Puppies 4.31.1 Puppy linux 4.30 Plus fixes and FireFox 3.5.3

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#241 Post by runtt21 »

Anyone else having problems with Firefox? Mine updated itself to 3.5.4 and now it wont start.....
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#242 Post by Gedrean »

Mine updated, seems fine to me...
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#243 Post by James C »

No problems with mine either.
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remaster 431.1

#244 Post by timremy »


i have to ask a question. first though, the remake is outstanding.

i use it all the time.

i was wondering if remake is a remake of pup-430, when the

final one, pup-431 comes out, how will puppies-431.1 be

updated to reflect the changes?

hope this made sense. i guess, i was wondering about fixes.

thank you

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is 4.4CE

#245 Post by jabu2 »

Am personally using ttuuxx's 4.31 with firefox - and it is /was a very useful step up at the time of release. Thanks ttuuxx!

But with 4.4CE now on the horizon (as defined on http://puppylinux.org/wikka/Puppy44)

Would it not be better to await 4.4CE for an "updated version" - it does look like 4.4CE will have what timremy (and others) are looking for?

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After startx icewm, shutdown menu doesn't work

#246 Post by stevesr0 »

In 4.2.1, jwm doesn't allow full screen on my system, but switching to icewm does - so I did.

I downloaded your 431.1 iso (the "mainstream" version) and have played with it as a live CD.

If I stick with joewm, everything seems to work, and the shutdown menu works normally.

However, things change after I try to switch to icewm. Since it isn't an option in the shutdown menu, I shut the xserver (using the control-shift-backspace combo, I think) and restarted with the "startx icewm" command at the prompt.

The screen is unchanged and I don't have any evidence the icewm is now the window manager.

However, when I try to shutdown, nothing happens.

I eventually found a way to get to a command prompt and use poweroff (shutdown -h now doesn't apparently work in Puppy).

Is this fixed by installing the pshutdown-banner.pet?

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#247 Post by runtt21 »

"isn't an option in the shutdown menu" That is because it dose not come with icewm. You need to install it.
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re icewm and shutdown doesn't...

#248 Post by stevesr0 »

Thanks for response.

I am not a real power user. When I used Pfind, an icewm file was identified.

I figured what the heck, try changing to icewm. I used the command line to do that and voila, realized that that action inactivates the shutdown menu.

With the good job that ttuuxxx did with this version, I really don't need icewm (nothing locks up [so far] and the full screen streaming video and voicemail checking with gxine both work, unlike 4.2.1 or the official 4.3.1).

However, since the icewm default theme is somewhat prettier than joewm (to me), I wanted to try it.

I will check to see if there is a pet for this.

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menu: Remaster Puppy live-CD(using ttuuxxx's 4.31.1 with FF)

#249 Post by fm1st »

TEAM, please help me making my 1st remastered CD or to understand why I failed in my attempts when launching "Remaster Puppy live-CD" trying from the three different ways below:
1) multi-session CD
2) frugal install (with grub)
3) live CD with a stored pupsave file in a partition in the HD

It stoped :evil: without notice after the last click following the steps below:
- Menu /Setup /Remaster Puppy live-CD /OKbutton/
- Highlight desired (sda6 partition with over 3500M free and currently mounted) choice /OKbutton
- Highlight chosen (/dev/sr0) CD/DVD drive /OKbuttton

I have tried also from a live CD (without a pupsave file) with just a few changes in settings and this time it worked. This would be rather a dangerous solution accumulating so many daily changes in memory and not affording to loose power or shutdown.:evil:

I will appreciate very much any guidance

TTUUXXX, I am not sure whether or not this issue is correlated with my previous one (below) you have helped me out - you then suggested the fix "jwmfix.pet" that worked.
fm1st wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:fm1st try this file, I think It might work, another forum member noticed a & in a .desktop file, I found the one in question, it was Pcrypt, who ever made that .desktop file for pcrypt did a bad job on it, about 40% was missing and the use a "&" in the description for the name. I guess JWM hates that so here's a fix, install it and restart X-server and see if it works :)
ttuuxxx, with your instructions above it has worked - no more errors in the tray settings!

thank you very much!

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#250 Post by runtt21 »

"It stopped without notice" .That is because it has the remaster script from 4.3 and it has issues with several optical drives. Download the 431 service .pet . I suggest running the pet2tgz command on it ,then unpack the .tgz and copy the pupremaster2 script over . You may need to copy some of the probe scripts too but try it with just that one. I copied all of the scripts over and had no issues remastering. Dont install it as a .pet , it will reset everything and you will lose all your stuff.
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#251 Post by green_dome »

Under the '4.30 Main 4 Series X-Server ' from the first post, I have mirrored 'puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso' [1] [2] and 'devx_430.sfs' [1] [2].

If ttuuxxx objects to this, I will remove them.
Last edited by green_dome on Fri 02 Apr 2010, 22:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Remaster Puppy live-CD(using ttuuxxx's 4.31.1 with FF)

#252 Post by fm1st »

runtt21 wrote:"It stopped without notice" .That is because it has the remaster script from 4.3 and it has issues with several optical drives. Download the 431 service .pet . I suggest running the pet2tgz command on it ,then unpack the .tgz and copy the pupremaster2 script over . You may need to copy some of the probe scripts too but try it with just that one. I copied all of the scripts over and had no issues remastering. Dont install it as a .pet , it will reset everything and you will lose all your stuff.
Thank you very much!
Following your guidance above [I just copied "remasterpup2" (BTW, pupremaster2 is a typo) over], I succeeded :D and I was able to remaster, burn and boot a cd out of my 1st created iso.
I am not sure though if I need to further copy the probe scripts too (those you mentioned and that I don't know yet which they are or what they do).
Maybe I still need other actions because:
1) The add-ons and other settings in Firefox were not kept and
2) The desktop icons I had changed using "Desktop Icon Switcher" have been swithched back to the default selection.

Thanks a lot for any further help

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#253 Post by lwill »

Is is possible to install the 4.31 update pet in this version, or will it hose up all of Ttuuxx's hard work?

I really like the way Ttuuxx has it set up and have installed it on my in-law's laptops, but one of them will not shut down properly and I noticed that was one of the things in the update. Since they are in Florida, and I in Chicago, it would be nice to fix it while I am visiting at the moment.

So Ttuuxx, can it be done, or can you tell me if I can unpack the pet and selectively install things (and which ones), or at least ones I should NOT apply?

Thank you in advance,
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#254 Post by cthisbear »

" but one of them will not shut down properly and I noticed
that was one of the things in the update. "

I wonder if they chose Xvesa.
Normally my favourite.
But on my wifes' newer comp it plays like crazy.
Tried Xorg and it works.

Or maybe they do have Xorg but Xvesa would work better.
Give it a try.

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#255 Post by lwill »

Using Xorg. Would freeze at shutdown some times with trash on screen. Next boot would say x failed to close properly ..yada,yada. Ignore and all was ok. I dropped to to prompt and "shutdown" and since then it has been ok.

But my question still stands about using the update pet.
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#256 Post by runtt21 »

fm1st during the remaster when it tells you that it has made /tmp/root and ask if you want to edit anything. Go over to /tmp in rox and delete the root folder in there. Leave that rox open and open another rox then COPY your root folder into /tmp and continue with the remaster.

lwill for me when i tried the .pet it reset everything and I had to start over.I suggest changing the .pet into a .tgz using pet2tgz and then copy the new scripts over the old ones.But I didnt change the gtk2 stuff. That is what i did and everything worked fine.
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#257 Post by lwill »

Thanks, that was what I was thinking.
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#258 Post by ttuuxxx »

Here's a fix I made for 2.14X for printing with Firefox, I just had to make a couple system links to make this package work for 4 series :)
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#259 Post by Béèm »

Hmm, see the pup-430.sfs is used in a 431.1 version.
Australian or Canadian logic? :wink:

My experience:
Using the Lin'N'Win method.
First boot pfix=ram.
Could configure the network and go on the net.
Was presented to create a save file.
At next boot, no network devices any more.
After a while I realized that I might had to put the zpxxxxx.sfs file in the same place as the pup-430.sfs.
Did so and could configure the network devices again.

Is this zpxxxx.sfs a new concept?
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#260 Post by ttuuxxx »

Béèm wrote:Hmm, see the pup-430.sfs is used in a 431.1 version.
Australian or Canadian logic? :wink:

My experience:
Using the Lin'N'Win method.
First boot pfix=ram.
Could configure the network and go on the net.
Was presented to create a save file.
At next boot, no network devices any more.
After a while I realized that I might had to put the zpxxxxx.sfs file in the same place as the pup-430.sfs.
Did so and could configure the network devices again.

Is this zpxxxx.sfs a new concept?
naaa its a older and better concept, after you do a install you can delete it, puppy 2.14 had zdrv_214 included which is basically the same.
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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