely</label>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run browser securely" --msgbox "Default browser will look plain whilst running securely. \n as super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
<action>su spike -c&</action>
<action>firefox -safe-mode &</action>
<label>Encrypt a File: bycrypt</label>
<action>bcrypt_gui &</action>
<label>Ccrypt install</label>
<action>rxvt -e defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Enhanced Lock Screen</label>
<action>rm -f /root/.xlockrc</action>
<action>xmodmap -e "keycode 37="</action>
<action>xmodmap -e "keycode 109="</action>
<action>rxvt -e /usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun &</action>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "reactivating ctrl keys" --msgbox "reactivating ctrl keys. \n deactivated whilst using lockscreen" 600x0`</action>
<action>xmodmap -e "keycode 37=Control_L"</action>
<action>xmodmap -e "keycode 109=Control_R"</action>
<label>Remove Flash cookies</label>
<action>rm -rf /root/.macromedia</action>
<action>rm -rf /intrd/pup_rw/root/.macromedia/</action>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Remove Flash cookies" --msgbox "Macromedia flash cookies removed" 600x0`</action>         
<menuitem stock="gtk-quit">
<action>echo You selected the quit menu item</action>
<action type="exit">exit by menu</action>
<label>lsof process viewer</label>       
<action>rxvt -e lsof -i &</action>
<label>Htop process viewer</label>       
<action>rxvt -e htop &</action>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>               
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>               
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Shields Up</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>DNS leak test</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>               
<label>LastPass Password Manager</label>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "install LastPass" --msgbox "Install Encrypted Password Manager. \n As super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
<action>rxvt -e su spike &</action>           
<action>rxvt -e defaultbrowser &</action>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Run IRC Chat securely</label>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run IRC securely" --msgbox "Puppy is on freenode server. \n in #puppylinux Network super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
<action>su spot -c defaultchat &</action>
<label>Last Password</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Startpage Search</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Filterbypass proxy</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Unblock Proxy</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Anonymouse proxy</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Vpnbook proxy</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>HideMe Proxy</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Puppy Security Discussions</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>About Flash Cookies</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Security Tips</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Browser Security Add Ons</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>ISP shaping traffic?</label>
<action>defaultbrowser http://br
This would &</action>
<label>Spot, Fido, root</label>
<action>defaultbrowser file:///usr/share/doc/root.htm &</action>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "FAQ" --msgbox "Lock screen - security protection level = low, suitable for young children, colleagues at work and Window users \n Load firewall - security protection level = high \n Run as spot, run browser as spot, run Puppy browser as spot - security protection level = high \n Encrypt a file bycrypt - security protection level = high \n Tip: Restart x server - flushes memory \n Tip: Use Encrypt save file if saving \n Tip: Make sure adblock is enabled (low) or install noscript (high security)" 600x0`</action>
<label>Honeynet Open Security info</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>CIA Hacking info</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>GNU Privacy Guard</label>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "GNU Privacy Guard" --msgbox "Install gnupg from the puppy installer \n GPG stands for GNU Privacy Guard. It is a key-based encryption method which means that a pair of keys is used to encrypt  \n and decrypt a message so that it arrives securely \n " 600x0`</action>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Install 64bit Tor Browser</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Uefi Secure boot</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<label>Edit source</label>
<action>geany &</action>
<label>Build a tin hat</label>
<action>defaultbrowser &</action>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "About" --msgbox "Growl v 2.1\nApril 2017\nUpdated by Lobster. Password Generator Code by SFR" 600x0`</action>
<label>Final thoughts ...</label>
<action>mplayer −novideo /root/puppy-reference/audio/goodluck.m4a &</action>
<input file>/usr/share/midi-icons/lock-screen48.png</input>
<text><label>GROWL 2.1</label></text>
<button help>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "'$(gettext 'GROWL - Quick Start Help')'" --msgbox "'$(gettext 'GROWL is a simple, open, configurable, Puppy Security Tool. \n\n Puppy Linux for the desktop, is more secure than Ios, Windows or Chrome OS \n\n GROWL is used for enhancing security, education, online services and probing ones set up. \n\n Lobster, April 2017')'" 600x0`</action>
<button cancel></button>

gtkdialog4 --program Grrr
unset Grrr


Growl v 1.8 April 2015
VERSION bugs removed and non working DNS check hijack removed

  • New for 1.6:
    Updated for Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko', Puppy Browser (Lucid specific) removed,
    browser run in safe mode
    edit file added
    update gtkdialog4
    LastPass Password Manager
To make use of this
save the 1.8 script text in a new script file (right click in required directory - then select new, script) :)

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash
# Growl v 1.8 April 2015
# bugs removed and non working DNS check hijack removed
# created by Shadow and Lobster
# security enhancements and probes for Puppy Linux
# New for 1.7: DNS  checker added
# New for 1.6: Updated for Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko', Puppy Browser (Lucid specific) removed,
# browser run in safe mode, edit file added, update gtkdialog4, LastPass Password Manager,

# run secure telnet
# install fprot
#  <menuitem>
#     <label>install torr</label>
#        </menuitem>
#      <menuitem>
#            <label>restart x server</label>
#        </menuitem>
#      <menuitem>
#           <label>run secure telnet</label>
#        </menuitem>
#      <menuitem>
#     <label>install fprot</label>
#        </menuitem>


#             <menuitem>
#            <label>Temp Disable Firewall</label>
#             <action>rxvt -e /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall stop</action>
#       </menuitem>
#              <menuitem>
#              <label>Enable Firewall</label>
#              <action>rxvt -fn *-Fixed-*-20-* -geometry 40x15+480+400 -C -bg orange -e /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall start ; sleep 10</action>
#        </menuitem>

export Grrr='
<window title="GROWL" window-position="1">
             <label>Hide My Ass</label>
             <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
            <label>Run Firewall</label>
            <action>rxvt -e /usr/sbin/</action>
            <label>Run as spot</label>
            <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run as spot" --msgbox "Run as Super User. \n SPOT" 600x0`</action>
            <action>rxvt -e su spot &</action>
           <label>Run IRC Chat securely</label>
            <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run IRC securely" --msgbox "Puppy is on freenode server. \n in #puppylinux Network super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
            <action>su spot -c defaultchat &</action>
             <label>Install Noscript</label>   
             <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "install noscript" --msgbox "Install noscript. \n As super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
             <action>rxvt -e su spike &</action>           
             <action>rxvt -e defaultbrowser &</action>
          <label>LastPass Password Manager</label>
          <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "install LastPass" --msgbox "Install Encrypted Password Manager. \n As super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
          <action>rxvt -e su spike &</action>           
          <action>rxvt -e defaultbrowser &</action>
            <label>Run Browser securely</label>
            <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run browser securely" --msgbox "Default browser will look plain whilst running securely. \n as super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
            <action>su spike -c&</action>
            <action>seamonkey -safe-mode &</action>
             <label>Encrypt a File: bycrypt</label>
             <action>rxvt -e /usr/sbin/bcrypt_gui &</action>
             <label>Ccrypt install</label>
             <action>rxvt -e defaultbrowser &</action>
                 <label>Enhanced Lock Screen</label>
                 <action>rm -f /root/.xlockrc</action>
                 <action>xmodmap -e "keycode 37="</action>
                 <action>xmodmap -e "keycode 109="</action>
                 <action>rxvt -e /usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun &</action>
                 <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "reactivating ctrl keys" --msgbox "reactivating ctrl keys. \n deactivated whilst using lockscreen" 600x0`</action>
                 <action>xmodmap -e "keycode 37=Control_L"</action>
                 <action>xmodmap -e "keycode 109=Control_R"</action>
               <label>Remove Flash cookies</label>
               <action>rm -rf /root/.macromedia</action>
               <action>rm -rf /intrd/pup_rw/root/.macromedia/</action>         
               <menuitem stock="gtk-quit">
               <action>echo You selected the quit menu item</action>
               <action type="exit">exit by menu</action>
               <label>Shields Up</label>
               <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
               <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
               <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
            <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "About" --msgbox "Growl v 1.8\nApril 2015\nCreated by Lobster and Shadow" 600x0`</action>
             <label>About Flash Cookies</label>
             <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
             <label>Security Tips</label>
             <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
             <label>Seamonkey Security</label>
             <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
             <label>ISP shaping traffic?</label>
             <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
           <label>Fido non root</label>
           <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
           <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "FAQ" --msgbox "Lock screen - security protection level = low, suitable for young children, colleagues at work and Window users \n Load firewall - security protection level = high \n Run as spot, run browser as spot, run Puppy browser as spot - security protection level = high \n Encrypt a file bycrypt - security protection level = high \n Tip: Restart x server - flushes memory \n Tip: Use Encrypt save file if saving \n Tip: Make sure adblock is enabled (low) or install noscript (high security)" 600x0`</action>
           <label>Last Password</label>
           <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
           <label>Edit source</label>
           <action>geany /usr/local/bin/growl &</action>
           <label>Build a tin hat</label>
           <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
         <input file>/usr/share/midi-icons/lock-screen48.png</input>
       <text><label>Slacko GROWL 1.8</label></text>
      <button cancel></button>

gtkdialog4 --program Grrr
unset Grrr 
Last edited by Lobster on Fri 07 Apr 2017, 13:53, edited 14 times in total.
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#2 Post by seaside »


GRRReat example of pull-down menuing with GTKdialog.

As to the efficacy of the security programs included, I personally can attest that after using this program, not a single virus has found me and furthermore, the implementation of the metal hat instruction has also proved invaluable - not once have I been struck by aluminum foil! :D

Fun and useful information do go together. :idea:
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#3 Post by Lobster »

Thanks Seaside :)
Just had new feature noscript on and it was stopping me from editing this post . . . :?
Have now added for GROWL 0.5:
* Direct link to install 'Noscript'
* Run Puppy Browser
* Lock Screen
* About info
Last edited by Lobster on Wed 18 Nov 2009, 11:11, edited 1 time in total.
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#4 Post by aragon »


if you want to do something about
# lock screen security protection level = low, suitable for young children, coleagues at # work and Window users
you might want to look at slock:

work fine, but read the note!

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#5 Post by Lobster »

:) thanks aragon

It is an extra program :shock:
and this stand alone bash script would do the same

Code: Select all

rm -f /root/.xlockrc
rxvt -e /usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun
just click on key
add the same again
go to get food . . .
enter key word you typed to get back in . . .

that code incidentally is in Growl :)
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#6 Post by aragon »

aaah, ok!

and with that Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't work?

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#7 Post by Lobster »

well I suppose you could disable the ctrl keys (if you must)
like so

Code: Select all

xmodmap -e 'keycode 37='
xmodmap -e 'keycode 109='
so you have:

Code: Select all

xmodmap -e 'keycode 37='
xmodmap -e 'keycode 109='
rm -f /root/.xlockrc
rxvt -e /usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun
xmodmap -e 'keycode 37=Control_L'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 109=Control_R'
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#8 Post by MU »


the browser does not run as spot.
You can check it like this:
a Gtk program (like seamonkey) will not look as usual, as there is no GTK themefile for spot.
So seamonkey uses the default grey style, where the scrollbars look like in Windows 95.

To run as spot, you had to modify your script:

Code: Select all

             <label>Run browser securely</label>
            <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run browser securely" --msgbox "Run default browser. \n As super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
	       <action>su spot -c defaultbrowser &</action>
Same with Puppybrowser.

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#9 Post by Lobster »

Thanks Mark

0.7 has your mods
also disabled ctrl keys on screenlock
(I think)
The enclosed
zip file includes the enhanced Puppy powered version :)
(7.02 KiB) Downloaded 2401 times
Last edited by Lobster on Wed 18 Nov 2009, 11:10, edited 1 time in total.
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#10 Post by Lobster »

0.8 uploaded - see first post in this thread
added probe options
and 'remove flash cookies' option
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#11 Post by Lobster »


the code in the first post has been updated to v1
(just replace existing Growl text with the supplied code)
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#12 Post by munduruku »

I experimenting difficulties in downloading ISO with
correct SHA256SUM and I realized perpetrators kind of
enter my computer prior to the ISO is finished and now I am learning more about detecting the intruders, that is how I got to this page and I thank you the charity of offering us so many answers. I liked the SEASIDE statement : "the implementation of the metal hat instruction has also proved invaluable - not once have I been struck by aluminum foil!". I am a biochipped person under Maser Micro-wave torturing and I don't use tin foil because if the federals attack someone with Maser North-American patent 60011991, tin foil really does increase the Maser effect, I am wearing right now wedding net cloth coated with a mixture of mineral graphite and plastic glue. The comparison SEASIDE did struck me of a timely instruction, we have to firewall the computer and also our cortex, without geodesic domes to protect our households form micro-wave wireless signals we will never know for sure who are stealthily connected to the motherboard, let alone our brains.
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#13 Post by walter90 »

munduruku wrote:I experimenting difficulties in downloading ISO with
correct SHA256SUM and I realized perpetrators kind of
enter my computer prior to the ISO is finished and now I am learning more about detecting the intruders, that is how I got to this page and I thank you the charity of offering us so many answers. I liked the SEASIDE statement : "the implementation of the metal hat instruction has also proved invaluable - not once have I been struck by aluminum foil!". I am a biochipped person under Maser Micro-wave torturing and I don't use tin foil because if the federals attack someone with Maser North-American patent 60011991, tin foil really does increase the Maser effect, I am wearing right now wedding net cloth coated with a mixture of mineral graphite and plastic glue. The comparison SEASIDE did struck me of a timely instruction, we have to firewall the computer and also our cortex, without geodesic domes to protect our households form micro-wave wireless signals we will never know for sure who are stealthily connected to the motherboard, let alone our brains.


So Lobster, do I need to keep coming back here to get code updates?
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#14 Post by upnorth »

Cool Program! 8)
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#15 Post by Lobster » ... 765#458765

What code is required to delete cookies and supercookies from browsers?
If we have all the locations then it should be something like
<action>del /user/firefox/superdupercookylocation</action>
possibly the permissions would need to be changed too?
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#16 Post by upnorth »

Seems like the real trick here would be to get the names with path of the files to delete.

so I wondered if the find command would work universally:
for the supercookies
#find ./.mozilla -name webappsstore.sqlite
For me this returns an exact listing of the files to be deleted.
(from both firefox&seamonkey profiles)
Not sure what to do next though.

used this successfully to delete, with a webappsstore.sqlite & coolkies.sqlite present in both seamonkey and firefox profiles and assuming the default dir of ~/

find ./.mozilla -name webappsstore.sqlite| xargs rm
find ./.mozilla -name cookies.sqlite| xargs rm

and this will accomplish the same task -take your pick:
find ./.mozilla -name webappsstore.sqlite -exec rm {} \;
find ./.mozilla -name cookies.sqlite -exec rm {} \;

better run that by the experts in programming thread though, to make sure
In the case of both firefox and seamonkey, when the app is running, the file webappstore.sqlite didn't exist on disk so was probably somewhere in a protected memory space. There is also a special lock file (link to socket) in the profile dir when they are running.

for the regular cookies in firefox and seamonkey 2.x:. I just deleted cookies.sqlite and cookies.sqlite-journal in my seamonkey profile while it was running, restarted and its fine.
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#17 Post by Lobster »

thanks upnorth
A job for the tin hats :wink:
I never use GROWL - too paranoid Dude . . .

. . . so it up to those interested to update it

Thanks again
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#18 Post by Lobster »

Just tried to use the ##slackware channel with xchat (also on freenode) they would not let me join from root

That is a bit unslack
anyway I upgraded GROWL
here is the code if anyone wants to pet it :)

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash
# Growl v 1.2 May16 2011
# created by Shadow and Lobster
# security enhancements and probes for Puppy Linux

# run secure telnet
# install fprot
#  <menuitem>
#           <label>install torr</label>
#        </menuitem>
#      <menuitem>
#            <label>restart x server</label>
#        </menuitem>
#      <menuitem>
#           <label>run secure telnet</label>
#        </menuitem>
#      <menuitem>
#            <label>install fprot</label>
#        </menuitem>

#             <menuitem>
#            <label>Temp Disable Firewall</label>
#             <action>rxvt -e /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall stop</action>
#       </menuitem>
#              <menuitem>
#              <label>Enable Firewall</label>
#              <action>rxvt -fn *-Fixed-*-20-* -geometry 40x15+480+400 -C -bg orange -e /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall start ; sleep 10</action>
#        </menuitem>

export Grrr='
<window title="GROWL" window-position="1">
            <label>Run Firewall</label>
            <action>rxvt -e /usr/sbin/</action>
            <label>Run as spot</label>
            <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run as spot" --msgbox "Run as Super User. \n SPOT" 600x0`</action>
            <action>rxvt -e su spot &</action>
             <label>Install Noscript</label>   
             <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "install noscript" --msgbox "Install noscript. \n As super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
             <action>rxvt -e su spot &</action>           
             <action>rxvt -e defaultbrowser &</action>
            <label>Run Browser securely</label>
            <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run browser securely" --msgbox "Default browser will look plain whilst running securely. \n as super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
            <action>su spot -c defaultbrowser &</action>
            <label>Run IRC Chat securely</label>
            <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run IRC securely" --msgbox "Puppy is on freenode server. \n in #puppylinux chanelas super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
            <action>su spot -c defaultchat &</action>
             <label>Puppy Browser</label>
             <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Run browser securely" --msgbox "Puppy Browser will look plain whilst running securely. \n as super user SPOT" 600x0`</action>
             <action>su spot -c PuppyBrowser &</action>
             <label>Encrypt a File: bycrypt</label>
             <action>rxvt -e /usr/sbin/bcrypt_gui &</action>
             <label>Ccrypt install</label>
             <action>rxvt -e defaultbrowser &</action>
                 <label>Enhanced Lock Screen</label>
                 <action>rm -f /root/.xlockrc</action>
                 <action>xmodmap -e "keycode 37="</action>
                 <action>xmodmap -e "keycode 109="</action>
                 <action>rxvt -e /usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun &</action>
                 <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "reactivating ctrl keys" --msgbox "reactivating ctrl keys. \n deactivated whilst using lockscreen" 600x0`</action>
                 <action>xmodmap -e "keycode 37=Control_L"</action>
                 <action>xmodmap -e "keycode 109=Control_R"</action>
               <label>Remove Flash cookies</label>
               <action>rm -rf /root/.macromedia</action>
               <action>rm -rf /intrd/pup_rw/root/.macromedia/</action>         
               <menuitem stock="gtk-quit">
               <action>echo You selected the quit menu item</action>
               <action type="exit">exit by menu</action>
               <label>Shields Up</label>
               <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
               <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
               <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
            <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "About" --msgbox "Growl v 0.8\n18 Nov 2009\nCreated by Shadow and Lobster" 600x0`</action>
             <label>About Flash Cookies</label>
             <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
             <label>Black Ops</label>
             <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
             <label>Seamonkey Security</label>
             <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
             <label>ISP shaping traffic?</label>
             <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
           <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "FAQ" --msgbox "Lock screen - security protection level = low, suitable for young children, colleagues at work and Window users \n Load firewall - security protection level = high \n Run as spot, run browser as spot, run Puppy browser as spot - security protection level = high \n Encrypt a file bycrypt - security protection level = high \n Tip: Restart x server - flushes memory \n Tip: Use Encrypt save file if saving \n Tip: Make sure adblock is enabled (low) or install noscript (high security)" 600x0`</action>
           <label>Build a tin hat</label>
           <action>defaultbrowser &</action>
         <input file>/usr/share/midi-icons/lock-screen48.png</input>
       <text><label>GROWL 1.2</label></text>
        <button cancel></button>

gtkdialog3 --program Grrr
unset Grrr
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Joined: Wed 04 May 2005, 06:06
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#19 Post by Lobster »

See first post for updated GROWL

new for 1.3
  • New for 1.3: Puppy Security link to wikl, Last Password link in help, Fido non root in Help, Hide My Ass - browse via proxy
To make use of this
save the 1.3 script text in a new script file (right click in required directory - then select new, script) :)

Puppys Are Safe
Spread CUR (Courage, Understanding and Reassurance) rather than FUD
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Location: SwedenEurope

#20 Post by nooby »

Quote from Lobster

Just tried to use the ##slackware channel with xchat (also on freenode) they would not let me join from root
/ Quote from Lobster ends here

Whoa as we say Up North Sweden :) How did they know you where in root.

Does not that mean that every "mean" site would know that we are root too and blast every attach weapon them have at us? sql java injection whatever names them have?

We should get some Stealth Shields Up kind of being invisible.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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