Puppy 4.3: Why Built on 4.1?

Using applications, configuring, problems
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#61 Post by menno »

Why some of you cann't accept a different road to go .

Barry take s road a , the CE takes road b , some other takes a other roads .

What is wrong with that ???

It woud be a shame for Puppy if Barry stops with evalueting his idea's about how to generat Puppy .

Gr Menno .
(Oke my Englisch is very bad , I hope you understand wath I feel ! )
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#62 Post by topaz »

I see its a matter of ballance between the two views.
Barry has a very background view on what puppy is for (useability. sustainability ie useable on old PCs, flexability in that puppy can easly be modified. It is unfortunate that the latest puppy had problems but it is a big leap from earlier versions useing diffrent builds but its still progress even if we have to have gliches now and then

The other camp can be satisfied by puplets and CE editions even retro CE editions ie a 301 CE build which may make some intrest from people who have not adapted puppy before!

So lets engage Barry as a core developer and support him as thats what the WWW, Puppy COMUNITY is, its :) all about its people AND puppy linux. :D
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4.31 Is Great!

#63 Post by demosthene1 »

I love the new Puppy 431. I've been installing it everywhere on everything. It is fun, solved computer problems, looks great and is at a very high level of computing expertise. I can't thank Barry Kauler enough for creating this linux masterpeice!

This world would be truly less if Puppy and its creator did not exist. There would be a huge hole in my computing life and that vacuum can only be filled by Puppy Linux. I use other distros [Ubuntu] but Puppy I can rely on to always be rock solid!

While other distros may crash and burn, Puppy is the distro that saves me from Microsoft Windows Hell!
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