dpup-482beta testing

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#321 Post by sinc »

gposil, that seems like an awesome idea, along with a switch for numlock setting :wink: .

vtpup, i guess its not intuitive for noobs (as you mentioned) but its pretty easy to move stuff around on wbar also. go to /root/.wbar

and cut and paste them in any order you want or just remove them. then restart X and you are set.

to all, I have patriots jwm 2.0.1 enhancements http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=39162 running with the menu transparency and it is running very nicely. it requires me to reboot completely and pick his added jwm theme "cool-VG" but it looks really nice.
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#322 Post by sinc »

gposil wrote:I am going to run parcellite in beta5...
does that mean the paste function will then work? I am really not a programmer so it doesn't bother me too much but the feature works in 2.14X. I don't know if that is b/c parcellite it running from bootup or there is some other configuration. You mentioned the developers at geany are trying to fix the issue but its already working in ttuuxxx's pup. (i'm just interested in finding out why as a curious person, thats all) Image
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#323 Post by vtpup »

sinc wrote:gposil, that seems like an awesome idea, along with a switch for numlock setting :wink: .

vtpup, i guess its not intuitive for noobs (as you mentioned) but its pretty easy to move stuff around on wbar also. go to /root/.wbar

and cut and paste them in any order you want or just remove them. then restart X and you are set.
Agreed gposil, as long as it's a choice, why not.

Technically though sinc, this is a GUI, right? We're decades down the road from the innovations of Smalltalk, and yet we're supposed to recognize and find a hidden file, open it in a text editor, and shift line entries around in order to move or delete an icon on the desktop - granted, a disappeaing animated magnifying icon - but an icon on the desktop, nevertheless?

I can understand that as an aesthetic option for those who prefer to work at a so called "uncluttered" desktop, and all the negative connotations "clutter" brings up, but it's not just "noobs" who find that undesirable. Uhhh, I agree with Ttuuxxx.
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#324 Post by sinc »

I agree its not simple (but its not THAT hard :) ). I suppose Gposil has offered up the solution though.

Smalltalk: http://www.bitwisemag.com/copy/programm ... ltalk.html. Hmm? Interesting history.
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#325 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi gposil,

Not much of a problem, however during a remaster of 482, the script picks up the version as 476 instead of 482. Also Pwidgits identifies it as 476, so something was overlooked in the code for 482.

Enjoying beta4 and can hardly wait for beta5 and synaptic.

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#326 Post by 01micko »

vtpup wrote:...
To do the same and re-order or change the wbar icons seems to be a much more time consuming process, even with your very nice work. It requires filling text entry fields. That's a step back from the purpose of a GUI. I'm not clear how icons can be removed or changed in position at all -- perhaps there is a way, and I'm too dense to see it -- if so apologies.

I'm afraid that unless there is a drag-to-move, drag-and-drop, and right click-to-remove functionality for its icons, wbar seems to me to be just an aesthetic gadget, that makes what I do harder.
Thanks for the comment vtpup. I've also got another tester not involved in dpup testing giving me some help with the gui. I do plan to implement easier icon changing. It is rather cumbersome at the moment, but it does work. It is simply there for those afraid of editing a file.

It is a work in progress :) . I will make one more minor bugfix of the alpha then move on to beta with improved icon switching. Zigbert has given me some ideas with his Pwidgets gui which should translate across to the wbar gui just fine. So look out for something by next weekend. I may even release the next one for all Pups, more testers 8) . Especially with the help I'm getting. :wink:

Anyone else got a comment good or bad? All comments help me to make this better. Don't think I'll be offended !!! :lol:

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#327 Post by 01micko »

Hi Jim1911

I think gposil has fixed the '476' legacy bug.
Run the following command to fix it now if you like

Code: Select all

grep "DISTRO_VERSION=" /etc/DISTRO_SPECS |  cut -d "=" -f2 | awk '{print $1}' > /etc/puppyversion
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#328 Post by ttuuxxx »

01micko wrote: Zigbert has given me some ideas with his Pwidgets gui which should translate across to the wbar gui just fine. So look out for something by next weekend. I may even release the next one for all Pups, more testers 8) . Especially with the help I'm getting. :wink:

Anyone else got a comment good or bad? All comments help me to make this better. Don't think I'll be offended !!! :lol:

Well everybody knows where I stand for pwidgets, pbar/wbar etc from 4.2, 100% against desktop bling other than desktop icons, The desktop is the first thing I see when I bootup for like 2 seconds, Then its covered up with folders and browser pages. I like my desktop icon not to breakup when moving a folder across them and I don't like an extra 200 system links, I also don't like tossing extra resources out the door. I don't like fixmenus that takes twice as long to execute, etc So I hope pwidgets and anymore Bling stays in pet packages, Once its installed its a real pain to remove, last time I had to change/remove xdg menus, fixmenus, jwmrc-tray, system-links and a few others it was like being tangled in a spiderweb lol.
Please don't be offended micko but you pretty much knew where I stand on Pwidgets.
I also have a term for it, lol
Blingcreep: The act of adding bling one app/widget at a time, first you start with wbar then pwidgets, etc and before you know it the desktop is cluttered with bling, it creeps up on you. lol
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#329 Post by ttuuxxx »

hmmm I was having issues compiling the latest glib, then I added --with-libiconv=gnu to the configure and it worked, So for some odd reason this is needed. Should be maybe noted somewhere because it will save a lot of frustration trying to fix it :) here's what I used for glib-2.22.2
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i386-pc-linux-gnu --with-pcre=system --with-libiconv=gnu
I'm starting to rebuild the backend because the gtk is outdated, a few times I tried to compile other apps and it complained about it.
I'll try to drop some deps along the way :)
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#330 Post by 01micko »

Hi ttuuxxx

No probs mate. Gposil has put in wbar and all I'm doing is trying to make it easier for folk to configure. No mention of using Pwidgets just using some ideas from Pwidgets for configuration of wbar. Anyway, gposil is going to make wbar optional in the first boot wizard.

It's a good project for me since I'm fairly new at gui building and all the experience helps.

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#331 Post by musher0 »

Hi, ttuuxx, cher compatriote.

Long time no see! The following is intended as a joke... I can't resist, although it might cost me... :-)

Between you and me, ttuuxx, if you're so anti-bling, someone under Ubuntu influence has written... INX. http://inx.maincontent.net/

Try it! Maybe emulate it? Really no bling at all!

But seriously, in your post above, I understand that you might feel a responsibility to affirm a sort of "Puppy party line" as to "non-blingness". The reality is that Puppyists will adapt yours or Barry's or any other Puppy to suit their needs. To me, there are three main needs on a desktop:
1* easy access to programs
2* quick monitoring of computer functions
3* backdrops potentially reflecting your mood or a quest for beauty.

In my opinion, a good distro should offer a good balance between the three elements. I will venture to say that factory issue Puppies often lack in no 2.

Each user should be able to decide the balance between those three (s)he's comfortable with. Some will go spartan and opt for musca or aewm as a wm, others prefer their desktop to be crowded (or blingy) as in some renditions of KDE or gnome or what have you. Some users prioritize monitoring over access to programs, and that's fine too. Some like it hot, some like it cold.

In my opinion, the job of a top-level Puppy programmer (I'm speaking in general terms, this is not at all personal) is not to impose his choices, but on the contrary to provide many choices for fellow users. Suggest is the key word here.

Frankly, it does not matter how the programming guru dresses up his own desktop for his own private use. In his private computer life, he may like blingy or minimalistic. That's his business. To impose it on other users, however? No. To suggest, yes. As the author or co-author of a distribution, he should remain selfless and provide as many choices as feasible to the user.

What the user wants from the programming guru is choice, and furthermore ease of choice: to be blingy or spartan, if the user wants to be, it should not matter to the "guru".

Choices mean efficiency. If "Jo" is efficient blingy, so be it. If "Gert" is efficient with a minimalist desktop, so be it. (Fictitious names, of course.) The most knowledgeable guys in the Puppy distribution chain should be perceptive and psychologists enough to recognize that trait of human nature and provide choices.

A testimony to that freedom is the unstoppable flux of puplets that the more knowledgeable puppy-ists turn out every year.

I will be frank with you: I felt that Puppy 4.2 and Puppy 4.2.1 had the above balance right. To me, it wasn't blingy at all. It provided ease of access, monitoring at a glance and a choice of nice backdrops. Sorry if that ruffles your feathers the wrong way, but that's how I felt about it.

As well, if the developers of dpup think wbar should be on the desktop, why not? If you personally wouldn't like wbar to be included in the final Puppy 5 version, at least have the elegant gesture of offering a choice for it, because, as you can see, some people like it. Maybe I don't particularly like it, maybe you don't, but that is none of our business. Some people like it.

Only my two cents, and with all due respect for your past and present contributions, of course. Sorry if the above sounds like hitting on a nail, but I felt it needed to be said.

All the best.
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#332 Post by vtpup »

My comments are, by the way, sometimes passionate, but I don't mean them negatively. So I hope no one will take any offense if I occasionally argue a point.

I think this is a great branch of the Puppy tree so far, very exciting, and I'm very happy to be able to use it in whatever form it takes. I know I have the ability to modify it to my own taste, and so some of these viewpoints I'm expressing are more for the sake of presenting what I imagine I would think if I were new to this, rather than as an everyday user. Of course we all imagine that in different ways. Anyway, thanks for allowing various viewpoints.

I really like dpup.
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#333 Post by 01micko »

Hi guys and gals

As an up and coming Puppy developer I have learnt that you must cop criticism on the chin and take the positive out of it, no matter how negative. I suppose that can be true of most things in life.

Criticism is usually what a dev hears. If he/she hears nothing then it is probably a good app! Without criticism, how can a dev improve his/her apps? We need to be told of the tiniest bugs. Even if you never post on the forum, I have started making a habit of putting my gmail address inside the scripts so people can email me their thoughts, along with a link to the GPL licence, and a disclaimer.

I must agree with you vtpup, dpup is becoming one nice Puppy :) . I spend about 60% of my time in it, the other 40% is split between 4.3 and Slaxer_Pup and occasionally 4.2.1.

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#334 Post by gposil »

I have learnt over too many years to remember(as a commercial software developer) to regard all comments, whether they be criticism or praise as valid input in the creative process...

It is impossible to be everything to everyone, but we can offer choice, and I actually agree that getting too blingy is a mistake, but the option will be there if you want it...it's only a few lines of code to give us options...Dpup is now as blingy as it will get as long as I am still developing it...All we have to do is make sure that the bling is easily installable for those that want it...After all is said and done, Puppy has always been about versatility and choice, and I hope that never changes.

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#335 Post by musher0 »

Will dpup be integrated in Puppy 5 final or will it remain a separate distro ?
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#336 Post by 01micko »

Wbar testers

I need to know if after you install wbar-setup-alpha-0.0.2.pet that you have a directory /root/mydocuments/wbar-backup containing the files wstart and .wbar (that's *dot*wbar, not fly poo on your screen, hidden file). There is a post install script that produces that folder, I need to know if it is working because I had a report that it doesn't, but it works for me.

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#337 Post by gposil »

musher0 wrote:Will dpup be integrated in Puppy 5 final or will it remain a separate distro ?
Barry's intention was that Puppy 5.0 would be 4 releases, Upup, Dpup Tpup and PPup...I don't think that has changed.
[img]http://gposil.netne.net/images/tlp80.gif[/img] [url=http://www.dpup.org][b]Dpup Home[/b][/url]
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#338 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi 01micko,

No folders or files, hidden or otherwise, are added to my /root/mydocuments directory.

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#339 Post by 01micko »

Jim1911 wrote:Hi 01micko,

No folders or files, hidden or otherwise, are added to my /root/mydocuments directory.

Thanks Jim.. time to track that fly .. er bug..
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#340 Post by MinHundHettePerro »

Jim1911 wrote:Hi 01micko,

No folders or files, hidden or otherwise, are added to my /root/mydocuments directory.

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