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#301 Post by vtpup »

Sounds good gposil, this sure is a deluxe pup!
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#302 Post by gposil »

Sorry guys, I made a compile error in grdesktop...please wait a few minutes then re-download it...
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#303 Post by musher0 »

Subject: Unable to load OpenOffice 3.1 sfs (BK) after unloading OpenOffice 2.4 Debian through dpup


This is in response to vtpup's help reply on p. 16, 4 days ago (already!).
I did change from xorg to xvesa, without success. Actually I just got a dark screen with xvesa. I had to reboot.

As to removing all the sfs's in the dpup's home dir from another Puppy, I did, and it didn't help. When I rebooted dpup, the cursor was still glued to the middle of the screen, and I couldn't do anything but go back to console mode.

No big deal, mind you, I wasn't too far ahead in building my personal pupsave / customizing my dpup. I simply started over with pfix=ram.

I am reporting this in the hope that some of you with more knowledge will know if this problem intersects with some other one in dpup, and perhaps point you with an additional hint in the direction of the solution.

Thanks again. In co-operation,
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#304 Post by clarf »

Hi guys,

I could manage to fix my kernel panic error at boot. Sadly this error will affect any Puppy distribution created with Woof.

I discovered the cause of this error, it´s init script in dpup. Although I can update this script with a new version, in a updated dpup release will present the same problem if Woof is not updated. I´m glad that Barry is working in woof, so I should report to him and hope for a definitive fix.

The problem mentioned in a early post (http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=277) is:

When I boot dpup for the first time in MWare I created a pupsave file in one of my partition disk (used to test 214x, dpup, 4.3, etc) at shutdown, but I selected one partition with less of 120 MB, the pupsave was 32 MB and I had other pets here too. Then the free space left was about 50 MB.

Later when I boot dpup the second time, it found the pupsave and then it copied the dpup_482.sfs file in that partition. Here is the problem init script does not have a routine to validate free space before the SFS copy (actually this partitions free space is smaller than the SFS file). Anyway the sfs file was copied without any error or alert and the boot process complete successfully. Everything seems to work fine at this second boot. :roll:

Then When Pupp boots the third time, CRASH TIME, I get the kernel panic error because Dpup try to use the dpup_482.sfs found in the same directory of pup_save, BUT this is a damaged SFS produced in the second boot when I didn´t have enough free space in that partition (in fact this SFS files was about 40 MB, the original file is over 80 MB).

Well, I don´t like that "feature" (automate copy of xxx.sfs file to home directory) in new Puppys but I can live with that. And I understand Barry´s decision to include that "feature" to reduce successive boot times and increase performance without any user intervention.

The problem is that there are not enough validation before the SFS copy process and not even a single error or alert when you don´t have enough free space, the process just go on and produces a wrong SFS copy. I consider it a mayor bug for the init script that should be fixed in Woof. The good thing is, it only require a quick check in init then a easy fix could be implemented.

I understand Woof is in development and in a early state now.

Barry all your develop efforts are greatly appreciated, I evolve to a Puppy fanatic and a Barry´s admirer. I see Woof as a visionary base system for the future of Puppy and hope you take the voice of this humble Puppy user to improve Woof init script, I also thing a special Woof development thread should be created to discuss this issues.

Thank you all for the attention pleased,

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#305 Post by vtpup »

So, if I understand correctly:

If on LiveCD boot, Puppy encounters a usable personal savefile on a partition which is nearly full, and has no Puppy sfs file, it will automatically write a new Puppy sfs on that directory, without checking for free space.

Because the newly saved Puppy sfs is larger than available disk space, it is corrupted. This appears as a kernel panic on the next puppy boot.

You would like Puppy to check for free space before automatically saving a copy of the Puppy sfs to disk.

EDIT: I'm surprised by this. I thought you had to explicitly choose to have a Puppy sfs saved on disk, just like the personal savefile. That dialog was always at the end ov a LiveCD session. Has something changed?
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#306 Post by vtpup »

Musher0, the only thing that occurs to me is that either Open Office 2.4 overwrote an essential file with one of its own, or inserted a startup script, and now the X startup chain is broken, since Open Office files were removed by hand, rather than an uninstaller.

Have you tried re-installing 2.4 to see if functionality is restored?

If you reinstall, and it works, have you tried overlaying the OO 3.1 on top of it by just adding it to the bootmanager?

Have you made sure the the Open Ofice 3.1 sfs is the new type 4 sfs? (s4s).

Have you tried backing up your personal save (assuming frugal) file, and then booted from LiveCD with pfix=clean, or more radical, pfix=purge?
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#307 Post by clarf »

yes vtpup, you understand correctly.
vtpup wrote:EDIT: I'm surprised by this. I thought you had to explicitly choose to have a Puppy sfs saved on disk, just like the personal savefile. That dialog was always at the end ov a LiveCD session. Has something changed?
I was surprised too. I explicitly said NO (It sounds weird :lol:) at first shutdown.

But it insist to write the dpup_xxx.sfs file in each boot.

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#308 Post by 01micko »

Nothing to see here :lol:
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#309 Post by musher0 »

Hi, vtpup.
vtpup wrote:Musher0, the only thing that occurs to me is that either Open Office 2.4 overwrote an essential file with one of its own, or inserted a startup script, and now the X startup chain is broken, since Open Office files were removed by hand, rather than an uninstaller.
I managed to get back my dpupsave file by loading dpup with pfix=ram, and then I loaded the save file. I went in the /usr/lib directory and deleted the OpenOffice sub-directory that was there. Next boot, the sfs manager did not show up to offer BK's Oo sfs. But everything else worked, I could go about dpup and load any program, etc.

I'll make a good back-up of the dpupsave file and try again with either BK's Oo or preferably with the OxygenOffice sfs. If I succeed installing OxygenOffice, that would mean I could actually work in dpup. (As in "putting-bread-on-the-table" kind of work. My operative system is now Puppy 4.12, ... with lots of tweaks and enhancements!)

As to Xvesa not working, my memory failed me, and my notes above are a bit incorrect. Xvesa loads, but the resolution is so low, everything is blurred. You can't bring it say, to 800x600 resolution to read the commands. Also the initial dpup configuration panel seems to appear, which confuses things. But everything was so blurry, I can't be sure if it was this panel or something else.

I solved this one by going to the black console, then typed:

Xvesa -listmodes

* a list of modes appears in 0x0etc. format, with a description, though.
Then I typed

Xvesa -mode 0x011A # to get 1280x1024 resolution.



which brought me to the desktop, but Xvesa was still not at the desired resolution (it was probably 800x600). However this time the panel appeared properly and was readable, so I could adjust Xvesa to my desired resolution.

Last thing about Xvesa in dpup: once up and working, ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't bring you back to console, it reboots the wm. Only way out, a radical :twisted:

busybox reboot

in any console window :twisted:

Not to complain, but is dpup's Xvesa Puppy's or Debian's? Is it a newer version of Xvesa? I never had this Xvesa problem before in any version of Puppy.

Anyway, to you and your colleagues on this D-Puppy: keep up the good work!
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#310 Post by gposil »

Not to complain, but is dpup's Xvesa Puppy's or Debian's? Is it a newer version of Xvesa? I never had this Xvesa problem before in any version of Puppy.
Dpup's Xvesa is Puppy, Debian does not use Xvesa any more, just vesa mode Xorg....
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#311 Post by 01micko »

It's probably a xorg 7.4 problem, Barry had heaps of trouble with it (including xvesa, to the point where he was going to exclude xvesa) in early woof builds. Especially with intel graphics. Surprising? Not!!!
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#312 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well using the latest dpup for a few hours now.
I like the new control panel, I really don't like wbar and would like to have the natural desktop icons back. I like the new quicklaunch taskbar links. Gweled is a excellent game also glad X-Soldier is their, the other 3 games well ummm not my cup of tea. The screensaver is cool. So far very nice updates :)
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#313 Post by gposil »

hey ttuuxxx...01micko is working on gui config for wbar which will have a disable wbar and return to desktop icons option...that should get into beta5...

New features that will be in beta5 are:

Latest FFmpeg
Latest Abiword 2.8
Remote Desktop Client
Transmission replacing current torrent software
Drec Desktop Recording Software with transcoder.
New tray volume control.
Putty SSH client replacing current software.
Latest Geany.

plus upgrades to core from Debian Sid-2.6.30
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#314 Post by ttuuxxx »

gposil wrote:hey ttuuxxx...01micko is working on gui config for wbar which will have a disable wbar and return to desktop icons option...that should get into beta5...

New features that will be in beta5 are:

Latest FFmpeg
Latest Abiword 2.8
Remote Desktop Client
Transmission replacing current torrent software
Drec Desktop Recording Software with transcoder.
New tray volume control.
Putty SSH client replacing current software.
Latest Geany.

plus upgrades to core from Debian Sid-2.6.30
That disable wbar would make a great feature :) ummm paste doesn't work in the terminal, unless your running parcelite. plus I find the transparent background in the terminal very distracting, I'm not trying to nitpick but I'm used to a few minor comfort zones :)
also below is the latest and maybe last version of Parcelite I just compiled on dpup, it would be great if it loaded by default after boot
(20.66 KiB) Downloaded 431 times
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#315 Post by gposil »

I am going to run parcellite in beta5...paste only doesn't work from geany, works with middle mouse button from everywhere else...it has been noted as a bug with the geany developers and apparently a fix is in the works...The console background is configurable...mrxvt-full --help at console will give you all the options...the config file is in /root

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#316 Post by vtpup »

Yes Ttuuxxx I can confirm that 01Micko's new control for wbar -- a few posts above will remove it easily. It's a nice set of controls.

However, until you mentioned it, I was unaware that the desktop icons were removed, since I upgraded beta 4 from beta 3 -- and the icons were probably carried over from my default personal savefile settings.

I agree with Ttuuxxx and would personally prefer it if the desktop icons were retained in preference to wbar as the default. With regard to wbar, I tend to remove all animation as a matter of habit from the old days when I didn't have much ram or such a powerful graphics card or processor as I do now. That always seemed to speed up operation, and animation gets old anyway.

As a compromise with those who would like the aesthetic option of wbar, can I suggest that there be a simple switch in the control panel that toggles either the normal shipped desktop icons, or those same icons in wbar?

My hope is that the shipped version would have Icons beginners need to get started right out on on the desktop as the default.

But if it is decided to make wbar the default, anyway, then at least give it full opacity as shipped. At present in the new script, it isn't.

Functionally, 01Micko, you've done great work with the wbar script, but I've decided not to use wbar after all, because of the difficulty of adding and removing icons. With desktop icons, I can move one by clicking on it, or remove it by right clicking on it, and I can add a new one by dragging it to the desktop. I do this very frequently. I can change the order and position of icons very quickly and intuitively.

To do the same and re-order or change the wbar icons seems to be a much more time consuming process, even with your very nice work. It requires filling text entry fields. That's a step back from the purpose of a GUI. I'm not clear how icons can be removed or changed in position at all -- perhaps there is a way, and I'm too dense to see it -- if so apologies.

I'm afraid that unless there is a drag-to-move, drag-and-drop, and right click-to-remove functionality for its icons, wbar seems to me to be just an aesthetic gadget, that makes what I do harder.
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#317 Post by Jim1911 »

Many of us prefer the uncluttered desktop. It's much easier to add icons than it is to get rid of unwanted icons.

That's what I love about puppy derivatives, so many ways to customize it just to suit individual preferences.

Thanks puppy team,
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#318 Post by gposil »

Here's a great compromise...we'll put the option in First Start Wizard, for either Icon Free Desktop with Wbar, or No Wbar with Original Icons...that'll be easy and hopefully will please everyone.

Oh BTW ...I've heard that the Dpup version of Abiword 2.8 works out of the box in 4.3.1 so that was easy....You'll find the beta5 upgrade pets here...http://dpup.org/test/dpup482beta4-
Last edited by gposil on Sat 31 Oct 2009, 15:48, edited 1 time in total.
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#319 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

I was successful in adapting and loading ecomoney's Oxygen Office 3.0.1 sfs in dpup 482. If anybody's interested, I have written an account of it here:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... t&start=30

Enjoy! BFN.
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#320 Post by vtpup »

Jim1911 wrote:Many of us prefer the uncluttered desktop. It's much easier to add icons than it is to get rid of unwanted icons. Jim
Right click>remove item is difficult?
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