LanPuppy How To?

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LanPuppy How To?

#1 Post by sunburnt »

I didn't want to make a HowTo for LanPup because it's nothing average users can make use of.
I want a complete LanPup package, download it, install it, & run it, that's user frendly.
I hate hodge-podge assortments of files, & poor instructions to make something work.
Usually many steps are required to get it working & if anything goes wrong you get nothing.

When I started LanPup I knew the client part would be easy for me due to my work with PXE.
I also knew the server part would be almost impossable for me due to my lack of ability.
I've never had much luck installing packages, much less modifing & compiling things.
Puppy being non-std. increases the difficulty, but thanks to friends I've had good luck so far...
It only took me a week or two to get PizzaPup to LANboot from a Win98 server because of the excellent app. "Tftpd32", I wish they'd make a Linux version & LanPup would be done!
I beleave they offer the source for Tftpd32, but there's no way I could make use of it.
I want to use PizzasGood's EmptyCrustPizza as the base for PupServer.

PupServer is stalled as a result of my inability & I thought at this point other (more capable people than I) might want to take a try at a LanPup, so if anyone thinks I should write a HowTo for my LanPup setup, reply & I'll write a lengthly post about it.

### Basically so I wouldn't have to keep making new image.gz files, I modded the /etc/rc.d/rc_sysinit file to jump to a custom script on the HD that copies needed files to /lib & /var, & links into /etc pointing to /pupsrv for all the config. files used.
This makes it easy to experiment & change the setup as I develop LanPup.
Pxe makes the client boot the kernel & load image.gz, the modded /etc/rc.d/rc_sysinit then Samba mounts PHOME & jumps to the the custom boot script: /mnt/home/pup-boot that copies files, mounts pup001 & usr_cram.fs, & also Samba mounts common dirs.: /Docs & /Public.
The client's mount & smbmount commands are then deleted so users can't hack into the system.
Copies of pup001 are named for each username (login) or hostname (no login) to keep them separate.
Different usr_cram.fs files with different names can also be used to load different apps.
That's the short version of the LanPup setup, pretty simple, nothing complicated about it.

For the client part of the package, I'm working on a script that will (hopefully) modify ANY Puppy version in the manner I outlined above so it will LANboot using ANY working PXE boot server.
Of course the server side dirs. & files would have to be in place for the setup to work.

I'm not giving up on LanPup, just offering what I have done to anyone interested.
Last edited by sunburnt on Tue 31 Jan 2006, 10:07, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by MU »

Yes, I really miss :(
Meanwhile you can take ... PN:0:0:0:0

I also often use this one:

This is good for packages that might not be in Standard-Distros, like libdvdcss or others that might conflict with some countries patent-laws:
RPMs from the plf are mirrored on many german university-servers.

You can use "unrpm" like "undeb" , or open them in PupZip I think.
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#3 Post by sunburnt »

MU to the rescue again! ..... Thanks guy!
I bookmarked all the links you provided.

I've already found 2 more /lib files needed by Samba.
NOW, back to work.

Might be of Interest

#4 Post by Guest »

I've had Samba on my computer, with a harddrive2 installed on puppy 1.0.7, since the first of the year, all seams well. I have KDE 3.5 and tried smb4k, but i found that the standard LinNeighborhood worked great. After compiling samba 3.0.21a, just started smbd & nmbd with LinNeighborhood. Configured smb.config and all puppies see each other on the home net. Also linked smb.config to /etc/samba/smb.config from /usr/lib. Also compiled with --prefix=/usr. duke
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#5 Post by duke93535 »

The guest above is duke and if you have any questions.
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#6 Post by sunburnt »

Thanks duke, MU's site links got me the missing libs that Samba server was demanding, 5 of them in all.
How did you solve the missing lib files problem?
Samba seems to be working, no errors I can see that is.
I can't tell yet as I've got a Atftpd error I'm trying to solve to get LANboot working.

The version I used was: Samba-3.0.5-i486-3
I used files I downloaded to put Samba together, might not be as good as a compiled Samba.
There's been alot of interest in this, as of posts asking for peer to peer file sharing.
I know pretty much what I did to get Samba working & could assemble a package from it.
OR maybe you or I can get help making what you have into a Samba server dotpup.
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#7 Post by duke93535 »

Didn't have any file problems, compiling with Puppy and maybe having KDE Slackware 3.5 and usr_devx.sfs installed with missing files for it, precluded it. The newer Samba may have something to do with it also. Only problem I had was getting the smb.conf file correct. Once that was done, I copied it to each machine. Changed host & hostname in etc for each computer. Set each machine to have the same file names, to share, I used /root/home and put any files into it, I might want to spare. All machines on the network are over two gigs, so compiling for each was easy. Using --prefix=/usr layed the files for Samba in with no links needed, bar one to the old samba folder in /etc where the smb.conf file was (replaced with a link). On my systems smb.conf ended up in /usr/lib. Found that add on LinNeighborhood and quering with IP-address, made windows hookup faster, we have win me & xp(all fat 32) on other machines and other linuxes (puppy is default). We start samba with LinNeighborhood by adding smbd & nmbd to the command line of the menu editor. If you want to start automatic add lines to rc.local in /etc/rc.d . smbd & nmbd are laid in /usr/sbin. duke
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#8 Post by kirk_22 »

I'm not sure if this will help or even if you are interested but here goes... I have a couple NSLU2 server appliances laying around. They are cheap, run linux and they are nice and hackable.

I installed dnsmasq, tftp-hpa, and nfs-utils on one. After a few config changes it will hand out IPs, serve a pxelinux.0 file, and boot Knoppix 4.02 via NFSroot. I'm hoping to add puppy into the mix at some point.

Tftp-hpa may help you on the server end. Any info you have on the client side would be appreciated.

A puppy client/server on one disk like knoppix would be pretty slick.

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#9 Post by sunburnt »

I think a Puppy server - client setup on a CD is what John Murga has in mind.
Keep an eye out for possable developments.
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Apache/PHP/MySQL package

#10 Post by raffy »

Here is the Apache/PHP/MySQL server. If you visit the FTP site, you will see the package with the older MySQL version. I've tested that older package and it works. Best installation = HDD type 2 install, so install Puppy to HDD first.

Btw, install it like this: Setup - Package Manager - Pupget - Install alien package. The package should have been downloaded before installation :)
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#11 Post by m1r0 »

hi sunburnt , guys, great job all!!!

in my 2y netcaffe job period i tested more then several types of windows netcaffe applications and none was good enough, like in that spanish post about their netcaffees... , then b4 few days i check ecomoney post about his great achivment and acidently bumped on lanpuppy project.we have 6 machines ready to be tested with any linux PXE boot option and can give some ideas and advices about cybercaffe server-client managment software.if u are intrested u can contact me on mail/msn: or i be checking here in next few days ;)

tnx in advance.

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#12 Post by sunburnt »

Hi m1r0; Sounds great, I'll release an alpha of it soon I hope, details, details.

I'm modding the sfsManager so it's more useful, & adding load from RAM.
There's so may parts & pieces to it, it's a little bit mind boggling at times.

Interested in trying a pre-alpha (not posted yet) to give feed back?
We'd have to setup a way to download/upload it to you as it's over 200MB,
& that doesn't include any extra addon sfs files!

Knoppix has only 1 Linux copy & creates a LANbooting copy from itself.
LanPuppy has separate server & client copies of Puppy, so different Puppy
clients can be used, but not at the same time, later I might be able to add it.

To get an idea of the setup I'm making, see the post:
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#13 Post by m1r0 »

tnx m8,
i talked to ecomoney today , and he is intrested in helping in project.i am new on this forum so dont be hard on me ;)
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#14 Post by m1r0 »

i have installed puppy on cybercaffe server succesfully + usb stick for testing, but no luck on runing it yet, just kernel on usb. for the rest of pc , i wait your reply when done with compiling sunburnt then we proced with testing.

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#15 Post by sunburnt »

Hi m1r0; I've completed the code portions & all appears to be good.
A new build of the LanPuppy client still needs doing, but it's not critical to testing.
The test client doesn't have any security changes built in at the moment.
It's also large, making downloads ~ 60MB bigger than they need to be.
Eventually a new PupServer build would be nice also, but it's really not critical.

I'm wanting to do more testing, however if you want to try it now...
My friend has a domain with hosting, but we can't figure out how to set it up.
If there's another way to Up/Down Load it, say so & we can take care of it.
Or if someone can assist us in getting my friends domain setup properly...

It'd be nice if someone good at remastering would offer to make a new client.
My thoughts are:
Both IceWM & Xfce, or just IceWM with Xfce's panels & maybe other parts.
Pretty much what the typical Puppy distro. has now for apps. (web & office)

NOTE: I'm thinking of Puppy-2 for the new client as I hear it does USB better.
This'd require changing it's dir. structure to be like Puppy-1 so unionctl works.
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#16 Post by MU » ... 8052#88052

Please upload to the /isos folder.
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#17 Post by m1r0 »

hi sunburnt, MU , guys

tnx for FTP MU,
i checked "" but no lanpuppy there :( .

for domain help i can try, i need to know your friends control panel (webmin,confixx,etc...) so i might be able to set it to new host if it allows.
feel free to contact me, or your friend anytime that u see me online.

skype: m1r013




pic of my curent network, from that i can spare 4 pc on Top of pic + server on one of the left pic PC's for LANPUPPY testing.
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#18 Post by sunburnt »

There must have been simultainious posts, I didn't see MU's post. (Sorry)

I'm modding LanPuppies structure to simplify it & slim down the size by 70MB.
I'd hoped to post it this weekend, but it might be next week, sorry again...
but the closer it is to the final form, the more successful the testing will be.
I don't want you guys to go through many many versions as I alter it.
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#19 Post by m1r0 »

rgr m8, no worries :)
when u get it online i be ready to test with PXE boot which i am trying to setup now.if your friend still have problems with domain, contact me, i can try help.


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#20 Post by sunburnt »

m1r0; I'll probably use MU's site as it doesn't have space problems any more.

What are you doing with PXE?
The LanPuppy GUI has a button to make a boot floppy disk that works great.
If your attempting to get a PC's BIOS to PXE boot, most older PC's won't do it.
PC's that're about 2ghz & faster usually will PXE boot, most all newer ones will.
For older PC's & for the testing, the PXE boot floppy will do very well, it's FAST.

For older PCs I got 10 used 3Com NICs on ebay that do PXE boot for $3 each!

3Com Model # = 3C905C-TX-M
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